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aaa) Lelagtare moa TTC M Coli eg Alejandra Ottolina > Introductions © 49 Listen to Mia, Max and Ruby introducing themselves. Then match pictures 1-3 with the © @i® Listen again and complete the profiles. age lives likes doesnt ike Gl ss © WX Work in pairs. Introduce yourself toa friend and say: your age, where you live and what you like doing in your free time. D> Vocabulary match adjectives 1-6 with their opposites a-f. 1. tall a. bad 2, fe b. small 3. fat short 4, big 4. young 5. expensive e. slim 6. good f. cheap © Choose the odd one out. 1 boots / trainers / trousers / explorer tired / nervous / swimming / worried bank / cinema / mountain station hailstorm / flood / science / hurricane knee / mouth / nose / eye brave / stubborn / friendly / temperature surgeon / milk / plumber / lifeguard b> Grammar © correct the sentences. 1 Own Dan and Megan is friends. Rita's favourite sport are swimming. Megan live with her parents in Reading, Rita don’t lke tennis. Dan and Rita don't going to the same school. Do Dan like playing football? Has got Megan any brothers and sisters? Beth is Dan's best friend and him girtfriend too, ite questions. can / you / swim / sea? your bestfriend / lke / chocolate? have got / you / any pets? there / a computer / in your bedroom? there / any good shops / where you live? ‘ean / you / speak / French / accurately? © WY Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. Can you swim in the sea? © Look at the words in blue. Which are countable nouns and which are uncountable? Add five more words to each group. bread * apple * tomato * money * ch er © fruit © milk * jul * grape t f I © Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with is/isn’t or are/aren’t. There is some fruit 1. There .. any apples. 2. There .. any milk. 3. There .. some bread. 4, There ... any chocolate. 5. There ... some grapes. © Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rules. too/enough The music was too loud, We couldn't talk It's too hot to wear a coat. He isn't old enough to watch this programme. We haven't got enough money to buy a smartphone. ‘a. We use too/ enough to say that something is | excessive (more than necessary). too /enough comes before the adjective. b. We use (not) too / enough when we think that | something is or isn't sufficient (less than necessary) too / enough comes before / after the adjective. We also use enough before / after a noun. For me, maths isas She @ order the words to make sentences. ‘enough / travel /alone / aren't / we / old / to 2. new//too / are / these /big / me / for / shoes 3. warm / enough / not /1/ am 4. tour / the / exciting / enough / wasn't / me / for 5. too/are / those / expensive / jeans . ® complete the sentences with too or enough. 1. The shopping basket is .. heavy for the boy to carry. Why don't you help him? 2. She says that she never eats .. food at midday. 3. Idon't want to go to the sports centre. Itis, cold today, 4. Your clothes are not formal .. for the interview. 5. think your cousin is not clever ... for that position. © Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rule. as/not so (as) We use (not) as... as to compare / combine two people or things. The adjective comes between / after as and as, We usually use so in the negative. © complete the sentences with as... as or not so (as) 1. Sparrows are not... parrots. (colourful) 2. Uncle George is a millionaire, but he isn't Bill Gates. (rich) 3. My cousin Timmy is... lam, We can both run a mile in 50 seconds. (fast) 4. Everybody knows that a panda is... a grizzly bear. (aggressive) 5. Wallabies are not .. kangaroos. (big) 6. Motor scooters are not .. cars. (ecological) P Language Database page 118 Hobbies and games Vocabulary 1 }> Playing games © GB match pictures 1-5 with some of the verbs in blue. Then listen and repeat. beat * cheat » count « give up * guess « land * lose * © complete the sentences with words from © (@ Listen to Lou and Will. Which of the exercise 1 games in blue do they describe? 1. My bestfriend is better than me. Every time Sn ee | play with him. 1 2. John usually... when he plays cards. He looks at @ (B®! Work in pairs. In turns, choose a game the cards ofthe other players! and describe it. Your partner guesses. 3. Iddon't know the answer. I'm sorry... ! 4. To start the game. ... and compare the number you get with the one your partner gets. 5. In Monopoly. if you... on ‘Go to Jail’. you miss This is a game for four people. aturn. Reading 1 © Read the first paragraph of the text. How many games are mentioned? BOARD eee Does your family ever sit together and play games? This fun activity is over 5,000 years old. Senet is the first known board game. It appeared in Egypt in about 3100 BC. Archaeologists found many Senet boards in Egyptian tombs. Backgammon appeared in GAMES — their pieces. The modern version of chess appeared in about 1200. The objective is to trap the & other player's king or to force the other player to give up. Monopoly wos the first modern board game. It appeared in the USA in 1935. aoa “= new games. Robotek is a game of strategy created for smartphones. It is like a board game because players take turns, Players save the world from robots of the Empire of Today, digital China in the year AD 600. Machine. Digital board games In backgammon, players 2g offer high quality graphics, roll the dice to move. They 7 Designers animation and interactivity. You can have multi-player games or play on your own; you can play with people sitting at the same table or in other countries. ‘And, of course, you don’t need a board, you can never lose the counters and it turned some board games into digital Cre is much more Sard pares" difficult to cheat! | > trap + pieces + tured a © @® Read the text and listen. Put the games in blue in the correct chronological order. 4. Monopoly comes from the USA / Europe 5. Robotek is / isn’t a game created for laptops. © What benefits of digital board games does the @ Read the text again. Choose the correct text mention? Can you think of any others? words, 1. People played / didn't play board games 4000 @ Which game inthe text would you like to play? years 90 2. The frat board game comes / doesn't come trom China 1 rte cecal Extend your wocabutary by making a ist of compound nous 3, The modern version of chess appeared didn’t appear in the 12th century. Grammar 1 D> Tense review: present simple and past simple present simple Ee ‘Ist and 2nd person be: singular and plural, ‘The first known game was and 3rd person plural Senet, Players build villages. | Some games were Do players usea dice? _| important in the past. The players don’t rolla | Where were these games dice. from? Chess wasn't digital in 1200, 3rd person singular: regular and irregular verbs. The winner takes all the | Archaeologists found Pieces off the board Senet boards in tombs. Does the game move fast?| Did the ancient Egyptians This player doesn’t cheat. | play chess? The ancient Romans didn’t create Go. @ Look at the sentences in the table and complete the rules. a. We use... to describe habits b. We use ... and... in questions and in the negative form to talk about habits is the past form of am and is... is the past form of ae. d. We use... to ask about the past with both regular and irregular verbs © complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. Every year, our school... (have) a chess competition, 2. Inever .. (take) part in it because |... (not like) chess very much 3. My friend Lucy usually... (win) the competition because she’s really excellent at chess! 4. Lucy .. (beat) all her opponents in last year’s ‘competition? 5. How long usually... (take) the champion to win a final match? Different tenses use different time expressions. Past simple: yesterday, last week. three days ago Present continuous: now af this moment Present simple: every day on Friday © choose the correct words. ‘Anand Viswanathan (1) was born / born / were born in India in 1969. He is a fantastic chess player. Anand (2) wins / did win / won the World Chess Championship in 2000, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012. He (3) played / plays / does play really fast and often (4) made / makes / make very precise moves. His mum taught him to play but she (5) does go / did go / didn’t go to any chess club or chess Lab. In fact, she played at home with Anand's brother. The champion’s hobbies (6) is / do / are reading, swimming and listening to music. PRONUNCIATION Present simple and past simple A. 4988 Listen and repeat. 1. a. Iplay with my friends, b. | played with my friends. 2. a. We look at the cards. b. We looked at the cards. 3. a. They study Italian ). They studied Italian. ‘89 Listen. Do you hear a. or b.? © complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in blue. become « study * call * be born * know * begin « invent « play © love « find Alot of children all over the world (1). with Rubik’s Magic Cube every day, (2)... ou who invented it? Erno Rubik did, He (3)... in Budapest, Hungary, He (4)... visual art and he (5)... architecture. Then he (6)... to work as a teacher. In 1974, Rubik (7)... his cube, but he (8)... it the ‘Magic Cube’ When Rubik first made the cube, he didn't know how to solve his new puzzle, but a month later, he (9). solution. in 2007, a Frenchman (10)... the first person to complete the cube in under ten seconds. © order the words to make questions. you / how often / play / board games / do? How often do you play board games? 1. board games / play / with /you /at/ do / friends / often / school / your ? 2. usually / with / do / board games / who / you / play ? 3. board games / usually / you / home / play / at/ do / what? 4. any/ board games / weekend / last / you did / play? 5. you/or/ lose / did / win ? 6. long / you / play / did / how ? 7. you / have /a/ did / time / good ? © WB Listen agai Adverbs of frequency: oc: SPP Seee ‘Where do they goin the sentence? © B® Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 5. A Language Database page 118 Listening b> Celebrities and their hobbies @ @B Listen to the report and number the hobbies in the order you hear them. collect Star Wars figures * do magic * play bingo * play the piano * sing karaoke . Are the statements true, false or not mentioned? 1, Robert Pattinson enjoys playing a musical instrument, 2. Robert refuses to play the piano in public. Not many people know who Fernando Alonso is. 4. Fernando Alonso is fond of playing magic tricks for his friends. 5. Cristiano Ronaldo never meets his friends in his free time, 6. Cristiano Ronaldo is a professional gambler. 7. Leonardo DiCaprio is not keen on comics. 8. Penelope Cruz likes knitting in her free time. Pao T US Fill in the blanks with only one word. Nicole Kidman (1) a Hollywood film star. She 2)... adventure and trying new things. ‘She loves () — sports. She often (4). skydiving. ‘She started skydiving 2 few years ago when she =i Vocabulary 2 © BY Work in pairs. Ask and answer b> Character adjectives questions about your character. i i ‘Are you © Match some of the adjectives in blue with cautious * sasygping pictures 1-6. Da@d Reading 2 © Look at the pictures on page 11. Do you know who he is? What famous film character does he play? @ Read the text quickly and check your answers to exercise 6. ‘No, I'm not. I love meeting people and talking to them, jealous « confident « clumsy * unsociable * serious honest © B® Read again and listen. Then answer the questions. 1. Dowe know how old Daniel Craig is? 2. Why is he famous now? 3. Was his professional life easy at the beginning? 4, When did he become world famous? 5. Which was his last James Bond film? 6. What kind of a man is he? Justify your answer. © GR Listen and repeat. © Match some of the adjectives in exercise 1 Sith thelr shteayms, © Read the text again. Are the statements true, 1. Mel false or not mentioned? 7 1. Daniel Craig only lives in a luxury flat in New York 3. dishonest i ri 2, He wasn't the firs actor to play James Bond in film, © Complete the description with the correct sea oatee cre ae oernyeto 9 Yer. pony aml sajactives freavecise dt 4, When he was a young actor he was very successful because it was always easy to get ot ‘My brother Peter hasn't gota lot of friends because he 5. He once worked with Tom Hanks. is very (1). and sometimes too 2) .: he onl talks 6. Heis the best paid actor at the moment. toppeople he knows well. Besides, he isn't @)...and 7. Quantum of Solace was his first Bond film. prefers to say only what is necessary. | am different. 8. Hels usually funny and talkative when he talks 11am (4. $0 often ask people a lot of things: how old ‘about his private ie they are. where they tive, who they lve with. ete. My He loves attending showbiz parties. brother always wears grey or blue Tshirts. | don't look 50 (5)... love bright colours and unusual clothes, Its fun! There is another important difference: my brother has got a beautiful girlfriend. I don’t, but I'm not (6)... atall ife is good now for the British actor Daniel Craig. [He is rich and famous. He lives in a fantastic house in London and he owns a. luxury flat in New York. He's good friends with supermodel Kate Moss and actress Nicole Kidman. He is, of course, James Bond, the world’s most famous spy. Daniel Craig is the sixth actor to play James Bond in the 007 films. Many people enjoy watching his films and they think he is amazing in the role. But Daniel wasn’t always so successful. When he was a young actor, it wasn't always easy for him to find any work and for a time he was a waiter ina restaurant. That all changed in 2001 when he became world famous for his role in Lara Croft: Tomb Raider with. Angelina Jolie. Then he starred in Road to Perdition with Tom Hanks, the British film Layer Cake and Steven Spielberg's Munich. In late 2005, he signed a contract for thre James Bond films. Casino Royale (2008) and Quantum of Solace (2008) were both really successful, but the most successful was Skyfall, released in 2012. In real life, Daniel is quiet and easygoing. Many people say that he is even too serious. He is a very private man and he is always cautious when talking about his private life. He doesn't like being famous. He hates going to showbiz. parties but he realizes it is an important part of his career and something that he has to do. Daniel says that he enjoys going out for a drink with his wife Rachel Weisz, a well- known actress, too. If you want to know more about this actor, for example what he is keen on doing in his free time between film shots, read the. Wee + sucessful « starred + released Grammar 2 b> Gerunds Pou Many people enjoy watching his films. He doesn’t lke being famous. What is he keen on doing in his free time? © Look at the sentences in the table and complete the rules. ‘a. Weuse a gerund after some verbs such as or b. We also use a gerund after some adjectives + prepositions. for example: keen ..+ -ing interested... + ing @ Write sentences using gerunds. 1. teenagers / enjoy / meet / friends. old people / often / hate / travel Mary / not / good at / draw / cartoons. 11 keen on / play / computer games / friends. some actors / not mind / sign / autographs. © complete the questions with gerunds. 1. Do you enjoy... to music? 2. What kind of music do you like ...o? 3. What sport are you keen on ..? 4. Are you good at... languages? (© GY Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 12. Daa TU) Read the text and choose the correct words. Mr and Mrs Lane are pensioners. They love (1) travelling travel all over the world because they are keen (2) at / on learning about different cultures and (3) meet / meeting all sorts of people. Mrs Lane was 2 history teacher. so she really enjoys (4) to visit / visiting museums and art galleries. Mr Lane was a language teacher so he likes (5) talking / talks to people from other countries, They usually travel by plane But they don't (6) mind / Love travelling by train or by bus. D Language Database page 118 Speaking > At home © GH Listen to the first part of Megan and © if Listen to the second part of the Rita's conversation. Choose the correct conversation and complete. Which film do answers. they decide to watch? 1. The programme on TV is / isn't very good. 2._ Rita suggests playing football / tennis. 3. They don't go outside because is raining / dark ———— Rita Megan Hey. do you fancy watching a DVD? Let's get some pizza too. (OK. What do you want to watch? ve got loads of films: ‘Alice in Wonderland’. ‘Avatar’ Robin Hood Oh, (1)... definitely It's brilliant. OK, (2). itis. Do you want to invite Beth too? Yeah, cool. Ill phone Beth now. i © Practise the dialogue and act it out. E&. Speaking Task © Prepare a dialogue between you anda friend. ‘STEP 1 STEP 3 Choose which activity you want todo or use your (BR Work in pairs. Take turns to act out own ideas. the dialogue. STEP 2 ‘Think about what you and your friend say. Do you fancy ..?/ Let's... /Do you want to..? Yeah, cool. /No, let's... instead, Writing }> A personal profile @ Read the text and choose the correct words. Manchester with my parents and my sister, Fiona, |1go to Park Lane Secondary School. This yeor ue got my GCSE exams, so I'm studying a lot. What do 11do (2) on / in my free time? I'm learning to play the guitar and I have lessons twice a week. I love (2) listening / listen to music too, especially reggae and rap. Once a week, | volunteer at a centre (3) from / for old people. | enjoy (4) talking / to talk to them because they often tell you really interesting stories about their ives. I Love (5) play / playing football, although | don't like (6) watching / watch sports on TV. | don’t often go out during the week because I'm usually busy with homework. At the weekend, | usually meet up with my friends and we watch TV or play computer games. Tonight, were all going to a party. m never bored! a © Read again and answer the questions. 41. Where does Tom go to school? Why is Tom studying a lt this year? What are Toms hobbies? What types of music does Tom like? What does he do at the weekend? Linkers: because, so, although Frm learning English because want to be an interpreter. | want to be an interpreter. som learning English “Although 'm nat very good at English. | want to be an interpreter. @ Complete the sentences with so, because or although. We usually go for pizza because's cheap. 41. Hove shopping, often meet my friends intown, 2. 'm learning to play the guitar. yet! 3, min a band, We've got a concert next week {'m practising alot this week. 4, I'm going to the gym a lot this month, get fit 5. like sports. 'm not very good Iwant to | don't often play them. ing Task OPian Make notes about yourself and include: Personal details: your name, age, family, town / city, character Activities during the week: school work, after school activities Weekend activities: hobbies and free-time activities Owrite Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph 1 Personal details Paragraph 2: Activities during the week Paragraph 3: Weekend activities © check CO present simple. present continuous. adverbs of frequency time expressions. gerunés tree-tme actwes, character agjectves O tnkers: because. $0 and although Wimbledon.................... ae Wimbledon tennis championship takes place every year in London! in the last week of June and the frst week of July, all of the Spectators . Half a milion spectators watch the matches live, The spectators eat 12,000 boxes of strawberries and drink 17,000 battles of champagne. Around the world, more than S00 milli people Ball boys and ball girls. On court withthe players are ball boys and ball girl. There are 250 in total and they all come from local schools. sf They start training in February and have to pass an History and famous players............5 ‘Wimbledon started in 1877 and its the oldest tennis championship in the world, Famous champions include Serena and Venus Wiliams (America), Rafael Nadal (Spain) ‘and Roger Federer (Switzerland). In 2013, Andy Murray was the © B® Read and listen. What do these numbers . During the matches. the spectators eat oranges refer to? and drink beer. a. 112.000 e 15 e. 17000 . There are 250 ball boys and ball girls at Wimbledon b. 250 4. 1877 4, Wimbledon started in 1977 and it's the oldest championship in the world. © Read again and answer the questions. 1. What is Wimbledon? © WE asouT You Are there any famous 2. When and where is it? sporting events in your country? What do you 3. What fact do you find most surprising about know about them? Wimbledon? © re the statements true or alse? © wesouesr 1. Wimbledon tennis championship takes place in ieee MR apa fg verte in London in the last week of March and the first the USA. Take down notes and share the week of April information with your classmates, Dea Progress check » Playing games © complete the words. 41. You shouldn't... when you play @ board game. That's dishonest! 2. When you L...@ match, you should congratulate the winner. 3._ Ifyou get the black card. you m...a turn. 4, To start playing, roll the d..and see what number you get. 5. Itis sometimes very dificult tob... our opponent. » Character adjectives © order the letters to make character adjectives and use some of them to complete the sentences. a. vitkkaaet —c. oulsjea b. simucy —d_osbienucla e. causctiu f. entocnifd Mark isn’t a very .. person. He is always asking if what he is doing is right. 2. There were some robberies in this neighbourhood last week. We should all be very when we arrive or leave home and make sure nobody is watching us. 3. Don't be so ..! Your boyfriend is only talking to Mary. 4, The new student seems to be quite talk to anybody and only answers when teachers. ask him. He will find it dificult to make friends. 5. My parents gave me a Labrador for my birthday but the puppy is so... that he breaks anything in his way, He doesn't » Tense review: past simple © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 41. Sheila. (win) the chess competition three weeks ago. resent simple and 2. Mybrother and | last evening 3. Mybrother often (not play) cards at 6 pm (cheat) when we play cards. © order the words to make questions and answer them so they are true for you. 1. you/ stay / did / at /last/ home / weekend? 2, you / family / go/ where / and / did / your ? 3. you/ good/ have / time / did / a? 4, you/ usually / there / go/ do / at / weekends ? 5. with / you / usually / who / do / go? » Gerunds © write sentences using gerunds. 1. Simon / like / play computer games. 2, Timand Sue / love / watch TV. 3, Maggie / not keen on / play tennis 4, Tim and Sue / hate / go shopping 5. Paul/ not interested in / watch TV Sarah / good at play football Integration Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Dae Recipients: Kate Subject: All about me Hil My name's Jane andm English but (0). (not Live) in England. vein France 12) (go) to secondary school in my town. |()..,study) a lot because the exams are very dificult. Whot (4) usually . (do) in your free time? ‘usually (5)... (tale) swimming lessons but my best friend (6 . (play) computer games. she ‘enjoys (7). (sit) a the computer for hours! m not really good at that but Fm excellent at (8) ..(draw) pictures of people. n fact. esterday 1(9) ~ (drow) a lovely p my best frien soo you Bes | | aril (essay Vocabulary 1 b> IT activities © Look at the pictures. Can you name the eq © Which of these things can you do with the equipment in pictures 1-5? © 4 Listen and repeat. © 988 Listen to Megan and Dan. How many hours does Dan watch TV every week? © Choose the correct words. 1. Ineed to store / charge my mobile phone because © (HBR Work in pairs. Ask and answer the battery is almost dead. questions about IT activities. 2. Our teacher stores / scans data on a memory stick. 3. You can download / charge any software from our website 4, This blog is really funny. I'm going to post / download a comment. 5. You can use my mobile to send / make an email, 6. use the Internet to do my homework. | go ontine / store data to search for information. How many spend read About two hours. What about you? 1st November News 24 THE POWER OF TECHNOLOGY Patrick and Leo are bath from New York. Patrick is 3 FY computer programmer. He > 7 Started designing websites when he was just 12 years old, Leo doesn't have a J. He was working for an insurance company when he lost is job. As aresult, he abo lost his apartment and became homeless. Patrick was walking to work when he first saw Leo, After that, he walked past him every day for five ‘months. Then one day he decided to help him. He offered Leo two options: $100 in cash or free lessons. in writing computer cade. Leo chose the lessons Patrick taught Leo every day for two months. He bought him a second-hand laptop. Wer Reading 1 © Read the text q questions. 1. Who offered help? 2. What does $100 refer to? kly and answer the © {W188 Read and listen. Check your answers to exercise 7. © Read the text again. Correct the wrong information. 1. Leo lost his job because he became homeless. 2. Patrick decided to help Leo the frst day he saw him, 3. Patrick offered Leo money. a laptop and computer lessons 4, Patrick bought Leo a new computer. 5. Leo found programming bering and he learnt slowly and three books on Java - the language of computers. Leo used Trees for Cars computers at school but he didn’t know much about them. At frst, he couldn't send Patrick emails because he didn’t have an email address. However, he found programming interesting and learnt very quickly ‘When they started the lessons, Patrick wrote a blog about the project, Many people posted positive comments, but there were also negative comments They said that Leo needed food and a home, not computer lessons. But computer programming is a very useful sill. You need it to build apps, websites or video games, for example. ‘And only a few months after he started his lessons, Leo built and launched his own app to encourage people to share car rides and reduce pollution. It's called Trees for Cars. Why don’t you download it? Read the introduction and the comprehension questions before reading all the text. It helps you find the answers ‘more quickly. Also, pay attention tothe ttle and the photos that accompany the text © Answer the questions. 11. Where did Leo work before he became homeless? How often did Patrick agree to teach Leo? Why did some people make negative comments? What can you use computer code for? How did Leo first use his new skil? WpRONUNCIATION Word si ‘A. How many syllables do these words have? 1. digitat 2. download 5. charge 6. document 3. Internet 7._comment 4. scan B, ‘if! Listen and mark the stress onthe words in exercise A. 1 gl Grammar 1 b> Past simple and continuous: when and while Perineal en ee My mum was cooking when | arrived home. ‘We were walking along High Street when I saw a lovely ‘smartphone. ‘Was Sam phoning his friend when his mum called him? ‘Yesterday Sam was texting his friends while his parents were having lunch, What was Sam daing while his parents were watching TV?| My parents were sleeping while | was watching film after| file, @ Look at the sentences in the table and choose the correct words to complete the rules. a. Weuuse the past continuous for ong / short actions in the past b. We use past continuous + when + past simple fora long action interrupted by a short one / two tong actions Fortwo long simultaneous actions in the past /future, we use past continuous + while + past continuous, © What was happening when Mary was having a shower yesterday? Look at the pictures and write the sentences. 1. While Mary .... her grandmother 2. While... her cat 3. While... her father 4. While... her mum 5. While... her dog © What was happening when Beth arrived home? Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. When Beth arrived home, 41. her brother Mike ... (not write) an email he ... (watch) TV. 2. her parents .. (look) at a holiday website, they... (not prepare) the meal 3. her sister Lisa ... not listen) to music on her ‘smartphone, she .. (chat) online, 4. her friend Jed ... (wait) for her. he .. (not use) the computer. 5. the cats Sammy and Fifi. (sleep). they {not eating). write questions about Beth and Mary. Mike / write an email / when Beth arrived? Was Mike writing an email when Beth arrived? 1. Beth’s parents / prepare a meal / when she arrived? 2. Lisa / chat online / when Beth arrived? Lisa / listen to music / when Beth arrived? Mary's mum / cook / while Mary / have a shower? What / Mary's dad / do / while Mary / have a shower? © @W® Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4. © Complete the text with the words in brackets INTERNET HELPS FIGHT CRIME! ‘Two weeks ago, a robber (I). take) David Reed's laptop when he (2). (sleep). Davidis a writer and he (3). (write) a book at that time —it was all on the computer. Two days ater. when David (). (try) to find another computer on the internet. he (5). (see) a laptop similar to his old one. David went to the seller's house to buy it. When he () .. look) at the laptop. he realized itwas his old one! What (7) David .. (do)? He sent a message to the police while he (8). (ask) the seller a lot of questions about the computer. Finally. when the police 9). arrive) they found more computers. The man was areal thief! | in the past simple or continuous. @ Write five past continuous questions about the text in exercise 6. © WX Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 7. P Language Database page 119 PAU aT Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Last year, my best friend (1) .. (go) on holiday to a ‘small istand in the Caribbean. She (2)... (see) all the island. She was really impressed! While she (2)... Wisi) the aquarium. she (4) .. (meet) Edward. ‘an old school friend. As he (5). (not be) busy that day, they (6). (decide) to go to the theatre in the evening. They (7)... (watch) the play when the lights (8)... (go) out, so they (9)... leave) the theatre and returned to the hotel. There they talked and (10)... (have) a drink tll midnight. > A social network © Look at exercise 10. Can you guess any answers? ® ABW Listen to an interview about social networking sites and choose the correct answers. science students started Facebook. a. Two b. Three «. Four 2. Facebook became available to anyone over 13 years old in a. 2004, b. 2005, «. 2006, 3. Facebook is not permitted in a. schools, b. some countries. «. allofices 4, American students say their favourite thing is 2. their smartphones. b. Facebook. «. their music. 55. What do you think the new verb ‘unfriend’ means? a. To argue with a friend online. b. To delete a friend from your friend list. . Tofind friends using your friends’ list of friends : & < Vocabulary 2 D> Jobs © Match pictures 1-6 with some of the jobs in blue. © @® Listen and repeat. © Complete the sentences with words from exercise 1. 1. someone who works for a newspaper and writes articles, 2. My cousin isa .. and he is not very happy about his job. The only good thing is that banks don't open very early 3. You need a lot of experience to become a good Operating on people is nat easy! 4, Myhusband is at home with a... They are trying to repair my new laptop. It broke down yesterday 5. You need glasses. You should see an 6. A...i8.@ person who is experienced in government or administration ‘Some typical endings for nouns related to jobs are: ian er, ist ‘optician, designer chemist @ Add one job to each word set. 1. technician - optician ~ 2. builder - graphic designer - 3. journalist - chemist ~ er ind * blind + reject + lens Reading 2 @ Read the title of the article and tick [7] the Words you think you will read in it. operation * laptop * scanne * lens + hospital * blood © © Read the text quickly and check your answers to exercise 5. © @® Read again and listen. Answer the questions. 1. What part of Martin's body did doctors implant in his eye? 2. Who was the first person Martin saw? 3. Do scientists think they can use the technology for other blind people? When most people think about Tew technology, they think about the atest mobile phone. They also think, ‘What is the most expensive smartphone? fsa smartphone better than a tablet?” But for Martin Jones, technology means so different. Martin was a was working when he had a terrible accident which blind. He couldn't see a 12 years. Then an optician t a revolutionary techno! Special optical lens th more expensive but o treatments, At fist because they though teject the plastic lens. that they could impla Martin’ body — in 2 t Martin decided to put the optical lens his eye. Martin was blind ‘opened his eyes by his bed— she incredible to see atherhom Advert people see again. This urse better than traditional gated and discovered na different part of ok out one of hs planted it into part of fe, Gill. When he she was standing we saw. It was me,” said Marti. science-fiction eye! ant his new technology + treatments, inthe future, They re operations, © Correct the wrong information. 1. Martin was blind when he was born. 2. Martin was married when he became blind 3. Doctors knew from the very beginning that the operation was easy. 4, The doctors put the lens in a plastic bag before putting it into the patients eye Grammar 2 D> Comparative and superla forms of adjectives Bee So Atabletis smaller This is more than a laptop. expensive than My digital camera the other. isnewer than yours. Your room is more technological than mine. Cree Cee What is the newest ‘mobile phone? What is the latest ‘mobile phone? What is the most inexpensive ‘smartphone? Iwant the most economical gadget. Pree the correct words to complete the rules. a. We use the comparative form of adjectives to compare two / more than two objects, animals, etc We form the comparative of short adjectives by adding -er / more to it. €. We form the comparative of long adjectives with ‘most/ more. 4. We add -estto long / short adjectives to form the superlative @, We use the most + adjective in the superlative ‘Two-syllable adjectives ending in -y: change -y to ~iand add -er than /the -est lazer thon Other two-syllable adjectives: ‘add more... than / the most (nore famous thon) © Look at the sentences in the table and choose © Complete the following sentences using the adjectives in blue. teresting * long * modern * long-lasting + importan A giraffe's neck is .. than a dog's neck. ‘Some books are... than others. Who is the ... world leader at the moment? ‘Are HP computers ... than Samsung ones? Has your friend got a... printer than you? Irregular adjectives: ‘good ~bol/er than = the est bad worse than the worst far—further than ~the furthest © Compare using the adjectives Speaking b> Out shopping © @® Listen to Carta and the shop assistant. What does Carla want to buy? Can I help you? | This one is on special offer. It's (1) shop assistant It's got an HD video (2) .... a music | player and dG mobil internet 6 Sure. This is a realy good one. ns £200, That's £75 then. please. a © @® complete the dialogue. Listen again and check your answers. a cea "What features has it got? Right. What about that one over 1 there? Can | (3)... it? Carla How (6)... isi? | Oh! That's too (5)... for me. OK. I'll take the other one. Here you are. Thanks. Bye. } ) © Practise the dialogue and act it out. E& Speaking Task © Prepare a dialogue between you and a shop assistant. STEP1 Decide what you want to buy or use your own ideas. STEP2 Think about what you and the shop assistant say: Can |help you? mm looking for Can Ise... ? How much is it? This one’s on special offer STEP 3 (B® Work in pairs. Take turns to act out the dialogue. Writing > A thank you lett © Read the letter and cross out eight unnecessary words. Dear Aunty Laura and Uncle Harry. How are you? l hope youie this well Im very busy at school. so that's why I didnt do write beforel Thanks very much fr the so smartwatch It was exactly what | did wanted! luse it all the time | can toread texts and emails take the photos and make Irealy Uke it. phone c I had a great birthday. When | arrived to home from school. my friends were waiting with pizea and birthday cake.| wasrit expecting oft, soit was alovely surprise! Then we all went tothe cinema Hope to see you soon, Lots oflove Lucian) 5 used in a thank you letter: How are you?! hope you're wel. {rm writing to thank you for. Thanks a lot / very much for my present. was exactly what | wanted! Hope to see you soon. Los of love, / All the best © Read again and answer the questions. 1. Why didn't Luciana write before? 2. What was her birthday present from her aunt and uncle? 3, What can Luciana do with her present? 4, How did she celebrate her birthday? © Match 1-5 with thank you letter. e to make expressions for a 1. fm writing a. Oscar 2. Thanksalotfor —_b. exactly what | wanted 3. Acamerais © see you soon 4, Hope to 4d, mynew headphones. 5. Lots of love. fe. tothank you for my ‘smartphone. . # Writing Task OPian Make notes for a thank you letter and include: Beginning: who you are writing to, why you didn't write before Say thank you: describe the present you received and explain why you like it Ending: describe what you did on your birthday OQ write Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph 1: Beginning Paragraph 2 Say thank you Paragraph 3: Ending © check ieatsinee O past continuous O Mactivities (1842-1922) was @ scientist, inventor and inScotland, but he moved to Canada ‘hen he wos a young man. Bell first invention when he wos just 12 and Interest in sound Todai Belts mather became deaf when he was a child and this started his interest in sound, He worked with deof students for many years and started designing machines to transmit sound os early as 1863. There are approximately 1.24 billion landline phone subscriptions in the world and nearly 7 billion mobile phone subscriptions ~ 95.5% of the world’s population! Inthe Uk, 93% of people have a mobile phone, and in, the USA its 90%, The first telephone Bell started to develop a machine to tronsmit the human voice while he was teaching n Boston in the 1870s, The result? The telephone. The first phone calL. wos t his assistant, Thomas Watson, on 10th March 1876. The first words? ‘Watson, Come here. want to see you. The Bel Telephane Company began in 1877 nd by 1886 over 150,000 people in America had telephones. © @® Read and listen. Answer the questions. ere wi 7 1. Whe /as Bell born’ © WEBQUEST 2. When did he produce his first invention? 3. Why did he become interested in sound? One of the great inventions of the 20th 4, Where did he develop the first telephone? century was the radio. Find some 5. How many people in America had telephones information about this invention and write by 18867 it down. Who was Lee De Forest? What did hhe do? Share the information with your classmates © avout you Discuss: 1. How often do you make phone calls? 2. How many people in your country have ‘a mobile phone? 3. What do you and your friends use the mobile phone for? Progress check » IT activities © complete the words with the vowels. 41. lean'tse_n ph_t__s because my scanner is out of order. I don't know what's wrong with it 2. My computer hasn't got enough memory to st_r_allthisd_t_. 3. Can you please wait a minute? I'm ch_rg_ngmym phn. 4, couldnt buy any ink. Can you please pr_atthisd cm nt forme? 5. Yesterday. my sister d_wnl_d_d alot of video clips and we spent the evening watching ther. » Jobs © complete with the correct jobs. 1. Mybest friend's dadis a... He is always talking on TV and explaining the problems that inflation is causing. He is a candidate for the next elections. 2. Joe works in construction. He is @ 3. Benisa.... He writes articles for The Morning Sun, 4, think my neighbour is a he operates on people. 5. My cousin told me that aspirins are not very ‘900d. She knows alot about this because she isa His daughter says » Past simple and continuous: when and while © write questions using the past continuous. Then answer the questions so they are true for you. 41. what /you /do / at 10 pm lastnight? 2. what / your parents / do / at 3 pm on Sunday? 3, you and your friend / watch a film / at 9 pm yesterday? 4, your friend / sleep / at 10 am this morning? of the (10) more great / greatest inventions! © what were they doing when the technician arrived at the office? Write sentences using when and while. » Comparative and superlative forms of adjectives © write the missing words. 1. Pandas are. than cats. 2. Isan electric guitar. expensive 3. What is the .. interesting book in this library? 4, What is... easiest job in the world? 5. Whois the player at the moment? aviolin? © write sentences using the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. 1. Mother / mobile phone / old / my mobile phone Nile / long / river / world Sam / language test / bad / class 9 Sonia / daughter / short / family My brother /car / modern / my dad gren Integration Read the text and choose the correct words. Mobile phones are a relatively new invention. They are ‘more modern (I) than / that the radio. Before mobile phones. there (2) was / were two-way radios in taxis, police cars and ambulances, but users (3) can't / couldn't ‘connect to the phone network. In 1910, Lars Ericsson (@ installed / was installing a phone in his car. He (6) stopped / was stopping at different places while he (6) travelled / was travelling across the country. Then he (7) connected / was connecting his phone to | the national telephone network with long wires. ‘The first real mobile phone system (8) started / was starting in 1956 in Sweden. Today. people (9) use / || used mobile phones every day. The mobile phone is one START Qe. Great! M... a your counter to R... the d... and saat number 85! start playing! Rufusisveryc....He ™ She's very cu... always wants to She always wears Don’t c...! It’s see phat : Happening the seat belt. him. Sheisp...a m Letmep...inthe comment now. memory s... ta show Let’s read. you my work. FINISH 2@ - are f = — bh very patient and "usually ha ae ————_F confident. en hands. Stop being so en i, please! Reading © Read about Daisy and her plans. What city does she want to vi Bary ‘Subject: Summer holidays Hooray! Yesterday | started university. Iimvery happy Tonight my best friend Izzie is having a party inher garden. om \Wete celebrating the beginning ofthe academic year - music drinks and friends! Ifit rains, well have the party inside Tim so excited because this year is special. Next ‘summer, im going on holidays with my friends for the first time. The UK has some very popular beaches. Some are peaceful others are wild. Some are good for walking and doing sports. These are usually full in the summer. Blackpools the most important seaside townin the Uk butalot of people know this, so ts usualy fll | spent my summer holidays in Blackpool when | was alittle girl My father drove all the way from London. loved visiting Blackpool famous tower It’s similar to the Eifel Tower in Paris! {im sure this is going to be a great year! Iknow Iwill ass all my exams and |will have alovely time with my friends in Blackpool, © Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. Why is Daisy so happy? Why is 2zie giving a garden party? Are all British beaches similar? Justify your answer. What can you do on a British beach? What is Blackpool famous for? gPeon © Complete the questions about the text in exercise 1 and answer them. 1. Why... full? 2. When .. Blackpool? 3. Who .. with? Grammar © Write sentences using the present continuous or the present simple. 1. Martin / not / usually / use his computer / afternoon. 2. My brother / download video clips / room / now. 3. The speaker / take / memory stick / out of his briefcase / now. 4. I/not / usually / print out documents, 5. Alice / often / cheat / at games. 6. Children / not / play / boring games, ———/ © Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in blue. Mary Burton was Robin Hood's friend. She alco (1) in the forest. She usually (2) ... old trausers and boots. Ske (3) ... any dresses or skirt One day, Mary wias in the wocds when she (4) a strange noise, What was it? (5)... it the King's men? Was it an animal? She was right! The King's ‘men were lacking far Robin, Hood. While the men (6)... for him, Mary (7) ... high up on a tree They couldn’? see her! Rabin was not there. While the King's men (2) ... in the woods waiting for Rabin, he (4) .. his girlfriend in a remate village. © complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. 1. Mylatis.. (big) than yours. Whats... (beautiful place in Argentina? Spain isn't... small than the UK. What's. (interesting) place you know? [think Italy is. (beautiful than France. [think French food is... (good) than ‘American food. Listening Paton TT © (@B Listen toa group of friends. What are Read the text and choose the correct they talking about? words. a. their ambitions Hadrian's Wall is a Roman wall (1) in / at the north. b. a problem with a mobile phone of England, Roman Emperor Hadrian (2) build / built cc. the biggest shopping centre in town it and for centuries it was big enough to stop the Barbarians invading England. When the Romans © (83 Listen again and answer the questions. @) left /to Leave Britain, at the beginning of the J. What is James's problem with his new mobile ‘5th century. the wall became a ruin. Then. in the phone? ‘19th century, John Clayton. a town clerk, (4) was 2, What was James doing when the phone stopped planning / planned the reconstruction of the wall. working? Now itis one of the most popular attractions in the 3. What did Sarah have a problem with? area. You cannot walk on the entire wall (5) so / 4, What is the exhibition at the museum about? because it is too old but if you have enough time. 5. Why does Mark want to go to the shopping centre? you can walk next to the wall for 135 km. Collaborative Task Present your poster to yyour classmates. Vote for the best piece of work. © Read the text. Are the statements ‘Right’ (a) or ‘Wrong’ (b}? If there is not enough information to decide, choose ‘Doesn't say’ tcl. ini See 15th May "When I passed my final exams last year, my parents gave me a 32-inch high definition TV for my bedroom. | will never forget that day. My mum was cooking when | arrived home from school and I told her the good news, so she showed me the big box on my desk. | opened it and saw the lovely TV set. That day | went to bed really late | was thrilled. My parents were sleeping while | was watching film after film. | was so happy! Now it is right in front of my bed, so | can watch my favourite films or series while | am in bed Elcomments 39 1. Thomas's parents gave him a new smartphone last year. a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn't say 2. That day, when Thomas came back home. his mum was busy doing the gardening, a. Right b. Wrong ©. Doesn't say Upgrade for Exams EJ 3. There was a big box on Thomas's desk when he got home. a. Right b. Wrong . Doesn't say 4. Thomas called his friends at once. a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn't say 5. Thomas didn't watch any films that day a. Right b. Wrong c. Doesn't say 6. Thomas usually goes to bed early. a. Right b. Wrong ©. Doesnt say © Choose the correct answers. 1. Isyour sister taking photos with her new digital camera? a. I don't know. b. Itis today. . Itis old enough, 2. See you on Monday at 6. a. Ican't see. bb Is that today? . Try to be punctual. 3. Why/s your brother having a party next weekend? a. Lets turn iton then. b. think it's his birthday. c._Ithink he can't make it. 4. I'm sure itis going to be a great year! a. Before 4.30, b. Mum agreed to take it c. Why do you say so? 5. How often does your best friend go cycling? ‘a. Hes there right now. b. I don't know. c. His father did 6. Let me plug in my memory stick to show you my project. 2. A problem with your mobile phone. b. Its disgusting. . Do you want to use my laptop? Cir Vocabulary 1 D> Fundraising ideas © 9 match pictures 1-5 with some of the ideas in blue. Then listen and repeat. © complete the text with words from exercise 1. © Aili Listen to Dan and Megan. What After the earthquake in Haiti. lots of people from around the world wanted to help. They collected ‘money in the street and sold (1)... with messages such as ‘We are all from Haiti! Schoolchildren did (2)... walks and swims to raise money and some organized (3)... with ther toys4in the USA. a family had a (4). in their garden and sold burgers to their neighbours| They gathered an important amount of money which they deposited in a bank account.\in many countries, pop stars worked together to (5) CDs, Everyone wanted to help fundraising idea do they choose for their class? © B® Work in pairs. Discuss fundraising ideas for a school trip. Tthink organizing a jumble sale is a 90 everyone can buy so ou are right. But selling iges is better because they are not expensive, Reading 1 © Read the text quickly and choose 2. How to build your own school Have you ever noticed whenever t people dedicate their lives to helpi Here are two examples. PRIGIY COALS Felicity Marks spent four months teaching children at The Street Academy in Accra, Ghana. She wanted to do more ta help the city’s children so she started a charity called the Street Academy Annexe Project © @ Read again and listen. Ar e the best title. b. here's a natural disaster people respond by donating time and money? But some jing others. The Street Academy offers free education to children aged 8-18, as well as books and meals. At the beginning, the building was a small wooden hut andi had only one classroom. The aim ofthe project was to build a school with better facilities. Her charity then partnered with the Street Child Empowerment Foundation (SCEF) and organized quiz nights, sold cakes and did sponsored walks and skydives. Thanks to their hard work and all the people who helped them, they completed building work in July 2014 and the SCEF Learning Hub has been running there ever since For all these years, volunteers ethe Ideas for fundraising projects © Read the text again. Answer the questions. Two inspiring fundraisers IMARIA}SCHONFELO, Maria Schonfeld is the co-founder ofacharity called Akosia. The aim of Akosiais to develop the creativity and confidence of deprived children around the ‘world. They also learn about cooperation and teamwork. Akosia has organized a film- ‘making project for children in Ghana every year since 2009 Iehas set up similar projects inMexico and Mongolia. The charity has organized fundraising dinners, music festivals and sports tournaments Ithas also used platforms like Kickstarter to collect money online Mariais passionate about helping children and believes that the sky is the limit for Akosial at the SCEF Learning Hub have been working to empower children and their families, especially through education, reer + wooden hut + deprived teamwork + set up statements true or false? 1. How long was Felicity at The Street Academy? 1. Felicity started her charity to help to pay for a new 2. What do children receive at The Street Academy? building, 3. What did The Street Academy need? 2. The academy started the construction of the new 4, What do children learn on Akosia projects? building, 5. Where has Akosia organized projects? 3. Maria started Akasia on her own, Maria is optimistic about the future of Akosia. Grammar 1 © Write complete sentences with the present perfect affirmative or negative. >> Present perfect 1, 1/do/a sponsored swim. X fire ead My friends / have / lots of barbecues. / SRG ose peonestadlee le We / organize / a jumble sale. X Ba They've organized quiz nights. He / buy /a raffle ticket. X My brother / collect / second-hand books fora bring and buy sale. / 6. My mum / raise / £2,000 for charity. She hasn't finalized the plans. They haven't raised enough money. © Look at the sentences in the table and answer the questions, PRONUNCIATION 1. Which past participle is irregular? Con . ast time expression wit sent 2 ae Se inepresent | a. iH Read, listen and repeat the sentences. 3. Dowe use the present perfect for actions that ispasted’ ea rc aa 1. I've done a sponsored swim. 2. You haven't finished your homework. 3. She hasn't got a badge © Complete the sentences with the present castes anlar cae Perfect form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My dad... (build) a swimming pool in our garden B, GHB Listen and repeat the sentences. 2. We... (not see lots of films in English 3. She... (organize) a jumble sale 4. He... (write) lots of emails asking for help. ficteneacs 5. I... (not sell) cakes for charity Have you (over) dota meee aA ‘No. | haven't. | have never done a sponsored swim. © Write what has just happened. EX Has Felicity (ever) sold badges? Yes, she has, She sold badges when she was teenager. @ Look at the questions in the table. What are the short answer forms? We can use ever in questions to ask about experience, We use never in affirmative sentences to give them a negative meaning In affirmative answers. we should say when we id the action, © Write questions. Use the present perfect and ever, sell raffle tickets for charity Have you ever sold raffle tickets for charity? collect money for charity learn to play @ musical instrument doa sponsored swim buy a charity badge meet a famous person pRene © @WY* Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 6. © @® choose the correct words. Then listen and check your answers. Have you (1) ever / never ridden a horse. Colin? Colin No. (2) have / haven't. (3) Have / Had you? Gina No, | haven't. 've (4) ever / never done anything interesting Colin I don't believe you. Everyone's (5) done / doing something interesting 116) haven’t / hasn't OK. have you ever (7) meet / met a famous person? No, Have (@) you / she? Colin Erm... yes. I know. (9) have you / you have ever eaten Thai food? No, I've (10) ever / never eaten it Colin Have you ever (11) been / being in a film? Gina You mean as an actor? Colin Yes. Well. (12) had / have you? Gina Yes. (13) have / did. But years ago. I've (14) forgotten / forgetted all about it. ‘P Language Database pages 120 & 121 Listening b> Charity hotline © WB Listen toa radio interview with two students about fundraising activities and answer the questions. 1. Why was Maria tired after her sponsored swim? 2, How much money did Simon and Ben collect? Ooms jen again and choose the correct answers. 1. How long has Maria been able to swim? Since 2006 b. For six years. Since she was six. d. For six months. 2. How many friends did she do the sponsored swim with? a One. c. Three. b. Two. d. Four, 3. How far did they swim? a. 1,500 metres, b. 1,650 metres, c. 1,560 metres, d. 1,600 metres, 4, How many cars have Simon and Ben washed? a 106. «16 b. 10, d. 116, 5. What other fundraising activities have Simon and Ben done? a. Ajumble sale anda raffle. b. Abring and buy sale. ¢. Asponsored walk. d. Abarbecue and selling sweets. © WB Listen again. Are the statements true, false or not mentioned? 1. Simon and Maria attend the same school. 2. Maria doesn't know how much money she and her friends have raised so far. 3. Maria's father was an Olympic swimmer. 4, Maria swam for about two hours. 5. Simon advertised his activity on TV. 6. Simon says he will never wash cars again. Correct the sentences. 1, We has done lots of different things to raise money. 2. He has been not to Ghana many times. Vocabulary 2 b> make and do © Do we use make or do with the words in blue? © Wi Listen, check and repeat. © Match pictures 1-6 with phrases from exercise 1, © Complete the questions with the correct form of make or do. Have you ever done any charity work? 1. What... you happy? 2. Which people .. you laugh? 3. What's the biggest mistake you have ever ..? 4, How often do you .. someone a favour? How often do you ... exercise? What's the most difficult decision you have ever ..? Where do you usually... your homework? What's the best way to... alot of money? © B® Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 4. Reading 2 © Look at the picture and answer the questions, 1. Have you ever heard of Selena Gomez? 2. What do you know about her? © Read the text q mentioned? ly. How many charities are famous for over ten years. She's an actress and a pop singer. She's starred im hit TV series and her band, Selena Gomez and the Scene, have released ahit album called Kiss & Tell. She’s a busy girl and she makes a lot of money! But Selena finds time to do lots of charity work too. She supports Island Dog, a charity that helps dogs in Puerto Rico, and RAISE Hope for Congo, a charity that campaigns against violence against Congolese women. In addition, she has helped raise over #500,000 for the Lupus Research Alliance, a cause that has affected her personally. Since August 2009, Selena has been a UNICEF Goodwill Ambessador. She has been to Ghana to visit children who are living without enough food or clean water. She realized that she was publici their problems by visiting Ghana. This is what being a Goodwill Ambassador is all about -~moking people eware MaadeaideialESs of the world’s problems and Pama encouraging them to help. cenae + encouraging © HB Read again and listen. Check your answers to exercise 7. Then answer the questions. 1. How long has Selena been famous? 2. What charities does she work for? 3. When did she become a UNICEF Goodwill ‘Ambassador? 4, Why did she visit Ghana for UNICEF? 5. Why are Goodwill Ambassadors important? © WY Work in pairs. Discuss: Do Goodwill Ambassadors do an important job? Yes, because they publicize problems ‘around the world ‘No, because they are rich and famous. They don’t really help poor people, Grammar 2 b> forand since present perfect with forand since How long has she been a Goodwill Ambassador? She's been an Ambassador since August 2009, She's been an Ambassador for more than a year. © Look at the sentences in the table and complete the rules. Choose the correct words. a. We use for / since with a period of time. b. We use for / since with a point in time © Write the time expressions in blue in the correct column. © Complete the sentences with for or since. I've lived in London since | was born, 1. Jed's been at home ... two hours. 2. Ihaven't played tennis 3. He hasn't done a sponsored walk .. he was 13. 4. Mysister has known her bestfriend ... a long time. Iwas ten © write questions with How long ...? you / be / at this school? 1. he/ know / his best friend? 2. you/ study / English? 3. you / have / your mobile phone? 4. you / live /in your home? 5. they/have / their pet? © WE Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in exercise 13. “How long have you known your best friend? Tve known him for ten years, Pay) Complete the text using for or since. My hero is my grandfather. He's 80 years old. He loves football and he has watched every Arsenal game (1). 1981, He hasn't missed a game (2)... the day he got married - it was a Saturday. He's been married (3). over 60 years and he and my grandma have lived with us (4)... five years. He loves music and he's been a fan of hip hop (5) 2007 when | played him one of my hip hop CDs. He's the coolest grandfather in the world. Language Database page 121 Speaking D> A sponsored walk © 9 Listen to the first part of Megan and © @S Listen to the second part of the Mr Rodmell's conversation. Why is Megan conversation and complete. talking to him? | Would you like to. sponsor me? oo Yes, OK Which chanty § is it for? 2 OK. give you @)... amile. ) Great. Thanks. aD 'm doing a sponsored (1) Mr Rodmell (reat. Thanks, Mr Rodmelt © Practise the dialogue and act it out. & Speaking Task Prepare a dialogue between you and a friend. STEP1 STEP2 Choose an event or use your own ideas. Think about what you and your friend say. Would you like to? Which charity i for? Event feeke fy STEP3 eter pone (BOR Work in pairs Take turns to Offer: makea chece cake Charity fagithee When?: et Thursday Foci Offers ero by When oh Sanday A ng b> A magazine article @ Read the text and choose the correct words. Year 10 students from Highbury School, south Kensington, have raised over £1,500 (I) from / for the RSPCA, Organizer Harriet once said, Have you (2) ever /never seen an animal in poor condition in the street, without food or without water? We wanted to do something (3) helping / to help animals because many of us have pets and we are all animal Lovers. Besides, we all enjoy walking, so we decided to (4) do / make a sponsored walk at the local park’ Parents, friends and teachers gathered at the park to support the students. Alice Brown, a Year 10 student told us, We have worked ~ on this project (5) since / for about a year. We have _ collected a lot of money and more than 300 people have _ promised sponsorship. Thisis a good start. Although we are young and inexperienced, this sponsored walk has been a great success (6) but / and we are very happy. We hopeit becomes an annual event because with the money we collect we can help the RSPCA. the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. © Read again and answer the questions. 11. Which charity did the Highbury School students want to help? Why? 2. Why did they do a sponsored walk? 3. How did people react? Linkers: revision * so: consequence We lave animals. so we decided to help the RSPCA, * because: reason We worked hard becouse we needed money. « although contrast _Allhough the venue was far from our town, many people attended the event @ Join the sentences using so, because or although. 1. Many people are cruel to their pets. Some animals, die each year. 2, The school advertised the sponsored run. Not many people participated. 3. 'm going to buy a raffle ticket. | want to support that charity. 4, We can't goto your bring and buy sale. We are going away this weekend. 5. I don't donate money. | help a local charity selling badges, f wiiti OPian Make notes about a real or an imaginary charity event and include: Introduction: ¢he organizers, the amount of money raised, description of the event Description of charity: which charity, reasons ing Task for choosing it Final comment: she success of the event, any plans to repeat in the future OQ write Use the text, your notes and this structure: Paragraph |: Introduction Paragraph 2. Description of charity Paragraph 3: Final comment © check CO present perfect. forand since fundraising ideas. make and do a eeetoelercaelel sesh

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