Brazil & China: Industrial Innovation

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Possibili es of coopera on in

Science, Technology and Innova on ONLINE EVENT

between Brazil and China

2022 Coopera on Forum on

Science, Technology and Innova on



Monday, August 22 - 19:00 (CN) / 08:00 (BR) From August 22th to 26th, 2022
The Opening Ceremony Brasilia me: 08:00 to 10:00
China Central me: 19:00 to 21:00
Moderators: John Zhang (China) and Eliane Sega Rios (Brazil)
Subscrip on Form:
Francisco Jeremias Mar ns Neto,
First Secretary and Head of Science and Technology at the Brazilian Embassy in China

Maria Zaira Turchi,

Headmistress of the Interna onal Coopera on, Department of the Brazilian Na onal
Council for Science and Technology - CNPq

Marcelo Prim,
Business Execu ve in Europe at Senai
Paulo Roberto Dantas Marangoni,
Manager of the Senai Ins tute for Innova on in Electrochemistry

Odir Dellagos n,
Chairman of the Na onal Joint Council of Brazilian State Founda on Commissions - Confap

Luiz Márcio Spinosa,

Scien fic, Technological and Innova on Director at Araucaria Founda on

Gesil Sampaio Amarante Segundo (UESC),

President of the Na onal Forum of Innova on and Technology Transfer Managers - Fortec

Francisco Mendonça,
Vice-president of the Na onal Forum of Pro Rectors of Research and Graduate Studies

Ramiro Wahrha ig,

President of the Araucaria Founda on

Aldo Bona,
Superintendent of Science, Technology and Higher Educa on

Tuesday, August 23
DAY 02
Moderators: John Zhang (China) and Eliane Sega Rios (Brazil)

19:00-19:20 (CN) / 08:00-08:20 (BR)

Jéssica Carolina Medina Gallardo,
Researcher at the SENAI Innova on Ins tute for Biomass (ISI for Biomass)
Jessica Gallardo is Lead Researcher of Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Pla orm at the SENAI Innova on Ins tute for Biomass (ISI for Biomass).
She graduated in Biotechnological Engineering, Master and Doctor in Biotechnology by the Chemistry Ins tute of the São Paulo State University (UNESP).
She has experience in Bioprocesses, developing and op mizing fermenta on processes with different types of microorganisms. Experience in enzyma c
and non-enzyma c hydrolysis/saccharifica on, in the scale-up and scale-down of biotechnological processes and in the integra on of processes for the
conversion of sugars into biofuels, renewable biochemicals and value- added products. She worked on the op miza on and integra on for 2nd
genera on ethanol produc on process at industrial and commercial scale at GranBio company.

19:20-19:40 (CN) / 08:20-08:40 (BR)

Ou Sheng,
Associate Research Professor from Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Dr. Ou Sheng is an associate research professor from IFTR-GDAAS. His research focuses on banana (Musa) gene c diversity, germplasm evalua on,
and new varie es selec on and breeding. He is responsible for managing Na onal Banana germplasm collec on and conserva on. Also, his interests
involve fruit func onal components (carotenoids, resistant starch, etc.). He is/was the principle inves ga on of several projects and published more
than 40 papers in interna onal journals. And, Dr. Ou Sheng has editorial roles in ‘Fron ers in Sustainable Food Systems’ as Review Editor and in
‘Diversity’ as guest editor.

19:40-20h00 (CN) / 08:40-09:00 (BR)

Marcelo Giovane Canteri,
CEO of Projects in CIA Agro (Center of Ar ficial Intelligence applied to Agriculture). Associated Professor in State University of Londrina.
CEO of Projects in CIA Agro (Center of Ar ficial Intelligence applied to Agriculture). Associated Professor at Department of Agronomy of UEL (State
University of Londrina). PhD in Plant Pathology (ESALQ/USP - Brazil) with part of thesis developed at Leibniz Universität Hannover (German) and
University of Florida (USA). Visi ng Professor at Ohio State University (OSU) during 2013. Researcher of CNPq (Na onal Research Council).

20:00-20:20 (CN) / 09:00-09:20 (BR)

Gaoke Li,
Professor from Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Li Gaoke, researcher, director of corn research department, doctor's degree, graduated from Sichuan Agricultural University, mainly engaged in
gene cs and breeding of fresh corn. Li has presided over more than 20 scien fic research projects such as provincial key R&D program, provincial
industry-university-research program, provincial industrial system breeding post, and academy team project. Meanwhile he is also a key member of the
Na onal Key R&D Program and Guangzhou Corn Comprehensive Experimental Sta on of Na onal Corn Industry Technology System. He has been
awarded three provincial science and Technology second prize, two Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology second prize, one DBN Science and
Technology second prize, and one Chinese industry-university-research coopera ve Innova on and Promo on second prize. Li has cul vated more than 30
varie es approved by the provincial level above, including more than 10 na onal cer fied varie es, with two authorized new varie es protec on rights.

20:20-21:00 (CN) / 09:20-10:00 (BR)

Topic Discussion

Wednesday, August 24
DAY 03
Health Industry
Moderators: John Zhang (China) and Eliane Sega Rios (Brazil)

19:00-19:20 (CN) / 08:00-08:20 (BR)

David Livingstone Alves Figueiredo,
Professor of the Department of Medicine at Unicentro and President of IPEC-Ins tute for Cancer Research
David Livingstone A Figueiredo, MD, PhD. Head and Neck surgeon. Professor and Chief of the Medical Department – Unicentro.
President of Ins tute for Cancer Research. Coordinator of NAPi Genomics (new arrangement of Research and innova on).

19:20-19:40 (CN) / 08:20-08:40 (BR)

Binglai Chen,
Guangdong Province President of Guangdong Sturms Health Technology Co.
(2019-). CEO of Shanghai Houchao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (2011-). Founding Expert, Stem Cell Transla onal Medicine Center, Shanghai Oriental Hospital
of Tongji University (2012-2014). Visi ng Professor, Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University (2012-2017). Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Bologna, Italy
(2005-2007). Postdoctoral Fellow, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York University, USA (2007-2010). PhD of Central South University (2000-2003).
Resident Physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Xiangya Hospital of Central South University (1990-2000).

19:40-20h00 (CN) / 08:40-09:00 (BR)

Valdir Gomes,
Business Development Manager of Advanced Health Systems Ins tute (ISI-SAS) - CIMATEC Health
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Interna onal Rela ons and a postgraduate course in Legisla ve Process/Public Policy. In addi on, I have a Master’s Degree
in Management and Industrial Technology and I am currently doing a PhD in the same program. In my 15 years of experience in the health sector,
I have worked in hospitals, at the State of Bahia Secretariat of Health and at the Department of the Industrial Health Complex of the Ministry of Health.
Currently, I am the Business Manager in ISI (SENAI Ins tute of Innova on) of Advanced Health Systems - SENAI CIMATEC. I am in charge of the
ins tu onal ar cula on and I have worked in the prospec on of strategic partnerships with governmental agencies, interna onal organiza ons,
research centers and private companies from CEIS (Brazilian Industrial Health Complex) including the pharmaceu cal companies and the medical
device companies.

20:00-20:20 (CN) / 09:00-09:20 (BR)

Jinhui Chen,
Guangdong KangYu Hi-Tech Agroforestry Technology Co.
Chairman of Guangdong Kangyu High-Tech Agriculture and Forestry Technology Co., Ltd. Chairman of Guangdong Huaqiang Garment Industry Co., Ltd.
Dean of Guangdong Huaqiang Voca onal Training College. Chairman of Shangshi Educa onal Ins tu on. Guest speaker in "Cultural Forum of Lingnan
Lecture" of public welfare forum in Guangdong party commi ee and provincial government. Vice president of Guangdong Economic and Technological
Development Research Ins tu on. Member of Guangdong Higher Voca onal College Business Teaching Instruc on Commi ee. Visi ng professor of
Guangdong AIB Polytechnic and many other colleges.

20:20-21:00 (CN) / 09:20-10:00 (BR)

Topic Discussion

Thursday, August 25
Industry 4.0 DAY 04
Moderators: John Zhang (China) and Eliane Sega Rios (Brazil)

19:00-19:20 (CN) / 08:00-08:20 (BR)

Luís Gonzaga Trabasso,
Chief Researcher of the Senai Ins tute for Innova on in Manufacturing Systems and Laser Processing.
Pro-Rector of Research and Innova on of the Senai University Centre of the Santa Catarina State.
Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering at Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP (1982), Master in Aerospace Engineering at
Ins tuto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE (1985), PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Loughborough University, England (1991) and Post-Doctorate
in Human Centered Systems at Linköping University, Sweden (2017). He is one of founders of the Competence Center of Manufacturing at ITA (CCM/ITA),
a research center that hosts strategic R&D projects with several industrial partners. Currently he is a Chief Research Officer at the SENAI Innova on
Ins tute for Mechanical Systems and Laser Processing - Joinville, Pro-Rector of Research and Innova on of the SENAI University Centre of the Santa
Catarina State as well as Full Professor at the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Aeronau cs Ins tute of Technology - ITA. His research interests
are Integrated Product Development (IPD) and Mechatronics focused on Industrial Automa on and Robo cs.

19:20-19:40 (CN) / 08:20-08:40 (BR)

Hao Dong, Director,
Yongyue Science & Technology Co., Ltd
Southeast University Master of Industrial Economics. Senior Economist. Over 10 years of investment management and industrial opera on experience.

19:40-20h00 (CN) / 08:40-09:00 (BR)

Ronald Mar n Dauscha,
CEO FNQ – Na onal Management Quality Founda on
He graduated electrical engineering from POLI from USP and has MBAs in Industrial Administra on by UFPR, in Business Finance by FGV, in Innova on
and Technology Management from Unicamp and in Management and Administra on by DUKE. He is currently CEO of FNQ and previously served 30
years in the Siemens Group, where he was Director of Strategy, Innova on, Processes, Quality and Regulatory Affairs. He was one of the coordinators
of FAPESP's PIPE and PITE Programs and is a member of MEI / CNI (Business Mobiliza on for Innova on). He founded and was CEO of C2i (Interna onal
Innova on Center) of FIEP and was also Director and President of ANPEI.

20:00-20:20 (CN) / 09:00-09:20 (BR)

Zhuoya Mo,
Guangdong Databeyond Techonoloy Co., Ltd
Zhuoya Mo graduated from Harbin Ins tute of Technology, and was a visi ng scholar at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. A er she
finished her master's degree at Harbin Ins tute of Technology, she was invited as the execu ve chairman of the Alumni Associa on of the School
of Mechanical Engineering and Automa on. During her career, she is rewarded by the government as the leading talent of innova on and
entrepreneurship in Dongguan city, the characteris c talent of Dongguan, and the outstanding communist party member in Dongguan city.

20:20-21:00 (CN) / 09:20-10:00 (BR)

Topic Discussion

Friday, August 26
DAY 05
Moderators: John Zhang (China) and Eliane Sega Rios (Brazil)

19:00-19:20 (CN) / 08:00-08:20 (BR)

Heverson Renan de Freitas,
Smart Energy Researcher at the Senai Ins tute for Innova on in Electrochemistry.
Chemist, Master in Chemistry Physics and PhD in Sciences with emphasis in Chemistry Physics. I have 12 years of experience as a researcher in
electrochemical energy accumulators (lead acid ba eries, lithium-ion ba eries, nickel cadmium ba eries, nickel sodium ba eries). Currently I work
with the development of new materials for applica on in ba eries, carbon-based addi ves, development of ba eries for different sectors
(electric vehicles, electronics, air sector, sta onary sector, renewable energies) and in reuse projects (second life) and recycling of ba eries.

19:20-19:40 (CN) / 08:20-08:40 (BR)

Hao Lu, Professor,
Department of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang University
Dr. Lu Hao, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Energy and Power Engineering, School of Electrical Engineering, Xinjiang
University, is the young academic leader of the "Clean Energy" team, selected as the Na onal Overseas High-level Talents of the Organiza on
Department of the CPC Central Commi ee, and the recipient of Xinjiang Outstanding Youth Science Fund. In recent years, focusing on the
strategic goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the key technologies and realiza on paths of energy transi on have been studied. He has
hosted or par cipated in several projects, including the Na onal Key R&D Program, the Na onal Natural Science Founda on of China, Bri sh
Innovate UK Founda on, Bri sh Rolls-Royce Research Founda on, Hong Kong RGC/GRF Project, Hong Kong ITF Project, Xinjiang Science Fund for
Dis nguished Young Scholars, and enterprise commissioned projects.

19:40-20h00 (CN) / 08:40-09:00 (BR)

Carlos Ricardo Soccol, Ph.D.
Project Bioenergy 5B - Department of Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Federal University of Parana.
Professor Carlos Ricardo Soccol is the research group leader of the Department of Bioprocesses Engineering and Biotechnology (DEBB) at UFPR.
Professor Soccol has experience in bioprocesses/biological engineering, industrial biotechnology, food biotechnology. The research carried out
ll-date has credited him with 1.386 publica ons, including patents (110), books (31), book chapters (175), original papers (480) and research
communica ons in conferences/symposia (590). The research ar cles have so far been cited more than 34.843 mes at Google Scholar Cita ons
with Index h=88.

20:00-20:20 (CN) / 09:00-09:20 (BR)

Ruitao Chen,
President of Zhongyuan Technology (Guangdong) Co.
Ruitao Chen, graduated from Zhengzhou University, is a member of Puning CPPCC, president of Zhong Yuan Technology (Guangdong) Co.,
intermediate engineer, and currently serves as vice chairman of the Electrical Equipment Intelligent Manufacturing Commi ee of Guangdong
Society Electrical Engineering. He has been invited as a visi ng professor by Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Private Hualian College
and Guangdong Peizheng College.

20:20-21:00 (CN) / 09:20-10:00 (BR)

Topic Discussion

2022 Coopera on Forum on

Science, Technology and Innova on



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