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FORMULAS FOR REFERENCE, CYLINDER, cone. PYRAMID ‘Serie ar ‘Ares of eared auto Volume ‘Ares of carved autice Volume Volume Volume anh oh wt dara z ase an hight 4s aus aes eit SECTION A (9 MARKS) Aner ALL questions in this eton ‘There no need lo start each question on a fresh page 1. te Figure 1 he cumaitive Aint of te marke of 80 Mars of 60 stents dot in Mathai te. (From the figure write ‘dw the medina ofthe ©) Copy tho tbe below fom you answer book 2 nd compte ps once find then mk 40 Nats oof Suaens] 720-79] Marks 0-5] 0-6] Fue (5 marks) ot-cemaTas -3 ate = 2m ajoin variation, x varios dety at y? and ively as ¢. Given (Qut x= 18 when y=3, 202, 9) express xin terms of y and, fad x when yet ye 24 ms) 3. Amun tus some Brish pounds (© with 150 000 Hong Kong doles (228) at he ate £1 = HKS15.00 and putt on fie depot or 30 days ‘The rate of treat 14.60% pe annum (@) How much doe be by in British puns? (0) Find the amount in Betish pound a the sal of 30 days (Gapose I year = 365 ys ad he interes cette a single nee) (©) ha ssh routs a he ae of £1 = KS14.50, bow ‘much does he get a Hog Kong la (S mas) 4 tk memes. Find he rio a= 66 abe = 55. tat € (6 rs) 5. Solve sO ~ 3ean0- 1-0 for OF « 0630" (mats) Figure2 Thecune y 22" — Ge +5 mesethe pans A and te rani B (@) Find he cooninates of 4,8 and () Thetine y= + 5 pases though A and moss the curve again af'D Find the coocdites of D ome Lats ed § tee eof aun 1s! +20 1 «0 Vilage apenas wm xa, © gt baat may SECTION B (60 mark) “Answer any FIVE questions from thi ston. 7 ach question carrie 12 marks, cumronae | | saanune |! (Contd) you altempt Question , fil in dhe datas nthe fst tre 8. In Figue3, Z, ithe ine x = 4 Ly eth ie passing through he buts above and le his sheet inside your answer back in (0,2) with slpe 1, and Ly i he ine psig through te pois (5, 0)and 0,3) z bok (©) Find the oqution of Ly aad | emis) ‘ : (©) Write dove the te negates which dsterine te shaded : ‘pion, including the boundary. mats) é (© Suppose P= 3p — 3 and 3) ie any point saisyng al ‘te Inala (© Find he pot 9) at which P i mini, 4 ‘What he minis vale of P| GU P27, by ating a sib sigh neo Figure 3, fod the age of pou values of (6 mas) permet ne => ‘This isa bank page Figure touche the ani at A The ine Ly = var hive mis enstnt, pases rough he gia O and ouches Sat Find the contin of C and A marks) » (© © xphin why the for points 0.4 ©, Bare cacy: (Find te equation of the isk pasing though th owe (5 mars) sheen it - =) 10, The pata tt fora diving enc consis of to independent pus A and To pas the practical testa cadet pase beth ports TE ‘canst fils ia anyone of hs pry the candies take hat pt ‘ai. Stic show that the psig perenags for art aad Pat 3 10 70% and OW reqectvey. ©) Acad kes the praca est. Find the probable tat the cone (© Galeax A 08 he fit step aod pases ton the sesond stn, (Gi) pases Pat Ain no more than to ating, (Gi) pase the pata ttn no more then Se tens in ach pt (00 ats) Ina sample of 1000 canis king th pestle bow many them would you expect to pas the practi ft no more han wo ates in each pet? mats) Fue Figure shows a metal bucket. stn height AB is 60m. The lamater AD of te tse i 0 em and the der BC ofthe open op | 0 cm. ‘The carved surfs of th bck i formed ty the hina cet ANB'A" shown in Figue Sb, where ADA and BCR cee of ness iles with ste (@ Find 04 sod c408" 6 mats) (Find the are of th metal shet ABBA ving your ane in terme of © mcs) (© There ian at atthe point Aon the oer sured ure of te tock Find the sb ditane for to sel along th ter curved surface ofthe bucks ova he pune © (6 marks) > oceans =31 -10- ato 4 4 4 ao Figure A tai formed byline segment of eth dy de dy i adjacent ne spats perpen t each hea shown i Fiwee Me 10,408, = 10 and ie eden s00 ms 4.4 (©) Fi dy and 6, meg dy inter af mats) 0) Fad dy snes intr of may © Fad ates of me me © Whee dy, O Grd gomeg, omy (Find he ale of he em dy + dy = dy + 6 += ty ‘O ms) sr-ce-waTus 12 one I Figue 7, 4. ate the cnt of te cies DEC and OFC respstively. CF is sagt ae, (@) Prove Wat ingles ABC and ABD ave congruent 8 mad) La crED = 88", LAcB - 95° (Fisk £CAB and CRD i) Aside $ is awa trough D to touch te line CF at p (1) Drew bata cough ‘information amt epoca the above 2) Show that he diameter of the cite is 2DF © mas) =) secearas ona a

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