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Exploring the World of Deep and Dark Web

Kritika Tripathi Palak Gambhir Gunjan Verma

Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
Indraprastha College For Women Indraprastha College For Women Indraprastha College For Women
University of Delhi University of Delhi University of Delhi
Email: Email: Email:

Ms.Nikita Jain
Department of Computer Science
Indraprastha College For Women
University of Delhi

Abstract—There exists a world, far beyond the imagination like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat all lie under surface
of the common folks, which remains invisible from the tangible web. Whether we use apps on our phones or watch videos on
world. This brings in the concept of Deep and Dark web. These Netflix, we are accessing the surface web. Even the torrents
webs are used by individuals to go invisible. They require a
special browser like The Onion Router (TOR) because these we download come under surface web. Even though we use
cannot be accessed using normal search engines like Google, all these to a very great extent in our day-to-day lives, we still
Yahoo, etc. TOR helps in keeping the location of the user are using a very small portion of about 3%to 5%of the whole
anonymous by bouncing connected computer’s IP address to web (see Fig 1). [1]
volunteer nodes where it hides the IP address under many
layers, like an ‘onion’. This paper discusses terms like Bitcoin
and Silk Road and how closely they are linked with the dark
web. A comprehensive study of Deep web and Dark web has
been carried out to find out how deep web can be used for
the welfare of the society. The paper also mentions some case
studies and measures(in the the form of acts/policies) taken by
the government to deal with misuse of either of these webs.
A systematic survey was also conducted to know how much
awareness do people have about deep and dark web.
Index Terms—Web, Deep web, Dark web, TOR

Since the 20 century, human beings are using web. Have
you ever wondered how much percentage of the web you
have used until now? The answer to this question is truly
very surprising. We have around 4.5 thousand millions of web
browsing people in the world [1] but only a fraction of people
would have at most used 7%to 9%of the web. These statistics
are just a rough estimate and the actual figures might vary.
But it does give us an idea of how we are still left with tons Fig. 1. Bifurcation of Web
of information that needs to be discovered.
We asked the targeted audience in our survey if they know Knowing that fact makes it very intriguing what all lies
about deep and dark web, and we were suprised to know that under the major part that we are unaware of.
only 47.1%knew about it. Also, we asked them if how many For the satisfaction of this curiosity, it is required to do an
people have used either of these web. Only 5.7%have used in-depth study of deep and dark webs. Through this paper,we
either of these webs. would be covering certain topics that are very intriguing.
The whole web is divided into sub-parts. These sub-webs There is a detailed analysis of The Onion Router(TOR),
are Surface web, Deep web and Dark web. The surface web is Bitcoin, and Silkroad. With that being discussed, the paper
the one that most of the population uses. From search engines will be mentioning some of the case studies related to both
like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and Quora to social media websites the webs and the steps taken by certain governments for the
welfare of their country. Hereinafter, the future perspective and information, organizing political activities, selling of drugs,
conclusion would be followed. weapons, and stolen credit card numbers, etc.
In our survey, we asked our surveyees if they have heard of
A. Deep Web TOR browser and only 26.9%gave a positive response.
The deep web or the ”hidden web”, as many like to call it, is 1) Onion Routing: Onion Routing is what enables tor to
a part of the web whose contents are not indexed by standard offer so much anonymity and privacy to its users. We know
web search crawlers. Hence, we cannot access the deep web that information travels across the internet in the form of
just by using Google or Bing. We need a special browser called packets. In Tor, these packets have to follow a path established
TOR or Freenet to access the deep web. Since the deep web by Tor, consisting of randomly assigned nodes, to reach their
provides much-needed privacy and anonymity, it has become destination. Your journey to a deep web page stars from your
a haven for harboring all the criminal activities like the illegal computer, i.e, the originator. The first node of the circuit,
selling of drugs, weapons, etc. But the original purpose of i.e, the entry point of the circuit, receives the IP address of
designing deep web wasn’t to enable such illegal activities to your computer and knows that your computer sent a message
flourish and prosper, it was made to fulfill the need for secure using Tor and it needs to forward that message to the second
communications and to escape censorship to guarantee free node. The second node then receives the encrypted message
speech to the people. Apart from these activities, the deep and establishes a connection with the first node. It can’t read
web is also used by many people who want to communicate the message because there is still one layer of encryption
their ideas and opinions without having the government to left. Also, the second node cannot determine whether the first
keep a check on them and by many whistleblowers who want note is the originator or just another node in the circuit. The
to share confidential information to the journalists without originator can then send a message via the first and second
leaving any trail. Also, the majority of the deep web sites node to a third node( or the exit node) encrypted such that
are dedicated to ordinary topics like political/personal blogs, only the exit node is able to decrypt it. The exit node knows
discussion forums, and even radio stations. Almost all the what the messages say because it has two to peel off the final
felonious activities that take place are on the dark web, which layer of encryption while it doesn’t know where the message
is a very small fraction of the deep web. came from originally. The exit node then creates a connection
to the webserver where our target page is located. The web
B. Dark Web server only knows the IP address of the exit node. In this way,
The dark web is a network of untraceable (invisible from the the source device remains anonymous. [6]
outside world) online websites on the Internet. They cannot be
accessed using normal search engines and to access them we
need to use software like The Onion Router. It is used by a lot
of people to keep their activities hidden. The government uses
the dark web to hide their secret official records. Criminals
and terrorists use it for smuggling weapons, drugs, and other
illegal things while being on a private anonymous network so
that their illegal work cannot be traced. Even trafficking and
stalking are being done on a very large scale here. But despite
all these inappropriate uses, there also exists a legitimate side.
For example, People here join Book clubs and gain access
to a boundless world of information that is not accessible
through the surface web. As the name suggests, the dark web
is not safe. Accessing the internet through a TOR network can
expose the users to a large number of advanced hackers in just
a fraction of minutes.

C. The Onion Router(TOR)

TOR is a free and open-source software that allows its Fig. 2. How does TOR Network Work
users to surf the internet, chat and send instant messages to
each other anonymously. Tor was originally called the onion 2) TOR(The Onion Router) Vs VPN(Virtual Private Net-
router because it uses a technique called onion routing to work: TOR and VPN both serve the similar purpose of
transfer data from one node to another and hides the IP maintaining internet user’s online anonymity and to evade
address of the source. Tor keeps the location of its users firewalls but the way they function is different.
anonymous by encapsulating the messages in multiple layers The key difference between VPN and TOR is based on the
of encryption, just like the layers of an onion. Because of the way messages are sent within the networks. In VPN network,
enhanced anonymity and privacy offered by Tor, it is often when we send a message, message is encrypted and sent
used for illegal and unlawful activities like accessing censored to a specific server. There, the message gets decrypted and
forwarded to its final destination. These messages coming they never become inflated from its overabundance. That’s
to our computer are sent to a VPN server. There, they are why a lot of people are starting to invest in these bitcoins.
encrypted and sent to our computer. The software on our However, one should keep in mind that the value of bitcoins
computer decrypts the message. When a VPN connection is keep fluctuating because of several external factors. This
established, we can continue to use the same server for the fluctuation can be very drastic in certain cases and also there
duration. The user in TOR uses spoof geo-location continually is no certainty that the value of bitcoins will increase or
by reconnecting until the exit node is in desired country. not. However, despite all this, bitcoin emerged as the best
Onion routing used in TOR is a far more complex process performing currency of 2015 using the US Dollar Index [3]
than VPN. It comprises of at least three randomly selected and its demand is increasing day by day.
servers, which a message has to pass through. Before reaching
the final level, messages are encrypted multiple times in TOR. II. A DVANTAGES OF D EEP AND DARK WEB
It is just like peeling an onion. Deep and dark web offer a lot of advantages. First and the
most important, it provides anonymity to all its users. It lets
D. Silk Road the users access censored data, private clouds, banned websites
Silk road was the first online darknet market which was and social media profiles. Highly confidential and important
created by Ross William Ulbricht ( alias Dread Pirate Roberts) databases like medical records, government reports, and legal
in 2011 [4]. Silk Road was originally created to promote documents related to the law can be found on the deep web.
decentralisation of governments and socio-political movements These webs offer a ton of opportunities to nerdy people as
against law enforcement agencies but later on it people started well, as there are a vast number of virtual libraries available
using it for the purpose of selling illegal drugs. Since, it was on the deep and dark web waiting to be explored. The deep
a part of the dark web, hence it had to be operated as a and dark web has a complete ocean of information related
Tor hidden service, such that its users were able to browse to academics, research, and what not, which its users can
it anonymously without any government intervention. Apart access. Not only private companies, but even organizations
from drugs, people also sold various other illegal items on like NASA and ISRO store their confidential information and
silk road, like weapons, counterfeit cash, fake passports, stolen valuable databases on the deep and dark web. With the help
credit card numbers, etc. The Silk Road lasted for two and of Deep web, we can also perform data mining and data
a half years before getting shut down by the FBI in 2013. scraping. It also allows journalists to do their job without
Ross William Ulbricht was arrested and sentenced to life in any fear of government surveillance. Apart from all this, there
prison. One analysis showed that Silk Road had nearly 1 are various forums and platforms available for games such as
million registered users and that it received about 60,000 visits chess and book clubs that allow people with similar interests
daily. Also, according to the complaint, Silk Road processed to network with each other. Plus, by using the deep and dark
transactions worth more than 1.2 billion dollars [5]. All the web efficiently, one can gain infinite amount of knowledge
transactions which took place in Silk Road were in the form of that would not be accessible otherwise.
bitcoins, which is a cryptocurrency used to keep the identity
of the people engaged in selling anonymous. III. C ASE S TUDIES AND A RTICLES RELATED TO D EEP
E. BitCoin Some case studies are worth mentioning which gives us
Bitcoin was proposed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009 [2]. an insight into the numerous cases in which darknet is being
It uses peer-to-peer technology to operate. The various factors misused for a very long time. “Dark net markets: the eBay of
which have contributed significantly to the rise of bitcoin in the drug dealing”, an article by Jamie Bartlett that was published
online global trade market are its independence, transparency, by, “The Guardian” [7] newspaper tells us how drugs were
anonymity and its transferability at a very low transaction being sold over darknet on a very large scale even before eBay
fees. Bitcoins are transferred almost instantly as soon as the or Amazon existed and how this illegal work is exponentially
transaction is verified on both ends. Bitcoins are created by a increasing. In another article “Inside the dark web: The truth
technique called bitcoin mining which is the process of solving is there is a lot of evil out there” by ”The Irish Times” [8]
complex mathematical puzzles by devoting the CPU processor focuses on the darker side of the dark web and gives us an
time of computers. Bitcoins offers privacy and anonymity to its insight into how anonymity can prove to be very dangerous if
users as whenever a purchase is made using bitcoin, the names given into wrong hands. “Inside the dark web’s online murder-
of buyers and sellers are never revealed, only their wallet id’s for-hire scams” [9] gives a very appalling impression of how
are revealed. crowdfunded assassination markets are live online in the same
Cryptocurrencies are changing the way Internet-connected world as we are living in. The only difference in ours and
global markets interact with each other, clearing away any their world is that those people who are running these are all
barriers related to national currencies and exchange rates. anonymous. While there are also case studies like “The not so
Cryptocurrencies are revolutionizing the digital trade markets dark side of the darknet: a qualitative study” [10] by Mihnea
by creating a free flowing trading system without fees. Since Mirea and Victoria Wang published on 07 August 2018 which
bitcoins are always available in limited number. That’s why mention how activism and journalism can be used as a weapon
to unleash everything in repressive countries. It also mentions scraping and data mining using the deep web. Furthermore,
the positive uses of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. Hence, we through the deep and dark web, Journalists have been able
can very well agree with the fact that darknet also has its pros to discover some crucial pieces of information and necessary
and cons. Despite having some rare, less-darker sides, darknet news, that one would not be able to find otherwise, without
still proves to be very fateful to the concerned users. going anonymous. Then there are whistleblowers who expose
the wrongdoing of government or private sector organizations.
IV. F UTURE P ERSPECTIVE Thanks to the deep web, these whistleblowers are now able
From all the details mentioned in the research paper, it to work actively for the welfare of the world, without any
is pretty clear that there is a serious need to tackle the fear of getting exposed. These webs are even used for various
increasing cases of crimes done using these webs. Although academic and research purposes by various people. As we
the government is making numerous laws, still a strict enforce- know, this topic is very vast and our research is still going on.
ment of these laws and acts is the need of the hour. Along Intellectuals from all around the world are still discovering
with this, some other things should also be implemented by new aspects each and every day that are very remarkable. So
the government apart from the laws. First of all, all those as a conclusion we can state that this research is a small-scale
websites which lets its users download the TOR browser must exercise. To get a better understanding, one needs to constantly
be blocked. This will in turn help in controlling numerous keep exploring technicalities related to the deep and dark web.
illegal activities happening out there on dark web, which
even the Financial Bureau of Investigation(FBI) is not able
to monitor. Apart from this, as the deep and dark web is We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude
accessed through the TOR browser, which works in a way to our principal Dr. Babli Moitra Saraf who gave us this
that helps in maintaining the anonymity to a very large extent, golden opportunity of doing the research paper on the topic
hence it becomes a very tough task to monitor all the activities “Exploring the world of Deep and Dark web” as well as to
happening over that network. But still, there are various highly our guide teacher Ms. Nikita Jain, who was a providing us
skilled hackers out there on these webs who can hack the users with support and inspiration throughout. Under her proper
within the matter of a couple of minutes. We would suggest guidance, we were able to learn a lot of new things and
that the government should hire a bunch of such hackers who explored a different world of web. Also, we would like to
can work undercover on the dark web, so that those doing thank Mrs.Shikha Agrawal who helped us a lot in the initial
illegal work can be hacked and stopped from exploiting these stages. A special thanks to Varsha KR and Nikita Jangid for
webs. Even there are agencies out there in many parts of the helping us out with the research and related work.
world who employ tactics that maintain the privacy of the R EFERENCES
normal users while unmasking the criminals. Such agencies
should be encouraged more and more. These small steps can [2]
bring about a great change and can help in creating a safe [3] nA nalysiso fC ryptocurrencyB
environment over the internet by letting normal users enjoy [4]
[5] oad( marketplace)
their privacy without any fear. [6] anonymityn etwork)
V. C ONCLUSION drugs-dealing-ebay
Through this research paper, a detailed study of the Deep truth-is-there-is-a-lot-of-evil-out-there-1.3653092
and Dark web has been carried out. Questions like what these [9]
webs are, who are it’s users and how are these webs accessed, [10]
are some common queries that have been answered through
this paper. A comprehensive discussion on how TOR can be
used for browsing the deep and dark web anonymously has
been done. There is also a mention of the case studies that give
us an insight into how the dark web is being misused, while
in the beginning, it was intentionally made for good deeds.
Through our survey, we gathered some rough statistics that
depict the extent to which people are aware of the deep and
the dark web and how they think it can be beneficial for the
young generation. It is pretty clear that the dark web is being
misused for the purpose of selling stolen credit cards, forged
documents, stalking, child trafficking, terrorism, drug selling,
and black marketing, and that too on a very large scale. Albeit,
the anonymity that both these webs offer turns out to be rather
very beneficial for some bunch of people. Take for example the
entrepreneurs that carry out very demanding activities like data

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