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‘THE UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA DwISeH oF conan EOUESTON renstcousonba sear area University of West Frida 14000 University Parkway Pensacola, Florida 22514 Regina J. McMurray Travis County, Texas STUDENT CONTINUING EDUCATION RECORD Sue sEUGmLETO aR coe SDHATONAT IE Patt span, MBA, CMP & Director br. Georg slenberg, Provos/Senior Vie President, eademie airs Regina J. MeMurrav Austin, Texas TeacherReady Program ~ Florida Dopartment of Education Approved; Accredited by the Natlonal CCouneil for Accreditation of Teacher Education Passed Lesson 1— Managing and Engaging Students to Learn = Describe the components ofthe Learning Lader. Identify the components ofthe student engagement framework. - Explain the importance of communicating early with parents - Create an AIDET®serit to use for Introdctlon to students" parents. = List the Teaching Always Actions. - Reflect on teaching practice by completing the Effective Teacher GPA tool ~ Refine the definition of classroom management. = Develop specific rules, consequences and rewards Develop procedures needed forthe classroom. + Explain wiry a school-wide discipline plan would be effective ~ Compare and Contrast Nurtured Heart Approach, the Leader In Me, and Positive Schavior Intervention Support (PIS) -Flold Experlances: Volunteering ina Classroom, Lesson 2— Alignment of Common Core Standards and Learning Targets fentiy the way classrooms look when teachers rlnforce students ‘owning thelr learning, = Describe wiat Hattie means by self-reported grades and how do they Influence student engagement and achievement. - Describe how negative teacher actions disengage students. Research student engagement, student performance and the Critical Learning Point “Identify the components and purpose of a learning target. + Summarize the cognitive levels of looms Taxonomy Chart. - Usilze The Student Engagement Framework to create learning targets. + Explain the connection among cognitive level, capability verbs, and Instructional prompts. Explain what It means to “scaffold” learning targets. Describe how Common Core Standards are used ta scaffold learning targets. Describe why itis important to communicate leaning targets to students. lentiy the purpose of Common Core Standards. - Summarize the content of a Common Core Standard = Dissect« Common Core Standard to create learning targets. Three Feld Experiences: Teaching Complex Slls, Creating @ Lesson, and Common Core Standard interview. 7/2014 96/2087 12H accepted by the University of West Florida School of Education Lesson 3-- Learning Tasks and Feedback Strategies Define a earning task. «Describe why learning tasks should align to learning targets Summarize how the alignment of targets and tasks engages students to ‘achieve complex sil. Identify the purpose of learning tasks, «Identify actions by teachers that use time eficlenty and Ineficlenty, Define feedback strategies or formative assessment strategies. - ldantify the purposes of feedback strategies. = Deseribe the sh rules of thumb for practice and feedback. + Reflect onthe relevance ofthe 3to 1 complimant principle. + Distinguish between a feedback strategy anda data collection tool, - Identify varying types of feedback strategies. -Apoly feedback strategies that align to targets and tas. + Trea Feld Experiences: Aligning Learning Targets to Tasks, Student Recogrition, and Teaching a Lesson with a Focus on Feedback Strategies. Lesson 4— Summative Assessment Tools - Define summative assessment. “Compare formative and summative assessments - Identify the components ofa Test Blueprint, Create a Test Blueprint fora particular skill, Describe the gudelines for wtting multiple chole, true-false, and fl in the blank test tems. Apply the guidlines to davelop test tems. Apply the guldelines to evaluate developed tests. Define a performance assessment tool, = Describe the components of a performance assessment tool - Allgn surnmativeassossment too! to learning targets and tasks. Connect the actions of the 30 day lesson planning process to the Student Engagement Framework. = Identify the cormponents ofa 30 Day Lesson Plan Outline. - Explain how the weeky learning targets align to the 30 Day Plan. + Analyze sample 30 Day Plars. “Three Fleld Experiences: Creating a Test Slueorint, Develop a Test forthe Classroom, andl Strong end Weak Work Samples. ‘THE UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA ON eoouesn eA encoun ROMA ESEESTIO reer Univorsty of West Florida 11000 Univorsity Parkway Pensacola, Florida 32514 Regina J. McMurray Travis County, Texas STUDENT CONTINUING EDUCATION RECORD STUDENTS EUGELE TO RETURN TO CONTINU FOUCATION AT UWE ‘UMESS OTHERWISE STATO. Dr. George Blenders Pat Spaniol, MBA, CN B Prowosi/Seniar Vee Praslent, Ofector Academie Afar onarzota Regina J. MeMurrav ‘Austin, Texas Lesson 5— Student Engagement with Special Populations = Identify Piaget's Model of Developmental Stages. Determine ways to access prior knowledge. + Explore Masow’sHlerarchy of Needs «Research reaching students from low Income familes. + Summarize the process for Response to Intervention and special ‘education placements lentify components of Individualized Education Plans (EP) and 504 Plens. + Deconstrue 1s for lesson planning = Differentiate among Inclusion, resource, and self-contained settings. Compile examples of accommodations and modificatons for differentiating instruction. Explain natural acquisition for Engish Language Learners (ELL) Compile examples of strategies for ELL learners. Explain gifted education Explain differentiation of instruction for gifted learners inthe general education setting, Create lesson plans incorporating differentiation for special ecucation, ELL students and gited students, - Five Field Experiences: Developmental Profile, Assessing Prior Knowledge, Strategies that Raise the Achlovement of Students Ung in Poverty Dferentiation of Instruction: Accommodations and Modifications fora Special Needs or 504 Student, and Teaching Enish Language Learners. Lesson 6— Student Engagement and Literacy Analyze the components of teaching reading. Discover how reading is Important to all content areas, Outline strategies for teaching reading. Analyze the importance of teaching phonics and phonemic awareness in reading Instruction, ‘Outline strategies for teaching phonies and phonemic awareness. Analyze the role fluency plays in reading instruction. Discover the components of fluency and outine strategies for teaching ‘fluency. Identity the tiers of vocabulary words. Distinguish interactive vocabulary Instruction, ~Complle strategies for vocabulary instruction. Analyze gukded comprehension, Discover the benefits of planned questioning. Lesson 6— Student Engagement and Literacy (Cont) Outline the strategies for improving comprehension. -Fleld Experiences: Reading Strategies and Lesson Planning, Vocabulary Instruction, and the Use of Graphic Organizers to Teach Reading. Lesson 7— Student Engagement and STEM. Identity the learning practices of teaching STEM, Outline strategies for teaching STEM. deny the earning practices of teaching science: Identify the learning practices of teaching technology, engineering and mathematics. Align the learning practices with the New Generation Sclence Standards (GSS), Common Core, and classroom strategies. - Outline strategies for teaching engineering. Identify the learning practices of teaching mathematics. «Three Field Experiences: Sclence Strategies and Lesson Planning, ‘Technology Strategies and Lesson Planning, and Mathematical Strategles and Lesson Planning, Lesson 8-~ Culminating Feld Experience Develop lesson plans for culminating field experience, Embed a varlety of formative assessments in these lessons to determine student learning, Employ a varloty of instructional tasks or strategies to ensure all students ean learn, ~Teach using the developed lesson plans with modifications based on the Informetion gathered from the formative assessments Complete a feld experience reflection form after each day of teaching to reflect on student achievement. Complete 2 final reflection ofall experiences with TeacherReady. ele atl Spaniola| Director, Division of Continuing Education BA, CMP

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