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Listening short.

You have ten seconds to read the task.

At the beginning of a radio play, you hear a girl leaving a
message for her friend. / …in a car
At the moment, the shopping centre sells / …clothes
Each driving lessons costs: / …14 pounds
For his most recent TV program, John: / …went to the
Pacific Ocean for a year
Frank finds ships quickly because he / … uses the latest
From Edinburgh, the campsite is / … 40 miles

How did the man travel? / …

How did the woman travel to Scotland? / …

How does the girl feel about it? / …Unconvinced that there
is a problem

How does the man go to work? / …

How is the station's gym different from other city gyms? / …
It is not so expensive
How many children went on the school trip?/…12
How many people are there in the band? / …twelve
How much does Philip pay for the photography course?/…
75 pounds
How much is a movie ticket today? / … 6 dollars

How will Nick get to the airport?

How will the man book tickets to the show?

In his songs. Steve writes about his /…children
Jamie agrees to move into the new flat on /… Sunday
On her first flight alone. Jane didn't / … recognize the white
house she was looking for
On the news you hear the story about a cat. Where was te
cat found? / …in train carriage
On weekdays, a visit to the park costs: / $12
Peter failed the test because he…/…didn't stop at the
traffic lights
Roger thinks the best time to go to the campsite is / …
Sarah earns enough money from her painting to / … pay for
her flat and car
Steve enjoys recording with his band because /… it's like
being in a family/he doesn't have to sing/everyone helps
write the music.
The A-Z of Photography will NOT interest experienced
photographers because /…The information is unsuitable
The band will only play your favourite song if/… you ask
them before the party
The first old ship which Frank found /…easy to find.
The magazine is different to a local newspaper because of
how often it is sold. / …what it contains
The presenter likes Cooking for One because/… she now
likes cooking
Two friends are talking. What’s the man’s new phone
number? / …07 2844 798

What color is Mary’s coat?

What did John do when he last visited his friends? /

What do the man and woman agree about? / …Birds are
unlikely to be affected by farms
does Frank say What about the ship called The Seabird?
/ … It sank in a storm
What does the man say about going to the gym? / … It
takes too much of his time
What does the woman like about the clothes he designs? /
…They are original
What does the woman plan to do in the


What has the girl forgotten to bring? / …

What has the man just bought? / … a car

What has the man’s job now? …

What happened to Jane on her test flight? /…She almost hit

What is the man’s favorite sport? / …

What job does Mary’s brother do?

What is the maximum size of a class? / …4 people
What is the woman giving advice about? / … Throwing
things away

What is the woman going to eat?/…

What is the woman worried about? /… Risk of damage
What point is being made about college canteens? / …the
choice of food has improved
What should people do at the moment? / …keep away from
the area

What time does the film finish? / …

What time does the film begin?

What time is the party on Saturday? / … 2.30
What type of information is the radio reporter giving? / … an
accident report

What type of T-shirt does the woman want?

What was the boy's opinion of the place he went to
yesterday? / … It was easy to see butterflies in detail

What was the girl given for her birthday?

What will Ben do this evening?/…

What will Tim and his dad play today?/…

What will they do today?

What’s the weather like now? / …

What’s the weather like when the holiday began? /

When will the shop open again? / …

When she was at primary school, Sarah painted pictures of
people./… drew scenes in pencil.

Where did Minnie and Richard first meet?

Where does the band perform most regularly? /…on a boat

Where will the couple meet?

Where will they sit?

Which is the aunt's postcard?

Which day is Jimmy’s guitar lesson?

Where is Angela now?

Where will the man leave his car tonight?

Where is the computer now? /

Where is the girl's purse? /

Where is the new cafe?

Which girl is Sarah? …

Which job does Max do on program? / …

Which kind of T-shirt did the boy choose? / …

Which man is the English teacher? / …

Which platform does the woman’s train leave


Who gave the man the CD for his birthday? /…

Why did she accept a job in a bookshop? / …She hoped to
improve certain skills
Why did Steve and his band leave their recording company?
/It wanted more of the money the band made/It wanted
more control of the band's music/It wanted the band to
sign a longer contract.
Why does she recommend it? / …It’s an area of natural beauty
Why is the woman annoyed? / … She doesn't know why there is
a delay
Why was Bob chosen to join the band? / …They were looking for
a singer
You can only go through the park / …on foot
You hear a man talking on the phone about buying a house. What
is the purpose of his call? / …to obtain information
You hear a man talking to people at the beginning of a course. / ...
at the benefits of the course
You hear a scientist talking about a slimming diet which is used by
people who want to lose weight. What does she say about the
diet? It can have useful results
You hear two people talking.How does the woman feel? / relieved
You hear a school headmaster talking about notices. What is
he telling the students? / …where to display them
You overhear a man talking about the competitions that he
and his wife enter. What his favorite prize allow him to do?
/ …stay a luxurious place
You overhear a woman talking about some news she has
just received. How does she feel about the
news?/… delighted
You overhear two people talking in a restaurant. Where has
the woman just come from? /…a supermarket
You overhear two people talking on a bus tour of a city.
What do they agree about? / …how busy the city is
You turn on the radio and hear part of a music program.
What do you learn about the 4 people mentioned? / … they
have recently formed a group
You turn on the radio and hear a man speaking. What are
you listening to? An advertisement

Listening long.
You have 45 seconds to read the questions.
Adam first because attracted to underwater diving through
/ doing his training when he was in the army
When selecting the team he works with underwater, Adam is
/ willing to give young people an opportunity
How does Adam feel about working with a team at sea?
/ The risk involved have to be acknowledged
According to Adam, working in a deep water tank in studio
/ produces less exciting images
Adam dislikes using artificial light … / Dit makes his
working conditions too unpredictable./ difficult
Where is Angela working at the moment? /Britain
Angela likes her job because she / Enjoys watching
important events
What did Angela bring home from Hong Kong? / Furniture
What time does Angela’s working day begin? / 8:30
Where did Angela meet her boyfriend? / At her sister’s
What does Angela do to relax?/ She goes sailing

Barbara once felt embarrassed / tried to speak
store detective / was waiting
Why did Barbara tell her / she was afraid
Barbara and her husband / they had been unable
Barbara's company / they had clear
How long has Britta lived in Berlin? / four years
What does Britta say about living in berlin? / She likes living
in a big, busy city
The area of Berlin where Britta lives is / a good place to eat
How does Britta usually travel around in Berlin / She uses
her bicycle
Britta has lots of friends who / live near her
According to Colin, the quality of YHA accommodation / has
risen over the years
Colin says that the YHA decided what changes to make by
/ asking for the views of customers
Colin says that in the early years of the YHA / it was more
common for young people to travel without parents
What does Colin say about YHA regulations / they used to
be stricter
Colin fears that in the future there may be / too many
When she was at school / a teacher
Why did Cl not apply / she thought it
What surprised../ she had to carry
Cl was told to improve / mathematics
What part of her job / writing
What is Cl going / plan
Elena decided / Nine
At ballet school in New York, Elena / learned to be
What does Elena say / Children will enjoy it
In her free time / go shopping
What does Elena often do for her fans? / She gives them a

What does Elena like best about her job?/ doing something
she loves.

Gary and David (twin brothers)
What annoyed Gary’s twin brother David when they were
young children? / Gary not telling him things
Why were the twins put into different classes at school? / to
improve their academic works
Gary remembers that, as teenagers, he and his brother
/ sometimes tried to be independent of each other
Gary explains that, when they were young, he and David …
/ only their mother could tell which twin was which
When talking about his music, Gary says that being twins
/ has increased the popularity of the brothers’ band
Why did Judy / It was an important
What advice / Leave out unimportant
What is her attitude / She hasn’t made
In writing her autobiography, Judy / feels she has made a
lot of progress
What do we learn about Judy from the interview? / She
hasn’t written any books before
Why did James decide … / He was impressed by the work
of a famous photographer
James has recently attended a course on / action
What was the subject of the … / towns
James usually gets ideas for his photographs / he needs a
long time to prepare
What has James decided he will do … / publish a book of
his photographs
In Norway, Kate’s friends helped her / put on the clothes
she would fly in
During the flight to Denmark, Kate / spoke to her son
On Monday, Kate was worried because / a wheel was not
working properly
While staying at her friends’ farm, Kate / enjoyed hearing
the birds sing
Kate had to arrive at the flying club in England / before it
got dark
Lucy enjoyed building a tree-house because it / presented
an interesting design problem
What fascinated Lucy about the historical phone boxes?
/ their range‫ تشكيلة‬of styles‫الموضات‬
At college, Lucy designed small buildings so that they
/ could be assembled in ‫تجميعها في‬a shorter time
Lucy got the idea for a folding market stall‫كشك سوق متطور‬
/ while she was on an overseas trip ‫رحلة بالخارج‬
What did Lucy like best about her award-winning design?
‫جائزة الفوز بالتصميم‬/ the decoration‫الزخرفة‬
Luke’s Dad says he prefers to travel in a van)‫عربة (شاحنة صغيرة‬
because / It will give him a better experience of places
What is Luke most looking forward do? / Doing a
What has Luke done in preparation for the trip? / He has
helped research the cost of travel
How will Luke continue his studies during the trip? / He will
be taught by his mother
What will Luke miss most of all? / Being an his own
What does Madeleine say about having to adopt a
professional name / It met with some resistance from
some people
How did having a part in a musical help Madeleine / It allowed
her to re-establish a routine in her life
Madeleine thinks that stars who seem to be behaving badly / might
just be expressing their creativity
Madeleine thinks that she hasn‟t become a big star because she
/ blames herself when things go wrong
Compared to her earlier work, Madeleine thinks that her latest
songs / have more carefully written lyrics‫كلمات اغنيه‬
What did Marina‟s family do on holiday when she was a child?
/ They went skiing in their favourite ski resort
What did Marina enjoy most about cross-country skiing? / The
places where she skied
On her first day of cross-country skiing, Marina received
instruction from /a young girl
When Marina first used cross-country ski equipment / she wasn’t
able to control her skis
After two weeks of cross-country skiing, what distance could
Marina ski in a day? / 25km
Where does Marina plan to stay for her skiing holiday next year?
/ in ski huts
Martin Middleton (Borneo)
What was the origin of Martin Middleton‟s love of travel
/ something he read as a child
When he visited Borneo, Martin / had no expectations
Since the early 1960s, wildlife filming has become / more
organised (involved more traveling)
When he takes a holiday, Martin prefers to / travel for a
particular reason
Martin thought that the holiday-makers he saw in Dominican
Republic were / lacking entertainment
What has recently helped Nick to produce so much work …? / a
sense of artistic freedom
Musicians who participated in the recording of Nick‟s work …
/ restrictions on the type of instrument allowed
What does Nick say about the concept of “the blues”? / it can exist
outside music.
When asked about writing songs, Nick says that he / needs piece
in order to compose
In Nick‟s view, what makes a good song? / when the words and
music come to the songwriter at the same time.
When Pete applied to be a guest cosmonaut, he / lacked a
necessary skill
When Pete was at university, he / didn’t have to worry about
What does Pete say about the jobs he took after university? / They
made him decide to take up writing as a career
What does Pete think about space exploration? /There are
advantages despite the costs
What does Pete feel about life on other planets? /He accepts that
it might not exist
Rachel 1
How does Rachel account for the popularity of her books? / Her
target audience can relate to them easily
According to Rachel, what motivates her to start painting each
day? / a desire to express her commitment to art
Rachel says that when the idea for a character comes to her, / it is
easy to recognize its potential
How was Rachel‟s … illustrator established? / A change of topic
helped her produce a successful book
How did Rachel become a successful writer, as …? / She created
a character who was instantly popular
Rachel 2
What does Rachel say about her job title? / It is appropriate for
most of the work she does
What is the most of most common reason for the gallery …? / It is
mot of a high enough quality
When can phone calls from artists be difficult for Rachel? / When
their work is not accepted
Why does Rachel include a commentary in the catalogue? / It
gives background information about the artist
What does Rachel say about administrative work? / She is able to
leave a lot of it to others
What was Sally’s favorite activity at primary school?
/ listening to stories
When Sally first the left school, she got a job as a / shop
Where does Sally get most of the ideas for her stories?
/ She listens to teenage conversations
What does
Sally find most difficult in her job? / getting up very early to
What are Sally’s plans for a next year? / to go abroad

How long has Sarah Worked as a weather forecaster? / 7
What does Sarah say about her job? / She sometimes has
to work at night
When Sarah does a weather forecast? / she prepares it in
Sarah's husband/ spends a lot of time travelling.

Sarah is pleased because she / took part in a long race

A man in India wanted / a photo of Sarah
According to Seth, what mistake do people who going to …?
/ They take nothing to sleep on
Which problem at the festival has now been solved? / the
level of security for bands
Seth believes his festival is more suitable for children …
/ trained staff are available to look after them
Seth predicts that the bands attracting most people this year
will be those which / have the most famous names
According to Seth, why should people go to a big live
festival? / The audiences are as interesting as the events
Mr Simpson became a zoo owner because he wanted to
/ share his love of animals
He only employs people who / want a permanent job
Keepers must record animal behaviour in order to / draw
attention to changes
To keep animals in good condition keepers must / vary their
In the first few months, keepers must work in / most of the
Swanton Jack
Where is the town of Swanton located? / near the sea
What does Jack like most about living in Swanton? /There
are opportunities for climbing nearby.
What does Jack say about entertainment in Swanton? / An
arts center has recently opened
Jack is worried about the environment of Swanton because?
/ there are few wild birds around today
What does Jack say about the way Swanton has charged?
/ He thinks it is a more interesting place
Jack is positive about the future of Swanton because / there
is a successful new shopping center
The Railway Princess (TV programs)

The Railway Princess is on television from / 9:00 to 10:30

There is a music program for teenagers / at lunchtime
You can see a football match between / Brazil and Ireland
If the weather is bad, there will be no / tennis
In the quiz program, team have to guess / the year
What kind of film is “I could Live Forever” / a musical
Toby and Oliver
What was one of Toby’s problem in the kitchen? / He
couldn’t find anything
What is important to Oliver about the biscuits? / making
them look good
Oliver becomes angry with / food isn’t ready on time
What do the kitchen staff say about Oliver? / He teaches
them many things
Oliver encourages his young cooks to / train with other
Tom criticizes some top film actors for / their lack of
What does Tom see as central to his parents’ style of
acting? / insight into the demands of a role
According to Tom, what is difficult about playing cruel
characters? / the actor has to make the audience
understand them.
According to Tom, what is the actor’s task when reading a
script for documentary? / to convey the necessary
information in a neutral manner
What does Tom admit to at the end of the interview? / a
desire to improve his own character
Reading Part 1 (4). For this question, choose the correct
answer (choose the one word (Total words in answer:
4)) ….. must this door/ on no account
A proposal to build a new bypass has / aroused
Advertisement are required/ impression
All the children enjoyed going../ apart
All participants must / consent
Although we set/ off
Annie can come / out
As Jack wasn’t … to getting/ accustomed
At the end of the performance/ applause
Certain nonperishable stock, such as artificial flowers and
vases, … year in / anticipation
Chris is poorly paid /on
Could you please cut /down on
Football club manager Steve Darnley/ levelled at
Given the remote location/ suppose
Have you got/ plenty
He found a really good../though
He had to/ borrow
He has a reputation for being/ rute
He is a very bossy child../telling
He speak five European../tongue
He… up going to the/gave
He…himself on his/ prides
I am afraid Mr.Logan… /put
I am afraid we will have to/ order
I am really sorry to let / come up
I applied for a very interest / down
I applied for a very interest / down
I applied for a very interest / down
I didn’t mean to upset her / speech
I don’t hold / out
I don’t know where I went / scratch
I had to creep silently / as
I really enjoy stories / set
I thoroughly enjoyed the play though I couldn't help but feel
that it ended rather / abruptly
I’d like to…a table / book
I’ll never forget that incredible view, it'll be / etched
If prices continue / make
If the police are going / corroborate
If you are not feeling / by
In the … of the latest / light
In the city centre / range
Is there….food / enough
Is there….of food / plenty
It really gets me / down
It remains impossible to say with any / degree
It the police are going to believe what Dr Fielden …, he is
going to need someone to / corroborate
It took a team of engineers / withstand
It took us eigth hours / reach
It was very … of you / courageous
James made a great/ effort
Kate feel much more/ optimistic
Many people were critical / trivialize
My parents never allow me/to
My wife was totally / engrossed
Only those who register / eligible
Our group is quite / formed
Overworking yourself to the point / vicious
Passengers can upgrade to first / supplement
Paula is in a meeting at the…/call
Peter doesn’t find his work / commit
Please note that prices / expense
Shall we have an…/ Yes, lets
She always ate breakfast at../setting out
She felt very close / to
She hadn’t slept for three days../pale
She is highly-skilled / in
She ought … more time /to have had
Success as an athlete / on
Tanya Miltons / hitherto
Thanks to a passerby's quick thinking, the accident was
/ averted
The board wants to make /radical
The boss tends to / turn
The company … even in / broke
The current …of fresh / deficiency
The hotel restaurant / caters for
The lecture gave us / insight
The new housing law will / transition
The New Reels festival / showcase
The number of stars / merest
The party was cancelled / short
The party was cancelled / short
The phones all looked so…/mak The party was cancelled
/ short e up
The picnic was fun / although
The purpose of the course / awareness
The shrill ringing of the / train
The striker / seized
The teacher glared/at
The traffic was so/heavy
There is a lot of work to do / for
They agreed to lend him…/provided that
This book is not only / casual
Tim was grateful / for
Tomas kept … with his /fidding
Tomas kept … with his /fidding
We are looking for / take
We didn’t want to / forgo
We passed him in the car the../at
When Joanne stopped working, it left a great / void
With this discovery / threshold
You should always make…/heating
You should not have a dog/ prepared
Zoe and Corinne were inseparable throughout high school
but they began to / drift apart
Part 2 – boxes. For this question, choose the correct answer
(choose the one answer (Total answers: 3))

Back from the Brink

/ The book is an account of work with

endangered animals
Barbara Hamilton

/ Barbara Hamilton has written this letter to

offer compensation for a difficult rail journey

Customers’ note

What does the sign say?

The store is going to open later than normal on Thursday

College of fashion

those wishing to join a course will be



If you don’t attend your

Dear David

Sarah’s hotel is on a hillside

Departure Information

The driver will put passengers’ luggage on

the bus during breakfast
For a home

Phone before 10.00 am if you want the doctor

to visit you at home
Hi Gary
Montana Caravan Holidays

Youcan only stay in your caravan for six

months or less at one time

No bicycles

Do not leave your bicycle to touching the


Fewer products are now being

Students cookbook
The book has simple instructions

going sightseeing
We would

We would like your old reading

material for our patients

Reading Part 3. For this question, choose the correct

answer (choose the one answer out of four. Total
answers: 5)
A famous artist - Picasso
Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, the son of
an artist, Jose Ruiz, and Maria Picasso. He took his mother's
surname, [which] was more unusual than his father's.
Picasso's [career] as an artist lasted [over] 75 years. Many
people [believe] that he changed modern art more than any
other artist of his [generation] Picasso died in France in
A love of Travelling
For Nigel Portman, a love of travelling began with what's
called a 'gap year'. In common with many other British
teenagers, he chose to take a year out, travelling in America
and Asia, before [setting down]‫ االعداد‬to study for his
degree‫شهادة‬. Now that his university course has [come]
‫يصل‬to an end, Nigel is just about to leave on a three-year trip
that will take him [right]‫ علي طول‬around the world, using only
'natural' transport. In other words, he'll be [relying]
‫يعتمد‬mostly on bicycles and his own legs: and when there's an
ocean to cross, he won't be taking a [short] cut by climbing
aboard‫ علي متن‬a plane, he'll be joining the crew of a sailing
ship instead.
Albert Einstein 1.instead 2.confirm 3.exceptions ‫استثناءات‬
4. Mind 5.reached
A new book about history 2. As 3. How 4. Which
5. Only
Advertising 1.uses 2.more 3.ways 4. In 5. Without
Board games in cafes 1. Designed 2. Leapt 3. Model 4.outgoing 5.
Stuch on?

Birth of the movies

Moving pictures were invented by the brothers Louis and Auguste
Lumiere at the end of the 19th century. Movies very [quickly]
became popular all over the world. In 1907 the first studios were
built in a [district] of Los Angeles called Hollywood. It was the
perfect place, close to many kinds of natural scenery. [by/in] the
1920s, Hollywood was the center of the world film [industry]. To
beginwith, the movies had no sound.
Words [appeard] on screen from time to time to explain the story.
Bebel Gilberto
Bebel Gilberto is one of Brazil's most talented singers. Her first
album. 'Tanto Tempo', [was] bought by over a million people, and
is among the biggest-selling Brazilian albums of all [time]. Her
second album, called simply 'Bebel Gilberto', followed a few years
later.Bebel comes from a successful musical family and she
[remembers] growing up with music all around her.She is
particularly grateful [to] her mother, who was her first singing
teacher. She sang on her her on stage at nine years old [joined] her
on stage.
Book review
Dava Sobel's best-seller. Longitude‫خط الطىل‬, tells the story of John
Harrison's long [battle] with the English establishment of the
18th century to prove that his clocks were the best way to measure
longitude at sea. The establishment [impersonated]‫ انتحل شخصيت‬in
the figure of Sir Nevile Maskelyne found it demeaning ‫انه من‬
‫المهين‬that a simple, uneducated mechanic could do better than all
the brilliant astronomers.‫ علماء الفلك الالمعين‬Maskelyne did
everything he could to frustrate ‫ الحباط‬Harrison. Reading this book,
I was ‫ادهشني‬struck by how many great inventors have had little
education, and in particular how little they [owe] to science.
Harrison [found out] mechanics while working as an ‫نجارا‬
‫متذربا‬apprentice carpenter. Thomas Edison had less than three
months of normal schooling and Guillermo Marconi had a limited
formal education. With the exception of James Watt, none of the
great ‫رواد‬pioneers of steam‫ باخرة سفر‬was even literate‫متعلما‬, [let]
‫ناهيك عن‬alone university educated.
Crocodiles1. Land 2.besides 3.perfectly 4.periods 5. Remain
Deserts 1
Deserts exist in every continent of the world apart from Europe.
Most deserts are hot, but there are also cold deserts. In fact, the
world's largest desert is Antarctica, [which] is made almost
completely of ice. The Sahara desert [covers] ten per cent of
Africa, and is the world's largest hot desert. However, the hottest
place on earth is Death Valley in California; on 10 July 1913, the
temperature there [reached] 56.7 °C – the highest temperature
[ever]‫ علي االطالق‬recorded.Some plants manage to live in deserts,
but they grow very slowly. The saguaro cactus,‫ صبار الساجىارا‬for
example, [takes] ‫يستغرق‬thirty years to grow one metre tall.
Deserts 2
Deserts exist in every continent‫ قارة‬of the world apart from ‫بعيذا‬
‫عن‬Europe. A region‫ منطقت اقليم‬can be called a desert if its
[average] annual rainfall is under 250 mm. [While] most deserts
are hot, there are also cold deserts, such as Antarctica, a desert
made almost completely of ice.
Deserts are often [thought] of as impossible places to live in, but
they are actually home to a [wide] range of plants and animals.
With so [little] rainfall, plants grow slowly and only flower on rare
occasions.‫مناسباث نادرة‬
Dogs and wolves1.into 2. While 3. Where 4. Than 5. Had
Eating your greens 1.much 2. ‫ متأللئ المع‬Glistening
3.‫ تنىع‬Diversity 4. Source 5. remaining
Getting involved in student life 1. Much 3.being 4. If
Getting on Well at Work
Most people spend so much of their lives at work that it's
[vital] to develop good relationships with those around them.
Humour is always a help. If you can laugh at yourself
and with your colleagues, you'll be more than [halfway]
there. Don't be upset by teasing; touchy people always get
more than their [fair] share of people making fun of them
because they are seen to be vulnerable. It's a hard world,
and you have to be quite tough to [withstand] the pressures.
The best practical advice is to try hard to keep on top of the
job. If you feel comfortable about this, you'll be less anxious
and have more energy left to [devote] the crucial task of
relating to others.
John Ruskin 1
In the nineteenth century, John Ruskin, an English writer and
art critic, made great efforts to encourage people to draw,
believing that this was a much-neglected skill. As well as
giving lectures, he published two books on drawing, which
were [widely] read. Ruskin's efforts were not I [aimed] at
turning people into good artists but at making them happier.
He felt that, when we are involved in the process of drawing
something, we become more aware of the different parts
which [make] up the whole.
It is in this way that we [come] to a deeper appreciation and
[understanding] of the thing itself.
John Ruskin 21.claimed 2. Situation 3 attracted 4.
Strengthened 5. Closely
Keep yourself motivated to study1 study. 2.would 3.
Really 4. Make 5.everything
I get up [at] 6:30 in the morning. I always run in the park.
Then I [have] breakfast. I drink a [glass] of orange juice and
eat some bread. I work in a hotel. I [can] walk there because
it’s near my flat. After work, I go to the gym for two [hours]. I
always go to bed early.
Oldest big cat fossil found in Tibet

Scientists have identified a new big cat fossil. Found in the

foothills of the Himalayas, the fragments are considered to
be the oldest ones ever unearthed and have been dated
[between] 4.1 and 5.95 million years old. Their discovery in
Tibet supports the theory [that] asserts big cats evolved in
central Asia-not Africa- and spread.
“this is a very significant finding as it gives us a great insight
into [what] early big cats may have looked like and where
they may have lived”, reported Dr Tseng who led the 2010
expedition. Scientists used both anatomical and DNA data
[to] determine that the sculls belonged to an extinct big cat,
whose territory appears to overlap many of the species we
know today.
The DNA evidence suggests they diverged [from] their
cousins the Felinae-which includes cougars, lynxes and
domestic cats- about 6/37 million years ago.
Online Oder Confirmation1. Placed 2. Keen 3.reason 4.
Done 5. Follow
Preserving food1.hoarding 2. Instinct 3. Preoccupied
4.apart 5.overloads
Pygmy Three-toed 2.which 3.of 4. Gives 5.from
The ancient Roman City of Ostia
The Roman city of Ostia took its name from the Latin ostium,
meaning river mouth. According to texts from writer and poet
Ennius, from historian Titus Levy, from the writer Cicero - to
mention but a [few] scholars of Roman civilization - Ostia
was founded around eight thousand years ago by Ancus
Martius, the fourth king of Rome. The king was desperate to
assure an outlet for the military and commercial expansion of
Rome, [which] at that time was still relatively small. After
conquering the coastal populations standing in the way of
this project, Ancus Martius [had] a citadel built near the
mouth of the river. His soldiers were thus ideally located
when it [came] to controlling navigation on the river Tiber. It
is known that the design of the citadel [must] have been
modified later, since the ruins of Ostia today contain hardly
any original structures

The Café
· By seven o'clock in the morning the little café is crowded, every
table filled, the smell of coffee and cooking in the air. Some sit
alone, enjoying a moment of quiet feeling · before the busy work
day begins. Others chat excitedly, bringing each other up to date
on happy news and tales of weekend adventures. A suited man in
the corner taps away on the keyboard of his laptop computer; a
young woman by the window offers her hungry child bits of food
from her plate; a small boy and his dad watch cartoons on the tiny
TV screen on the wall. By ten o'clock the café is empty again, the
tables cleaned, the sauce bottles refilled. The sun shines through
the windows and there is a moment of peace before the café
springs to life again in the mid-morning rush.

The Island of St Kilda1.what.2. its 4.all 5.being

The hot river
Deep in the Amazon jungle there's an amazing natural
phenomenon: a river so hot italmost boils. How on [Earth] is
that possible? It's all down to a series of hotsprings that heat
up water flowing into the river. It's the only river [of] its kind
anywhere in the world. Of course, hot springs are not unique
to this area – they [can] be found all over the world. They
normally occur where there arevolcanoes, yet there are none
anywhere near this river.
Locals have, on occasion, [been] known to swim in the river,
but only after heavy rain has reduced the temperature
considerably. More often than [that], theriver is used simply
for making tea and cooking.

The River Amazon

Although the River Amazon is not as long as the River Nile,
it carries much more water. Starting high in the Andes
mountains of Peru, the river [passes] through the rainforest
of Brazil. On its long journey towards the Atlantic Ocean, it
increases in size as it [is] fed by thousands of smaller rivers
such as the River Negro, which [joins] the Amazon near the
city of Manaus.
By the time the Amazon [gets/reaches?] the sea, it is very
wide. Every second, it pours 200.000 cubic metres of water
into the ocean. This is the same [amount] of water that is
held by a hundred Olympic-sized swimming pools.
Universal Wet Weekend
The weather across much of the British Isles remained
settled last week, with a good deal of sunshine. The rest of
the world, however, was coping with some [extreme]
conditions. Hong Kong had 333 mm of rainfall over the
weekend, not far off the [average] for the entire month of
August. The southern Chinese town of Shanwei was
[soaking] up the 468 mm of rain which fell in sixty hours up
to midday on Sunday, [nearly] twice the usual August
rainfall. Although most of Europe enjoyed sun, the high
temperatures were sufficient to set off some [heavy]
showers. On Tuesday morning a thunderstorm at Lyon in
eastern France deposited 99 mm of rain in just six hours.
Part 5. For these questions, type the correct answer in
each gap. Type only one word in each gap)
Amelia Earhart, Pioneer Woman Pilot (1897- 1927)
Amelia Earhart, the pioneering woman pilot, had [her] first
flying lesson in January 1921, and convinced herself that
she was destined to become a pilot. In the six months that
followed, she managed to save enough money to buy a
plane. Earhart named the bright yellow plane “The
Canary”,and put it to good use, setting the first women's
record by rising [to] an altitude of 14,000 feet,a remarkable
achievement. From [then] on, Earhart's life revolved
[around] flying. But strong [as] Earhart's convictions were,
challenging financial obstacles lay ahead.
Anita Roddick (1942 - 2007)
In 1976 Anita Roddick opened the first Body Shop in
Brighton, England. She sold natural ingredients in
environment-friendly containers.
Anita had travelled to many different countries as a student
She [noticed] that ordinary women inAfrica and south-east
Asia did not buy expensive creams for their skin, [but] used
simple local materials like cocoa fat and lemon juice. She
[discussed] this with a plant expert, and together they
developed a completely new [kind] of skincare product.
Today there are over 2000 Body Shops aroundthe world
Anita Roddick showed people a new way of [doing]
business successfully.
Cheap English books English books for beginners/ I [have]
several easy books/ I’ve only used [them] a little/ are a lot
[more] expensive/ I [will] be there on Wednesday

Computer game review

to tick all the right boxes/draws on the gaming/an action
game in [which]players pilot/chance to collaborate [with]one
another in a game/[Although]not a lot of the game
Considerable amount of their time1. Earth 2. Decides
3.wholy 4. Time 5 remain
Dear Lorna
How are you? I’ve got a job in the Tourist Information Office.
I start work at half past seven, so I have to get up very early!
I love this job because I meet people from a lot of different
countries. I like telling them about our city.
Here is a photo of me. I'm wearing my new uniform. Do you
like it?
Dear Maria
I still think [about]all the friends/I was sad [when]I left
England because my visit [was]too short/ I would [like]to
return to England but [next]time
Dear Sir I read your advertisement
I would [like]to have some more/ How [much]does a course
cost/ in three weeks, [on]Monday9 May/ If you prefer
[to]begin in June/ I hope [this]is the information
Diamonds are forever1.all 2. Being 3. Which 4. Of 5. For

worn clothing of [one]description/Apart [from]protection
against/and gone [while]some of these have been/to those
[who]had the money to [do]so
Graphology at work
Job applicants [are]asked to/ thoroughness [to]anxiety/
would be capable [of]dealing/ tells you a lot [about]an
applicant’s/ is use together [with]other tests
Graphology at work
you have applied [for]it all depends on both [how]much they know
about graphology [and]the way they use it/it won‟t be just
[because]of their handwriting/they wouldn‟t [have]got
Henry Davies
when he suddenly [came]across/ a house [for]sale overlooking/ to
be exactly [what]he was looking for/ During [this]time/ many
other hotel owners [to] create similar hotels
Honey 1. Is 2. As 3. There 4 on 5. The
To: Sergei
From: Alice
Hello Sergei,
I am studying very hard at the moment. I find a lot of the
subjects difficult, but they are all very interesting. I hope I
can get a good job when I have finished the course.
I would like to go and work in another country because I
enjoy traveling.
Hello Silvio,
There‟s [going]to be an extra swimming competition next week
and not [enough]people in the team [are]free to do it. Jane [wants]
you to swim in six races! Is that [too]much swimming for you
Hi Helga
I went to [the]seaside last Saturday/I was feeling fed [up]and I
was/always been scared [of]the big rides/it was [much]fun/with
me next [time]
Hi Jan!
Dad and I are having a lovely time on holiday here. We go to the
beach every day and [there]is a lots to doat the hotel in the
evening. Last night, they had a dance. It was excellent! The hotel
shop has some lovely leather handbags. I'll buy one [for]you
Our flight will [arrive]at the airport at ten o'clock on Saturday
evening so we will not get home until midnight.
I [have]forgotten my front door key so don't go to bed early!
[See]you soon.
LoveMum and Dad
Juggling catching them [without] dropping/ using rubber balls
[instead]of the cotton balls that were [no]use at the time/ seen
practice [of]throwing/ control shown [by]Enrico Rastelli
Juggling involves throwing a number of objects up into the air and
catching them again. Probably the greatest juggler was Enrico
Rastelli, who was born in Siberia in 1896.
Although Rastelli spent some of his early years in Italy, it [was] in
Russia that he acquired hisjuggling skills. He was able to juggle
[as] many as eight balls at the same time. However, [what] made
him a genius was his perfect style, rather [than] the number of
objects he couldjuggle. One of his specialties was throwing a ball
into the air, and then catching [it] on a stickheld in his mouth, a
practice later copied by other jugglers.
Light Pollution
Light pollution occurs when powerful electric lights around us
stop us seeing the stars in the night sky. Amazingly, many
children growing up in big cities today have never seen the
night sky properly because of the increase in light pollution.
And it is not only in cities – people living in the country are
also affected by lights from nearby towns. It is a problem for
those simply trying to enjoy the stars, and for serious
astronomers as well. However, one university in the UK has
come up with an interesting solution. It has built a telescope
in the Canary Islands and allows schools to use this via the

Moving picture were invented
Movies very [quickly]became popular/were built in a [district]of
Los Angeles/ [By]the 1920,Hollywood/ the world film
[industry]/Words [appeared]on screen from time
English. 20th July. Dear Maria, How are you?hard [in]English/ for
five [hours]a day/ its easy [to]visit/ Last night I [went]to the
cinema/I like it [very]much
Paris Dear Maria
Dear Maria,
It's good to be back home in my country but I still
think about all the friends I made in our English class,
especially you. I was sad when I left England because my
visit was too short. I would like to return to England
but next time I will stay for a longer time.
Pelicans ‫البجع‬
which hold [up]to three time/ of the species, [even]if they do/ is
surprisingly graceful [for]birds/ [Unlike]other birds/ pelicans are
[still] at risk
if at [all]possible/a good train [unless] it is applied/with absolutely
[no]musical ability/But [everyone]else might reply/and
[however]difficult such a person
Piano competition
it is even bigger [than]last year/all over [the]world are going
to/They will all have [to]play/The person [who]wins will
get/There will [be]a concert
Riverside Hotel
food ever [since]the day/a family home [into]a hotel/ Davies
[was]soon running/ the restaurant was [so]heavily booked/
trained [a]number
The pace [of]modern life/Consequently, eating [a]balanced/
[Although]we are all aware/many people spend far [too]little
time/news is that [it]is easier that/activity [into]your day/can
do it at [any]time/so use them [when]you get the chance/to
spend time together [as]a fimily
Ways of Communicating
must be able to communicate [because (only)]through
communication/behavior of [another]/of new meanings [as]a
rule/can also indicate [their]whereabouts/Information
[such]as this may play
Who to respect
I could not really see [why]I should do so/were better in
[their]day/grandparents in [this]/ I realize that,
I’m [Although]appearing to be/all people [equally].
Part 6. For these questions, choose the correct answer
(Total questions: 5-6 with 3 answers for each)
A Family Car
The French woman was selling the car because / she found
the seats too hard
What did the Brookes family enjoy doing most in their car?
/ traveling to other countries
The car has never had /a new engine
Alex is going to sell the car because / he doesn’t use it any
What does Alex say about the car / it still goes very well
When Amanda first entered Heinzelman's shop, Mary Louise
seemed / delighted that Amanda had returned
From what Mary Louise says, it seems that / she thought it
was late for a customer call
Amanda quickly told Mary Louise that she was on holiday
because she wanted to /stop Mary Louise talking …
Seeing Mary Louise wave to her, Amanda remembered that
Mary Louise / had had a very similar childhood ...
From what Amanda says about Mattie, it is clear that /Mattie
was a lot younger than Amanda
Chris Sharma
What is the writer doing in the first paragraph?/summing up
the main achievements of Sharma’s climbing …
What was Sharma’s attitude on completing Realization?/He
considered it an important event in his career.
What does Sharma say about his life after Realization?/He
found the attention he received hard to deal with.
What does Sharma say about his recent involvement in
climbing?/He is grateful for the support he gets from ...
Which of the following is Sharma most likely to say about
himself? /Although this sport has always fascinated…
Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman
When McGregor and Boorman first had the idea for their trip,
their wives / seemed to accept it
In the beginning, why did the actors decide to travel a long
way? / make a TV programme
What does McGregor say about his motorbike training? / It
made him sad initially
Now he is back home, McGregor / misses the quieter
places they went to.
The writer thinks the TV programme is good because of / the
people who took part in it.
Homage to Kefalonia
When the writer mentioned she was going to Kefalonia,
other people were / discouraging
In the evening, the streets in the town of Sami are full of / a
mix of the entire population
What does the writer recommend about the Melissani cave?
/ seeing the cave at particular time for the best view
What does the writer say about influences from abroad in
Kefalonia? /There are ruins of building from a …
What did the director of the film say about Kefalonia? / The
inhabitants of the island are very special
Letter to the Newport Evening News
What is the writer trying to do in the letter? / Show her
What will the reader learn from the letter? / There are some
kind people in Newport
How did the writer feel after her experience? / Surprised
that nothing was stolen.
Why did the writer cry? / She was anxious
What would be a good headline for the letter? / Woman's
bad day has a happy ending
Laurence Stephen Lowry
What did Lowry do after work?/.he studied art
Lowry’s family?/.liked his paintings
Lowry became famous because/an important man liked
his paintings
When Lowry stopped working in the office, he/.became rich
Today, Lowry’s work is/.loved in his own country
Making a career in music
The first paragraph says that anyone who wants a career in
music/.is fortunateif they are discovered by talent …
How are musicians advised to market themselves?/.They
should show that they are different from other
While musicians are waiting for their career to start, they
should/.find work that will help them in their profession
What advice is given to musicians concerning their
websites? /. The website should be easy to use
Regarding sales, the fifth paragraph suggests that musicians
should/ ask localbusinesses to support events they
What does the final paragraph say about working for music
companies?/ Musicians have to be respectful towards the
Who had more than one sister or brother?/.Oleg
Who enjoyed other subjects as well as music?/.Josef
Who studied in another country for two years?/. Oleg
Who had music lessons with someone who wasn’t a piano
Who also wrote music?/Ivan
Racing Driver
When Carrie Wilson took part in competitions for radio
controlled cars,/ she found the journeys to the events
According to the second paragraph, Carrie hoped/ to match
Fittipaldi’s speed
What does the third paragraph say about Carrie’s time at
school?/ She had difficulty in doing all her home work
What happened as soon as Carrie left school?/ Her father
became her trainer
What does the fifth paragraph say about Carrie’s situation
now?/ She is very inexperienced compared with some
other …
In the final paragraph, what does Carrie say about her
progress?/ She believes she learns from the mistakes
she makes
Schools of the Air
Where does Jack live?/20 kilometres from the nearest
In the second paragraph, we learn that Schools of the
Air/are the answer to an Australian problem.
Every morning after breakfast,/Jack joins his class on the
What happens during the Maths class?/ The pupils listen to
their classmates.
As well as online lessons,/Jack receives things to watch
and read.
Singing Together

What is the write trying to do in this article? / Describe a

teacher’s ideas about the importance of singing
What can the reader find out from the article? / How singing
is anyone can do
How does Ruth think singing with other people can help
you? / You can get to know other people
What made Ruth start her own class? / She enjoyed going
to a singing class herself
Which is the best advertisement for Ruth’s singing classes?
/ SONGS FOR ALL! Can you sing? Try our 'Singing for
Everyone' class every week and find out! Make new
The Wisdom of Birds: an illustrated history of
What point is made about our ancestors’ beliefs concerning
birds? / People found it possible to be conflicting …
What is the focus of Birkhead’s book / developments in the
way that knowledge is gained
According to the fourth paragraph, John Ray’s book / shows
that almost nothing was known about birds ...
The reviewer refers to swallows landing on ships in mid-
ocean to show that / beliefs about birds were rarely …
What point does the reviewer make in the sixth paragraph?
/ The role of birds in the natural world is often …
The Cabinet Maker
When she arrived at the workshop, the writer/ was not sure if her
first impression of Hurst was accurate
Hurst has few problems selling his furniture because he/ is known
to be a skilled craftsman
What does Hurst think has led to the decline in the craft of cabinet
making? / Consumers will accept poor …
Hurst believes that it is essential for craftsmen to/ produce
functional designs
The writer's final impression of Hurst is that he/ has an unusual
attitude to his work
The origins of agriculture
What did Lilian Gibbs notice about the trees in the forest?/A large
number were very similar in their shape.
In the second paragraph, what does the writer say about
farming?/It resulted in eventual changes in communal living.
According to the third paragraph, the most recent evidence shows
that „proto-farming‟/first appeared in the Middle East.
In the fourth paragraph, the writer says that the food grown in the
early days of farming was probably/
Eaten on special occasions.
In the fourth paragraph, the writer says that after the era of „garden
farms‟, people seemed to be unsure about whether/they could get
suitable types of crop for domestic agriculture.
According to the final paragraph, what change did proto-farming
undergo in its development?/It went from being experimental to
being essential.
Traffic in the park
Why has the writer written this text?/To show people how
serious the Park's traffic problem is.
What would a reader learn from the text?/How the traffic
situation in the Park could be improved.
What does Martin Doughty say about the situation in the Park?/It
would be unfair to stop people using cars in the Park.
What does the writer say about traffic in the Park?/Traffic jams
spoil people's experiences of the Park.
Which of the following might Martin Doughty say?/The traffic
jams and pollution are getting worse/ Please don’t make
unnecessary journeys through the Park and use public
transport when you can
Trees in Britain
Steve Green is planting trees to / redevelop an area outside the
More land could be used for growing trees when / better ways of
farming were found
The British suddenly started to value trees because / a single night
of bad weather
Evidence of increasing interest in trees is shown by the number of
/ people joining a tree conservation club
Lesley Robinson / helps children appreciate trees
Wilderness in southern Utah
The first paragraph indicates that the writer wants to / question the
extent of human impact on the environment
According to the second paragraph, which definition of wilderness
is shared by the general public and US legislation? /areas
protected from any form of urban development
What change that has occurred in southern Utah is Mentioned in
the third paragraph? / There has been a reduction in the level of
What effect has use of ORVs in Tenmile Canyon recently had?
/ the disappearance of some types of fish and insects
What view do many environmental organisations in the region
have? / Not all ORV users are to blame for environmental
While Star School
What is the writer trying to do in the text? / Suggest ways that
children can help the environment.
The most unusual thing about White Star School is / the teaching
Jane Bartlett started White Star School because / she
wanted to stay in the area
In the future, Jane would like the students to / encourage
others to care for the environment
What would a teacher at the White Star School say about it?
/ Although we spend a lot of time outdoors, it’s very
important for us that the children get the best possible

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