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♾ AP CALCULUS CRAM CHART // ​@thinkfiveable​ /​ /​ h

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Differentiation: Composite, 
Differentiation: Definition and  Contextual Applications  Analytical Applications of 
Limits and Continuity  Implicit, and Inverse 
Fundamental Properties  of Differentiation  Differentiation 
Unit 1 ↓
​   Functions 
Unit 2 ​↓  Unit 4 ↓
​   Unit 5 ↓
Unit 3 ↓

● i​ s the value f(x)  ● AROC =  

● MVT PROBLEMS: Write “Since f(x) is 
approaches when x -> c from  ● The derivative of a function is 
●   the rate of change of that  continuous on [a,b] and differentiable 
BOTH sides  ●   on (a.b), there exists a c in (a,b) where 
● When estimating f’(c) from a table, straddle both 
● is the value that f(x)  sides and use AROC, from a graph, slope of  ● If you are being asked about 
●   the rate of change of a rate of  by the MVT” 
approaches when x -> c from  tangent line 
● Chain Rule: 
● All differentiable functions are continuous, but  change, that’s basically the  ● Rolle’s Theorem is MVT where f(b) = 
ONLY the right (if +) or left (if -)  not all continuous functions are differentiable  f(a) 
derivative of f’(x), or f”(x) 
side    ● EVT PROBLEMS: Write “Since f(x) is 
● Particle motion: 
● The chain rule is like unpeeling an  continuous on (a,b), by the EVT, there 
●   ● Power Rule:  
onion, where you keep going from  exists at least one local maximum and 
● the outside in, you differentiate the    one local minimum on (a,b). 
●   ● Steps for Related Rates:  ● Critical Points: Where f’(x) = 0 or 
outside function, plug in the inside 
●   function, and multiply by the  1. Draw picture  undefined 
●   derivative of the inside function.  2. List knowns and unknowns  ● Local Extrema: Point that is 
● Implicit Differentiation: Differentiate  3. Write an equation to model  greater/less than surrounding points, 
●   ●   each term with respect to the  the situation (DO NOT PLUG IN  always at critical points or endpoints 
individual variables, and whenever  ● Global Extrema: Greatest or Least 
●   value of function 
● Methods to algebraically simplify  ● f’(x) > 0: inc, f’(x) < 0: dec 
you differentiate a y, multiply by   4.   ● If asking for whether the rate of 
limits: Completing the square,  ●   change of f(x) is increasing or 
5. Substitute for changing 
Rationalization, Factoring  values  decreasing, this is asking for the sign 
● Order of growth rates from  ●  
● Inverses:  6. Solve for desired value  of the second derivative! 
fastest to slowest:  ● Linearization:  ● Where f’(x) = 0, if f(x): : local 
●   min, : local max 
  ● Product Rule:   
● For f(x)/g(x), if highest power of f  ● L’Hopital’s Rule (LHR):  REMEMBER THEM WHEN FINDING 
> highest power of g: infinite    GLOBAL EXTREMA 
limit DNE, if <, HA at y=0, if =, HA  ● Quotient Rule: ●   ● f”(x) > 0: ccu, f”(x) < 0: ccd, f”(x) = 0: 
ONLY IF  inflection point 
at y = ratio of first terms 
● Where f’(x) = 0, if f”(x) > 0: min, if f”(x) 
● Continuity if     ●   < 0: max, if f”(x) = 0: indeterminate 
● Removable: hole, Asymptote, and  ● Derivatives of inverse trig  IS INDETERMINATE, that  ● Steps for Optimization: 
cofunctions are the negative of the  1. Draw picture 
Jump: Piecewise where y-values  ●   derivative of the other 3 inverse trig  is and are 
different  2. Write primary equation 
functions  both either 0 or  
3. Write constraint equation, solve for 
● IVT PROBLEMS: Write “Since f(x)  ●   ● Higher order derivatives: Just repeat!  ● Sometimes you may need to  other variables, and plug into primary 
is continuous on [a,b] and f(c) is  ● Second derivatives of implicit  use LHR multiple times  equation (if applicable) 
between f(a) and f(b), by the IVT  ● Remember to plug in for the  4. Find extrema of primary equation 
there is a c in (a,b) such that f(c)  functions are functions of   limit before doing LHR!!  and solve for variables  
= f(c)” 

FRQ Tips​↓ 

● Work on the parts you know you can do first before moving onto other parts! 
● Be sure to show all your work still, even though it is a shorter test. 
● Shorthand like IVT, MVT, FTOC for Intermediate Value Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is fine! 
● Don’t simplify your answers if you don’t need to! You don’t want to unnecessarily lose points on steps you don’t need to do! 
● Memorize your important theorems and convergence tests! You’ll need to know the conditions where the theorems/tests are met! 

♾ AP CALCULUS CRAM CHART // ​@thinkfiveable​ /​ /​ h
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Parametric Equations, Polar 

Integration and Accumulation  Integration and Accumulation  Applications of 
Differential Equations  Coordinates, and Vector-Valued 
of Change  of Change  Integration (BC ONLY) 
Unit 7 ↓
​   Functions (BC ONLY) 
Unit 6 ↓
​   Unit 6 Continued ↓
​   Unit 8 ​↓ 
Unit 9 ​↓ 
● Accumulation/Integral is the area between a  ● Average Value of f(x) =  ● Parametric functions are functions where x 
rate of change graph and the x-axis  ● (Indefinite integrals) In  ● Slope Fields show tangent line  and y are independent to each other, 
● If below x-axis, then accumulating negative  segments to the particular    connected with the variable ​t 
area  , NEVER FORGET  solution through that point   ● Write “Since f(x) is continuous on  ● The derivative dy/dx of a parametric function 
● Can use geometry to find integral from a  THE +C!!  ● If you can write the differential  (a,b), by the AVT, there must be a  can be found by dividing dy/dt / dx/dt 
graph   equation in the form  c in (a,b) where f(c) = 
● When a function is split into multiple  ● Second derivatives involve using chain rule: 
●   , it’s a 
subdivisions, is the left boundary, is 
separation of variables problem,   
the right boundary, is in the middle of an  you can leave your answers   
interval, and is the interval width  ●   ● The arc length of a parametric curve L can be 
implicitly (ex. )  ●   found by the equation
between the values that give and   where x(t) is displacement 
● When all constants from 
●   antidifferentiation are replaced  ● speed = |v(t)|, distance is the 
LRS:   integral of speed 
with appropriate values, you get a   
●   particular solution when there is  ● Area: If dx, then integral of  ● Motion in x and y directions are defined as 
RRS:   top-bottom, if dy, then integral of 
an initial value condition which  vectors, with <x(t), y(t)> representing position 
the solution must go through  right - left, same rules apply 
MRS:   ●   ● Polar functions are graphed using (r, θ) 
when finding radii for disk/washer 
method  rather than (x, y), where x = r​ ​cosθ and 
● where c =  y = ​rs
​ inθ 
Trap Rule:   ●   ● Washer Method Integrand: 
y(0) (exponential growth/decay)  ● The derivative of a polar function, dy/dx, can 
The rest of Unit 7 is BC Only  dx (or dy) 
●   ● Disk method is washer method with 
● Riemann Sum:   inner radius 0 
● be found using  
where L is carrying capacity and  ● Sometimes you’ll need to split your 
section (when the curves intersect in  ● The area under a polar curve A can be found 
where and   ●   there is a horizontal asymptote at 
● FTC Pt 1 (Definite Integrals): If F’(x) = f(x),  y = L (Logistic growth/decay)  the middle) 
● Integrand for cross-sections is the 
● Euler’s Method: Repeatedly apply  by the equation , where the 
linearization at the chunked  area of the cross section 
then   The rest of Unit 6 is BC Only  interval is the period of the trigonometric 
intervals  function 
● FTC Pt 2:  ● Arc Length:   ● The area between two curves is simply the 
● IBP: (Ultraviolet Voodoos) 
● Order of precedence for choosing u is LIPET:  area of the top curve - the area of the bottom 
● Integrals can be used if there are jump or 
logs, inverse trig, polynomials, exponential, 
Infinite Sequences and  ● AST: For an alternating series (terms  ● The arc length of a polar function can be 
removable discontinuities  ● PFD: You can break up a complex fraction  Series (BC ONLY)  change sign), converges if 
(after long dividing to make the 
antiderivative into a sum of logs  Unit 10 ➡
​   , else it diverges  found using the equation  
●   ● Ratio Test: Series converges if 

Ex.   ● GST: For a series with terms , 

●   , diverges if L >   
it converges if |r|<1 and its sum is 
  1, inconclusive if L = 1  ● Taylor Polynomials about x=c: 
● Improper Integrals: Split your integral when  , else it diverges  ● If the absolute value of a series 
●   you encounter an asymptote, and write  ● Harmonic series 1/n diverges, but  converges, it is absolutely 
● If b in between a and c:  limits for x-values where f(x) is unbounded  (-1)ⁿ/n converges  convergent, if not, it is conditionally   
● Alternating series error is < the next term 
  Ex.   ● Power Series with terms   convergent  in the series 
● U-substitutions are your friend, use them!  converges when p>1, else it diverges  ● Lagrange error bound is found using 

FRQ Tips​↓ 

● Work on the parts you know you can do first before moving onto other parts! 
● Be sure to show all your work still, even though it is a shorter test. 
● Shorthand like IVT, MVT, FTOC for Intermediate Value Theorem, Mean Value Theorem, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is fine! 
● Don’t simplify your answers if you don’t need to! You don’t want to unnecessarily lose points on steps you don’t need to do! 
● Memorize your important theorems and convergence tests! You’ll need to know the conditions where the theorems/tests are met! 

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