Pdi Assignment 3 Pdi Share Your Great Ideas 2022-04 - Regina Mcmurray

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Grade Level: Kindergarten/1st Grade mixed-age classroom/all subjects

I utilize specific classroom management tools, SEL practices, and routines to help
special needs students (and all students!) succeed. These are all culled from
evidence-based research I have studied in my Professional Development training on
PBIS, SEL, conflict resolution, et al., with the exclusion of “The Four Agreements”, a
book by don Miguel Ruiz, which simply, I have found remarkably meaningful in the
classroom. I base my classroom approach on whole-child education; i.e., holistic
learning. Instructions for each activity follow its description.

To assist special needs students with specific socio-emotional skills, I have established
this morning routine that teaches stress-reduction, self-soothing, and finally, eases the
transition from home to school and builds a specified social skill. The first consideration
is the students’ transition period from home to the classroom. To ease the students into
the school day, we start with a circle where we practice diaphragmatic breathing,
followed by a discussion of one of The Four Agreements and how we will apply it. We
each set an intention during the day. Teachers fully participate!

Morning Intention Circle:

1. After welcoming students to class and having them put away their belongings, go
to the bathroom, etc., we join the circle by sitting down.
2. The teacher leads a diaphragmatic breathing exercise (aka “belly breathing”),
breathing in through the nose, and out through the mouth, with eyes closed.
Guide the children to put their hands on their tummy to feel the inhale filling their
belly, and the exhale, which moves the belly back in. Hands on the tummy also
keep the mind focused on breathing. Take 5-10 slow breaths and then guide the
children to open their eyes.
3. Explain one of The Four Agreements using verbal explanations, drawing, photos,
and puppets or a role play, so that all students understand the concept.
The Four Agreements include:
● Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word.
● Agreement 2: Don't Take Anything Personally.
● Agreement 3: Don't Make Assumptions.
● Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best.
4. Use one of The Four Agreements to set an Intention for the day. For example:
“Always do your best.” The students raise their hands when they have their
intention, and from that student, move around the circle and encourage them to
state their Intention for the day (“I intend to do my best by helping my friends.”).
Be sure to share your Intention when it’s your turn (“I intend to do my best by
being patient today.”)!

Second, we engage in a fun role play that addresses a SEL skill, such as how to make
friends, communicating uncomfortable feelings, expressing the need to be left alone,
stress-management techniques, conflict resolution, bullying prevention, etc. For these
role plays, we incorporate “right way” and “wrong way”: starting with “right way”, then
showing the “wrong way”, and last, closing with the “right way” to cement it into the
students’ mind. Also consider the terms: “kind way” and “unkind way”, if preferred.

Role Play:
1. Offer students 2 choices of themes for the role play and then vote to select. To
encourage self-direction, ask students if there are any issues they think are
important to discuss. For example: “How to join others who are playing.”
2. Select 3-4 volunteers for the role play. One student is the “new kid”, the other
three are “players”, playing a game outside. Instruct the students on “right way”,
and have them act it out. Follow with “wrong way”, and close with “right way”. Ask
students if they can think of other examples of “right way”.
3. “Right way” will include variations of approaching with a greeting, asking to join
the game, and the players allowing the newbie to join.
4. “Wrong way” will include variations of the newbie just joining the game without
asking or grabbing the objects that the players are using and the players not
allowing the newbie to join.

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