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unit J unit 2 unit 3 unit & unit 5 Unit 6 unit 7 unit 8 Contents Back to School Life at Home Meat Time Animats on the Move The Changing Seasons A Day in Town Summer Camp Around the wortd 18 32 46 60 74 102 Back: to)School 1 Look, read and complete. name meet My Hello Hi! name's Trey. What's your a My name's Missy. Nice to you. These are my friends! His name's Jake. He's painting. Her name’s Meg. She's eating. Her name's Ann. She's writing. His name's Tony. He’s running. His name's Will. He’s reading. 1 Read and circle true or false. @ [We're taking a test. ? Oy true / false true / false We're working on the computer. (=) i \ ae a= true / false true / false 2 Unscramble the sentences. i g ) What are you doing? singing / I'm / song / a violin / playing / We're / the 1 Read, look and circle. 8 Lox He’s in the She's in the She's in the cafeteria / auditorium. classroom / bathroom. art room / bathroom. Ra [Eis Tea He's in the She’s in the He’s in the library / classroom. auditorium / gym. — art room / auditorium. ¢ Look and write the answers. watching a movie playing basketball _ listening to the teacher eating lunch washing her hands _ painting a picture 1. What's he doing? He's eating lunch . What's she doing? She's . What's she doing? EWhotshedong? = .What’sshe doing? . What's he doing? _ An & wD 1 Look and complete. e@ 1 2 d| {g 4 lee ait °. 6 fy | [b | I 7/p| | cee 2 Count and complete the sentences. 1. There are violins. 2. There is trumpet. 3. There are tambourines. 4. There are flutes. 7 1 Read and match. a ro She's playing the guitar. She's playing the drum. She’s playing the piano. = He's playing the bass. He's playing the flute. 2 Complete the sentence and draw. I'm playing the | Read, number and label with the days of the week. 1. We paint on Thursday. 4. We work on computers on Monday. 2. We watch movies on Friday. 5. We do exercises on Tuesday. 3. We read books on Wednesday. gym computer lab art room 1. We paint in the _art room : 2. We watch movies in the 3. We read books in the : 4, We work on computers in the 5. We do exercises in the i 1 Look and unscramble the words. ahtm rta geraidn scemui 2 Look and write the names. ike X= don't like escolar) writing | like English and I like reading. | don’t reading. | don’t like P.E. like English or P.E. I like P.E. | don’t like | like P.E. and writing. reading or writing. | don’t like English. 1 Read, look and number the speech bubbles. 1. Throw away your trash! 2. Don’t run in the auditorium! 3. Don’t eat in the classroom! 4. Talk quietly in the library! ge? 7 2 Walk in the hall. Be quiet and raise your hand. Sit quietly. Throw away your trash. Thumbs 1 Look and color the objects that sound alike. 2 Look and complete the words. ° Bt pon ht 2 1 Look, read and circle true or false. Sam and Kara are sisters. Lily is from New York. true / false true / false Sam and Kara are playing outside. Mrs. Smith is reading a book. true / false true / false 2 Read and number the pictures. 1. She's eating. 2. She’s singing. 3. She’s running. 4. She's writing. 1] Look and number the events in order. 1 praw and complete the chart about yourself. Lis A Let LLL ULL Ilike... | don’t like... blonde blue Miami Houston writing ¢ Look and complete the speech bubbles. My name's . |have red hairand eyes. I like P.E. | don’t like . I'm from _ My name's . I'm from Miami. | have hair and eyes. | like . | don’t like art. . I'm from hair and . | don’t like Thumbs 1 Listen and complete the chart. On 3X POG do exercise sing paint wri : , i’ jp > “4 Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday ae a | Tee oa read draw| work on: | | | la | computers | play the flute Ieee | yy | comp play \ basketball | | computer lab gym | library music room art room | e Match the columns with the rooms at school. aK ECan 2 Look and complete the answers. 3K ORG e es 1. What's she doing? 1. What's he doing? She’s 7 He’s 2. Where is she? 2. Where is he? She’s in the _ : He’s in the F 3 Look and complete the sentences. 3X LEY a My name’s Stella. I’m from 'm years old. | have black __ and blue eyes. | play the . It’s my favorite instrument! | have a . His name's Fluffy. qy Look, read and mark. As Ee 1. She's playing an instrument. ie) 2. She’s in the computer lab. fe] 3. He’s in the auditorium. Q 4. He’s writing. EC ] Life, at! Home 1 Look and complete the sentences. 1. There a pool. 3. There 2. There aliving room. 4. There two bedrooms. _a yard. 2 Draw the outside of your house, read and circle. 1. Is there a garage? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 2. Is there a yard? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 3. Is there a pool? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 18 1 Look and complete the answers. in above on nextto under 1. Where's the desk? It’s the closet. 2. Where’s the cell phone? It’s the desk. 3. Where's the broom? It’s the closet. 4. Where’s the trash can? It’s the desk. 5. Where's the mirror? It’s the desk. 2 Read and draw. The poster is above the bed. The lamp is on the dresser. int 1 Read, look and circle. Make your bed. Water the plants. Take out the broom. Wash the dishes. Sweep the floor. Set the table. Walk the dog. Feed the cat. 2 Unscramble the sentences. room / up / your / Pick out / the / Take / trash 20 1 Count, match and write the numbers. 7 we ie oe OK Pee ee oie «> 3 fOr % meng fs re ie Om rei *. 3 ame +h ~ cared twenty-three e forty-six thirty-two fifty-one 2 Find and circle the number words. thirtynueightyskatenyjenine on EMYy Preven yaidfttyctsih) ¢ Write the number words in order. 21 1 Read, count and complete the sentences. | collect stamps. | have stamps in my collection. Six stamps are purple, four are blue and three are orange. I collect coins. | have __ coins in my collection. Eight coins are yellow, three are brown and ten are gray. e Read again, count and color. 22 1 Read and complete the sentences. take ashower dochores gotobed eat dinner I at six o'clock. | at eight thirty. e Read again and number the clocks. CO} [Ga a) ‘+ (sa) a) e Look and number the clocks. | 23 1 Read, look and number the pictures. 1. Uncle Jim eats breakfast at six thirty. 2. Uncle Jim goes to work at nine o'clock. 3. Uncle Jim feeds the cat at four o'clock. 4. Uncle Jim takes a shower at five thirty. ° Read again and write the times on the clocks. 2 Read and draw. | ae | cet | | , Q> Met Fish, Eggs & Beans ¢ Look at the food groups and number the photos. rq Ofeyfe 1 Look and match. Wash Mix Cut Wash 2 Look and unscramble the words. ge, © srpage the fruit. the fruit. your hands. the peaches. wobl 36 1 Look and complete the sentences. likes doesn’t like He peas. He ice cream. He brownies. He __ lettuce. 2 Look, circle and complete. ° ay, (= She / They doesn’t like . She / They like 37 1 Read and complete the chart. (9) = like / Ii <>) = don't li il (= like / likes YQ don’t like / doesn’t like Pam likes bread and cheese. She doesn’t like ham. Sam doesn’t like cheese or ham. He likes bread. They both like salad. They don’t like potatoes. SS 1. Does Pat like fish? No, they don’t. 2. Does Matt like spinach? No, he doesn’t. 3. Do Pat and Matt like pasta? No, she doesn’t. 4. Do Pat and Matt like bananas? Yes, they do. 38 1 Unscramble the sentences. 1. bad / taste / beans / These 2. look / pancakes / delicious / These 3. juice / smells / This / bad 4. This / good / bread / tastes e Number the pictures. O oy This / These milk smells : This / These cookies look 34 Thumbs 1 Look and solve the crossword. >: : | 2 4 —@ g HH e @ 2 Circle the words in each sentence with the long e sound. 1, Pete doesn’t like beets. 2. Pete doesn’t like cheese. 3. Pete doesn’t like meat. 4. Pete likes sweets. « Number the pictures. 40 1 Look and circle T (true) or F (false). . Nick likes mashed potatoes. 2. Stephan likes meatloaf. 3. Nick likes strawberries. 4. They both like peas. 5. Stephan likes ice cream. 6. They both like carrots. 2 Read and draw. lean EAL: Teg T/F T/F T/F Stephan 41 « Read and draw. 42 ‘1 Number the events from the story in the correct order. 2 Read, look and number. 1. Nick is nervous. {| 2. Nick is amazed. a 3. Nick is quiet. XS Nick is surprised. |” | | be 1 Unscramble the words and match. ntaupe turebt lyelj drbae 2 Label the ingredients. cheese bread mayonnaise turkey ar Turkey Sandwich — ; 1. Wash your hands. 2. Spread mayomnaise on the bread. 3. Place two slices of turkey and oc asice of cheese on the bread. So 4. Put the two slices of bread together e Number the pictures. Thumbs 1 Listen and complete the chart. Ox 3 Dona © © = love © slike = ( don’t like * Read, look and match. $4 Sat 1. Does Meg like french fries? No, he doesn’t. 2. Do Tom and Sue like pineapple? Yes, they do. 3. Does Jack like steak? Yes, she does. 4, Do Tom and Sue like lettuce? No, they don’t. 2 Read, circle and number the pictures. oa piGeG 1. She don’t like / doesn’t like beans. 2. They like / likes grapefruit. 3. They don’t like / doesn’t like rice. 4. He like / likes spinach. 44 3 Look and complete the sentences. x4 LEE bad These This good pancakes look ‘i fish smells 4 Look and label. A On lunch breakfast dinner ¢ Look and complete the answers. 3X ore cheese chicken eggs pear corn beans 1. What's for breakfast? and orange juice. 2. What's for lunch? A sandwich, milk and a 3. What's for dinner? i peas and _ ‘ a5 Animals; onthe; Move 1 Look and complete the sentences. can can’t but they crawl. OnEz Fish swim, Birds crawl, but they climb. but they __ sing. 2 Read, circle and number the pictures. 1. Bears can climb / crawl. 2. Foxes can’t run / fly. 3. Gorillas can’t swim / jump. 4. Dogs can jump / crawl. | afin BBs 46 1 Complete the animal words and match. les ar _ Oe Pe Pn Geen is 2 Read and circle. Quiz on Chimpanzees 1. Can they do math? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. 2. Can they kiss? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. 3. Can they swim? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. 4. Can they use tools? Yes, they can. / No, they can’t. “uo fou ‘S94 "b °,uD9 Aayy ‘ON “€ “uD? Katy ‘S94 °Z “UDD aly ‘S94 "| sHOMSUY 47 1 Draw the animals in their habitats. | shark penguin tiger elephant e Match the questions and answers. 1. Where do sharks live? They eat fish. 2. What do elephants eat? They live in the grasslands 3. Where do penguins live? They eat meat. 4. What do tigers eat? They live on the ice. 5. What do penguins eat? They live in the ocean. 6. Where do elephants live? They eat plants. 48 1 Look and unscramble the words. on dizrla potcosu rploa erba tnpyoh rpaotr e Read and number the sentences. It lives in the jungle. It can crawl. It lives in the desert. It eats insects. It lives in the jungle. It can speak. It eats meat. Its babies drink milk. It lives in the grasslands. It eats plants. It lives in the ocean. It eats fish. OOO000 44 1 Look, find and circle. gi a mn t pa pseatur OUs ait at foe x k € | Ge do fF ot ranhy j i beg for i J el elkdozp aeot cud rbluewh 2 Read and answer. The White Rhino The white rhino is an endangered animal. It lives in the grasslands. It is called “white rhino,” but it is not white—it is gray! It is very big and heavy. It eats plants. It can walk and run, but it can’t swim or jump. Today there are only 13, northern white rhinos in the entire world! 1. Where does the white rhino live? 2. Does it eat meat? ___ 3. Can it jump? = 4. Can it run? ___ 50 -a3s axes ao) 1 Look and label the animals. fur feathers © Look and mark (V) the chart. 2 Read, look and complete. have don’t have 1. Lions fur. 2. They scales. 3. They a tail. 4. They whiskers. 5. They fins. 6. They __ paws. 51 1 Read and circle. 1. Do camels have scales? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. Dp 2. Do eagles have claws? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. 3. Do fish have feathers? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. 4. Do lions have fur? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t. 2 Look and label the parts of the animal. paw tail beak fin claws ° Read and color the parts of the animal. tiger = pink dolphin = yellow eagle = orange _ bear = purple 52 1 Read, circle and solve the riddles. giraffe guar parrot elephai It lives in the grasslands. It has fur and a long neck, but it doesn’t have paws. It eats plants. It can walk and run, but it can’t swim or climb. What is it? It'sa/an It lives in the jungle. It has feathers and a beak, but it doesn’t have fins. It eats fruits and plants. It can fly, but it can’t crawl or jump. What is it? I'sa/an \ é Itlives in the jungle. It has whiskers and ° Itlives in the grasslands. it has a tail and“ claws, but it doesn’t have wings. It eats meat. It can run and climb, but it can’t fly. What is it? Itsa/an - ° Draw the animals. a trunk, but it doesn’t have scales. It eats plants. It can walk and swim, but it can’t jump. What is it? Itsa/an 53 Thumbs 1 Color the words with the long i sound yellow. big ¢ Look and answer. What is it? It’s a 54 1 Read and mark (v or X) the chart. Owl Tortoise Hare It.can run. ‘It can crawl. It has feathers. ‘It can jump. It can fly. 2 Read and correct the sentences. . Every day Hare teases Owl. Tortoise. . Tortoise and Hare live in the desert. . “I fly so fast!” says Hare. Eagle blows the whistle. ye YN Tortoise and Hare are sleeping at the starting line. 1 Unscramble the sentences. 1, beak / a / Owls / have 2. can / fly / Owls 3. Owls / forest / live / the / in e Number the pictures. 2 Read and match the columns. 1. Does Tortoise run fast? 2. Does Hare win the race? Yes, he does. 3. Does Tortoise take a nap? No, he doesn’t. 4. Does Owl blow the whistle? 5. Does Tortoise win the race? 6. Does Hare tease Tortoise again? 56 1 Read, complete the fact files and color. fly meat fur ocean Fact File: The Python swim crawl beak ingle Fact File: The Octopus Color: It is brown or green. Body: It has scales and many teeth. Food: It eats insects and meat. Habitat: It lives in the A climb, but it can’t jump. and s: It can Fact File: The Eagle Zi Ct Color: It is brown and white. Body: It has, claws and a Food: It eats meat and fish. Habitat: It lives in the forest. Abilities: It can but it can’t jump or run. Color: It can change colors. Body: It has eight arms and a big head. Food: It eats fish. Habitat: It lives in the Abilities: It can can’t walk or jump. but it Fact File: The Fox Color: It is red, white or gray. Body: It has Food: It eats . Habitat: It lives in the forest. Abiliti it can’t fly. and paws. : It can run and swim, but 57 Thumbs 1 Listen and answer. (©) 3X LEE Yes, | Yes, they can. No, they can’t. | can. No, they can’t. \.8) : A wn Se @ a a > S e Read, look and circle. 3X LEE . It has / doesn’t have paws. It can / can’t crawl. . It has / doesn’t have a beak. It can / can’t fly. . thas / doesn’t have scales. It can / can’t climb. It has / doesn’t have fins. It can / can’t swim. . It has / doesn’t have wings. It can / can’t run. aAnRWwn . It has / doesn’t have claws. It can / can’t fly. 58 3 Read and match the columns. =o SEY 1. Do lions have whiskers? No, they don’t. 2. Can owls run? Yes, they do. 3. Can octopuses swim? No, they can’t. | 4. Do elephants eat meat? Yes, they can. Q Complete the sentences and draw. 3X LEG | ocean desert jungle grasslands || plants meat fish insects 1. It’s a lizard. It lives in the . It eats : 2. It’s a tiger. It lives in the . It eats 3. It's a giraffe. It lives in the . It eats 5 | 4. It’s a dolphin. It lives in the . It eats Tihe Changing) Seasons 1 Read, number and color. 1. He's wearing 2. She’s wearing 3. She’s wearing 4. He’s wearing a ared coat, black —_ purple shorts, a a yellow scarf, yellow raincoat, pants, brown pink T-shirt, gray red skirt, an blue jeans and boots and a sandals and black —_ orange shirt green boots. blue hat. sunglasses. and black shoes. 60 1 Follow the lines, draw and complete the answers. 1. Whose sandals are these? They’re sandals. 2. Whose scarf is this? It’s scarf. 3. Whose sunglasses are these? They’re sunglasses. ¢ Look again, complete and circle. Is . It’s swimsuit / dress. 2 fh They‘re sandals / shorts. LR 3. g\e It’s Beeeces coat / T-shirt. PP 61 spring summer fall winter | wear boots. | play soccer. | go swimming. | don’t wear a coat. 2 Complete the sentences. winter spring summer fall 1. | rake the leaves in the : 2.1 go sledding in the __ 3. | pick flowers in the _ 4. | don’t wear shoes in the e Number the pictures. 62 1 Read, draw and color. an orange scarf WwW gray boots i] a green raincoat Ea a purple coat brown gloves ES) a red hat Eel a yellow swimsuit [a] a blue sweater i e Read the key and label the pictures. C=cool color W=warm color 63 1 Complete the poems and color. Leaves blue brown green red __ flowers | Spring Fall The grass is pee) —_— are falling The sky is — to the ground, The ______ are pink _and yellow and orange and and yellow, too! 2 Color the words and complete the sentences. cool warm 1. GES isa color, 4. PUPDIEisa_____ color. 2. Yellow isa color, 5. OFENGSis a color. 3 GPOVisa_ color. «= 6. BOW Wis a color. 4 1 Read, circle and number the pictures. E] 1. We build a snowman in June / December. 4 2. We go swimming in January / July. 3. We pick flowers in May / October. 4. We celebrate Thanksgiving in November / March. 5. We celebrate Valentine's Day in April / February. 2 Read and complete the sentences. | Mother’s Day Father’s Day Christmas New Year's Day ] 1. We celebrate in December. 2. We celebrate ____ in May. 3. We celebrate in January. 4. We celebrate in June. 1 Look, complete the sentences and circle. snowing sunny windy raining Tits . | want / don’t want my sunglasses. 2. It’s . |want / don’t want my sandals. 3. It’s . |want / don’t want my swimsuit. 4. It's . | want / don’t want my sweater. 2 Read, complete and draw. It’s raining. | want my . | want my 66 1 Read the questions and number the pictures. 1. Why is he wearing shorts and sandals? a] Because he’s hot. 2. Why is she eating a pear? Because she’s hungry. "I . 3. Why is he wearing a sweater and a scai |__| Because he’s cold. 4, Why is she taking a nap? Because she’s tired. 5. Why is he drinking lemonade? Because he’s sick. e Mark (V) the correct answers. O oO Because he’s cold. Because she’s thirsty. rf? Because he’s tired. Because she’s hot. Because he’s thirsty. O 67 Thumbs 1 Read and match. 1. It’s winter. It’s snowing. Joe the goat rows a boat and says,"Hello!” to Owen Y\\ \thefducky S* “ Nf J : a Lf F 2. It’Sispring. It’s sunny. Joe,the goat puts on his old \iae plays inthe snow. fall: It’s windy. Qutside'the 4 Fe ares he goat plants some > Joe the g 5 eee seeds with a hoe and 4. Its summer. It’s hot. watches themigraws © Circle the words with the long o sound. ; Read and color the objects with the long o sound. 1 Look, read and circle. 4. Phil is drinking lemonade / hot chocolate. 1. Phil sits in front of the pool / fire. 2. Bo is Phil’s dog / cat. 3. Phil listens to the radio / TV. 5. Outside it is sunny and hot / windy and cold. 6. Phil hopes for a big snow storm / rain storm. 2 Complete the sentences and number them in order. | Phil Phil __| Phil rane ale Ass arene |__| Phil _ the list of schools on TV. in front of the fire. asleep. to the window. 1 Read and match. 1. What's Jack 2. What's Phil 3. What's Don wearing? wearing? wearing? He’s wearing a shirt, He’s wearing jeans He’s wearing jeans, a pants and a hat. and a T-shirt. jacket and a scarf. 2 Look and number the events from the story in order. 1 Read and color. questions = yellow statements Yes, | love What do the summer! you do in the summer? My name’s Kiran. What are you wearing? What's the weather like? What's your name? Where do you live? e Match the questions and statements. Do you like the summer? live in India. Today it’s sunny. |. go swimming in the summer. I'm wearing a swimsuit and sandals. 1 Thumbs 1 Listen and number. (© Listen again and color. Os a Tg ¢ Look and complete the answers. Seg 1. Whose shorts are these? They're ___ __ shorts. 2. Whose hat is win Gqt It’s hat. 3. Whose boots are these? Teh meyre = ____ boots. 4. Whose scarf is wings scarf. 72 2 Read and match the columns. 5. LEY 1. 1 go sledding in the summer. 5 2.1 don’t wear shoes in the fall. 3. | celebrate Easter in the winter. seam a4 4. | rake the leaves in the spring. Wwe 3 Look and circle. na ae =o It’s hot and sunny / cloudy. It’s cold and rainy / windy. | want / don’t want my jacket. | want / don’t want my gloves. | want / don’t want some lemonade. | want / don’t want my sandals. 73 A\ Day in; Town 1 Look, mark (v) and circle. This car is dirty / clean. {__] This bus is full / empty. CL That bus is full / empty. That car is dirty / clean. = O 2 Read and draw. That plane is long! This motorcycle is big and fast! 4 1 Unscramble the words and label the buildings. Sar ee H pihsoalt ept_rseot staratnuer e Complete, look and circle. money groceries gas 1. | need some . ls there a __ in this town? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 2. | need some |e) . ls there a __ station in this town? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 3, [need some SA . Is there a in this town? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 75 1 Look and number the places. 1. The fire station is between the park and the hospital. 2. The bus stop is across from the park. 3. The library is next to the park. 4. The post office is across from the hospital. ° Look and match the columns. e Look and complete the answers. between across from next to 1. Where’s the hospital? It’s ___ the post office. 2. Where's the movie theater? It’s the post office. 3. Where’s the park? It’s _____ the bus stop and the post office. 16 1 Look and label. bus stop rary museum park school pet store movie theater post office _ Internet café — —Apple Street - - — grocery store e Read the directions, look and circle. 1. Where's the Internet café? Go straight. Turn left / right. It’s on Pear Street. It’s across from / next to the school. 3. Where's the museum? Go straight. It’s on Apple Street. It’s between / across from the park. 2. Where's the movie theater? Go straight. Turn left / right. It's on Pear Street. It’s across from / between the pet store and the bus stop. 4, Where's the pet store? Go straight. Turn left / right. It’s on Pear Street. It's next to / across from the movie theater. 71 1 78 Complete the words and draw the buildings. 2 é 3 a b_onk pt so ec 3 ty to_e « Blue Street — . |__br_ry 4 __us_um Start Read the directions, look and complete. 1. Where's the ? 2. Where's the Se Go straight. Turn left. It’s on Blue Go straight. Turn right. It’s on Blue Street. It’s next to the pet store. Street. It’s across from the museum. 1 Label and number. [ ibrarian fire station grocery store library firefighter _ salesclerk = alb/cldle|flglh]i|j ai [22282425 [26] I Geb lmapn | otslalelsielinlelwis| ved vTala{elstel? tel fro t 12) 13/14] 15) 16] 17 [18 1920 1 leslie SS 7 is sens 4 ol a) Se] as) a A __ works at a sae 2 = . 2 Bess Cee | Paes Fo A works at a _ 2 3 is ie 1 519 1 2 5 13 8 5 1B 4 1 Solve the puzzle. @: | ¢ Complete the sentences with words from above. 1. What does a __ do? He / She sells things. 2. What does a __ do? He / She makes food. 3.What doesa__—————SSS—s do? He / She helps sick animals. 4.What doesa____———————sdo? He / She helps sick people. 5. What does a ____ do? He / She protects people. 6. What does a ___ do? He serves food. 7. What does a _ do? He / She puts out fires. 8. What doesa ___ do? He / She fixes cars. 80 1 Look and complete the sentences. is isn’t are aren’t 1. He checking out books at the library. He playing basketball at the park. 2. They ___ asking for help at the police station. They waiting at the bus stop. 3.She seating dinner at a restaurant. She ____ getting money at the bank. 2 Read and number. 1. They aren’t sending 2. They aren‘t watchinga 3. They aren't reading a e-mails at the Internet café. movie at the movie theater. book at the park. They're They're watching a movie They're reading a book at sending e-mails at the at the movie theater. the park. Internet café. a 1 Look, complete the words and number the pictures. O Og Oy Og a / nn 2D - : 6.b iG bea i gialg ten Jest on ae Fle Ce (L 2 Read the key and color. long u=yellow short u = orange 1 Match and number the pictures. 1. Bo are calling out for Bo. 2. She is barking. (] 3. They is falling down. is putting on her boots. 4. He 2 Read and mark (V) the true statements. as Jack is walking to Phil’s house. Jack is at home. Phil’s mom and Jack’s mom are angry. [i] Phil’s mom and Jack’s mom are worried. It’s hot and sunny outside. It’s cold and snowing outside. 4. Bo barks and pulls hard. EL Bo barks and falls down. [/ 2 = Phil runs away. Mee? Bo runs away. 6. Phil and his mom cannot see Bo in the snow storm. Phil and his mom cannot hear Bo in the snow storm. 83 1 Look, number and circle. 1. Bo is / isn’t barking. He is / isn’t swimming. 2. Jack is / isn’t feeding Bo. He is / isn’t hugging Bo. 3. Itis / isn’t raining. It is / isn’t snowing. 84 1 Read and complete the brochure. 2S welcome to Flowervittefs Flowerville has lots of flowers! Come and see! There are also many fun activities for the family! * The Train Museum is the Internet Café. You can see old trains! * Jan’s Candy Store is the gas station. Try Jan’s famous cherry candies! <[e200 sae the: museum and the gas station. Come and see the polar bears and penguins! * The Internet Café is the movie theater. You can send an e-mail to your family and friends. Enjoy your visit! Read and circle T (true) or F (false). 1. You can get gas in Flowerville. 2. There are old planes in the museum. 3. Jan makes candy with fruit. 4. There aren’t any computers in Flowerville. 5. Flowerville has many flowers. lowers in Flowerville! = T/F T/F TEE T/F T/F 85 Thumbs 1 Look and label. 3 OG ce Internet café movie theater ice cream store Second Street - af @¢ ALS grocery store its police station ° Complete, look and circle. oie _ 1. | need some shoes. First Street Is there a _ in this town? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 2. | need some gas. Is there a in this town? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. 3. |need some money. Is there a in this town? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. ° Listen, draw the route and answer. Qe 3X EY 1. It’s the . 2. It's the 3. It’s the _ . 4. It's the 86 2 Read, circle and complete. 3X LEY library. She is / isn’t getting money at . They are / aren’t the : waiting at the bus stop. 3 Match the columns and number the pictures. a oe 1. A firefighter works at a restaurant. helps sick animals. 2. A police officer works at a fire station. makes food. works at a hospital. 3. A chef works at a police station. works at an animal hospital. 4. Avet helps sick people. protects people. 5. Anurse puts out fires. 87 Summer. Camp causa | circte the words and match. ao * S toothbrush NES g V dg I r ome. vee : r s f b ws ¢ co myb) ee / y whenol ni emx a . Jove masl pt zs lap sphkgi k b x#h tJ uert owe I stc —_ Tsaeb s bf ugl ~ | | tare \ My name is - ° My friend’s name is have curly / straight has curly / straight _— (color) hair. (color) hair. have __ eyes. eee MGS’ eyes. 103 TP 2 Uayereys 1 Measure the objects and answer. # 1. How long is the eraser? It’s 2. How long is the glue stick? 3. How long is the crayon? 4. How long is the pencil sharpener? 2 Complete the questions and number. 1.How SS _aare you? I’m 1 m 17 cm tall. 2.How is your hand? It’s 16 cm wide. 3. How is your thumb? It’s 4 cm long. a 4 I @ . 104 1 Read, count and match. twelve dollars and h five cents three dollars and — it nts, six dollars and ity-five cents dollars and __ cents dollars and dollars and cents cents 105 1 Look, read and match. International Craft Fair $19.60 $17.50 e $11.25 How much is the necklace? Where's the treasure box from? How much is the mask? Where's the mask from? How much is the dragon? Where's the doll from? How much is the treasure box? Where's the necklace from? How much is the doll? 0. Where's the dragon from? a PNP Se PS BS 106 $23.10 $41.00 It’s from Kenya. It’s twenty-three dollars and ten cents. It's from Japan. It’s from China. It’s nineteen dollars and sixty cents. It's from Brazil. It’s eleven dollars and twenty-five cents. It’s forty-one dollars. It’s seventeen dollars and fifty cents. It’s from Australia. 1 Read and number the pictures. In Brazil, they celebrate New Year on January 1st. Itis called Reveillon. They put flowers and candles on small boats and float them in the sea. (1) The flowers and candles are gifts to the goddess of the water. Some people go to the beach and watch fireworks. (2) They wear white for good luck. (3) In India, they celebrate New Year in October or November. It is called Diwali. They wear colorful, new clothes. (4) The women wear beautiful jewelry. (5) They visit their relatives and bring presents. They light candles for good luck. (6) They watch fireworks. ° Read and answer the questions. 1. When do they celebrate Reveillon? 2. Where do they go? 3. Where do they celebrate Diwali? 4. What do women wear? 107 1 Read about Thanksgiving and complete the sentences. vi eat celebrate Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is a special holiday in the United States. Families Thanksgiving in November. Many people their relatives or friends. They have a big meal in the afternoon. They turkey, potatoes and cranberry sauce for dinner. For dessert, they eat pumpkin pie. Read and circle. 1, When / What do they celebrate Thanksgiving? 2. Who / Where do they celebrate Thanksgiving? 3. Who / When do they visit? 4. When / Who do they have a big meal? 5. What / When do they eat for dinner? ° Read the questions above and number the answers. They have a big meal in the afternoon. They celebrate Thanksgiving in the United States. They eat turkey, potatoes and cranberry sauce. They celebrate Thanksgiving in November. They visit relatives or friends. 108 1 Read and number the pictures. In Germany, they celebrate Christmas in December. 1. They decorate the Christmas tree. They put presents under the tree. 2. They light candles on the advent wreath on Sundays. 3. Children leave out their shoes for St. Nicholas. He puts candy in their shoes. 4. They eat special bread called Stollen. e Read and complete the questions. Who What Where When ts do they eat? They eat special bread called Stollen. 2. do they light the advent wreath? They light the advent wreath on Sundays. Bs puts candy in their shoes? St. Nicholas puts candy in their shoes. 4. do they put presents? They put presents under the tree. 109 Thumbs 1 Read the key and color. 2 Complete the words with h or j and match. 1, eans S = __ elicopter a — oe = =r bac __ acket 22 3: 4. 5. ___ ouse 6. Te 8. am W ace, ef 1 Read and mark (V) the true sentences. Ts | Yeh-Shen has short blonde hair and blue eyes. Yeh-Shen has long black hair and dark brown eyes. Yeh-Shen lives with her stepmother and stepsister. Yeh-Shen lives with the old man. qcoo 3, The fish is yellow and has blue eyes. |__| The fish is white and has golden eyes. e Number and color the pictures. O Be 2 Read and answer the questions. Yeh-Shen the stepmother the old man _ the fish 1. Who is Yeh-Shen’s only friend? 2. Who doesn’t go to the festival? 3. Who kills the fish? 4. Who says the fish bones have magic powers? m 1 Read and solve the crossword. - Yeh-Shen is from . She wants to go the spring . Everyone at the festival stares at Yeh- Shen because she is very at the festival and runs away. . The king wants to find the owner of the golden : . The king places the golden slipper in a 1 2, 3. 4. Yeh-Shen sees her 5. 6. i 2 Read and match the parts of the sentences. 1. The magic fish bones 2. Yeh-Shen 3. Amerchant 4. The king’s guards 5. The king 6. The king and Yeh-Shen arrest Yeh-Shen. live happily ever after. falls in love with Yeh-Shen. is wearing a beautiful blue gown. give elegant clothes to Yeh-Shen. finds the golden slipper and sells it to the kine 1 Read, look and complete. Sn Name: Kelly Adams Name: Country: Country: Kenya Eye color: green Eye color: Hair color: Hair color: black Height: 1 m4. cm Height: m cm My name's Abrafo Sy. I’m from. oo =< have curly hair. | have light brown eyes. I'm 1m 10 cm tall. My name's . I'm from <>’) =< Australia. | have long blonde hair. | have eyes. I’m __ m _____ cm talll. My name’s _ aa Name: Takahiro Sato I'm from . [have Country: Japan : ‘i Fye color: dark brown | straight ______ hair. Hair color: black thee ileyes, Height: 1 m 12 cm 'm tall. 13 Thumbs 1 Look and Sater ek the words. 3X ans tC Eee e Read, look and complete the sentences. There are students from India. three students from Brazil. student from Canada. students from Japan. any students from China. 2 Listen, draw and color. Ou 4 7 e 8 g@) Bs Rees * Read, look and circle. ( Gir 1. He / She has long / short blonde hair. He / She has green / blue eyes. 2. He / She has curly / straight black hair. He / She has blue / brown eyes. 14 be 3 Read and number the pictures. xX EA Claire and Adrian are from the ial United States. Their favorite celebration is Mardi Gras in New Orleans. They celebrate Mardi Gras in February or March. They wear masks (1) and colorful costumes. They watch parades (2) and listen to music (3). They eat King Cakes (4). What a fun day! a ° Complete the questions and answer. N Pees What Whi Whi What ie are Claire and Adrian from? 2. __ do they celebrate Mardi Gras? 3. do they eat? 4 do they wear? = 4 Look and answer the questions. a LEG $6.25 $22.50 1. Where's the fan from? It’s from = 2. How much is it? It’s = dollars and cents. 3. Where's the necklace from? ___ 4. How much is it? ms

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