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Name:……………………………………………. Class: 8B0 - Week: 09

Class:………………………………...…………… Date: ……, 2021

Part 1: Choose the word whose underline part is pronounced differently from the
other three.
1. A. manufacture B. mature C. pasture D. agriculture
2. A. explosion B. exploration C. expertise D. expedition
3. A. chooses B. increases C. releases D. practices
Part 2: Choose the word whose stress is pronounced differently from the other three.
1. A. argument B. achievement C. involvement D. confinement
2. A. completion B. behaviour C. material D. understand
3. A. opinion B. comfortable C. powerful D. accurate
4. A. penalty B. habitat C. decision D. countryman
5. A. atmosphere B. emission C. disposal D. volcanic
6. A. economic B. considerate C. territorial D. continental
7. A. commit B. recipe C. index D. preview

Part 1: Read the text and then select the correct answer, A, B, C or D. Write your
answer in the right box below.
Although French, German, American and British pioneers have all been credited with the
invention of cinema, the British and the Germans played a relatively small role in its
worldwide exploitation. It was above all the French, followed closely by the Americans,
who were the most passionate exporters of the new invention, helping to start cinema in
China, Japan, Latin America and Russia. In terms of artistic development, it was again the
French and the Americans who took the lead, though in the years before the First World
War, Italy, Denmark and Russia also played a part.

In the end, it was the United States that was to become, and remain, the largest single
market for films. By protecting their own market and pursuing a vigorous export policy,
the Americans achieved a dominant position on the world market by the start of the First
World War. The centre of filmmaking had moved westwards, to Hollywood, and it was
films from these new Hollywood studios that flooded onto the world’s film markets in the
years after the First World War, and have done so ever since. Faced with total Hollywood
domination, few film industries proved competitive. The Italian industry, which had
pioneered the feature film with spectacular films like “Quo Vadis?” (1913) and “Cabiria”
(1914), almost collapsed. In Scandinavia, the Swedish cinema had a brief period of glory,
notably with powerful epic films and comedies. Even the French cinema found itself in a
difficult position. In Europe, only Germany proved industrially capable, while in the new
Soviet Union and in Japan, the development of the cinema took place in conditions of
commercial isolation. Hollywood took the lead artistically as well as industrially.
Hollywood films appealed because they had better constructed narratives, their special
PB.CH8B0.29.09.21 – Designed by Do Kieu Linh (M. A. TESOL) 1
effects were more impressive, and the star system added a new dimension to screen
acting. If Hollywood did not have enough of its own resources, it had a great deal of
money to buy up artists and technical innovations from Europe to ensure its continued
dominance over present or future competition.

From early cinema, it was only American slapstick comedy that successfully developed in
both short and feature format. However, during this ‘Silent Film’ era, animation, comedy,
serials and dramatic features continued to thrive, along with factual films or
documentaries, which acquired an increasing distinctiveness as the period progressed. It
was also at this time that the avant-garde film first achieved commercial success, this
time thanks almost exclusively to the French and the occasional German film.
Of the countries which developed and maintained distinctive national cinemas in the
silent period, the most important were France, Germany and the Soviet Union. Of these,
the French displayed the most continuity, in spite of the war and post-war economic
uncertainties. The German cinema, relatively insignificant in the pre-war years, exploded
on to the world scene after 1919. Yet even they were both overshadowed by the Soviets
after the 1917 Revolution. They turned their back on the past, leaving the style of the
prewar Russian cinema to the émigrés who fled westwards to escape the Revolution.

The other countries whose cinemas changed dramatically are: Britain, which had an
interesting but undistinguished history in the silent period; Italy, which had a brief
moment of international fame just before the war; the Scandinavian countries,
particularly Denmark, which played a role in the development of silent cinema quite out
of proportion to their small population; and Japan, where a cinema developed based
primarily on traditional theatrical and, to a lesser extent, other art forms and only
gradually adapted to western influence.

Look at the following statements (Questions 1-7) and the list of countries below.
Match each statement with the correct country, A-J.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1. It helped other countries develop their own film industry. A
2. It was the biggest producer of films. C
3. It was first to develop the 'feature' film. H
4. It was responsible for creating stars. C
5. It made the most money from 'avant garde' films. A
6. It made movies based more on its own culture than outside influences. F
7. It had a great influence on silent movies, despite its size. D
List of Countries
A France B Germany C USA D Denmark E Sweden
F Japan G Russia H Italy I Britain J China

Part 2: Fill in each blank with a suitable word.

Vitamins are substances required for the proper functioning of the body. In this
century, thirteen vitamins have been discovered. A lack of any vitamins in a person’s
body can cause illness. In some cases, an excess of vitamins can also (1) …lead ….to
illness. For example, sailors in the past were prone to suffer from scurvy (2) …that …is a
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disease resulting from the lack of vitamin C It causes bleeding of the gum, loss of teeth
and skin rashes. Sailors suffer from scurvy because they did not eat fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C which is necessary for good (3)…health………..
Vitamin B complex is composed of eight different vitamins. A lack of any of these
vitamins will lead to different (4)…diseases …….. For instance, a person who has too little
vitamin B1 will suffer from beri-beri, a disease that causes heart problems and mental
disorders. A lack of vitamin B2 results in eye and skin problems while deficiency of
vitamin B6 causes problems of the nervous system. Too little vitamin B12 will cause
anemia. The knowledge that vitamin deficiencies caused certain diseases led doctors to
(5)…cure ……people suffering from these illnesses by giving them doses of the necessary
(6)…vitamins……….Today, vitamins are available (7)…in…….the form of pills and can
easily be bought at any pharmacy.


Part 1: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Please and see us some time - you’re always welcome.
A. come to B. come about C. come round (ghé qua/đến thă m) D. come away
2. This is the most difficult job I’ve had to do. far(cho đến nay) B. by chance C. by all means D. by myself
3. You’d better stop spending money, you’ll end up in debts.
A.or so B. if not C. otherwise( tố t nhấ t là bạ n nên ngừ ng chi tiền,nếu khô ng thì bạ n
sẽ kết thú c bằ ng nợ nầ n) D. so that
4. One person…… in the world speaks perfect English.
A. from B. within C. for among D. out of.
5. The agency is ________ and not run for profit.
A. charitable B. donated C. voluntary D. free
6. He retired early ________ his ill health.
A. on behalf of B. in front of C. on account of (=because of) D. in spite of
7. Job specialization takes place…………of production is separated into occupations.
A. whenever the work is B. when the work (chuyên mô n hó a cô ng việc
diễn ra khi cô ng viêc sxuat…)
C. is when the work D. whenever working
8. The judge decided to……….the thief to three months’ imprisonment.
A.sentence (cấ u trú c sentence sb to imprisonment: bỏ tù ai đó ) B. prison C.put D.
9. I met Jim at college. It was the start of a………….friendship.
A. longlife B. prolong C. lengthened D. lifelong (bền lâ u)
10. Bats avoid………..objects by emitting high-frequency sounds and listening for echoes.
A. to run into B. running onto C. running into(va chạ m) D. to run onto
11. My father (nó i 1cach nghiêm khắ c) ticked me off because I used his electric razor.
A. reprimanded me B. was proud of me C. laughed at me D. destroyed me
12. I really must go and lie down for a while; I’ve got a ……………… headache.
A. cutting B. banging C. splitting (đau đầ u như bú a bổ ) D. cracking
13. I usually buy my clothes …………………………. It’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
A. off the peg (qu á o may sẵ n) B. on the house C. in public D. on the shelf
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14. The sky got very dark and soon it began to …………… down.
A, roar B. bath C. bucket ( mưa to) D. pouring
15. Anne wanted to go to the ball, and poor old lady Andy had to cough up fifty pounds
for the tickets.
A. easily save up B. unwillingly borrow C. reluctantly pay D. confidently ask for

Part 2: Supply the correct form of the given words.

1. Most show business stars would probably prefer to be called …artistes…. (ART) (nghệ
thuậ t biểu diễn)
2. I’m not absolutely sure of the details, but to the best of my …recollection……the man
who robbed the bank had a beard. (COLLECT)
3. The cinema was warned that unless they get their …continuity... right, they will be
closed down. (CONTINUE)
4. The opposition party has come out with a new …manifesto………………......, which it
hopes will win it the next election. (MANIFEST) (bả n tuyên ngô n)
5. The government is trying to reduce inflation with a carefully managed ……
monetary……………... policy. (MONEY)
6. After the recent war in Iran, things are now beginning to return to …normality ….
7. The accident happened with such …rapidity………………... that there was little anyone
could do. (RAPID)
8. Being surrounded, I think the best thing we can do to defend ourselves is to build a
…stockade……………….... Let’s move our wagons into a circle. (STOCK)
9. Ah, there you are – at last! We’ve been …waiting ………………... you for some time!
10.The latest package of benefits for the poor is strongly ……weighted ……………... in favor
of those who are most in need, so that in deed the poorest receive the most money.

Part 3: Fill in each blank with one correct preposition.

1. The child showed no animosity …towards ……..… her new stepbrother.
2. What you are saying amounts …to….... blackmail.
3. Mr Parker was under arrest …for….... exceeding the speed limit.
4. I was totally abashed …by…. his rude manner.
5. I have an aversion …to… spiders.
6. The tourists bartered …for…… the souvenirs at the local market.
7. When the children arrived at the fair, they made a beeline …for…. the ghost train.

Part 4: There are 8 mistakes in the following passage. Underline the mistakes and
write the correct answers in the space provided.
Let us suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your
children read any book they wanted to without first checking its content? Would you take
them to see any film without first finding whether it is suitable for them? If your answer
of these questions is yes, then you are either extremely permissive, or just plain
irresponsible. If your answer is not, then you are exercising your right as a parent to
PB.CH8B0.29.09.21 – Designed by Do Kieu Linh (M. A. TESOL) 4
protect your children from what you consider to be desirable influences. In other words,
by acting as a censor yourself, you are admitting that there is a strong case for censorship.
Children need protection and it is the parents' responsible to provide it. But what
about adults? Aren't they old enough to decide that is good for them? The answer is that
many adults are, but don't make the mistake of thinking that all adults are as yourself.
Censorship is for the good of society as a whole. Highly civilized people might find it
possible to live together without laws of any kind: they would just rely on good sense to
solve their problems. But imagine what chaos there would be if we live in a society
without laws! Like the law, censorship contributes to the common good.
Your answers:
1. read To read 5 . desirable undesirable
2. content contents 6 . responsible responsibility
2. of to 7 . that What
4. not no 8 . as like

Part 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to first one. Use
and don’t change the word given.
1. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem, but he was too busy. WORD
…I tried to have a word with Jack about the problem,but he was too busy(cố nch vớ i ai..)
2. “I don’t mind which film we see”, I said MATTER
…I said that it didn’t matter to me which film we saw…
3. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. COURAGE
…I lacked the courage to tell him what I really thought
4. People say that the pyramids are worth visiting. SUPPOSED
…The pyramids are supposed to be worth visiting ………
5. I was so shocked that I couldn’t react. WASN’T
…I wasn’t calm enough to react……
6. Only passengers with premium tickets mat use the executive lounge. RESTRICTED
..Use of the executive lounge is restricted to those passengers in possession of Gold Star

Part 2: Rewrite the sentences so that the meaning stays unchanged.

1. People say she ran away without being identified.
She is
2. Not until he reached 30 did he get his driving license.
It was not until he was nearly 30 did he pass his driving test
3.Even though he arrived late, he didn’t miss the start of the film.
However ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Late ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
4.The work completely failed and everyone was surprised.
To everyone’s surprise,the work completely failed
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5.How likely is the new venture to get off the ground?
What prospects ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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