6 History Poems

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Poem 1

The 8th to last Dauntless dive bomber used by the Navy was built in 1944. It was assigned to a Navy
pilot who worked with aircraft manufacturers in the Baltimore area then 46 to 48 was at Norfolk. It was
used by a skywriting company for 2 years that found its operating cost too high compared to other
civilian and war surplus aircraft firm was using so it was sold to government run company of Mexico. It
was used for 15 years as Mexico’s main photo mapping aircraft. It became one of the first single engine
aircraft restored to military appearance as far as FAA would let it and still be allowed to be flown

The 8th to last SBD Dauntless

Never to carry a crew to earn a Navy Cross sinking a ship of the Rising Sun or proving close air support to
ground warfighters facing the Banzai yell and thrusts of Arisaka bayonets

SBD Dauntless 54532 is flown from the factory airfield in 44 and assigned to pilots serving to oversee
flight testing and acceptance of government aircraft and monitor the aircraft loaned to contractors to
improve the components and weapons that by their stateside use give the allies the advantage winning
the war .They give E awards or recommendations for liquidated damages

Over the Fairfield shipyard it flies on the routes to Pax River and Norfolk where a 18 foot locomotive
built by Porter the size of a motel cottage on Route 1 highway gives a smooth rhythm by its siderods
contrasting the cacophony of shipbuilding .

Two future relics of North American of transportation history sharing the same quadrants

The Dauntless will become one of the first World War II flying museum aircraft and the steam
locomotive preserved as one of the last 100 used in operational commerce in the USA.

On flights from Baltimore to Chincoteague NAS , its engine adds decibels to the call of the snow geese,
eagles, and redwing black birds over the waters, mixed hardwood forest and pine that adjoin the
tobacco, the corn and wheat fields that Harriet Tubman harvested and in which she developed her
talents for stealth and reconnaissance that culminates in the Cumbahee Ferry Raid

The disposition of the industrial capacity is decided and some designs remain coming off the line to deal
with the now menacing bear and the teachings of new variants of Lenin and Marx continuing to cause
death by knives, fire, gunshots and hangings in Asia.

To Norfolk’s air station for use as a flight proficiency aircraft as the era of the specialized single engine
bomber with whistle of dive brakes becomes a sound heard on only a few bases and soon to just be on
record like the call of the Ivory billed woodpecker .

The transfer to the civil register gives it another service life while most Dauntless are recycled to make
Ford sedans and long Cadillac’s and A-1 Skyraiders

Tanks of heated chemicals make the alphabet appear in the air

It bleads red on the balance sheet less costly motors are available

To a government run corporation of Mexico it goes

The capacity for defensive armament and preparing the battlefield replaced with cameras to make
flashes of photogrammetry not detonation of ordnance over Vera Cruz and the routes to the Halls of
Montezuma and over the Sonoran Desert where many colors of cactus flowers form appearance of
natural 16th century mission church windows not just one shade of yellow as found at Cape Henry

It goes from one decade being directed on flights arranged by the aggregation of intelligence
information to generating photographic data for forest attribute maps made with plotters used in or
with designs improved by the clash of the rising sun , the evil eagle of the Baltic and the Roman
renaissance with the allies.

The Lear jet and satellites from Dr. Von Braun ‘s teams that map the earth in orbital paths through
work of women in tech whose skills contributed to aeronautic design, numerical analysis and
simulation, and flight modeling and perspectives made a significant impact on technological

innovation, despite societal challenge end its working career

A flying memorial it becomes to the navy and marine corps crews and home front workers who made
the carrier the preeminent weapon system in the naval arsenal by Midway, Philippines, and the sinking
of the Yamato through courage, determination, and heroic sacrifice.
Poem 2

Engines of War and Renewal

In 02 and 07 tugboats puffed out of the yard of Neaffie and Levy on the Delaware

Where in Lincoln’s time craftsmen with lathes sped the reuniting of the nation through turning out
driveshafts for warships and troop transports.

Today their propellers churn tributes to the good repute of craftsmanship of the workers of the 7 acres
of the Delaware where the symphony of hammers , presses and rivet guns ceased in 1908

One the Standard Oil Tug 14 with a cannon of cooling water mounted atop should pyrophoric oxidation
make a flame built for taking barges and tankers of the liquid blood of America ‘s economy to the dock

In 32 the 14 added its stream to stifle pier 54’s dense volume of darkening the sun yellow smoke over
New York City, when the FDNY Battalion Chief made a broadcast for help

The tug Bern in 07 to be the Reading’s bridge across water for the iron horse where permanent ones do
not cross

They return to the City of Independence Hall and Eastern State Penitentiary as 14 becomes Jupiter and
Bern the Saturn with strokes of a pen when forklift , pipe and pavement change the economies of scale

In December 1942 the hulk of the battleship New Jersey slid down greased ways to her first taste of the

Jupiter was there to catch the 1st towline of the ship that will bring fire to the enemies of America

For every ship service begins with a tow from the launching and ends with one to the scrapyard,
reefing ,the target range, or museum

Rebuilt in 49 with an engine built of war the tugboat Jupiter does the ballet dance of pivots and
sidesteps at both book ends for the battleship New Jersey

LST 428 loaned to the Navy of Admirals Graves and Cochrane turned ally and landed troops on soft
sand and a gentle gradient of Sicily’s beaches with Mount Etna’s shadow to end the new Roman Empire

On June six, 1944 D-Day the Normandy beach ... it was a hell on earth

The army men were put ashore through water and on sand running with the blood of heroes some from
the 29th division who once fished and boated and drank the waters of the James, Potomac and
Susquehanna Rivers that flow to the Bay
The hull plates and frames are worn beyond economical repair with designed service life exceeded and
treatment and body fluids of thousands of casualties permeating the ship of 8 months a giant
ambulances sometimes three runs to the beaches and back to England .

In 49 the Jupiter and Saturn tow the ex 428 a ship with lines resembling a mud scow fashioned by a
gremlin down the Delaware tinged with molecules of wood and metals of the USS Alliance from John
Paul jones

America’s first warship to be turned to ship of commerce

Down the Patapsco past the islands made from what was once freighters built of wood of the Great War
that only sailed a few years

To be cast aside as negative expenses on the corporate balance sheet.

Like the LST they only served one war

The star spangled buoy when moved by the amplitude of tide and propwash rocks a salute

to the builders and crews that did their duty to keep the flag waving through the days and nights for
another generation

Salmon last only a few years and return to spawn and return to the earth. LST 428 ends a few miles
upriver from its builders yard six years after commissioned

In the Spedden shipyard backlit by the glow of the setting sun and the glow of Domino Sugar’s sign

Men with welding torches descend on them. like a flock of Grackles to the Fall harvest field

Peck them apart

Metals for appliances

Chemicals rain like buckshot out of a shell onto men water and earth to join the molecules of oxidation
of metal from the Dover and Fort Scott

The engines are handled with the care given to a wedding dress before a wedding

To be used to bind two eras of time

Transform two tugboats from the beginning of the century

Anew from clouds of smoke from stacks as tall as the columns of small temples of the pagan gods of
Rome and the gentle rhythm of the steam engine that complemented the waves to the roar of a diesel

In a hold below a grate a steel case engine whose cannon sized pistons provide a big rumble emitting a
barely visible haze scattered as dandelion blooms are quickly to the wind
Columns replaced with octagons that are like half a tree trunk the edges capped with cartoon character
like lips

From sailing ships to 800 foot freighters with Azipod Propulsion units that only require one tug.

Where once a 450 foot freighter required 3.

Barges made of sailing ship hulls hauling jute, airtight cylinders of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel to
go beneath the sea where Admiral DeGrasse blocked the Bay , to container barges taking synthetic
fibers to the container port for export

these boats towed it all

Lasted longer than their builders and firm that built them and first 3 generations or more of crews .

Hulls of rivets with electronics in the wheelhouse having cases cut with lasers

In 89 the Jupiter retires from strains of commerce to dock the sailing ship of the museum that now
owns her

Lowell Thomas Movietone news clips live in color.

For those chose to view real colors these days

She churns the water with her bow along cold armor plate to bring the New Jersey to the home state
dock in 99

The Saturn retires a centenarian to be a inn on a river of Maple leaves and Birch in Maine

World War 2 surplus diesel and gasoline engines caused some ships to have a much longer service life
that allowed them to be recognized as historically significant and preserved. The Jupiter and Saturn
were two early 20th century tugboats that received World War II built diesel engines at the same time
in same shipyard in Baltimore , MD in 1949. The engines had been extracted from World War II built
oceangoing Landing Ships too worn from heavy use in the war to be retained by the Navy or used as
freighters by private firms. The Jupiter received one of the two engines extracted from LST 428 which
had been loaned to the UK Royal Navy from a few weeks after completion in early 1943. As HMS LST 428
it was used in several landings in the Mediterranean. There are several hulks in the Baltimore Harbor
area that were built as wooden oceangoing freighters in a 1917-1919 Federal government program and
either never completed as ships but used as barges or reduced to barges after only a few voyages then
abandoned after a few years of use as barges. Neaffie & Levy built over 300 iron and steel boats,
including numerous ferry boats, ocean-going tug boats, and expensive yachts, such as J. P. Morgan’s
Corsair. The company was also the largest supplier of screw propellers to other North American
shipbuilding firms in its early years. Philadelphians Thomas Reaney, Jacob G. Neafie and William Smith
opened a plant in 1844 to manufacture steam engines and propellers for steamboats, and entire vessels
made of iron. One year later, John P. Levy came into the company after Smith died. From 1844 until
1896, the firm constructed over 1,300 steam engines many for other ships

Poem 3

Side-rods Through History the Port of Richmond VA’s 25 ton diesel switcher

From dollars in Richmond allocated by strokes of pens in Washington where the survival of a nation at
stake again not from a king but actions men of commerce a decade ago

By a contract in Richmond a spark of internal combustion in a locomotive only the length of the Army’s
trucks ignites in the factory of Davenport Locomotive Works on grid iron patterned Davenport, Iowa
by the bluffs and floodplains of the Mississippi River

By 38 RVA no longer built its own locomotives

In 45 Southern 1401, one of the last made there will have its wheels carry to America’s hometown the
coffin of FDR the man whose wheels had carried the nation and set the Davenport loco into motion.

Richmond Just a spoke on the supply chain for ALCO and a few other firms

Tobacco leaves, chemicals and minerals come in to leave as cigarettes, foil, horseshoes , bridge parts
strands of fiber and artillery shells

History is fabric of Richmond

Bring back the days of our ancestors of a thriving port of commerce

A new port brings new blood to the economy to trickle to the balance sheets of many the regions and
nations firms .

Colorful flags from around the world on freighters increase the amplitude of the tide with their wakes
sailing over the rotting stars and bars on Drewery’s Bluff’’s torn ironclads herald the return of
Richmond as an international port

Sharks of steel and Mitsubishi bombers divert the large ships to Uncle and his contractors

Just the whirling ballet of tugs with barges and a few low mecanetric height freighters ply the James

New cargoes come to Richmond.

To clip the wings of the evil eagle that glides from the Baltic to Stalingrad to Athens , the retro Roman
Empire ,and the samurai with Arisaka’ rifles Saki , and floating castles of steel with cannons shooting
18 inch in diameter shells

From ship to boxcar on pallets to be handed off by the Davenport to a 105 foot 30 foot high iron horse
for a short run to the Quartermaster Depot for another transfer to an ALCO S-2
Cargoes pushed by a locomotive that will 4 decades later move on the grounds of the Kennedy Space
Center the cars of rocket motors that propel cameras to view coronal mass ejections in space

Cargoes of medical and engineer supplies to be combined with others to form kits of logistics ,the
controlling element with relation to timing and successful operation that give the infantryman , the tank
crew the supplies that affect the strategic lines of campaign and war.

War’s end brings thousands of new ships to the seas for the business of the World most of too much
displacement to navigate past the turns of Dutch Gap

If spaced at mile intervals they would form a line from Maine to Scotland

In 60 Castro’s charisma and decrees end the smell of sugar to Richmond

Beneath the tides lay the ruins of a revolution against Lincoln a century ago that make dredging not
safe or practical for the James in Richmond to take the new large ships of cargoes in horizontal boxes

New Lines come and go with bulkers and containerships and the final days of the tall as a 5 story
building general purpose freighters

Boxcars double in size

Cattle to leave for foreign plates or farms to add to the genetics of the herds of other nations

The port settles to a routine of a few barges and small ships a month not a center of freight but a node

Rail nowadays to move bulk cargo between factory or port and distribution centers that covers acres.
Richmond’s port not a spot on the waybill for many firms

A part wears thin on the antique motor from the New Deal

Will it fade in a spark of combustion of a torch its bits to ride in a gondola to a cargo hold

Advertised on listserves by the port director gives it an out of state fate

To Walkersville , MD and a never used motor from a truck to replace the worn down pistons and
driveshaft from 38 to join little locomotives built for Uncle Sam for the factories and bases that
supported the Greatest Generation

They have an active retirement to haul visitors with picnic baskets through the gently rolling
countryside of farmland and a few chimney of long ago furnaces of ironmaking that poke their
pyramidal frustum shape of stones along the tree lined Monocacy , A river of contrasts of high tree
lined bluffs and marsh grasses and shrubs on the flat opposite bank.
The current port in the City of Richmond , Virginia was built from 1938-1940 with mostly Federal funds
through the Public Works Administration. The 1938 built Davenport 25 ton diesel switcher was used
there from 1938 to 1996 then sold to the Walkersville Southern tourist hauling railroad in Maryland
after the motor had a major part break . Most of the other locomotives the Walkersville uses were built
for Federal government or its contractors during World War II. 1940 the Army began construction of a
supply depot in the southern end of the city and adjacent Chesterfield County. The medium sized diesel
locomotive bought by the Army for use at the depot was used by NASA from 1977 to 1984 at the
Kennedy Space Center before being sold at low cost to a museum in Miami that still uses it. Southern
Railway 1401 is the large green steam locomotive in the basement of the Smithsonian’s American
History Museum in DC. It was built at the locomotive factory in Richmond , VA in 1926 and factory
closed in 1927 making it one of last 200 built there. It pulled the train most of distance from Georgia to
Washington, DC that carried FDR’s body to DC after he died at his vacation home.
Poem 4

The Coast Guard Cutter Pamlico was built for Albemarle Sound in 1907 and when it was a very obsolete
worn out ship for the scrapyard in 1947 ,Captain Curlett bought it at a Federal Government auction. He
converted in to a freighter. He bought several old passenger steamboats in the 1936 to 1949 era and
stripped them of the deckhouses and engines with just reusing the hull and the upper part of the
deckhouses switched to the stern and the engines switched from steam in the center to a diesel in the
stern. Everything he bought was 30 to 50 years old when he bought them. The Pamlico was a grain
freighter on the bays of the Mid-Atlantic region until 1985 and sold to a Haitian firm. That firm ran it
from 85 to 87 when it was declared it unsafe by a Coast Guard inspector. The ship was abandoned in
Miami and turned over to a Florida county reef program. Alex Haley served on the Pamlico from 1939 to

The cutter Pamlico

It will outlast its builders and generations of crew

The cutter Pamlico built like a merchant ship of the coast but more frames and thicker plates a wide
beam and a flush deck with a bow with a bold shear to slice off the waves in 1907 to fight flames and
rough seas save lives of men and bring ships into port when skill of captains or a part fail on Albemarle

A ragged, bedraggled wilderness, flatlands on which a mixture of marsh grasses and scrubby trees stand
in disarray punctuated by a few towns and cities

Albemarle is where wind and shallow water turn a simple voyage of commerce or patrol into a hours
long white knuckle event or when the breeze is low the surface ripples on a bay seem to creep and crawl
in contrary directions, moving at a slow waltz pace.

Stop the poachers ecology altering take

A young messman steps aboard in 39 becomes known by all crew for his pen not the color of his skin

Where Alex Haley first wrote for others

Makes the rivets that anchor generations of hate start to spring a leak
Generations apart Pamlico battled sharks of steel

2 years after World War 2 ends

An ancient worn ship of war with water tube boilers and curvaceous hull shape of another era to the
auction block for metals to make johnboats and appliances

In 47 an anachronism of steam

Captain Curlett's bright mind churns a plan the beam and metacentric height caught his eye

The scrappers outbid Pamlico had no thick armor plate or parts of value to reuse

The hull stripped bare the writer's bunk to the recycle bin holds for commerce of grains now the upper
works of the center moved to the stern

A diesel below throbs continuous beat like thunder of a hurricane where once a steam engine gave a
low purr

To commerce on the Chesapeake It will see the first maroon and iridescent green of the Glossy Ibis and
the missile age warships with no portholes or hatches and arrays of military specific antennas to imply
what might lie within

Routine goods switch to a giant colored box truckloads offloaded in minutes that once took an hour

back to Albemarle sound again sometimes for the corporate till

The iron horse turns a full gallop again the diesel descendants of Twains towboats pushing barges
spread up the coasts when shifting words of politics and preaching and waves in the land of dhow and
supertanker reset the flow of liquid gold the William Dea turns the Meador Herode

no longer flies the stars and stripes.

What once protected America’s waters becomes a threat.

A kaleidoscope of neglect paints a hull not cared for by it still operating crew.

Lest it spill a ugly rainbow, Uncle that had it built with an inked contract closes the log with the knockout
punch of a stamp on a Captain of the Port order

Stripped of its tools of trade

It goes down in flames not in service of but for the good of the nation

A new reef for the economy and biodiversity of Florida where stripes of petty officers and officers with
dress whites with bars and merchant marine sailors with rating cards once strode on

Now the abode of scales of the Sgt. Major Fish

Poem 5

Canton 32 a Baldwin VO1000 diesel powered road switcher locomotive

Captain Reinhard Hardegen of the Nazi Kriegsmarine ‘s shark of steel accompanying the blowfish and
grebes at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay in early 42 while releasing egg shaped spheres with horns to
bring death by fire and concussive wave to ships and crews and Rangoon , Singapore, and Manila
controlled by the samurai’s descendants who rip vaginas and tie children to poles for bayonet practice
delay for two years and a few months production of Baldwin VO100 diesel road switchers for private

It rumbles from Eddystone down the PRR mainline in 44 then past the Gambrel roof with intricate jigsaw
trim in Lutherville’s station

Past cars staffed by Pullman Porters who are condescendingly called George servicing the business staff
who arrange the supply chain of contracts subcontracts and contract administration for the logistics of
war and continuity of life on the home front

Its legacy will run from the shores of Iwo Jima and Normandy to today's Coast Guard law enforcement A
school trainees learning their petty officer rank

It will never carry troops to the port of embarkation or the passenger car of an election campaign just
materials in and finished products out to the mainline. Copper for attack transports and post war new
liners the Fairless Works and for shell bands that hold the line at Bastogne and the Pusan perimeter

A sale to Bethlehem Steel where the power of electricity goes to the presses and cranes where new ore
and the molecules of the Liberty ships built by the pint sized puffer now on Belle Isle in Richmond are
part of the charge and what were side rods from Eddystone the length of a horse replaced after less
than generation

Steel for bridges to carry thousands of vehicles a day for commuters and travelers to reach many states
in hours to fabrication shops of 3 staff is the reach of the mill that use 1/400th of Americas electricity.

From the labor of thousands of workers in a whirling second by second all hours ballet of industrial
death defying precision including Henrietta’s widower Day Lacks a farmer from Clover , VA who went
from pulling the suckers off the plants, pulling the leaves after they were ripe, stringing the tobacco on
sticks to making the freighters that will haul the ingredients for Tin sheets to be turned into chewing
tobacco canisters to be filled in Richmond and Durham with flavorings processed in a building on
Franklin Street in RVA where slaves once pressed cakes of chewing tobacco and USCT were quartered
in victory
Some of the last ships with long sticks of metal and winches that take hours to load and unload the
cargo in deep holds. will be built with the steel shapes Canton 32 hauls to the yard

Only a few years will they serve under the corporate flags but rest in anchorages on the James and
Neches rivers for Uncle for the orders to supply his troops and allies or cargoes to mend nations and
souls when earth science produces structural collapse in seconds or hours

The town of Sparrows Point meets the wrecking ball and most furnaces too to make way for the beast of
the East and back to Canton goes this Baldwin to a service economy and small manufacturers

The Cape Chalmers renamed by uncle from a Lykes family member name one of the last classic bulkers
built its engine room too obsolete to make run at a reasonable price goes to Charleston on a towline to
become the schoolship for students to learn arduous duties associated with enforcing laws and treaties
at sea.

African American workers will go in Canton 32s time of service at the mill on the push bump and ram
that brings materials in and out other than the coal and ore from cleaners to millrights and union
presidents and the son of one will ride steel and composites of the space shuttle and its boosters into

Its motor makes it a tow the museum not scrapyard for the locomotive that touched the Red Ball
Express to servicemembers commanded by Chappie James and Colin Powell and a generation or two of
Federal law enforcement professionals to join locomotives that carried supplies to the quartermasters
wagons for Lincoln’s US Colored Troops to reunite the nation and the Harlem Hellfighters that fought
the Kaiser.

Canton 32 made a contribution, to the military and commercial history of America and is woven into the
fabric of this nation and its place in the world.
Canton Railroad locomotive #32 has touched national and world history from 1944 to the present. A 48
foot long 120 ton Baldwin VO 1000 diesel road switcher built in 1944 spent its whole service life of 40
years in Baltimore City and County of Maryland before entering the collection of the B and O Museum in
the City of Baltimore. It is one of the few built by Baldwin Locomotive Works of Eddystone , PA diesel
locomotives to be preserved with a Baldwin built main motor still in it. A road switcher is a type of
railroad locomotive used for delivering or picking up cars outside of a railroad yard and able to be used
for yard switching and mainline freight duties. The Canton No. 32, a Baldwin VO-1000 with builder #
70132 was built for the Canton Railroad of Baltimore, Maryland in January 1944 as the No. 30. In 1953,
the No. 30 was sold to the Patapsco and Back Rivers Railroad (P&BR) and renumbered as the No. 331.
The P&BR rebuilt the No. 331 with an 8 cylinder Baldwin prime-mover in 1955. The No. 331 was sold
back to the Canton Railroad and the railroad renumbered it as the No. 32. By the 1980s, the No. 32 was
placed in storage. In 1992, the No. 32 was sold to Striegel Equipment Company and then to the
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum.

The Canton Railroad has , since its founding in 1906, been a short line railroad connecting industrial
and maritime industry operations of the Canton section of Baltimore to the large railroads . Prior to,
during , and after World War II there was a Lever Brothers, later Unilever ,soap and glycerin factory in
Canton that all branches of the Armed Forces and its contractors used products from . Canton
Corporation piers 10 and 11 were an Army Transportation Corps operated cargo port facility in the
World War II era .Fort Holabird was, in World War II , a major US Army vehicle design, test,
maintenance, and modification center.. American Smelting and Refining and Revere Copper and Brass
and predecessors both had copper processing plants in the area from 19th century until the mid-1970s.
While in use at Sparrows Point, from 1953 to the mid-1970s, the locomotive transported materials and
components for the construction of several auxiliary ships and some privately owned merchant vessels
that were later acquired by the Navy or Maritime Administration for use or as mobilization assets. One
ship built at the yard was the USS Nitro (AE 23) which was part of the first five US Navy ships designed as
ammunition ships. The ship was laid down by Bethlehem Steel Corporation's Sparrows Point Shipyard,
Baltimore Md., May20, 1957 and commissioned May 1, 1959. During the period from 11 to 24
November 1961, Nitro sailed to the Caribbean in support of the Task Force engaged in the quarantine of
Cuba. From May of 72 to February of 73 the ship was deployed in the Vietnam War zone supplying 6 and
8 inch shells to the remaining gun cruisers of the Navy and five inch shells to cruisers and destroyers. In
December 1983 the Nitro delivered powder and shells to the USS New Jersey via underway
replenishment for the battleship to provide shore bombardment in support of US forces in Lebanon. In
1985 the Nitro was part of the Navy ships on alert in eastern Mediterranean Sea in response to the
June 14 to June 30, 1985, hijacking of TWA Flight 847. In January of 1991 the Nitro deployed to
Operation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm and supplied 13 million pounds of ammunition including shells
for the battleships USS Missouri and Wisconsin. The USS Nitro was decommissioned in 1995 and
scrapped in 2008.
The tanker Chesapeake was built in 1964 as the Hess Voyager for the Hess Oil & Chemical Corporation
at Bethlehem Steel’s Sparrows Point Shipyard in Baltimore. Its intended use was for the transport of
crude oil and refined petroleum products between the company’s refineries and terminals along the
U.S. Gulf and East coasts. After a number of years in service, the ship was sold to Keystone Shipping,
which renamed it Chesapeake in 1980. In December 1987, Keystone transferred the ship to the
Maritime Administration under the latter’s Ship Exchange Program for use by the Military Sealift
Command (MSC). In 1989, the ship was equipped with the Navy’s Offshore Petroleum Discharge
System, a means of offloading cargo in areas without port facilities. This system comprised on-deck reels
for flexible conduit, new high-pressure cargo pumps, gantries and cranes for stowing and launching the
system’s submersible mooring platform, buoys, portable shore terminals, and support boats.

The Chesapeake was assigned to MSC’s Ready Reserve Force where it was maintained ready for rapid
activation when needed to support Department of Defense activities. Its first major deployment in this
role was in the Persian Gulf during the first Gulf War. From 2001 to 2006, the Chesapeake supported
U.S. forces in the Persian Gulf and the Indian and Pacific oceans through a long term deployment to the
prepositioning force based at the remote island of Diego Garcia.

Lykes Brothers Steamship Company, better known as Lykes Lines completed a fleet construction
program that numbered 36 vessels of two principal designs intended to replace obsolescent WWII‐era
ships between 1960 and 1968. Domestic break‐bulk construction of successors to the designs of the
World War II Victory Ships and similar prewar designs continued to about 1967 in the USA for several
ship owners. This vessel type was soon eclipsed by the rapid development of containerization. Pure
break‐bulk shipping slowly became obsolescent on the prominent trade routes as container shipping
became the primary method of other than liquid and natural resources cargoes by the early 1970s.
Because most of the break‐bulk ships were relatively young and represented significant capital
expenditures on the part of their owners, many of the ships were adapted (at least partially) for
container carrying . Between 1984 and 1985 all 13 ships of the similar C3‐S‐37c/37d classes were
transferred to the Maritime Administration under the provisions of the Ship Exchange Program. All of
these ships were then upgraded into the Maritime Administration’s (MARAD) Ready Reserve Force (RRF)
component of the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF). In June 2003 Vice Adm. David L. Brewer III,
USN, Commander, MSC said "The RRF is a valuable national asset, "But it is the teamwork between MSC
and MARAD that makes the RRF so successful."

Two Sparrows Point built ships : the Cape Clear ex Mayo Lykes and Cape Charles ex Charlotte Lykes
were activated for Desert Shield/ Desert Storm and have since been scrapped .The 494 foot Cape
Chalmers ex Adabelle Lykes was acquired by MARAD On 6/11/1984 and assigned to the James River
Reserve Fleet . On 8/4/2005 it was towed to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Ctr. in Charleston, SC
on loan by MARAD to the Dept. of Homeland Security operated center that specializes in maritime and
advanced training for various agencies. Charleston serves as the center of training for the U.S. Coast
Guard’s Maritime Law Enforcement Academy. A signature component of the Charleston complex is the
assortment of boat boarding platforms and shipboard training venues, to include the SS Cape Chalmers.
Coast Guard Marine Safety Office members inspected each ship activated by MARAD for Desert
Shield/Desert Storm and 21st century operations in Southwest Asia. Staff inspected each originally
privately owned ship while it was under construction and periodically in in its private and government
service life. Coast Guard maritime security units escort each combat and logistics vessel into open ocean
waters and to its dock from open waters on return from deployment .

.Operation and maintenance expenses of material handling equipment, including their operating staff,
are part of overhead expenses factored into the cost of every contract for manufactured /processed
goods with a customer. Overhead costs are indirect costs that support a production function. VADM
Oscar C. Badger, USN said in a 1951 Navy publication "Logistic considerations belong not only in the
highest echelons of military planning during the process of preparation for war and for specific wartime
operations, but may well become the controlling element with relation to timing and successful
operation." The history of Canton Railroad locomotive 32 is a legacy of its wheels having an impact from
cargo carried by the Red Ball Express in France, copper driving bands of artillery shells that held the
Pusan perimeter , the naval bombardments in the Cua Viet River region of Vietnam , fuel and lubricants
pumped ashore in Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom, to the latest USCG Maritime Enforcement
Specialist “A” school students learning their specialist skills. Canton 32 made a contribution, to the
military and commercial history of America and is woven into the fabric of this nation and its place in
the world.

History of the locomotive is from the B & O Museum of Baltimore, details of industrial sites of Canton
area of Baltimore are from NPS documents and historic Canton by Norman G. Rukert

Poem 6

GP-7 101 Rf and P

Peeling paint and full of holes three GP7 locomotives depart Acca yard one day in 1984 " for the last
time their motors and cabs silent having been harvested for parts with the backdrop of Macks and
freightliners and Kenworth on the 3 interstates with their clacking of diesels and stataco of air brakes

In New Jersey their remaining parts to warehouses their frames turned to bits a few miles from where
locomotives for the USMR were built 130 years ago

He does not know it that day but the one that remains now gleaming a retro paint black and white of
when it arrived 31 years ago from the GM EMD LaGrange plant brought over rail lines litigated by and
carried Abe Lincoln in promise and death will be the company president ‘s legacy for six years later the
line will be a speck on the CSX map

It will visit often Potomac Yard the gateway between regions where freight cars of everything you pick
up and use were sorted to go on its journey through the alphabet soup of lines North or to Richmond
the other city of domes columns and statues on the horizon of the yard for pick up to the FOB point
further south In 1992 the yard will fall silent
The GP-7 with both ends like that of the 1940 Chevrolet Coup and full length catwalks found in the Joliet
cell houses they silenced the steam whistle forever in Glen Allen to be descended on by men with
torches at Peck Iron and Metal like vultures to a carcass of a deer at Laurel along the line or by the
Wigwam on Jeff Davis

Textiles from the southern mills to Filenes, Wannamaker’s, Miller and Rhoads and Macys were a daily
cargo .

Cargoes for Dahlgren to test the ordnance to keep the Cold War a simmer and produce the
computations of trajectory for mutually assured destruction from beneath the sea

Coal and supplies to teach army officers and NCO the engineer warrior way to assure mobility of the
force, enhance protection of the force, enable logistics, make freedom of action to ground forces and to
loosen these forces from the grips of the enemy and all aspects of the terrain.

The cargo in a box of the containership loaded aboard the flatcar changes operating policies as loading
and unloading of ships drops from a company sized to squad sized team of longshoremen whose work is
measured by hours not days

The diesel truck no longer just a competitor or cargo to the dealer but daily money to the corporate till
to save engine wear on them as trailers slide on and off ramps to and from hitches on flatcars.

Richmond built its last locomotives in 27 at a plant that stretched the bottom to the edge of the Devils
half acre where the grandparents and great grandparents of the last Pullman Porters were sold as
human livestock

In the service life of this locomotive they will go from being called George to on their days off dine in the
restaurant with their wives by the six unfluted columns of Broad Street station in the last days of the
Pullman Company and accompany a kaleidoscope of cultures on their grandchildren's field trips to the
Science Museum it becomes

In 71 CTC ends the sound of levers banging back and forth in T-shaped buildings to move the switches
for the direction of the wheels Signal Towers made an anachronism as much star shaped forts on the
plains and coasts for which artillery cast at Tredegar were carried for delivery on the line.

The diminutive SW 1 with curved top windows from 39 that pushed into and out of the repair shops at
Acca retires under another owner in 2015 to move the collection at Steamtown in PA

One operator controls the line from a room through computers , wires carrying data, and a map of

no longer 100 car trains of Tropicana on the way to Kearny to go on the rails again as products for Stew
Leonard's in Connecticut Genuardis in Philadelphia and perfectly packed by the Courtesy Clerks of the
Ukrop family

The f40 of Amtrak were twice its HP when it retired from the running the rails by Greendale

Passenger trains of a few cars to see the Fall Leaves and light loads of 15 car trains of mixed freight
trains in Buckingham
GP-7 101 is actually RF & P Locomotive 104 frame and most of its sheet metal but renumbered to 101
using parts from the other GP-7 when it was rebuilt 1984-1986. The other 3 units were sold for scrap
after being used as parts source for the rebuild of 101. It is standard practice for maintaining mechanical
equipment to perform upgrades for compliance with regulations and efficiency. 101 retain its mostly as
built appearance to a high degree although its cab interior is from a late 1960s to mid-1970s locomotive
type. This is a common feature of major rebuilds of equipment in the transportation industry

The locomotive was retained by the RF and P as a historical operational museum piece then transferred
to the Old Dominion Chapter of the National Railway Historical Society upon the sale of the RF and P to
CSX. The Chapter leases the locomotive to the Buckingham Branch Shortline. The BB maintains the
locomotive and uses it a few times a week to keep the parts from locking up and it is used several times
a year on the line to pull the Chapter’s railroad cars for excursions operated by the Chapter

GP-7 101 meets criterion A as the only preserved locomotive active at time in that the RF and P
railroad became first railroad in USA to fully implement Centralized Traffic Control in 1971. It handled
railcars of supplies and equipment for US Army’s Fort Belvoir in the Cold War years that were
interchanged with the Fort Belvoir Military Railroad. (1953 to 1980) It handled railcars of supplies and
equipment for US Navy’s Dahlgren research site in the Cold War years (1953-1957) that were
interchanged with the Navy owned tracks and locomotives.These included gun barrels, material
handling and test equipment components too large to travel by truck over area and installation roads,
and security sensitive items

GP-7 101 was one of the first 4 locomotives of the Buckingham Branch Short Line Railroad that with the
lease of 200 miles of track from CSX in 2007 , has become one of largest not owned by a multi -line
holding company short line railroads in the USA.

The locomotive handled passenger cars staffed by Pullman Porters in the final 16 years of their service.


The locomotive handled cars that provided passenger service to the following landmarks

Alexandria Union Station 100-0124

110 (Ashland Depot) station is an element of the district : . brick (English cross bond with patterned
glazed headers) ;


Railroad Station, Lafayette Boulevard, 1910 a contributing element of the district, the railroad station is
a two story,

multi-bay brick structure designed - in 1910 by the architectural firm Heflin and

Stearns. Following the Jamestown Exposition of 1907, Virginia began to heartily embrace

the Colonial Revival style in which the exposition's buildings were designed. With its

central pedimented pavilion, round-arch windows and keystones, and Flemish-bond accented

by glazed headers, the building is an especially articulate example of the earliest phase

of the Colonial. Revival.

Richmond ,VA Broad Street Station 127-0226

It meets criterion C as has been restored to its as built paint pattern. It is not common even in present
time and especially in mid 1980s to restore a diesel locomotive to an as when delivered paint pattern.
Most preserved diesels have retained even when repainted at their end of non-tourist or museum use
paint pattern. It is the only locomotive in world currently preserved in appearance of the RF and P. It is
an example of one of first types of diesel locomotive that have style of the modern locomotive built for
freight and passenger service and representative of 2nd era of diesel locomotive production for mainline
use and one of first types built to be used for both freight and passenger use. It is one of the few EMD
GP-7 locomotives to retain the high hood to the rear of the cab.

Years of significance

1953-1980 logistical support for Fort Belvoir and Navy’s Dahlgren site, participation in end of steam for
an over 10 unit railroad ending steam prior to 1955

1991 to present sole preserved locomotive in RF and P paint.


The General Motors EMD GP7 Locomotive

Written by Mike Brazeau

General Motors Electro-Motive Division (EMD) built the GP7 4 axle Diesel road switcher from October,
1949 through May, 1954. EMD needed a new design to compete with ALCO, Baldwin and other
companies that were already building road switches of their own. They needed a general-purpose
locomotive that could do yard switching, freight hauling and easily go in both directions. The GP series
(or "Geep" as it was nicknamed) was the answer. They delivered their first GP7 to the Chicago & North
Western Railroad in 1949 and by 1954 had produced a total of 2,724 units for service in the United
States, Canada and Mexico. An EMD 567B sixteen-cylinder engine powered them.

The GP7 replaced the ill-fated BL2, of which only 58 were built over a one-year period. Geeps were
highly successful due to their dependability and ease of operation and maintenance. Good visibility, a
nearly full-length catwalk and easy engine access made the GP series a favorite for the both the
operating and maintenance crews. The success of the GP series Diesel locomotives was crippling to
EMDs competitors and companies like Lima-Baldwin-Hamilton (which was a product of the merger of
Lima Locomotive Works and the Baldwin-Hamilton Company in 1950) ceased production in 1956 and
Fairbanks-Morse in 1958 (building locomotives in Mexico until 1964).

The Santa Fe, Chesapeake and Ohio; Missouri Pacific and New York Central were among a few of the
railroads to place the largest orders for the GP7. The GP9 replaced the GP7 in January, 1954 and was a
higher horsepower version that expanded on an already good thing. Many rebuilt or restored units are
still in operation today with shortline railroads and train museums. Quite a feat for a 50+ year old design
in an industry where a life span of less than 20 years is usually the norm.

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