Father Son Play by Kpandita

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The opening dialogue . .

Akashavani ......

Character of thought


There is nothing subjective in this world. Subjectivity does not exist. What exists is the objectively.

It is the object that demands total attention like the words written here and entangles you. The subject
is born with every such entanglement and that is what is called awareness.There is no awareness other
than that.

There is no your mind or my mind or different minds at all. There is only one mind and we all use it as
much as we could like air is available for us equally and we use it as per our body need.

There is nothing like peace at all and if there is such a peace which exist (Motionlessness) then to
experience that the experiencing structure will not be available to experience it.Since it is impossible for
humans to break the barrier of thought which has made every cell of their body as it's abode.

Human thought can't be constructive at all.

it is because human thought is fascist in its nature action and endeavours. It is only interested in
maintaining it's own status quo & continuity.

That is why it has created ideas like peace prosperity happines and then placed them into the future of

And society and culture use this future gains as baite to train and control it's kind and thus in that sense
the culture has also assured it's longevity since it knows for sure that the person can never catch up to
something which has been told to them as an event that is going to happen in future . Since the future
is never going to come as what we call present is the continuation of past with slight difference.

A peaceful person has no way to tell himself that he is at peac since that is going to be his natural state if
being & thus has no way available to detach himself from that being and look at self and say I am
Get it and get it straight..

A blossomed flower may appear peaceful to you since you have been sold the idea of beauty and
romance and how to use that picture ti derive pleasure .

Where as the flower has to fight the elements to be even intact.. t is a very violent act & consumes
tremounds energy and effort of the flower..

This play has no audience to conclude.

Conditioning will not go.It is not possible for a conditioned mind to give up .

Hence there has been no actor actually acting here in that sense .

No change is required as well .

Loud bell rings in the background....

Some one is singing at a distance from the scene of action .......


Air around me is moist today

I could feel it's chillness

It appears she want to cry

and is looking for an ear

I fumble while speaking

I fear it might read my lips

How I wished I had no eyes.

And punchur my ears today

I can't stand her cries

Far away a mother is in mourning.

News has spread about her loss.

And I stand here helpless.

Pain in the air....


A play for critical review..

Full Play. Write Kuldeep Pandita Chennai TN


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 1


Father,tell me something you won't tell anybody.

I want to listen to the rare knowledge & not that what is printed in the books.!!

O! My dear Son..

If I share what I have stumbled into,it may ruin your future prospects so read,copy & reproduce what is
written in those books.

You have better chances of survival that way in this world...

""What should I say What can I say

My words are not mine

My feelings are not mine

What is mine that too I do not know.

They say out there is snow.

It looks bright and is white.

I go out to look for it I see nothing so be it.""

(singing in low voice in behind the stage)


Father,your statement has made me to think & has definitely given air to my spark of inquiry.

What you mean by survival?.Is knowing something other than the obvious a danger to ones safety?

Will I attract enemies just for having heard something that is not out there in public domain... Tell me
father please tell me.

..... Ah...oEe Uh Sigh.

Look my Son.....

Yyyeeesss....Yes yes.


look father...Your "YES" is so confident & has conveyed me more than an answer to my presumed

Look Dad I am just a kid & evven if me listen to your straight talks more chances are that I will forgot
much of it in due course of time & what would remain with me is decided by the naturalisation process

So ..Dad tell me what do you


Please Please Please ......


My Son..You are too young & your brain is very fertile for any thought.

Anything that it captures will remain with you for ever.

So by that sense you are not going to forget even a word that I would tell you since.

"Thought is very much fascist in its nature,content,target & action.

My sentences will make a

permanent abode in every cell

of yours".

So let it go & do not

persist any more...


Father.I am ready to bear the consequences of your find & I give you my word that I won't complain
what so ever.

I need to know since I have observed that what all is said in those books seemingly have not worked
for mankind.

Father you are my first & only hope.

Tell me the story in its original form

Do not sugarcoat your words at all.

Please father tell me what you know.

I want to hear it...

Please Dad....


Do not insist more Son & You can't handle it .. know that ...

"Mothers are monster, Kids are no Angel's & Fathers are not even countable in human setup"..

(Silence) & then

Dad dad what was that...

What was that ..

Dad .. Oh!. My God...


My darling son...The whole human value system is based on image building process & keep in mind that
you have an image with you surrounding the words that I have used....

Mother, Kid, Father .. etc

You have an image of the monster implanted in your memory by world mind & knowing well that you
never have had any encounter with Monsters yet you reacted as if I have blasted walls of your fortress
of Moral value system.

Monsters are fictitious characters &

do not exist at all.

Dear dad .....OK that has a vid point....


then father are you saying that we do not see anything & what humans call seeing is an image building
exercise & this image building structure is taught to us .

Does this implies that I have no way by myself & for myself to be certain of this fact that you are my
father & I have a mother at home.

Are you telling me that if I were not

told as to who my parents were

I have no

way to built an image about them.

Does this also mean that

all I know is taught to me....


listen son.. An honest answer is Yes..

Believe it or not you are a biological computer, a highly fast learning autonomous machine which has
come into existence by a chemical process & that you have a inbuilt programmable chip which is
programmed by world mind with its initial programming done by Mother.

You can call your self a motherboard...

You have no recall or no

experience of your own birth.

Have you?.


So son ....

First lesson.

You are not going to know anything by living but will talk about everything.

People also know nothing & they also talk.

Talking is a ritual & you have no free will no freedom of action in any sphere of your living.

So let it be known to you that you

are being driven & thus have

nothing to contribute despite all the achievements that shall be

attributed to you by fellow humans..


Dad it has been a wonderful session & what all I could comprehend is...

"Understanding is not possible for the simple reason that humans see through the image building
mechanism which is labelled by words & all words are taught.

And thus all our beliefs,aims,feelings, thoughts,emotions, reactions & sentences are not ours but copied
from others.

We can't claim a copyrigts for any thought & thus there are no personal achievements

persay &

I am not expecting any

answers from u for this...

Father...(silence) Good luck son.


End of the Scene..1


Start of 2nr Scene.

Scene 2nd Slide 12


Both sat dwon by the side of a brook.

Where grass was fresh & bouncy.

From a distance the Shepherds flute could be heard clearly fading in the twilight.

Son Said...

Dad there is no self to realize....

"There is no I no self no soul no spirit & no perceiver & there is no perceived as well" ..My son

Self Realisation is to realize that there is no SELF to realize in first place itself

So any person who you find investing

in this idea of self realisation is actually a businessman....

Fooling self & fooling

simpletons alike.


Looking at the horizon with wide eyes Sky appeared as if is painted in saffron ..

hissing cool breeze kissing his checks

Son Said.

But dad this revelation will not help anyone in their living.

I have seen people in pain & continuously seeking answer to this basic question as how to live.

Look Son living is not a problem at all.

The real problem is the solutions that the saints & saviours of mankind have put before us.

Their solutions have not worked

for mankind & it is this that is responsible

for the misery.

Answer is the real Question..


Hearing what his father said

Son looked at his father with a lost look and then enquired...

What you mean by that Dad..

"Answers are the questions"?

Are you telling me that questions do not exist..?

Yes son Question implies that you have some answers already known to you about what you are

Without any prior knowledge about the subject there is no way for you to ask the question.

So it is the answers with us that we

remodal as questions only to correct

own parallax.


A rush of wind pass through them which made a hissing sound as if a serpent was hissing after
locating it's pray.

Darkness was slowly covering them under her embrace .

and Son asked....

Dad that then implies that questioning is a self centered exercise & we are not honest enough to admit

This one is really cool Dad...

Yes son any action of thoughtfull kindness, questioning,seeking proposing and motivating etc are very
self-centered activities & humans indulge in it for self gratification but are smart enough to

label them as an act for humanity.

Self gratification is difficult to

detect though.

Changing the posture into a squat & adjusting his falling hair by running his tiny fingers over his head

Son asked with a deep breath ...

Will it be right to say then dad,"humans by & large are kind by nature & if I am hungry someone will
definitely help me with the food".

Is it not then because of those who come up with ideas of how to live &is not then the moral thinking of
man culprit & most probably the reason for our misery?

look son if you are not caught in the idea good & bad,you would never commit

anything bad ever.

Human body is a very peaceful

organism by nature & it is

the cultural thought that has

made his living a hell here

on this very earth.


Feeling excited

Son jumped into the air & before his feet could even touch the ground


So then dad change is possible. I am sure there will be persons out there who would be sharing same
insights as that of you..

No son no change is possible.

Using what has transacted between us you have no way to bring about any change because of the all
prevailing human value system.

It is human value system

that creates self-aggrandizing

men & women amongst us.


With an expressionless face father continues.....

Son since the foundation is same you can't create any new system at all.

Even a revolution won't do much since revolutions are the revaluation of the same value system of the

The fact of the matter is humans are living misery walking misery talking misery.

Grip of thought is such that humans have no way out.

That is the sorrow of mankind.

People live in misery & die

in misery despite all their genuine

affort for to bring a change..


Getting ready to leave the place as the darkness has by now set in completely

Son offered his hand towards his dad and said ..

That sounds so scary dad.

I have watched politicians screaming at the top of their voice that they are going to bring change &
that they will be improving our lot & diginity.

I tell you TV news anchors also agree with them.

Father they are all well qualified & distinguished member of our society..

Son the biggest tragedy is that a

well-fed man is talking about

the rights of a starving person.

What could be worst than that...

With a spark in his eyes as if he has chanced upon a box of gems

Son with confidence spoke thus....

So dad thinking is the problem & by stopping thinking can't we free ourself?.

look Son as already told to you that thought is fascist in its nature & is assured of it's grip over our us.

Any act or effort on our part is not going to help since thought knows it has nothing to lose & thus has
kept freedom from itself in future & tricks us to use thought to get rid of thought.

Some people invented meditation but

that too has not helped since

meditation is battle of thoughts

& ends in war weariness.


Holding his hand with a firm grip standing in a warriors pose father looked calm & composed as he
disposed his words as...

So son let you assimilate the second lesson as follows

"There are no lessons to learn & what you do in any given situation is the best action that is expected
from you at that very moment & if you do not care much for the baggege of human value system that

you are carrying on your shoulders.

You will have your way

simplified for you , by you &

only & only for yourself.


Freeing his hand from the grip of his father

Taking a stance of a relay race athlete.

Pushing left leg backwards & touching the ground with his index finger and thumb of both hands ..

Son Said....
Dad what a way to convey that ...It is the selffishness & selfishness alone that has a chance for mankind
to mend its ways & to be brutally selfish is not possible for humans as well.

But for a truely selfish guy will never harm any since he somehow knows that his survival depends
upon the survival of person's

around him....

Dad mom must be waiting

at the supper table.Let us

race home....

(End of Scene no 2)


Start of the concluding part

Scene 3rd...


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 23


Having taken a good lead over his father Son ran upto the point where the curve on the path merged
with main road leading to their home..

Son turned abruptly & then ran back meeting the father at a distance & asked with a grasping breath.


When all our knowledge is self projecting information that we individually possesses then tell me
father,"What is understanding".What does it mean?

It appears to me that the conversation thus far has awakened the monster of enquiry within you.

Son tame this beast son and tame it now.

It is not in your interest to introspect.

Your teachers will have a hard

time dealing with you.

Come & hold my hand it is

getting really dark now.


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 24


father after adjusting his shirt collars offered his right hand which son 4eld with both hands & then
spoke thus with a frowned face...


Dad have I asked something that you find difficult to answer & thus are using words to freighthen me.

I am not a sissy & want you to say it all.

How ever I can't push you more knowing well you might get worried about your investments.

Son you are too mature & acting way too above your age.

I am not your hired tutor & can stand

your provocation.

But you learn to behave else you

will pay a heavy price for your

arrogance some day ....


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 25


Watching the mood of his father changing fast,just look at his father eyes, Son felt a shiver of cold wave
traveling from the top of his head toe.
Realising his mistake he left the hand of his father in a jerk, closing his tiny palms together in a
namastey posture & pleaded .


I am sorry dad.I was rude.I apologize.

But dad tell me what is understanding?...Please..Dad.. Please

Son it is ok but mind your language hence forth. Living is wading throw the sea of words & if your choice
of sentences are not polished ,expect only brickbats & no mercy.

Understanding does not exist.

Period full stop.

There is only an idea about it

& in reality & actual human

interactions it has no role to play...


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 26


Stunt by the words of his father ,Son froze in his tracks so much so that father has to further slow
down his steps to keep pace with his enthusiastic son walk.

Looking straight into the eyes of his father son

requested .....


Dad expand a bit more. It is little hard to digest.I believe that I have understood most of your talks
thus far & that is evident by the questions I raised during our conversation.

Look son you believe & that is the problem.

You have not understood even a line of my statements much less a paragraph.

You have actually unconsciously

attached your own meaning that

you have learned to the words

phrases & sentences that I

have thrown at you.


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 27


Unable to gather what is being said son stated ti blush & started to take long shots of breath to

cool his excitement....meanwhile


Father continued ...

What all is there is our own particular meaning of images,words,feelings,acts emotions & interactions
around us

What is operative in you is your own self built understanding & not my understanding as intended by

Hence mutual understanding is not possible among humans because

thought is operative in

each of us equally & thought

usesexactly same resources

to express itself.


Play ...(Resolution)
Scene 3rd Slide 28


Moving close to his father almost walked over his feets throwing his arm upwards as if urging father to
carry him in his arms..

Father bent down and lifted him up like a sack of rice bag at his back .

Son threw his arms round the chest of his father and listened carefully....as father continued without a


Dad it is then perception?

O my dear son...

Some people call it individual perception but I doubt if there can be anything which a man can say
with authority is his own.

Hence personal perceptions idea can holds waters since perception also implies a possibility of a

but the fact is unlearning is a remote possibility.Individual understanding is like

finger prints unique to each person if

you could gather a clue from this

you would never indulge in this

game of making people

understand at all.


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 29


As he was enjoying his ride on his back with father having holding him with a tight grip.

Father continued ...

while taking long strides as if he has decide to move faster since he was carrying his speed breaker
at his own back ....

Son you may recall our conversation at the sunset point where in you informed me earlier that you have
understood humans see by image built up process .

but here u see as I touched little more you again asked me the same question as what understanding

Son humans are engaged in this endless ritual of questioning again & again.

They keep on telling themselves & I quote

"I am not ok,I am not happy,I am not

rich,I am not this that & other." unquote.

Asking same questions to self or others

is a mental disease & get it from

me you are already infected with it.


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 30


On Hearing such an unexpected statement from father,Son felt some shame &responded as he


Dad what did you said dad.

Is questioning a sign of poor metal health?

I never said that my son.All I said is repeating same questions again & again even after you have been
furnished with an answer is a mental degradation..

When human system is based on tutoring & teaching by others then I wonder how could you have a
question in first place..

U have only answers inside you & not questions .

Did u got it now ..


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 31


Ignoring the question of his father ,Son abruptly exclaimed in high pitch ..

look dad look Moti is running towards us ..It appears mom has dispatched her pilot to gather us like a
shepherd dog does...

Such a faithful companion of man ..

saying this .. He called his dog as soon as father let him down on to the ground....


Holding the dog gently by neck,Son patted him with his tiny hand but with firm strokes .. Son said .

Look dad I have always seen Moti happy & never complaining.Probably I can sense that now more
clearly than ever.

My dear son thoughtless kindness is compassion. But he barks at evey vistor who vist our home

He too has been trained to recognize his master.

Look what we have turned

them into by domestication..

Human thought is evil

since its inception


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 32


Having said that father cont..

You mom has sent her pilot to fetch us like a shepherd dog does... ha ha ha ....

Son before we enter the gate ..

Let you get the lesson number three.

Introspection is evil & a guilt feeling. Any person who you find lecturing about introspection & get it
once for all that he is putting you on self gulit flight & wants you to ask questions to self and repeat
them again & again till u get an answer .

Keep those people at an arms


Since you will lose your IQ for


Human thought is a dead matter.

There is no sanctity to it no matter

who says what..


Play ...(Resolution)

Scene 3rd Slide 33


As the father said so Mom opened the front gate of the house , Moti rushed in ,while son

stopped in the middle of the small path they lead to their porch..

Turned back ..

Embraced his father such that after had to bend down planting a sweet kiss on the right check of his
father as a mark of reward ..

Said .....


Dad thank you & what more could I say more.

Mom is looking at us & I am sure she is going to take you for a task for being so late.

It appears we are late today & she will definitely make herself heared.
"Remember dad UNDERSTANDING does not exist"...

Ha ha ha .. Son rushed into the

house passing her mom who

was looking furious in her

Kali looks..

Good luck dad....

Play Resolution

4th Scene

Scene 3417012021

It has been a week since father son had a talk and here on this cold january Sunday around the time
when sun had moved direction and was ready to fire its Rays over the northern hemisphere ..

This transitions celebrated as paddy crop festivities and time to tank the rice GOD and his power tools.

With colours all over the roads and 8n front of the homes.

It appeared as if there was a Pythagoras living in each of those houses ready for a challenge ......

How are you son today.

Dad I am hopeful.

Listen Son..

Hope is misery , Hopelessness fatal.

Now tell me again SON. What is your take.

Well dad I am still hopelessly hopefully.

Start of Scene 4

Play .. Resolution

Father Son Dialogues




Scene 35.

Cranking his car father engaged the reverse gear immediately and with gas rushing into the Engine fuel
injectors car made a cracking sound aa if ir has skid off the road.

Mom who was at the gate .. Yelled

You have my calf with you superman

And you are not going to hurt him.

She stepped back while murmuring sone words within her..

Probably what she has witness in those few second did not went well with her....

She was in tension ..

There in the car.....


Ha ha ha .. Old term Hopelessly hopefully... I liked that son ...

Father said so, straightening the wheels with his right hand while changing the gears with the left

We have a TamilIan American vice President today...

How wise is that. This is the answer ..

Marrying in different tribes is essential for pollination of thought & future actions

You have to be born among

savages to tame them..

Son.. Ha ha ha ......


Play (Resolution)

Scene 4


Pumping gas pedal father looked over his shoulder through the rare glass and watched mother
entering into the house.

He smiled then turned his look into his son and whispered ...
So young man where do you want this car to stop...

I am all yours today & you are my navigator...

Placing his hand over dash board son on his innocence replied .

Dad let us travel to moon today..

I have the map in my mind & you check if we have enough gas In the tank.....

Hearing this .. Father said


You know son for to make a flight to moon and come back all you need is a resolve.

No son I am sorry this car can't leave the earth.

We are bound by the energy field matrix & to de board we need power.

A lots of thrust & enough velocity to over come the land beneath

You know it is the expanse of land that is the real obstruction & not the gravity.


Play (Resolution)

Scene 4


Finishing his lines father asked son to fetch a water bottle at the rear seat ,that mom had given along
with few home made snacks..

Father son had made plans earlier in the week to visit a near by ashram maintained by disciples of a
great saint .

Holding bottle by his left hand & managing the steering with his right hand

Father continued ..


Son you know there is very likhte difference between the car that we are in & us.

Both needs energy to operate along with an optimum body temperature.

Only difference between the two is that this car is unconscious as of now & needs some one behind
the wheels to drive it.

That day is not far when humans will put enough senses into its system to make it an autonomous
device & label it as consciousness ..

Play (Resolution)

Scene 4


Without breaking the motion of the car father engaged the fifth gear and continued..


Son senses by themselves do not convey anything.

Let if future engineers design sensors such that they could sense the Fuel level in the tank or say
battery capacity or carbon emission in the exhaust manifold...

Unless they install a predetermined software which would compare the sensory perceptions of the
sensors with preset data for a predetermined display

This car can never achieve a fully autonomous state. Same is true with us humans.

Our sensors organs have no way to interpret any sensation or feelings..

by themselves..


Play (Resolution)

Scene 4


Pushing his seat a little back & then stretching his legs holding the water bottle that was handed over by
his father with both of his hands. Son enquired..


Dad that implies that body sensory system is only the information gathering structure & information
gathered thus is to be used by the native inbuilt intelligence of the body & not by the thinking structure
of man.

It also implies that the body is always engaged in responding to the stimuli & then performs it's
preset action,response...

That also implies that body structure is never at rest or peace & as it would be always engaged in
performing complex activities without showing any evidence of such action at its surface

Dad is not body then similar to this earth we are living on.

Full of violent activities within yet not a vibration felt at its surface ....

Play (Resolution)

Scene 4


Father smiled & pressed the left turning indicator as he was about to negotiate a curve & then turn left
from the main high way...

Father answered with a firm sound..


Yes Son it is so. A living organism body is never at rest.

It is only intrested in its survival & to produce one like itself to continue its kind.

It is not interested in any thinking mechanism or moral values or do right approach as is taught to us.

Look son Nature is a puppet we all are puppets .

Nature only punishes it has no rewards to offer.

Maintaining the scheme of things is it's only resolve. That is the only harmony that is there...


Curtains falling ..

Some one is singing in the background....

Namaskar ...


Heart is real so is its beat,

Flow of blood is a tide indeed.

Life sits there, unaware ,

Awareness is imaginary

OH! my dear....

Two is division One is Whole,

None are poor & there is no Soul.

Mating is Magic , unaware

Awareness is imaginary

OH! My dear....

Body is immortal so is its thought,

Senses are fake & that is what you bought,

God is fear, unaware,

Awareness is imaginary

OH! My dear.....

Books are empty so is the mind.

You play gaga with every find.

Living is mission, unaware

Awareness is imaginary

OH! My dear......

Keep a dollar Earn a pound.

Watch her dance with their sound.

She is with you , unaware.

Awareness is imaginary

OH! My dear.....


Writer ...Unknown

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