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Literal Meaning

Modern democracy is based on the twin principles of ‘Liberty and Equality’. The literal
and popular meaning of the term 'Equality' is that all men are born equal and all
should be treated equally.
The call for equality was set forth in the annals of history when the American
Declaration of Independence (1776) said, “We hold these truths to be self evident
that all men are created equal.”
The French Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789) said, "Men are born free and
always continue to be free and equal in respect of their rights.“
Both these revolutionary documents assert the natural equality of man.
But nature has not created all men equal. Nature has endowed men with different
potentialities and capacities and so long they differ in their wants, needs and
capacities, equality in its natural sense is inconceivable. Hence absolute equality is a
far-fetched thought . The most obvious fact about human life is the inequality of
men and not their equality.
The statement that, “all men are equal is as erroneous as that the surface of the
earth is levelled.”
Hence Equality lies in the abridgement of gap between the unequals by
providing them equal rights and opportunities.
According to Barker, "The principle of equality accordingly means that whatever

conditions are guaranteed to me, in the form of rights, shall also, and in the same measure be

guaranteed to others, and that whatever rights are given to others shall also be given to me.

Laski interpreted Equality when he said- “Whatever Rights inhere in another by virtue of his being a
citizen must inhere and to the same extent in me also.”
What does Equality imply?
The ideal of equality implies three things :
1. Absence of Special Privileges. First, it means the absence of special
privileges. No person or class of persons should be allowed to enjoy special
privileges. The existence of privileges for some and the denial for others is the
negation of equality. It means that whatever rights inhere in a pon by virtue of his
being a citizen must inhere, and to the same extent, in other persons also.
What does Equality imply?
2.Availability of Adequate Opportunities. Secondly, equality means that adequate opportunities
should be made available by the state to enable each citizen to develop his faculties to the fullest
extent possible.
3. Equality is a Problem in Proportions. Thirdly, equality is "most largely a problem in
proportions". Society must, first of all, satisfy the urgent needs of all and then can meet the particular
claims of some. "I have no right to eat cake if my neighbor, because of that right, is compelled to go
without bread". Social system which does not rest on this foundation denies equality and hence,
"denies all that gives meaning to the personality of men". The problem of proportions is, thus, for
the most part an economic problem. It involves the satisfaction of everyone's primary needs. Laski
emphasizes this aspect of equality as a guarantee of the satisfaction of everyone's minimum needs
when he says, "One man is not entitled to a house of twenty rooms until all people are adequately
Aspects of Equality
There are two aspects of Equality
Positive aspect of Equality-existence of certain
provisions which ensure equality among men
Negative aspect of Equality- to ensure the
non-existence of certain conditions
Positive Equality
Positive Equality connotes the provision for
1. Availability of Equal rights
2. Availability of Equal opportunities
3. Availability of Protective discrimination
Negative Equality
Negative aspect of Equality ensures the
non-existence of the following conditions :
1. Special Privileges
2. Discrimination
Types of Equality
The concept of equality is dynamic in nature. It has been changing with changingtimes. So the political
writers too have been laying emphasis on its changingdimensions. It can broadly be divided into the
following types:

•Natural Equality

•Social Equality

•Political equality

•Economic equality

•Legal equality
Legal Equality
Legal equality connotes the provision of the following legal rights without any discrimination on the
basis of caste, creed, gender, social or economic status:
•Equality before Law
•Equal protection by Law
•Rule of Law
•Prohibition of discrimination
•Absence of special privileges
•Availability of Equal Rights
•Availability of Equal opportunities
•Provision for Protective discrimination
Natural Equality
Natural Equality. The principle of equality was first asserted in the American Declaration of Independence which declares
that "all men are born free and equal". This is the principle of natural equality. Taken literally, it means that men possess
similar bodily organs and perhaps similar mental capacities, desires and passions. Hence, all men are alike. All are entitled to
the same rights and an equal prospect of happiness in this world.
It is this natural equality which finds expression in the Declaration of the Rights of Man issued by the
National Assembly of France in 1789 during the French Revolution.“Men are born free, and always continue to be free and
equal in respect of their rights".
But the natural equality of men is farce, for the most striking fact about human life is the natural inequality of men, not their
equality. Men are unequal in bodily proportion, physical strength, intellectual abilities
and moral capacity. Inequality is, thus, natural and this natural inequality is a fact. The statement that all
men are equal, "is then as erroneous as that the surface of the earth is level".
Social Equality
Social Equality. social equality connotes an absence of distinction in the
matter of social status of different people because of differences in caste, colour, religion or
rank. Social equality means that all citizens are equal tangible units of society and no one is
entitled to special privileges.
It means equality of status and absence of class or social barriers and social discrimination.
Features of Social Equality
•Absence of Discrimination
•Absence of special privileges
•Availability of Equal Rights
•Availability of Equal opportunities
•Provision for Protective discrimination
Political Equality- features
Political Equality. Political equality means that all citizens have the same political rights and an
equal voice in government.
All must possess the following political rights without any distinction on the basis of
caste,creed,gender, social or economic status:
•Right to vote
•Right to contest elections
•Right to form and join political parties
•Right to hold public offices
•Right to petititon
•Right to criticize the government

Economic Equality-features
It is impossible for all humans to possess a sound economic status since inequality is inevitable in
human life. Hence Economic equality does not connote a similar economic status for all, it rather
means the effort to abridge the gap between the rich and poor.the following are the features of
economic equality:
•Minimum level of economic inequalities
•Fulfillment of basic needs
•Just distribution of wealth
•Ownership of means of production
•Right to limited property
•Absence of human exploitation
Relationship between Liberty &Equality
Being the foundations of modern democracy, the ideals of liberty and equality are interwoven and
Liberty is a condition of equality and vice-versa.
Equality without liberty will be slavery, and liberty without equality will be licensce and anarchy.
Despite this, there is no unanimity of opinion among writers on the relationship between Liberty and
Whereas some like Lord Acton and De Tocqueville hold the view that they are
antagonistic/Contradictory to each other, others like Laski, Tawhney, Pollard, Dr.Asirvatham believe
that thetwo are complementary, compatible and essential for each other.
Liberty &Equality are mutually
Some political philosophers like Lord Acton believed that an effort to provide liberty to all makes
equality a far-fetched dream. Similarly in a bid to equalize the able and the disabled, the liberty of the
able person is being curtailed.
Lord Acton – “The passion for equality has made vain the hope of Liberty.”
Following are the points they had put forward to support their view
•Nature has not created all men equal
• Liberty kills equality-Economic liberty and Equality are opposite to each other
•Equality kills Liberty-Competent persons are unable to show their competence
Liberty & Equality are mutually
Political philosophers like Pollard, Tawhney, Laski and Asirvatham believed that the two concepts
complement each other and are inseparable.
Purpose of both is the same- Dr.Asirvatham- “The French Revolutionaries were neither mad nor
stupid when they made Liberty, Equality and Fraternity as their war-cry.”
Following are the points they had put forward to support their view
•Wrong view of Liberty-
•Wrong view of Equality
• Both are the pillars of democracy
•It is impossible to enjoy liberty in the absence of equality
•Civil liberty cannot be realized in the absence of equality before law
•Political liberty remains a myth if equality of opportunity is not given to the people
Political Liberty is meaningless for a starving man.
A poor man cannot use his right to vote in a judicious manner.
Political parties are controlled by the rich and the influential.
Press is controlled by the rich.

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