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Continuous Improvement (CI) is an ongoing effort to improve products, services or process through incremental improvements using

various tools over time or through "breakthrough" improvements all at once during an event. CI tools assist teams and can be
customized to meet specific teams needs and goals. Exclusion analysis and implementation of small improvements over time is not
continuous improvement.

Team Ground Rules

Keep an open mind to change
Maintain a positive attitude
Never leave in silent disagreement
Create a blameless environment
Practice mutual respect everyday
Treat others as you want to be treated
One person-One voice-no position or rank
There is no such thing as a dumb question
Understand the process and just do it

SIPOC Worksheet Tab

A SIPOC summarizes/defines process inputs and outputs in a visual table. The acronym SIPOC stands for suppliers, inputs, process,
outputs and customers, show as table columns.


1. What is the process scope of work? Process scope is the body of work , i.e., overall tasks, activities and decisions completed to
ensure project goals and deliverables are met. Scope should be defined and limited to the work to be done to achieve the goals.
Essentially, What do you need to GET, PREPARE, BEGIN, PRODUCE, COMPLETE and PROVIDE?
2. What are the goals and benefits of the process? What does success look like?
3. When filling in the seven step boxes be specific to describe the first and last steps of the process. These establish the boundaries of
the work to be completed. The steps should reflect the scope defined.
4. Once the steps are filled out, move through the outputs, customers, inputs and suppliers. Use the steps for each category.
5. In the Requirements/Data column, list all types of data available in the process to show meeting performance measures,
measurements of customer satisfaction, any customer requirements, rules etc.…

Category Good Practices Common Errors

Use Verb + Noun format: e.g.
Names that use the “past tense”: e.g. “Staff
Process “Recruit Staff” or “Prepare
Recruited”, or “Reports Produced
Outputs are “things”. They may Outputs that are actually outcomes; e.g. “Satisfied
meet customer needs, or not. Customers” or “On-time Reports”.

Staff and other resources included as inputs. They

Inputs are “things” provided by don’t trigger the process and don’t get worked on by
suppliers to the process. it. Policies and Rules included as inputs. These guide
the process, but don’t get worked on by it.


The SWOT analysis tool has been used for years for strategic planning; works well to identify improvements in a process. In a process,
the decision makers have to determine whether the objective (scope, goals) are attainable. If not, there is room for improvement
(Kaizen, Design, Value Stream, 5S)

Strengths - Identify the current strengths of the existing process
Weaknesses - identify the current weaknesses of the existing process or the weaknesses caused by not having a defined process or
with inconsistencies of staff in current process
Opportunities - identify the external conditions helpful in achieving the objective. An example may be better access to information,
another bureau or section does similar work, development of a new technology, expectations of the customer have changed, new
rules in place, etc.

Threats - identify external threats that block the ability to achieve the scope of work, goals and objectives of the process. Examples
include bureaus or sections aren't sharing information in the most expedient way, so decisions are made without the right tools to do
so, customer don't have access to the more recent tools they need to supply the information correctly the first time, etc.
Process Improvement Opportunities Tab

Process Improvement is a systematic approach in order to help optimize the standard work in order to achieve the goals of the
agency/division/bureau/section. Process improvement isn't a one-and-done. Ons should continuously be looking at processes and
determining how we can make it better. Sometimes the use of a LEAN tool will be necessary to help facilitate the improvement
through Business Kaizen, Design, Value Stream Mapping or 5S.

Business Kaizen - Highly focused, action oriented event that has clear objectives, measurement focused, data driven and fact based,
and uses creativity before capital. Usually 5 days in length and empowers a team to take action to improve a process.

Design for Lean Six Sigma - A methodology to create a new service, product or process. Applicable to any high-value project that needs
a significant amount of new design. Strong emphasis on capturing and understanding the customer and organization needs.
Value Stream Mapping - Mapping of many processes that are part of an overall theme or value stream from a 30,000 foot level to
show where gaps or overlaps are in programs and services. Value Stream mapping can be used as a strategic planning tool that gives
agencies a plan to work off of.
5S - A process and method for creating and maintaining an organized, clean, high-performance workplace. It enables waste
identification, promotes employee satisfaction, enables standard operations, and enables visual controls.


Based on the SIPOC and the SWOT analysis, where do you see opportunities for process improvement, bureau/section collaboration or
communication. List opportunities you see and the importance of each to the continued/future success of the process. This is a
priority or to-do list or a couple paragraphs to expand on next steps or improvements needed. Whatever is produced in this tab,
please share with team members, impacted sections, bureaus, or divisions.
Process Name:
Process Scope:
Process Goals/Deliverables:
Process Owner/Bureau:

What data or
documentation do you
Who supplies the
What resources do you have on the
information/inputs What is produced by or result Who receives the product
need to perform this What are the 5- performance of the
necessary to make this from this process? What or informaiton created
process/function? What 7 major steps process? What are
process happen? Where happens when then work is from the output?
forms do you use? in this your customer
does the work come done? Who direclty benefits from
(Can include materials, process? requirements? (How
from? this process?
supplies, etc.) long it takes to conduct
(Can include people, other
the process, customer
offices, agencies, etc.)
satisfaction, etc)



Process Improvement Opportunities
Based on the SIPCO and the SWOT analysis, where do you see opportuntiies for process improvement, collaboration or
communication (internally, across departments, externally). List opportunties as you see and the imrpotance of each to
the continued/future success of the process. This is a prioroity or to-do list that expands on next stpes or improvement

Consider: Gemba Walk Kaizen

Process Mapping Design
Standard Work Value Stream
Visual Management 5S

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