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Evidence: Something I will always treasure

Every morning when I start preparing to going work there is a garment which I
can´t go out without it and is my graduation ring, It´s mean a lot to me because
was given from my parents when I became an computer engineer. They gave it
to me with so much effort on my graduation day. That´s why I consider it my most
valuable possession and is priceless. I´m graduated since 2012 so it have ten
years with me and I hope to wear It for the rest of my life because the reminds
me the most important my family and my passion the computer science. I left my
birth Country several years ago, was few things what I could bring with me, you
know? I mean is hard to pack a life into a suitcase, you only can bring your
dreams and your desire to keep going. when some workmates ask me for the
ring I proudly tell them the history and why I care the most. the gold ring made
me feel accompanied across my new life in another country wiyhut my parents
and friends. It gave me strength to keep going and never give up. No matter
what hard be the road I would never sell it or pawn it. It´s remember me where I
come from and where I want to go. Tthe ring has became part of myself, when i
have felt overwhelmed or thoughtful i rub my ring and think about what i have
achieved so far i think about how proud my parents are for who I have become
has always made me feel better. Is one of that things that no matter which
material they are made or how much money they cost because his value is
beyond of monetary

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