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Performance in English Grammar by the

Residents of Purok 6, Brgy. Santolan

Palayan City National High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

of the
Practical Research

-Perolino, Roselen D.-

-Xinia May B. Mariano-
-Aileen Joy B. Palasi-
-Melvin T. Badillo-
-Alejandro Aguinaldo S. Mabalay-
Grade 12- HUMSS C
S.Y. 2020-2021

"Nostagla is like a grammar lesson, you find the present

tense and the past perfect"...........

Orban's comedy fillers
This research paper is highly dedicated to, our Almighty
God, to my parents, friends, classmates, teachers for their
fruitful help to finish this thesis together!!..........

The researchers would like to express his heartfelt

gratitude to the following:

Family. Who gave us endless support regarding financial

and emotional support. They also inspire us to give our
full effort to seek the best information we need.

Almighty God. Who gave us strength to get our objectives

and purpose of this study. Also unlimited knowledge to
depend our work, and guiding us all of the time as we
doing this research.

Friends. For sharing their time, of their knowledge and to

contribute their perceptions regarding to our thesis topic.

Teachers. Who guided us and critiqued our work, and to

give us an opportunity to experience how to make a
research paper. The one who inspires us to give of what
we can. They also allows us to give our own perception of
what we believe in, and lastly to face our weakness and
to make it one of our strength.

Classmates. Who become part of our journey while doing

this study. They also give us an opportunity to be a good
and better researcher that they want.

- Being a Filipino learner in the system of rules in
Grammar as well as to those person who equipped their

There are the survey questionnaire that led to sign by the

surveyor who permanently accomplished its solemn
information, it is also consist of coherent paging.

In the second-language situation, mastery of form does not

guarantee communicative proficiency, neither those
communicatice practice necessarily result in mastery of
form. This thesis represents of understanding in a way
through done by the survey test, yet it still a better
learning institutions to any of individual standards.

Grammar in focus
- In the bilingual setup, only grammatical patterns and
forms needed in the Philippine setting be taught to the
point of their mastery.

- Concepts, values, and skills necessary for young Filipino

citizens, not just to fulfill themselves as Filipino citizens of
the world, have been thoughtfully chosen.

- Try to explore the passion of joy and sorrow to

accumulate the reading skills and communications.

Table of Contents
Title Page.................................................................................l
Table of

Chapter l. The Problem and its

Statement of the
Scope and
Significance of the

Chapter ll. Related Literature and Studies........................6

Definition of

Chapter lll. Research

Population and
Statistical Treatment of
Chapter lV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation
of Data.........................................................17
Distribution of Respondents in terms of
Distribution of Respondents in terms of civil
Distribution of Respondents in terms of
Educational Attainment......................................................20
Perception of Respondents in terms of
responing to a cartinity of categories.............................21
Perception of the respondent in terms of
performance in English Grammar...................................22
Perception of the respondents in terms of the things that
affected of an
individual to neglect the

Chapter V. Conclussion and


Chapter l: The Problem and its Setting


English Grammar have started to somewhat thousand years

ago, it is a set of principles which a language function.
English Grammar serves as guide to ways that words can
be arranged and changed so that the people can
communicate easily and accurately.

All languages do not function in the same way. Latin

depends heavily on changes in the forms of words,
Chinese stresses the pitch of the speaker's vaire English
emphasizes the order of words.

Many Grammarians, believes that babies began to learn

basic grammar during their first year. By the age of 4 or 5
years old, children have absorbed enough of it to
communicate their thoughts. By the time they start school,
they have used grammar continually for several years, but
they study grammar in school to improve understanding of
their language and lot other language.

Just as some people drive cars better than others do,

some speaks and write more grammatically than others. A
language that does not change becomes a dead language.
Latin is a dead language because it exist almost exclusively
as literature written centuries ago. To change, a language
and its system that further be used everyday life.
Many people want to know what is " correct" or "
incorrect " English. A sentence may be grammatical or
ungrammatical, but no absolute agreement exists about all
usage and standard practices. The best guide to usage of
English is what is appropriate or inappropriate at any
particular time or place. Dictionaries and grammar hand
books can provide guidelines for appropriate.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, the major problem was to find out the

performance of the residents in Purok 6 Brgy. Santolan
regarding to the subject or topic in English Grammar, it
will help us to know their interest and will somewhat
influence us in good ways .

Specifically, it cought the answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
* Age
* Sex
* Educational Attainments
* Civil Status

Scope and Limitations

This study was on the evaluation of the residents whom

live in Purok 6 Brgy. Santolan, these are use to rate their
performance in English Grammar. It involved the
perceptions of forty (30) respondents composed of the
persons living in Santilan and were selected by random

The main source of data was the survey Questionnaire

which was prepared by the researcher and statistically
treated by the use of descriptive such as frequency,
percentage, means and graphical analysis.
The study was conducted for two (2) months.

Significance of the Study

The study will be significant to the following

 To the respectful residents of Purok 6 Brgy. Santolan,

because they will be informed of how important
learning English is not only they can gain knowledge
and performance from it, it can also be a rewarding
part of their lives, yet learning the technique of
Grammar in how it will use to the progress state of
our community, even in fulfilling their goals in life and
in obtaining their fruitful success.
 Also to the learner of any individual any of its type
of profession, that brings, importance and good things
to conduct more advantage to the real linguistic of

Chapter ll. Related Literature and studies

The History of English

The history of English is conventionally; if perhapse too
neatly, divided into three periods usually old English, (or
Anglo-Saxon), Middle English, and Modern English. The
Earliest period begins with the migration of certain
Germanic tribes from the continent Britain in the 5th
century A.D., through records of their language survive
from before the seventieth century, and it continues until
the end of the eleventh century.

The Ststem of Language

The grammatical system of a language governs the
way in which words are put together to form the largest
unit of discourse mentioned earlier. Grammar, of course,
varies a great deal from language to language just a
lexicon does, in English, word order is a dominant factor
determining meaning while the use of inflectional endings
to mark the grammatical function of individual words within
a sentence plays a clearly subordinate role throurgh
important in some ways {as in indicating the number of
noun the case of personal pronoun and the tense of verb}.
Other languages show markedly different paterns, such as
Latin with its elaborate set of paradings for nouns, verbs,
adjective and pronouns in highly flexible word order. The
semantic system of language has to do with meanings and
thus the relation between the conventionalized symbols
that contribute through language. The phonological system
of a language is what allows a speaker of that language
has to do with meaning into a flow uttered sounds that
can be heard and interpretd {accurately, if all goes well}
by another speaker of language. This system is always very
tightly organized. The inventory of meaningful units of
sounds within a language { called phonemes by linguistics}
is never very large compared with the number of words
and word of element with about 40 Phonemes are
identified by the fact in some pair of words they create a
contrast that's signals a different meaning we consider the
vowel sounds of trip and trap to be different phonemes
because the difference in the vowel sounds is the sole
determinant of their being two distinct words. Their
consonant sound are identical.

Definition of Terms

Bilingual - Using or able to use two languages especially

with equal fluency.

Certainty - The quality or state of being certain especially

on the basic of evidence.

Dimmutive - Redution or leas.

Coherent - Logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated

Grammars - The whole system and structure of a language

or of languages in general,
usually taken as consisting of syntax and morphology
( including inflections ) and somtimes also phology and

Language - The principle method of human communication,

consusting of words used in a structured and conventional
way and conveyed by speech writting, or gesture.

Respondents - A person who replies to something,

especially one supplying information for a survey or
questionnaire or responding to an advertisement.

Survey - Indicates the gathering of data regarding current

Spatial - Relating to space or to the facility to perceive
objects in space.


I assumed that most of the people have slight

uninterested and that they are most instead in doing other
things rather to focus on their intellectual studies on
English Grammar, and I found out that there are some
similarities of what I had assumed. The respondents are
logically interpreted that their performance in English
Grammar affected by act of not being such studios and
focussing only to peers or companions, but I also found
out that the reasons why they are sometimes considerate
to the subject because, it regards to their mutual interest
or to do it typically some reasons.

Chapter lll. Research Methodology

This chapter presents the descriptions of the research

design, the population and samples of the study, sampling
procedure, research instruments, the data-gathering
techniques, data processing and the statistical treatment of
the data.
Reaserch Design

This study is primarily a descriptive study using the

normal survey method, which made use of the perceptions
of the respondents as its main source of data.

Population And Sampling

The respondents of the study were forty (30) respondents
composed of people who residents of Purok 6 Brgy.
Santolan in a random sampling through statistical
manipulations of data.

Research Instrument

 The main instrument used in this study was a

survey questionnaire made by the researcher which
consisted of twenty-two (22) items about the status
perceptions of the respondents in Purok 6 Brgy.

Data Collection

The questions were disturbed to the respondents on the

last week of May. It the researcher is only one (1) week
to retrieve or collect the questionnaires for the data
needed in the study.
Statistical Treatment of Data

Data collection were classified, tabulated, and coded for

analysis using sample discriptive statistics such as frequency
counts and percentage.

The percentage was computed by using this formula:

P = F/NN×100
 Where:
 P=Percentage
 F= Frequency
 N= Total no. Of rrrespondents

Chapter lV. Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation

Profile of the Respondents
Distribution of respondents in terms of Age
( Table 1 )

Age Frequency Percentage

10-12 y/o 6 15%

13-15 y/o 13 33%

16-18 y/o. 8 20%

19 and above 13 33%

TOTAL 40 100%
Table 1 represents the accurate to the respondents in
terms of theire ages. The highest percentage was both the
ages of 13-15 y/o and 19 and above they got the 33%,
then the ages between 16-18 y/o got the second highest
percentage 20% which yield to the frequency of 18
respondents, while the lowest percentage got by between
10-12 y/o yield to 15% and 6 respondents, to its
frequency. From a total of 40 respondents.

This selected random sampling shows that most

respondents interpreted were the Ages of 13-15 y/o and
19 and above.

Distribution of Respondents in terms of Civil Status

(Table 2)
Civil Status Frequency Percentage

Single 28 70%

Married 8 20%

Widow/er 3 8%

Seperated 1 3%

TOTAL 40 100%

The table 2 represents to the respondents of their civil

status, the highest frequency was 28 the Single, married
got the frequency of 8 while the second third second
highest percentage of 20%, then both the widow/er got
the 3 frequency and its percentage is 8%, while the lowest
percentage got by Separated yield to 3% and 1 frequency.

The selected random Sampling respondents shows that

most of are single.
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Educational
(Table 3)

Educational Background Frequency Percentage

Elementary 6 15%

Secondary 21 53%

Tertiary 13 33%

Out of School youth 0 0%

TOTAL 40 100%

The table 3 represents the educational attachments of the

chosen respondents. The secondary level got the highest
frequency of 21 and with 53% with its percentage, then
the tertiary level got the second highest frequency with
the percentage of 33%, and the elementary level go the
least percentage with only 15%.
This shows that most of the random chosen subject are in
the secondary level, because the case of the surveyor is
more likely to the secondary level unlike to the other

Perception of the Respondents

Perception of the Respondents in terms of Performance in
English Grammar
(Table 4)

Performance in English Frequency Percentage


Ideal 10 25%

Logical 16 40%

Average 11 28%

Fair 7 18%

Spatial 1 3%

Unqualified 1 3%

Diminutive 3 8%
Table 4 represents the performance of the residents of the
Purok 6 Brgy. Santolan in English Grammar, the highest
frequency and its percentage was "Logical" got 16 in
frequency and 40% to percentage mostly the respondents
have due to their reasons why they chosen that of
subject, 28% for the average, 25% for the Ideal, 18% for
Fair, 8% for Diminutive, Unqualified and Spatial got the
same percentage 3%. Many respondents not well-known to
their performance and few of the respondents chosen the
Undurpassed, yet residents of Santolan have Fair
performance in English Grammar.

Perception of the Respondents in terms of reasonong to

a certainty of categories
( Table 5)

Reasoned in English Grammar Frequency Percentage

Misspelled Words 14 23%

Punctuation Marks 1 2%
Clauses 16 27%

Vocabularies 18 30%

Part of Speech 11 18%

Other(s) 0 0

TOTAL 60 100%

Table 5 represents the uncertianity of the respondents due

to the subject of English Grammar. The highest frequency
and its percentage was in Vocabularies, got frequency of
18 and 30% for the percentage, and for the the clause
which got the second highest percentage was 27%, 23% for
the reasons of having misspelled word, 18% for the part
of speech including much broad topic in English Literature,
then 2% for the punctuation Marks and also 0% for the
other(s). This states that more unlike have some
unconditional certainty to its weakness to English Grammar.

Perception of the Respondents in terms of the things that

Affect of an Individual to Neglect the subject
(Table 6)

Reasoned in English Grammar Frequency Percentage

Tardiness / Lazines 8 13%

Addicted from something 20 33%

Phobias among Teachers 6 10%

Favoritism among Subjects 8 13%

Not being Such studios 9 15%

Having some Illness 8 13%

Focussing only on Peers 1 1%

Other(s) 0 0%

Total 100% 100%

Table 6 represent the things that affects of being a

slow learner of an individual. The highest was addictied
from something which got 33% for Not being studios, 15%
suggests that illness is the one should involved both
percentage got the three subject. Favoritism among
subjects or Tardiness/ Lazinness, 13% conclude Favoritism
among subjets persecute to neglect the English Grammar,
having Phobias among teachers. This shows that the
respindents more likely conclude that Focussing only on
peers are the one whom engage a persons to neglect the
subject of English Grammar, and 1% for the others.

Chapter V. Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations


This research paper wants to imply the performance of

the residence of Purok 6, Baranggay Santolan, through
survey and to conclude some hypothesis of the assumption
for having thoughts about English Grammar. These were
considered of (6) six items about status and perception of
the Respondents.

This study of the performance of the Purok 6, Baranggay

Santolan was conducted in a random sampling. Most of
the respondents was too shy to cooperate and to know
their responds of the survey questionnaire. My conclusion
is that, the residents of Purok 6 Baranggay Santolan having
a fair performance in a subject of English Grammar. I
therefore include that this requirement in English as well as
practical research was likely to be a successful plan, also to
the respondents whom respect and cooperate to finish this
study. This thesis will shrine to its endeavor mechanism as
well as to the taken responds of the respondents.

To the chosen respondents as well as the residents of
Purok 6, Baranggay Santolan. Most people of our country
lessen their attention pertaining in English subject that is
why most people have some problem in writting skills and
communication towards our second language. I recommend
to know or to have some effort regarding to the subject
of English Grammar, like reading some of your references
like books in literature or workbooks that will enhance
your credibility in English. We Filipinos our one of the
country's associated to communicate and treating the other
foreign work and establishments by communicating our
second language, yet we also try to be persevere to
conduct in a helpful way in learning because that is why
we further acknowledge this from now up to the further

Appendix A
Letter to the Respondents
Palayan City National High School
Atate, Palayan City
May 1, 2021
Dear Respondents,
I am presently conducting a research study
on the evaluation of performance in English Grammar by the
residents of Purok 6, Baranggay Santolan: Normative Survey
Test, as part of the requirements in my subject. Regarding to
this, I am asking for your full cooperation in accomplishing the
attached survey questionnaire.
Your answers will be a great help for us
in fulfilling this study. Rest assure that these answers will be
taken with the strictest confidence.
Thank you very much.

Appendix B
The Performance in English Grammar by the Residents of
Purok 6, Baranggay Santolan

Name: Age: Sex:

Educational Attainment:
Civil Status::.
Direction: Please put a check (✓) and rate yourself honestly
based on what you actually do given the statements using the
following scales:
5 - Always 4 - Often 3 - Sometimes 2 - Rarely 1-
A. Performance In English Grammar
1. Ideal
2. Logical
3. Aberage
4. Fair
5. Spatial
6. Unqualified
7. Dimminuitive
B. Reasoning to a Certainty of Categories

1. I am afraid to commit a misspelled

2. I am confused on how to use the
correct punctuation marks.
3. I can't define clauses.
4. I don't have enough vocabuy.
5. I am alsays confused on how to use the
parts of speech correctly.
C. Things that can Affect of an Individual
to Neglect the English Grammar
1. I am always tired/lazy to practice
English Grammar.
2. I am always using my free time in
playing/ doing things.
3. I commit phobia among Teachers
during my previous years.
4. I am always thingking that teacher has
its favorite student.
5. I have certain illness.
6. I always focused only to my peer.

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 Cohen, Murray. 1977. Sensible Words. Linguistics Practice
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University Press.
 Davies Hugh Sykes, 1953. Grammar without Tears, New
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 Gere, Anne Ruggles and Eugene Smith 1979 Attitudes
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 Hymes, Dell. 1974. Studies in the History of Linguistics
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 Liebert, Burt. 1971. Linguistics and the New English
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 Lyman, R.L. 1929. Summary of Investigations Relating to
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 Parret, Herman, ed 1976. History of Linguistics thought
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 Robins, R.H. 1951. Ancient & Medieval Grammatical
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Leader: Roselen Dequiso Perolino

Assistant Leader: Aileen Joy B. Palasi
Xinia May B. Mariano
Alejandro Aguinaldo S. Mabalay
Melvin T. Badillo

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