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Creo®: Creo Parametric

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○ Creo Parametric

Copyright 2021 PTC, Inc. Creo®: Creo Parametric
Creo Parametric
Creo Is Available for Installation

Creo is a scalable suite of interoperable, right-sized design applications for users
across the enterprise to more easily participate in and contribute to the product design
process. With these applications, companies can bring better products to market faster by
improving processes such as concept design, detailed design, and verification and
Creo is packaged with the PTC License Server powered by FlexNet Publisher PTC recommends that you upgrade your PTC License Server.
Windows Update for C Runtime Is Required for Creo
Creo is built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (VS2019), which is a compiler
change. The machine on which you are running Creo Parametric must have the Windows
update for C Runtime installed. When installing Creo, the installer detects if the correct
Windows update for C Runtime is installed. This applies both to a local installation and
when installing from a network.
If you do not have the required Windows update, the steps below describe what occurs
and what action you need to take:
1. The message The Windows update for Universal C Runtime is required in order for the
installation to continue. appears during installation and you are redirected to a
Microsoft web page.
2. There is an automatic exit from the installer.
3. Open the Microsoft web page Windows 10 Universal C Runtime.
4. Install the required update.
After you complete the update, you can install Creo

Using the Creo Installation Assistant
For Creo and later, use one of the two executables available on your installation
media to launch the Installation Assistant:
1. setup.exe—Launches the Creo Installation Assistant for the following operations:
• Installs or upgrades your Creo installation for the following cases:
○ Uses an existing node locked license file for the installation.
○ Specifies an already installed license server to use.
◆ Specify a license server with the format: 7788@<server_name>.
◆ Specify a triad license server with the format: 7788@<server1_
name>; 7788@<server2_name>; 7788@<server3_name>.
• Reconfigures node locked licenses for an existing installation.
• Generates a node locked license file using an SON (Sales Order Number) for a
node locked license.
2. install_license_server.exe—Launches the Creo Installation Assistant for
the following operations:
• Installs a license server for the following cases:
○ Uses an existing license file.
○ Generates a simple license file to install a single license server using an SON
(Sales Order Number) for a license server.
○ Generates an advanced license file to install a triad license server using an
SON for a triad license server or uses an existing triad server license file.
For the most up-to-date installation information, see the Creo Installation and
Administration Guide on the Reference Documents page or click File ▶ Help ▶ Reference
in the application.

PTC has announced the end of sale for the following standalone Creo applications:
Creo Simulate, Creo Options Modeler, Creo Layout, and Creo Direct. These
standalone applications are removed from the PTC Installation Assistant for Creo.
This impacts only the standalone applications, and does not impact the extension
versions of these products within Creo Parametric. Creo Direct, however, is not
available as a Creo Parametric extension and is now retired. Please refer to Support
article CS332058 for details.
PTC Mathcad option is removed from the Installation Assistant for Creo. You can
download the latest version of PTC Mathcad from eSupport. You must have a valid
license for PTC Mathcad. For information on installing PTC Mathcad, refer to the
PTC Mathcad Prime Installation and Administration Guide.
If you do not have a valid license for PTC Mathcad, you can download a trial version
from the Mathcad Express Free Download page, which can be converted to a full
licensed version when needed.

Licensing Alternatives for Existing Customers

Existing customers can alternatively use the online licensing tools to request an updated
license pack via e-mail for installation on an existing PTC License Server. To run Creo, your PTC license pack must have updated licenses at version 39.0. See License
In addition to the current solution for NC in Creo Parametric, there is also support
for G-POST V6.7 P17 from Austin N.C., Inc.
System Requirements and Hardware Certification Information
Visit the Creo 8.0 Hardware Notes page for Creo for current, detailed system
requirements and certified hardware configurations.
PTC Product Release that is Interoperable with Creo
Creo Expert Moldbase Creo Expert Moldbase
Creo Progressive Die Creo Progressive Die

PTC Product Release that is Interoperable with Creo
Creo Schematics Creo Schematics 7.0
Creo View Product Family: Creo View Creo View 7.1 and later releases.
and Creo View ECAD, Creo View Note
ECAD Compare, Creo View Express,
• A seat of Creo Parametric is a prerequisite
and Creo View Adapters
for the Adapter.
• For information about the latest (8.0)
Clients and Adapters, see the Creo View
Clients and Toolkits Software Matrix and
the Creo View Adapters Software Matrix
for details.
Pro/INTRALINK Creo is supported with Pro/
INTRALINK 11.1 M020 CPS17 and later, and
with Pro/INTRALINK and later. See
the note that follows the table.
Windchill Creo is supported with Windchill 11.1.
M20 CPS17 and later, and with Windchill and later, and with Windchill See the note that follows.

• For specific information on Windchill compatibility, refer to the Creo Data
Management Compatibility Roadmap.
• Before upgrading from one major release to another of Creo, transfer files from
your workspaces to avoid the loss of any local changes during the process.
• Using Creo and later versions for the publishing of server side viewables
may require the Windchill server to be updated to a minimum CPS level. Refer to
the Creo-Windchill Compatibility document for additional details.

Asian and European Languages
Depending on the Creo application, the user interface and documentation are translated to
varying degrees into French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Simplified
Chinese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Brazilian Portuguese. A detailed list of
translated materials is available in the matrix Creo 8.0 Language Support.
OpenGL Library
Creo uses advanced OpenGL 4.3 capabilities that improve the overall display and
graphics performance of Creo. To take advantage of this enhancement and for overall
improved display and graphics performance, Creo requires graphics cards which
support OpenGL 4.3 or later. PTC recommends you consult with your hardware
manufacturer or graphics card vendor.
Upgrading Versions of Java
Java is not installed with the installation of the Creo application. Java is only required if
you are using J-Link, Java Object Toolkit, Creo Product Insight connected to ThingWorx
or Windchill PLM Connector. You can use your existing installation of Oracle Java, but
will require Java version 11 for Creo
If Java version 11 is not installed, then a message appears during the installation. The
message notifies you that your version of JRE (Java run time environment) is out of date
and recommends installing the latest version of Java 11 to optimize performance.
Support for JAVA 11 and OpenJDK Amazon Corretto
Along with the existing Java 11 provided by Oracle, PTC now provides support for
Amazon Corretto OpenJDK. The version of Amazon Corretto follows the standard JAVA
support matrix for Creo. You can refer to the Platform Support notes at Creo Future
Platform Support Summary page to see details about the Java versions supported by PTC.
You must install one of the following Java 11 JDK distributions:
• Oracle Java —Creo detects and uses the installed version automatically.
• Amazon Corretto —If you install Amazon Corretto JAVA 11, then set the
environment variable PRO_JAVA_COMMAND to point to the location of the installed
JAVA 11 package.
Storage and Order of Customized Settings for the Creo User Interface
You can customize various aspects of the user interface for your Creo application,
including those in the list below:

• Ribbon
• Quick Access Toolbar
• Shortcut Menus
• Keyboard Shortcuts
• Graphics Toolbar
• Window layout
In all applications, unless the environmental variable, PTC_WF_ROOT is set,
customization settings for the user interface are automatically stored in the profile
directory of the user’s operating system in one of the locations listed below:
• When not connected to Windchill PDMLink, the file is created in %APPDATA%\
• When connected to Windchill PDMLink, the file is created in the %PTC_WF_
ROOT%\.Settings folder.
When the Creo application starts, customization settings are applied from the following
locations in this order:
• Application load point directory:
<creo_loadpoint>\F000\Common Files \text\creo_<app>_admin_
• User’s profile directory
• Application startup directory, if the configuration option load_ui_
customization_run_dir is set to yes.
Refer to Support article CS37185 for details.
Recommendation for Configuration Files and Working Directories
When your Creo application starts, stored configuration options from the
file or the config.sup file, or from both files, are applied from the same locations and
in the same order as they were in Creo 7.0.
Creo Help Center—Help, What’s New, Tutorials, Reference Documents
Help Centers are available on or you can download a Help Center for a local
installation. Refer to the Creo Installation and Administration Guide. The Help Center
provides access to the Help, including What’s New for your application and to other

resources such as free tutorials, Reference Documents, and the Creo Community. To open
a Help Center, click in your application. Alternatively, you can learn about user
interface items with context-sensitive Help using the F1 key. To access reference
information such as the Creo Installation and Administration Guide, click File ▶ Help ▶
Reference from your application or browse through Reference Documents.

PTC Learning Connector

The PTC Learning Connector for Creo, available by clicking in Creo Parametric,
provides context-sensitive recommendations for topics, articles, and videos as you work.
You can search the PTC Learning Connector using one or more keywords. The PTC
Learning Connector provides results from the following sources:
• PTC University Precision LMS—eLearning topics and videos
• Support Knowledge Base—Knowledge-based articles
• Help Center—Help topics and links to other materials
By default, the Learning Connector is active. To disable the Learning Connector set the
configuration option enable_learning_connector to no.
Information Related to Windchill

Chromium Embedded Browser

When using Chromium as the embedded browser in Creo to interact with Windchill, you
cannot view the 3D Creo View based thumbnails on the details page of the Creo models.
Chrome and Chromium based browsers do not support plug-ins, which is the technology
currently used to display the 3D Creo View based thumbnails in Creo. See Support article
CS197208 for details.
Single Sign On (SSO) Authentication
The embedded browser for Creo supports authentication to a Windchill server that is
configured for SAML 2.0 single sign-on (SSO) authentication. If you previously
authenticated with a standalone web browser, you will see an additional login request
from the embedded browser for Creo.
Creo Parametric TOOLKIT Is Updated to Support the Multibody Environment
The Creo Parametric TOOLKIT environment supports concepts for multibody part
design. Introduced as part of Creo Parametric 7.0, you can create parts that contain one or
more geometric bodies. Bodies contain only solid geometry. Nonsolid entities, like

datums, curves, and quilts, are not contained in any body. Bodies typically contribute to
the mass properties of the model and you can perform geometric operations on the bodies,
such as splitting a body or merging with other bodies. You can also select bodies as
references for features. For more information on the multibody functionality refer to the
Creo Parametric Help. The existing Creo Parametric TOOLKIT applications continue to
work seamlessly for legacy models and models having a single body. However, you must
upgrade your toolkit applications in Creo Parametric 8.0 to support the multibody
environment. Creo Parametric TOOLKIT is updated as follows to support the multibody
• APIs are added
• Some APIs are deprecated and are superseded by new APIs
• Implementation of existing APIs is updated. No visible changes in Creo Parametric
• Element trees are added to support new multibody features
• Some existing element trees are updated
• Some enumerated data types and their values are updated
• Existing structures are updated
Refer to the chapter, Migrating to the Multibody Environment, in the Creo Parametric
TOOLKIT 8.0 User’s Guide to understand the impact due to these changes and then
update your Toolkit applications as appropriate.
Changes Since Release of Creo Parametric (First Customer Shipment)
Information about what’s new in Creo Parametric is available in the Creo Help Center.
See What’s New in the table of contents for the product. The tables that follow provide an
overview of the functionality added since the release of Creo

Added in Creo Parametric
What’s New Topic Title Brief Description
Personalized Zoom-to- You can now personalize the level of magnification
Selected when using zoom-to-selected. Set the new configuration
option zoom_to_selected_level to adjust the
scaling of the bounding box around the visible area. This
increases or decreases the level of zooming when using
the command.
Configuration Option to The new configuration option reorient_when_
Control Reorientation of annot_plane_set controls the default behavior of
Model View the Reorient model when set check box in the Annotation
Plane Manager dialog box.
The Reorient model when set check box controls
whether the selection of an annotation plane reorients
the model to be parallel to the selected annotation plane
or keeps the view orientation as is, and only makes the
selected annotation plane active.
Model Tree Column and The new Annotation Designation Model Tree column
Search Tool Property to displays the designation state of each annotation that is
Report the Designation State reported to Windchill MPMLink. The designation states
of Annotations are as follows: Not Designated, Designated, and Control
The new search tool property Annotation Designation
allows you to query the model annotations to find all
annotations that correspond to a specific annotation
designation state.

Added in Creo Parametric
What’s New Topic Title Brief Description
Updated Support for Tapped, The Hole feature dimensioning scheme is updated for
Tapered Holes in the Hole the tapped, tapered holes without inner conical surface
Feature (when the Tapered tip check box is not selected).
The new scheme allows you to drive the straight drill
diameter, instead of the tapered depth dimension. The
tapered depth is automatically calculated based on the
tapered hole size and straight drill diameter.
The Hole features created in Creo Parametric
keep their original definition. The new dimensioning
scheme applies only if the hole is redefined.
This enhancement makes the dimensioning scheme
more suitable to the requirement to control the straight
drill diameter rather than the tapered depth.
Default State of Use Drawing The new configuration option drawing_name_
Model File Name Option sameas_model_name controls whether to select or
clear the Use drawing model file name check box when
you generate a new drawing.
• no*—Does not select the check box. Allows you to
provide the drawing name of your choice.
• yes—Selects the check box. The name generated for
the drawing is the same as the name of the related
Default Position of Dual The new Detail option default_dual_dim_
Dimensions position defines the default position of dual
dimensions when the dual_dimensioning Detail
option is set to yes.
• below*—Places the dual dimension below the first
• right—Places the dual dimension to the right of the
first dimension.
This option helps you easily achieve the desired
placement of dual dimensions.

What’s New Topic Title Brief Description
Preserve Properties of Last The new configuration option attach_last_gtol_
Placed Geometric Tolerance to_cursor preserves all the properties of the last
placed geometrical tolerance, when you place a new
geometrical tolerance instance.
• yes*—Preserves all the properties of the last placed
geometrical tolerance.
• no—Resets all the properties to the default.
The configuration option saves time in removing
unwanted properties of the last placed geometrical
tolerance when you place new instances.
Line Style of Sheetmetal The new Detail option smt_bend_line_axis_
Bending Lines style defines the line style of axes representing
sheetmetal bending lines.
• default*—When you manually define the line style
of axes, it is displayed in the same font, regardless of
the bend direction. When you do not specify any
custom line style, the axis is displayed using the
default axis font.
• ctrlfont—The bend axis is always displayed using
the dashed font, regardless of the bend direction.
• solidfont—The bend axis is always displayed using
the solid font, regardless of the bend direction.
• bend-direction—The font of the bend axis depends
on the bend direction: solid (for upward direction
bending) and dashed (for downward direction
Improved Display Options for The expanded or collapsed state of symbol folders in the
the Gallery of Symbols gallery is stored in the .ui file. This state is preserved
between different Creo Parametric sessions. It helps you
easily find the required symbols. It also improves the
thumbnail loading time.

What’s New Topic Title Brief Description
The tooltip message is provided for the relative symbol
directory path when you move the pointer over the
subfolder header in the symbol gallery. This
enhancement helps you better identify the exact path of
the subfolder from which the corresponding symbols in
the folder are originated.
When the symbols in the gallery are presented with a
‘names only’ thumbnail type, you can hover over any of
the listed symbols and get a thumbnail preview in the

©2021 PTC Inc. The information contained herein is provided for informational
use and is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for PTC products
and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such
products and services and nothing herein should be construed as constituting an
additional warranty. PTC shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or
omissions contained herein. Important Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and
Licensing Information: See the About Box, or copyright notice, of your PTC


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