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A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Languages and Literature University of San Carlos Cebu City, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject English 23 Technical Writing

_________________________ by Members Buri, Simon Jose G. Capulan, Kathleen V. Pejante, Kee Potian, Marivienne Janine E.


This junior research entitled THE EFFECTS AND CHANGES OF INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY ON USC-TC MALE ENGINEERING STUDENTS prepared and submitted by Simon Jose G. Buri, Kathleen V. Capulan, Kee Pejante, and Marivienne Janine E. Potian is hereby recommended for approval.

_________Ms. Lea Ibona__________ Adviser and Research Teacher

_______________________________ Date

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the course in Research Writing.

__________________________________ Chair, Department of Languages and Literature College of Art and Sciences

_______________________________ Date







Page Title Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Approval Sheet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Acknowledgement -----------------------------------------------------------------------Abstract -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents ------------------------------------------------------------------------List of Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 3 4 5 7

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------Rationale of the Study -------------------------------------------------Theoretical Background ----------------------------------------------Schematic Diagram ---------------------------------------------------THE PROBLEM ------------------------------------------------------------------Statement of the Problem --------------------------------------------Significance of the Study ---------------------------------------------RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ----------------------------------------------Research Environment -----------------------------------------------Research Participant --------------------------------------------------8 8 10 20 21 21 22 24 24 24


Research Instrument --------------------------------------------------Research Procedure --------------------------------------------------DEFINITION OF TERMS -----------------------------------------------------II PRESENTATION, INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA --------------------------------------------------

24 25 26



SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND Summary of Findings -------------------------------------------------Conclusions --------------------------------------------------------------Recommendations -----------------------------------------------------37 40 41 43

BIBLIOGRAPHY/References/Works Cited ----------------------------------------APPENDICES * A. Transmittal Letters ----------------------------------------------------------B. Questionnaire/ Structured Interview ------------------------------------C. List of Respondents --------------------------------------------------------D. Curriculum Vitae--------------------------------------------------------------

45 46 48 49



Effects of Internet Pornography on Emotions. 29 Effects of Internet Pornography on Beliefs 30 Changes caused by Internet Pornography on Emotions.. 31 Changes caused by Internet Pornography Mentally 32 Advantages of Internet Pornography .. 34 Disadvantages of Internet Pornography . 35




Rationale of the Study We all enjoy the benefits of the internet, and for many of us it is also an indispensable tool for work, education, and communication. The internet provides a constant, ever-changing source of information and entertainment. Emails, blogs, social networks allow both public and anonymous communication about any topic. In this era of modernization, the World Wide Web has gained so much popularity and for its many services. One of the services offered by the World Wide Web is the easy access of pornographic sites in the vicinities of our homes. Internet pornography (or Internet porn/Web pornography) is already spreading everywhere even in social networking sites. Links of different porn sites are given through fake information. The web is available for everyone. Even kids are already aware about Internet and how to access different sites. The fear is accessing these explicit sites and their impending effect if frequently visited. This might lead to addiction, immorality, or even transmitted diseases when its done literally (STD). Lascivious materials were designed to arouse sexual feelings dates back thousands of years. But during much of its history, 8|Page

pornography was difficult to produce and was therefore available primarily to the rich and the ruling classes. Mass printing and the invention of photography and moving pictures changed all that. Pornography became affordable and available to the less affluent. Many commercial sites have recognized this trend and have begun distributing free samples of their content on peer-to-peer networks. Since men are by far the predominant users of Internet porn empirical evidence of harmful effects of such use on males is more abundant and available than evidence of such effects on women. We researchers would like to further investigate how these Internet pornography phenomenon elicits the behavior on our male engineering students and how these students exhibits their sexuality. The objective of our research is to observe the impact of pornography on the sexuality of our male engineering students and how its shapes their perceptions. This study focuses on exposure to internet pornography and the relationships between the exposure and sexual attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. In so doing, it aims to expand the scope of literature on sex and the media, thus contributing to the theorization of effects of cyber porn use in the era of Internet communication.


Theoretical Background

According to William Struthers (2009) the more dynamic and lifelike the pornography (i.e., videos, interactive cybersex), the greater the neurological and hormonal tsunami it initiates. The tsunami can overwhelm your ability to make wise decisions. Many men claim that they are in control; the reality is that their behavioral patterns show lack of control. They are in denial, not control.

In understanding the Internets unique psychological (and physiological) effects as a medium for the transmission of sexually explicit material, it is helpful to consider Boiess four levels of user involvement regarding this use of Internet pornography: "(1)action (downloading, chatting, etc.); (2) reflection (cognitive preoccupation); (3) excitement (sensation without arousal); and (4) physiological arousal" (Boies, 2002 p.79).

Cooper(2002) once stated that with the arrival of the internet, we take a huge leap into a comparable but much, much more complex arena. The individual has enormously expanded possibilities. This can work in various ways. First, he or she can find an endless array of images that are particularly stimulating and may serve to reinforce a particular preference, which then has the potential for becoming a subject for erotic stimulation.

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But the individual can experiment with relationships as well. Chat rooms are adding a fundamentally new dimension to our experience of relationships. We can be erotically stimulated by the interactive process, remaining sublimely unaware of the physical and other realities and meet up with them offline. Though we can see how some individuals may actually learn to improve their social skills online, others may slip from online to offline into highly risky sexual situations (Cooper, 2002).

But how does porn work? Why do humans (especially men) get so excited by seeing someone else have sex? At first glance, the answer seems obvious: watching porn triggers an idea (we start thinking about sex), which then triggers a change in our behavior (we become sexually aroused). This is how most of us think about thinking: sensations cause thoughts which cause physical responses. Porn is a quintessential example of how such a thought process might work. But this straightforward answer is probably wrong. Porn does not cause us to think about sex. Rather, porn causes to think we are having sex. From the perspective of the brain, the act of arousal is not preceded by a separate idea, which we absorb via the television or computer screen. The act itself is the idea. In other words, porn works by convincing us that we are not watching porn. We think we are inside the screen, doing the deed (Lahrer, 2009).

Again, some researchers suggest that people become increasingly desensitized by pornographic materials and that this insensitivity carries over real

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life. In addition, increasing desensitization leads to the need for increasingly more explicit and graphic pornographic materials to turn on sexually. Thus, Internet pornography for some, especially men, can become addictive.








Blaiming/Victimization: Its here fault. When a man refuses t accept responsibility for his behaviors, he will find a scapegoat. It may be a wife who doesnt want to be sexually intimate as frequently as he does, stress at work, unreasonable expectations placed on him by God or the irresistible sensuality of the models. By playing the victim, the user attempts to absolve himself of his guilt. (p. 71, number 5).

Objectification: theyre just models. Part of the problem in pornography is that it causes men to look at women as sexual parts rather than human being. The objectification of women reduces them to objects for sexual stimulation and is demeaning.(p.71,number 7)

Many concerned people express outrage over the constant pornographyc depiction of women as sexual objects, to be demeaned and brutalized. They especially abhor the violence in pornographic material. Many find that pornographic materials are characterized by aggression, objectification of people especially of women, humiliation, and sexual exploitation. There appears to be a brutal disregard for the value of women as human beings (Cox, 1999).

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Goode and Ben-Yehuda (2009) cited Men are not born thinking women enjoy rape and torture.They learn it form pornography (1985,p.3) In short, pornography corrupts men and thereby causes them to mistreat, dominate and commit acts of brutality against women :it cause misogyny , which in turn causes physical acts of violence. (The Feminist anti-Pornography crusade page, 232)

Distraction: Ive been really stressed lately. By shifting the focus away from the inappropriate behavior to something else, like difficulty at work, a man can be too focused on what he believes is a justified cause. He redirects attention toward (but may not blame) some other issues as more important. The stress at work is a more significant problem to deal with, not his pornography compulsion.(p.71,number 8)

Revenge: Thisll show him/her. Some men will purposely view pornography as a way of wounding someone. A husband can sexually act out as a way of expressing anger against his wife. An employee will act out at work to get back at a boss who has given him a bad yearly evaluation. This twisted form of thinking sees the problem behavior as a way of wounding someone without their knowledge. In a marriage it can be used to inflict the wounds of emotional adultery without catching an STD. In a dating relationship it can be a way of releasing aggression about girlfriends insistence on keeping her virginity. Regardless of the situation, viewing porn and sexually acting out become acts of

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aggression in the hearts of the user. Pornography provokes and has at its core an element of anger, not joy or love. Men are invited into love and joy, but pornography provokes to anger, frustration, hostility, and distrust. These emotions underlie the connection between pornography and sexual aggression toward women and can be seen when it is used for revenge. (p.71,number )

According to William Struthers (2009) the more dynamic and life like the pornography (i.e., videos, interactive cybersex), the greater the neurological and hormonal tsunami it initiates. The tsunami can overwhelm your ability to make wise decisions (Seymour and Dolan, 2008,pp. 662-721; Ariely and Loewenstein, 2006, p. 87; Schwarz, 2000, pp. 443-440). The images and videos brings you to a window in time where you can cheat reality.

Internet porn addiction is generally characterised by behaviors such as investing more and more time in Internet behaviours to the detriment of other behaviors (such as spending time with the family); negative feelings when offline, increasing tolerance to the effect of being online, and the denial that there is a problem (Kandell, 1998, p. 1) It is argued that any Internet behavior such as indulgence in internet pornography can be defined as an addiction as long as it meets certain criteria such as salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, conflict and relapse (Griffiths, 2000).

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This perspective regards Internet porn addiction as behaviorally similar in character to their dependencies and compulsions and individuals who meet these criteria are thought to experience social, psychological and occupational harm (Caplan 2002). Individual vulnerabilities related to the etiology of

compulsive online behavior are similar to those discussed in the literature (Coleman, 1992) relating to sexually compulsive behavior off-line (Putnam, 2000) including depression and difficulty coping with stress (Cooper et al., 1999) and interpersonal difficulties (Putnam, 1997).

According to Struthers(2009) many men claim that they are in control, the reality is that their behavioral patterns show lack of control. They are in denial, not control. Most Internet porn geared to the male market shows the "man in control."

The female is "servicing" the male, subservient to whatever he wants done to him or to whatever he wants to do to her. And she is nearly always shown as completely lusting after him and enjoying every moment of their sexual activities, even though in real life many of these activities would be painful and/or distasteful to most wives. This "male-in-control/female-wanting-and-enjoying-it" combination, in effect creates a female that is responding sexually the way a male would, which in turn supplies the male viewer with his "perfect sex partner" fantasy. He in total control; having done to him, or doing, exactly what turns him

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on most. This is male sexual fantasy at the highest level of stimulation (Kastleman, 2002).

As cited by Struthers (2009) from Dr. Patrick Carnes (Carnes,2001) book, OUT OF THE SHADOWS, sex addiction was described as a pathological relationship with mood-altering experience . Ben-Yehuda and Goode (2009) cited from Nicholas Groths conclusion to Men Who Rape: Its not sexual arousal but the arousal of anger that leads to rape

Although the effects of nonviolent consensual materials may not be dramatic, there is good reason to speculate that increases in the availability of and exposure to aggressive pornography can be harmful and may promote aggression toward women (Wallace, 2008).

Sociologist Murray (2001) cited that mens consumption of pornography is in part, fed by this strange combination of lust and rage. Pornography can sexualize that rage, and it can make sex look like revenge. That men may gain from pornography an acceptable vehicle to vent that rage is why many anti porn feminists claim that pornography leads to rape and sexual assault.

Increase Internet use is not necessarily beneficial to one's well-being or social involvement. They found that as people increased the time they spent online, they experience decreases in family communication and also the size of

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their real-life social circles. On the far end of the spectrum, the time sink can become a giant cavern. Some people appear to be entering into patterns of Internet porn use that resemble a pathological behavioral disorder, in some ways similar to other forms of compulsive behavior. They spend hour after hour, day after day, online - unable to log off, unwilling to leave their computers - while their former real-life activities and social relationships deteriorate. (Wallace, 2008)

In some ways, sexually explicit material can be of help to both society and to individuals. For example, poor though it may be, such material can serve an educational purpose by teaching persons who have had no sex education something about the sexes and sex (McCaw 1994).

Masters and his colleagues (1988, 374) list a number of ways in which sexually explicit material can be useful. Erotica can trigger the imagination and thus help people deal with forbidden or frightening areas in a controlled way. It gives people the opportunity to imaginatively rehearse acts that they hope to try or are curious about. It can provide pleasurable entertainment separate and apart from its sexual turn-on effect. But its most important use may be to stimulate a more active sex life between partners who have experienced some loss of interest. Exposure to sexually explicit materials also leads to more open communication about sex.

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A survey conducted by McKee (2008) shows effects of pornography, top 9 are positive and the last one is the only negative effect. By far the most common effect described was that of becoming less repressed and more comfortable about sex. Consumers used expressions like relaxed and being less inhibited. This is one of the possible positive effects that had been mentioned in passing by previous researchers. Second is being more open-minded; consumers also used terms like adventurous, in that they were willing to try new things. At number three was an increased tolerance of other peoples sexual pleasure; that is, things that they wouldnt enjoy doing themselves but had learned to accept other people doing. The consumers added a phrase like so long as no-one gets hurt to this. Given that other researchers have found that viewing pornography is commonly accompanied with masturbation, he suspect that the reason this didnt rank higher was simply that people didnt really think of this as an effect of pornography.

The internet is not without its risks. In addition to expanding knowledge and providing support, the Internet can negatively impact people's lives and their sexuality. Clinicians are reporting a dramatic increase in the number of patients with issues related to their OSA. (Schwartz and Southers, 2000).

Online sexual problems (OSPs) include the full range of difficulties that people can have due to engaging in OSA. Such difficulties include negative financial, legal, occupational, relationship and personal repercussions from OSA.

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The problem may range from a single incident to a pattern of excessive involvement. The consequence may involve feelings of guilt, loss of job or relationship, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), etc (Cooper, 1998b).

Finally, online sexual compulsivity (OSC) is a subtype of OSP and refers to excessive OSA behaviors that interfere with the work, social and/or recreational dimensions of the person's life. In addition, there are other indications of the "loss of control" of their ability to regulate the activity and / or minimize adverse consequences (Cooper, 1998b).

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Four levels of user involvement and effects of (on) internet pornography by Boies and Struthers




Male engineering students


IMMEDIATE EFFECT AFTER PHYSIOLOGICAL AROUSAL (Decision making/understand of situations/ emotional)

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Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to investigate and identify the effects of the internet pornography on how the male engineering students of USC-TC exhibit their sexuality. This study specifically aims to answer the following questions: 1. What are the effects of pornography on the students 1.a emotions on post-obscene visual experience? 1.b beliefs on how they interact with the opposite sex? 2. What are the changes 2.a emotionally? 2.b mentally? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages to the exposure of such media?

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Significance of the Study The purpose of the study is to generally make the people aware of the effects of internet pornography, with its ease and anonymity, on male engineering students. This study will be beneficial to the community, parents, college students and the researchers. The community they will be aware of the effects of Internet pornography especially to the male students. The community will be able to broaden their views on the issue of the internet pornography, its impending danger particularly to the youth and it may also help prevent one from ever viewing such site in the web. The parents like the community, they will be aware of the effects of Internet pornography and might be able to observe and understand what their child may be going through. Also the study will help parents prevent their child to go and watch on pornographic sites. The college students They, specifically the male ones will be able to understand themselves more and may help them avoid or help them discontinue watching those pornographic sites with the results of this study. The researchers will most likely benefit with the study. It will make the researchers understand and be aware of the issue of internet pornography to male college students. Finally, the researchers will be able to create a program or software that will filter these pornographic sites that will prevent porn addicts to visit explicit sites and lessen the effects on college students. This study can also influence future programmers in USC TC Computer engineering department to

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develop a software to prevent these sites from propagating in the web and also prevent harmful software that may destroy Computers.

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The type of research used on this study is descriptive in nature. The answer collected from respondents through questionnaires that are used as primary testing instruments. Data are drawn from questionnaires and are tallied and summarized in a frequently table. Then the results are to be analyzed. Research Environment The research locale will be the University of San Carlos Technological Center found in Talamban, Cebu City, Philippines. The study will be specifically In the Engineering department of the University where all the respondents will be taken. Research Participants This research study utilizes Probability sampling. The study is limited to 50 random students int the University of San Carlos Talamban Campus particularly the male Engineering students of different course, age and year levels. Research Instrument Only one type of instrument is used in the research study. Questionnaires or survey sheets are collected as form of general data from respondents pertaining to the students exposure to internet pornography but may not be as reliable as possible due to respondents bias. The questionnaire contains questions that shall be used to answer the problems stated in this study.

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Research Procedure Gathering of Data. A self-reposting study is conducted. A semi-structured questionnaire is directly answered by randomly selected male engineering students of the University of San Carlos. Treatment of Data. The entire study utilizes descriptive analysis and situational analysis. So as the analysis and interpretation of data, a descriptive analysis such as measures of central tendency and percentile ranking is to be used. Graphs and charts are constructed to designate nominal and ordinal values among variables to be identified in the study. The sub problems will be treated using descriptive analysis same as the whole study utilizes.

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The terms used in this study are operationally defined as follows: Addiction- refers to being engrossed to a material which may be one of the effects of Internet Pornography. Aggression- refers to being impulsive that causes pain or harm to another which may be an effect of watching internet pornography. Guilt- refers an emotion drawn by an act done unintentionally or because of fear and which might be experienced after watching pornographic materials in the internet. Insensitivity- refers to a belief that tends to be numb or towards another persons feelings. Internet Pornography- refers to obscene materials (audio, visual, etc) found in the internet. Isolation- refers to being less social and less interactive with others due to watching pornographic sites. Objectification- refers to a person who thinks or believes that a person is an object or an instrument they can use or play with. Paranoia- refers to being mentally delusional caused by anxiety and fear. Perversion- refers to being not normal or turning away from what is right. Satisfaction- refers to the sense of fulfillment or gratification of desire after watching pornographic materials.

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Sexuality- refers to ones interest in sexual activity which is the main focus of the study. Sexual Fantasy- refers to imaginations of sexual activities in mind.

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Chapter 2 THE EFFECTS OF INTERNET PORNOGRAPHY ON USC-TC MALE ENGINEERING STUDENTS ON HOW THEY EXHIBIT THEIR SEXUALITY This chapter of the research presents, evaluates, analyzes, and construes the data that answer the problems in this study. The data on hand are the responses of male engineering students to queries concerning to how Internet Pornography affects their emotions, behaviors and beliefs.

Determining the responses of the students means the identification and enumeration of the effects of Internet pornography to a male engineering student.

The data is delivered in a way to identify the emotions of students after post-obscene visual experience, beliefs on how they interact with the opposite sex, changes experienced emotionally and mentally and the advantages and disadvantages brought by watching those obscene materials in the Internet.

Table 1 displays the frequency of how the respondents are affected emotionally after watching or viewing Pornographic materials in the Internet. There are five levels of how the respondents can describe how they felt about viewing such materials. 28 | P a g e

Table No. 1 Effects of Internet Pornography on Emotions N = 50 Emotions after Post-obscence Visual Experience Increased sexual Likert Scaling * arousal/fantasy Satisfaction Guilt and sadness numbe percentag numbe percentag r percentage Number e r e Strongly Agree 13 26.00 5 10.00 8 16.00 Agree 17 34.00 8 16.00 5 10.00 Undecided 10 20.00 16 32.00 14 28.00 Disagree 9 18.00 17 34.00 14 28.00 Strongly Disagree 1 2.00 4 8.00 9 18.00 TOTAL 50 100.00 50 100.00 50 100.00 Data revealed that 34% of the respondents agreed to have experienced an increase of sexual arousal or fantasy after engaging into internet pornography. However, 34% of the respondents were unsatisfied after viewing an explicit material. 28% were undecided of whether they felt guilt and sadness after their obscene visual experience and 28% did not experienced guilt at all. This shows that Internet pornography increases sexual arousal, the raging feeling usually normal only prior to sexual intercourse and pornography fakes this feeling especially if the males are not deciding to go into sex. But what is contradicting is that they are dissatisfied after watching internet porn though they were sexually aroused. A result that might give two meanings; (1) dissatisfied to the fact that they dont like what theyve watched and would stop watching or (2) they are seeking for something more erotic and more arousing. The 3 rd part of the result about feeling guilty and sad is not a surprise. More men chose the undecided or disagree maybe to say that they have enjoyed it and they harmed no one to feel sad and guilty. 29 | P a g e

Table 2 displays the frequency of how the respondents beliefs changed after watching or viewing Pornographic materials in the Internet. There are five levels of how the respondents can describe how those beliefs on interacting with the opposite sex changed. Table No. 2 Effects of Internet Pornography on Beliefs N = 50 Beliefs on how they interact with the Opposite Sex Imagine person just like Women enjoy rape, Likert Scaling * in the Porn site violence Insensitivity percentag Number Percentage number e number Percentage Strongly Agree 5 10.0 4 8.0 4 8.0 Agree 6 12.0 9 18.0 7 14.0 Undecided 9 18.0 3 6.0 7 14.0 Disagree 16 32.0 15 30.0 12 24.0 Strongly Disagree 14 28.0 19 38.0 20 40.0 TOTAL 50 100.0 50 100.0 50 100.0 Data revealed that 32% of the respondents disagreed on viewing a person in resemblance to what they have seen on an actual porn site. 38% of the respondents strongly disagreed on the belief that because of internet pornography, they acquired the perception that women enjoy rape and violence. 24% of the respondents disagreed on the belief of insensitivity and callousness towards women due to internet pornography. This table tells more about how the respondents would interact after they have watched porn, be it for the first time or every time. The respondents disagreed about imagining the people like porn stars. This maybe reliable due to cultural influence and somehow personal beliefs related to either idealism or religion. Most of the respondents strongly 30 | P a g e

disagreed about the question that women enjoy rape and that they are insensitive of womens feeling, a profound result that culture might influence beliefs.

Table 3 displays the frequency of the respondents emotional changes. There are five levels of how the respondents can describe how their emotions have changed by indulging themselves to watch internet pornography. Table No. 3 Changes caused by Internet Pornography on Emotions N = 50 Emotional Change Likert Scaling * Paranoia Isolation number percentage number Percentage Strongly Agree 5 10.0 3 6.0 Agree 15 30.0 9 18.0 Undecided 11 22.0 10 20.0 Disagree 15 30.0 15 30.0 Strongly Disagree 4 8.0 13 26.0 TOTAL 50 100.0 50 100.0

Data revealed that 30% of the respondents agreed on being paranoid or anxious of getting caught watching pornography. 30% of the respondents disagreed on experiencing isolation from their family and friends to hide their habits. The results show that the respondents are not afraid if people would see them watching porn. This might be understood from the belief that its normal and Im a guy so I watch. The respondents have gained confidence of watching porn. A possibility is that they might even do this in public. Most of the respondents disagreed that they have the need to isolate themselves from friends and family due to the act of watching porn. This result is somehow related to the first one 31 | P a g e

about anxiety and paranoia. They can still mingle with other people even thought they watch porn.

Table 4 displays the frequency of the respondents mental changes. There are five levels of how the respondents can describe how their mentality had changed by indulging themselves to watch internet pornography. Table No. 4 Changes caused by Internet Pornography Mentally N = 50 Mental Change Likert Scaling * Separation from God Addiction numbe percentag numbe percentag r e r e Strongly Agree 4 8.0 3 6.0 Agree 10 20.0 7 14.0 Undecided 13 26.0 12 24.0 Disagree 13 26.0 18 36.0 Strongly Disagree 10 20.0 10 20.0 TOTAL 50 100.0 50 100.0

Perversion numbe percentag r e 4 15 5 16 10 50 8.0 30.0 10.0 32.0 20.0 100.0

Preoccupation numbe percentag r e 5 7 14 13 11 50 10.0 14.0 28.0 26.0 22.0 100.0

Data revealed that 13% of the respondents were undecided on whether have they experienced an isolation from their deity due to internet pornography indulgence while the other 13% disagreed on such experience. 36% of the respondents disagreed on considering themselves to be somewhat addicted to porn. 32% of the respondents disagreed on considering themselves practicing sexual perversion but 30% does. 28% of the respondents were undecided on whether they were preoccupied with acquiring explicit visual materials. The results for Separation from God question were almost not far from one another, 32 | P a g e

but most of the respondents do not agree to this matter. Some respondents believed that watching porn does not make them feel separated from God. This is a personal reason. Most of the respondents disagreed that they are addicted to porn. This result might be biased. The respondents might be in the state of denial. Same goes to the undecided. Those who agreed might have found themselves really addicted to it. A significant result that can lead to a deduction that pornography can turn out to be an addiction especially to those who cant handle them. Regarding sexual perversion, the percentage of those who agreed that they do and they dont is almost equal. It could lead to a thought that the more you indulge to porn, the more you become pervert and those who dont Practice perversion might have a good control of themselves. Most of the respondents were undecided or disagreed or even strongly disagreed that they are preoccupied of plans to watch more porn. This might be due to the fact that the respondents were college students and more inclined to their academics and socialization rather than isolating them and watch internet porn. Still the influence of culture might be the best factor to blame.

Table 5 and 6 displays the frequency of how Internet pornography affects their lives. There are five levels of how the respondents can describe the effects of having watched such materials in the Internet.

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Table No. 5 Advantages of Internet Pornography N = 50 Likert Scaling * Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree TOTAL Comfort about sex numbe percentag r e 9 18.0 16 32.0 11 22.0 10 20.0 4 50 8.0 100.0 Advantages Openness about sex numbe percentag r e 11 22.0 17 34.0 10 20.0 9 18.0 3 50 6.0 100.0 Education numbe percentag r e 17 34.0 17 34.0 10 20.0 4 8.0 2 50 4.0 100.0

Data revealed that 32% of the respondents agreed that pornography makes them comfortable and relaxed about sex. 34% of the respondents agreed on being more open and experimental about sex due to pornography indulgence. 34% strongly agreed that internet pornography educates them about the mechanics of sex while 34% of the respondents merely agreed. A significant percentage on the comfort about sex question tells that the respondents (on the age of 16-21) still seek comfort on pressure about this disturbing matter (regarding to culture). Related to the first one, most of the respondents agreed to have been open about sex matters and is willing to experiment. And most of the respondents consider pornography as educational and not harmful. Educational in a way that it will teach them how to deal with it most especially with their partners. Most of them were into the thought that soon, they will be doing this thing.

Table No. 6 34 | P a g e

Disadvantages of Internet Pornography N = 50 Disadvatages Likert Scaling * Objectification percentag Number e Strongly Agree 4 8.0 Agree 6 12.0 Undecided 8 16.0 Disagree 14 28.0 Strongly Disagree 18 36.0 TOTAL 50 100.0 Agression percentag Number e 4 8.0 12 24.0 8 16.0 12 24.0 14 28.0 50 100.0 Neglect of responsibilities number 3 8 5 11 23 50 percentage 6.0 16.0 10.0 22.0 46.0 100.0

Data revealed that 36% of the respondents strongly disagreed that they objectify people as sexual models rather than human beings. 28% of the respondents strongly disagreed on the belief that they are more prone to aggression due to internet pornography. 46% of the respondents strongly disagreed on their negligence of their responsibilities because of internet pornography

preoccupation. Most of the respondents still believed that people are not toys for sex. In this case still cultural influence gets into the scene. The results for the respondents being aggressive due to internet pornography are equal on agree and disagree. It shows that some of the respondents are affected by internet pornography regarding aggression. But there is still a significant percentage of the respondents who strongly disagreed that they become aggressive due to internet porn. but nevertheless, internet porn affects behaviors. A good result is that most of the respondents didnt consider porn to be a hindrance to doing their responsibilities (i.e. being a student). This means that priority overcomes sexual wants.

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Chapter 3


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In this part of the research, the problems and research methodology are again mentioned. The findings of the study are presented together with the

conclusions that can be extracted from it. This chapter is ended with the recommendations that the researchers had based from the conclusions.

There were fifty (50) participants who eagerly answered and returned the survey forms (50 distributed and 50 returned). These survey forms were gathered and collected by the researchers. The responses were then tabulated and evaluated.

It was the purpose of this study to investigate and identify the effects of internet pornography to how the male Engineering students of the University of San Carlos exhibit their sexuality.

Specifically this study aimed to identify the effects of internet pornography on the students emotions after watching these obscene materials, effects on the students beliefs on how to interact with the opposite sex, the emotional and mental changes brought by watching pornographic materials on the internet and the advantages and disadvantages of having watched or having seen obscene materials in the internet.

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Most of the respondents agreed that one of the effects of post obscene visual experience is (34%) an increase in sexual arousal and sexual fantasies. Most respondents (34% and 28%) disagreed that Internet pornography satisfied them and made them feel guilty and sad.

Majority of the respondents said that there was no tremendous effect on how they would interact with the opposite sex after watching Inter pornography. They disagreed that when after watching those obscene materials (32%) they dont imagine women as those like in the pornographic site or (38%) they dont perceive women to enjoy rape and (24%) they dont become insensitive to the feelings of the opposite sex.

Most of the respondents (30%) agreed that they experienced anxiety and paranoia of getting caught watching Internet pornography. Majority (30%) responded that there was no isolation from friends and family they disagreed that these Pornographic sites does not affect their relationship with others.

Most respondents (26%) believed that they didnt become separated from God. They believe that it does not affect their relationship with their deity. The same percentage of (26%) respondents were undecided if they felt separation from their deity. Majority (36%) believe that they are not really addicted to Internet pornography rather just viewers of such materials. Most of the (32%) respondents disagreed that they become perverts and cause harm to others.

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There were an equal percentage of (28%) respondents who were undecided that they become preoccupied acquiring more obscene materials and respondents who never thought of being preoccupied in acquiring more.

Most of the (32%, 34%, 34%) respondents agreed that Internet pornography is beneficial to them because they believe and agreed that it made them comfortable about sex and talking about it. It makes them open minded about the presence of sex and how open the world is to pornography. The respondents also agreed that these Pornographic sites educates them and gives them knowledge about the mechanics of sex and how to go about it with intimate partners. Most of the (36%)respondents disagreed on the fact that when indulge in Internet pornography there is a tendency of objectifying women and use them as sexual models rather as human. Most (28%) respondents strongly disagreed that watching internet pornography is a source of releasing frustrations and aggressions. Most of the (28%) respondents also believe that Internet pornography does not affect their responsibilities.

Conclusions Based on the findings of the random sample population, the following conclusions are drawn:

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Basing on the male engineering students of the University of San Carlos response on the effects of Internet Pornography. The effects identified on:


emotions from post-obscene visual experience confirms an increase of sexual arousal and sexual fantasy. The

respondents firmly believed that after watching such materials they are aroused. b. their beliefs with interacting with the opposite sex doesnt change. They strongly believe that nothing changes when they interact with the opposite sex, they dont imagine the opposite sex as porn stars and they dont think that women would enjoy being raped and undressed. Also they still have respect for women even though they have watched such obscene materials.


Basing on the male engineering students of the University of San Carlos response on the changes brought by Internet Pornography. The changes identified on their: a. emotions is the creation of fear of getting caught of watching those obscene materials. They become anxious and paranoid when they want to watch those sites.

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mental state is perversions due to watching porn and that somehow undecided if they are preoccupied of acquiring more of the explicit materials.


According to the responses of the male engineering students of the University of San Carlos the: a. advantages of having watched internet pornography is to be educated about sex and to be able to understand their partners need and be able to open their minds and not be ignorant of sex and internet pornography. b. disadvantage of having watched internet pornography is the creation of fear of getting caught.

Recommendations Basing on the facts gathered, findings, and conclusions, these are the recommendations of this study: 1. The psychological department of the school should: a. b. study on the effect of internet pornography on female students. study on the reactions of female students on male students viewing internet pornography. 2. The government should: a. b. study on adding sex education to college students curriculum. create laws on internet pornography.

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create a task force filtering and guarding the internet sites available specially explicit sites.

3. The department of Computer Engineering should: a. develop a software that may filter pornographic sites in the internet and a software that may track sources of these obscene materials in the internet.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain Struthers 2009, pages 44, 69-76 42 | P a g e

Pornography: the production and consumption of inequality Allan Cooper Copyright 2002 by Routledge pp 89-93 Pop-porn: pornography in American culture Lahrer 2009 pp 57-58 College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice Cox, 1999 pp 68-71 Human sexuality and its problems Kandell, 1998, p. 1 Youth, pornography and the Internet Griffiths, 2000, p. 7-10 The gender of desire: essays on male sexuality Caplan 2002, US, pp.66 Pornography: men possessing women Kastleman, 2002, pp 180 Watching sex: how men really respond to pornography Putnam, 1997, 2000 , p,65 & p.78 Porn university: what college students are really saying about sex on campus wallace 2008, pp 42, 66, 78 making sense of online pornography Schwartz and Southers, 2000, pp 15 Porn Nation: Conquering America's #1 Addiction 43 | P a g e

Cooper, 1998b, pp67, 88-89 Internet Pornography: Awareness and Prevention McBain 2002, pp 3-6 Youth, pornography and the Internet Thornburgh and Lin 2002,page 120 College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research, and Implications for Practice Harper and Harris 2010, pp 192-195. Battle cry for a generation: the fight to save America's youth Luce 2005, page 3. Sex 2.0 - Pornography and Prostitution Influenced by the Internet: Feminist views on pornography and prostitution Glockner 2008, pages 1-10

APPENDICES* Transmittal Letter

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Questionnaire Please put a check mark () below the column that best applies to you. Please do not leave an item unanswered. Your answers will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Thank you. QUESTIONS STRONGLY AGREE UNDECIDED DISAGREE STRONGLY 45 | P a g e

AGREE (1).After watching porn I have increased sexual fantasies. (2).I find a sense of fulfilment, escapism and endurance to get through the day after watching porn. (3). I feel sad and guilty after watching porn (4). When interacting with an opposite sex, I imagine them to be similar to the person I have seen on an obscene material. (5). I have the perception of thinking that women enjoy rape, violence and brutality. (6). Because of pornography, I am calloused and insensitive towards a woman. (7).I easily get paranoid about getting caught watching porn (8). Because of the fear of getting caught, I feel more isolated and less social to my friends and family to hide my habits. (9).I have a preoccupation with acquiring additional sexually explicit materials. (10). I have felt the sense of separation from my deity (God) (11).I consider myself


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to be somewhat addicted to porn. (12). I would consider myself practicing sexual perversion and thus making me a pervert at times. (13). Pornography somehow makes me more relaxed and comfortable about sex. (14). Pornography makes me more openminded and willing to experiment. (15). Pornography educates me about the mechanics of sex and more attentive to partner's pleasures. (16). Pornography causes me to objectify people. I view them as sexual models rather than a human being. (17). I have observed that I find it easier to release my aggression and anger especially to women due to pornography. (18). I neglect my responsibilities (e.g. school and work) to feed my sexual arousal due to explicit ideas that pornography have mentally implanted on me. List of Respondents

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Due to the sensitivity of our research topic, we, the researchers decided not to ask and give out a list of the respondents to respect their privacy and their silence.


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Name: Buri, Simon Jose G. Address: PC Camp Site, Ibingay, Masbate City. Contact Nos.: 09238640695; 09151143376; 5820876

Educational Background High School: Masbate National Comprehensive High School (MNCHS) Quezon St., Rosero, Masbate City, Masbate, 5400 College: 4th Year Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering Major in Computer Networking

Involvement in Team Research State the specific tasks assigned and accomplished for this research work.

Encoder Number of Paragraphs written Proof read Over-all Editor Others, specify _________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Personal Data Name: Capulan, Kathleen V.

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Address: 372 Tres de Abril Street, V. Rama Ave., Cebu City Contact Nos.: 0922 7249551

Educational Background High School: University of San Jose Recoletos Basak, Pardo, Cebu City College: 4th Year Computer Engineering Major in Computer Networking

Involvement in Team Research State the specific tasks assigned and accomplished for this research work.

Encoder Number of Paragraphs written Proof read Over-all Editor Others, specify _________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Personal Data Name: Pejante, Kee

50 | P a g e

Address: Pusok Cemento, Lapu-lapu City, Cebu Contact Nos.: 0932 5011124

Educational Background High School : Science and Technology Education Center Basak, Lapu-lapu City, Cebu College : 4th Year Computer Engineering Major in Computer Networking

Involvement in Team Research State the specific tasks assigned and accomplished for this research work.

Encoder Number of Paragraphs written Proof read Over-all Editor Others, specify _________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Personal Data Name: Potian, Marivienne Janine E.

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Address: Alinso, Paknaan, Mandaue City Contact Nos.: 0933 4279272

Educational Background High School : Mandaue City Science High School Opao, Mandaue City College : 4th Year Computer Engineering Major in Computer Networking

Involvement in Team Research State the specific tasks assigned and accomplished for this research work.

Encoder Number of Paragraphs written Proof read Over-all Editor Others, specify _________________________________________ ________________________________________________

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