Obstacle To Effective Implementation of Policies in The Local Government System

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It has been observed that policy implementation is one of major problems

confronting local government in Nigeria and organizations within.
According to Adamolekun (1983), policy implementation refers to the
activities that are carried out in the light of establishing policies. It refers
to the process of converting financial, material, technical, and human
inputs into outputs-goods and services (Egonwun, 1991). Edward (1980)
defines Policy Implementation as a stage of policy making between the
establishment of a policy (such as the passage of a legislative act, the
issuing of an executive order, or the promulgation of a regulatory rule)
and the consequences of the policy for the people whom it affects it also
involves a wide Varity of actions such as issuing and enforcing directives,
disbursing funds, making loans, assigning and hiring personnel, etc.

Implementation problem occurs when the desired result on the target

beneficiaries is not achieved. Such problem is not restricted to only the
developing nations. Wherever and whenever the basic critical factors that
are very crucial to Implementation of public policies are missing, whether
in developing or developed nations, there is bound to be Implementation

Problems. These critical factors are communication resources,

dispositions or attitudes, and bureaucratic structure (Edwards, 1980). The
four factors operate simultaneously and the interact with each other to aid
or hinder policy Implementation. By Implication therefore, the
Implementation Of every policy is a dynamic process, which involves the
interaction of many variables as would be discussed below.

Communication is an essential ingredient for effective Implementation of
public policy. Through communication, orders to implement policies are
expected to be transmitted to the appropriate personnel in a clear manner
while such orders must be accurate and consistent. Inadequate
information can lead to misunderstanding on the part of the implementers
who may be confused as to what exactly are required of them. In effect,
Implementation instructions that are not transmitted, that are vague or
that are in consistent may cause serious obstacles to policy
Implementation. Conversely, directives that are too precise may hinder
Implementation by stifling creativity and adaptability (Edward III, 1980).
Without sufficient resources it means that laws will not be enforced,
services will not be provided and reasonable regulations will not be

In addition to communication and resources disposition or attitude is

another key factor that affects policy Implementation. Most Implementers
can exercise considerate discretion in the Implementation of policies
because of either their independence from their nominal supervisors who
formulate the policies or as a result of the complexity of the policy itself.
The way the Implementation exercise their discretion depends to a large
extent on their disposition towards the policy. Therefore the level of
success will depend on how the implementers see the policies as affecting
their organizational and personal interest. Where a policy will result in
reduction of pay, low self-esteem or loss of position to the Implementers,
the attitude of disposition will be affected adversely.

On the other hand, if a policy will enhance the status, the pay or the self
esteem of the implementer such implementer will be favorably disposed
to it. It is to be noted that the fact that communication resources, and
positive disposition are put in place there is no efficient bureaucratic
structure, the problem of Implementation can still arise especially when
dealing with complex policies. As observed by Edward (1980) where
there is organizational fragmentation it may hinder the coordination that
is necessary to successfully implement a complex policy especially one
that requires the cooperation of many people. It may also result in
wastage of scarce resources, inhibit change, create confusion leads to
policies working are cross-purpose and at the end, result in important
functions being overlooked.

However, there are in addition to the above, some problems that seem
peculiar to federal Polytechnic Nekede in the area of policy
Implementation. These are usually problems that lead to Implementation
gap and which can be traced not only to the policy itself but also to the
policy maker and the policy environment and it was on this background
that research was carried out.


Since the took off of local government administration many policies have
been formulated but are not fully implemented due to one problem or the
other. In the course of this book, a lot of problems have been identified.
Therefore, this work sets out to address the following problems.

Lack of political will/attitude to policy Implementation have been a

serious problem to policy Implementation in various organizations and
Nigeria at large. Policy Implementation or delivery is negatively or
positively affected by the attitude or behavior disposed to a policy. That
is, if they are negatively disposed to a policy, there will be lack of
commitment to the Implementation process. It has been observed that the
Nigerian state is privatized, dependent, weak, and lack autonomy.
Therefore, despite the availability of public policies, that stands to better
the lot of the average Nigerians, poor Implementation design, conception,
and discipline has mar Implementation chances and cause policy failure.
This is because the instrument methods, knowledge technology,
equipment, models and modes of delivery utilized in Implementation a
policy determine whether Implementation and performance would be
successful or not. The institution in most cases, down plays the crucial
issue of Implementation design of public policies. This trend translates to
the advent of public policies without clear-cut modalities or mechanism
of Implementation. Policy objectives are therefore in most cases
misinterpreted or worst still abandoned.

Poor programme leadership and management: There are poor programme

leadership and management personnel who can steer, direct and motivate
program efforts. It is only an able, committed and enthusiastic devotion
could build and strengthen the commitment devotion loyalty, support and
enthusiasm of staff in program Implementation. Unfortunately, the
Nigerian state mainly parades an array of misfits for highly sensitive
public positions, and this ugly scenario led to the inability of program
leaders to create favorable environment for policy Implementation.

Lack of resources has confronted many policies In the institution. When

most policies are formulated adequate provision of resources is not made
to implement them. There is thus politics of Implementation because the
resources needed for adequate Implementation are not provided to realize
policy objectives.

Many Implementers have failed in the institution and Nigeria at large as a

result of corruption. When corruption penetrates the Implementation
process, public policies become muted and the desired goals may not be
achieved. Most public policies are formulated and funds appropriate for,

but corruption like an octopus has continued to entangle, ruin and make
impossible the Implementation process. Due to corruption, Nigeria is still
under the yoke of excruciating poverty and underdevelopment despite the
several efforts being made to alleviate poverty.


The objectives of the study are as follows:

To know the significant relationship between corruption and policy

Implementation in Nigerian Local Government councils.

To examine the impact of poor policy Implementation programme in

Nigeria economy.

To know if there is a positive relationship between poor leadership and

policy Implementation in LGA

To ascertain if inadequate provision of resources or fund affects policy

Implementation In Nigeria.

To know if lack of political will to positively realize objectives affects

policy Implementation.

To find the problem of policy Implementation in Nigeria.

To proffer solution to the problems.


The research will provide answers to the following research questions.

1. Is there any significant relationship between corruption and policy

Implementation in Nigeria LGA

2. What are the impacts of poor policy Implementation in Nigeria economy?

3. Is there a positive relationship between poor leadership and policy

Implementation in Nigeria?

4. Do inadequate provision of resources or find affects policy

Implementation in Nigeria?

5. Does lack of political will to negatively realized policy objectives affects

policy Implementation?

6. What are the problems of policy Implementation in Nigeria?

7. What are the solutions to the problem of policy Implementation in



This work is essential because it will prove itself as a landmark to policy

makers, statement, political and even bureaucrats alike which is also
reliable and as a veritable guide for future policy Implementation.

It will also provide platform for more indebt research into the art and
science of policy Implementation in Nigeria especially within this period
of nursing democracy.

This work will expose the flaw inherent with the Implementation of
policy Orlu LGA in Imo state. It will be immense help to researchers and
students who wants to carry out further research on the same subject to
the existing literature on problems of policy Implementation.

Furthermore, it will uphold the reason why various policy formulated in

Nigeria failed at the Implementation stage.

Finally, it will proffer solution to the problems of policy Implementation
in Nigeria.


Problems of policy Implementation varies from country to country or

organization to organization. This implies that the level of institution
policy Implementation potentials determines somehow the level or rate of
growth seen in the institution. In addition to this, many policies have been
formulated in most Nigeria owned organizations but has failed on
Implementation stage as result of different problems. However, due to the
above reason, time frame and finance, it is practically impossible for the
study to discuss the problems why the l Implementation of the all policies
failed I these organizations. Consequently, this study is to problems of
policy Implementation in Nigeria using Orlu LGA in Imo state as a
reference point.


This study is limited or faced with series of constraints in the course of

writing it. Prominent among the constraints are time spent in gathering
data or information for the project and time spent in compiling as this is
combined with lectures and other course works.

Secondly the finance in carrying out this activity was a big problem.
Obtaining relevant data or information was another limiting factor
although all the required information was sufficient. Even in situations
where interviews were necessary, there was difficulty in scheduling
interview as some qualified personnel are either busy or ignorant over
such interview.

1.7. Definitions of term

Problems: From the Oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, problems is
seen to be something that is difficult to deal with or understand

Policy Implementation: Policy Implementation is giving help and effect

to policy so that objectives of the policy can be achieved.

Programme: A programme is a plan of things that will be done or

included in the development of anything.

Politics: A politics is all human activities that are involved in getting and
using power in public life and bring also a decision that influences others
in any place.

Public policy: Public policy is the connection that refers to those definite
actions of government that is towards the fulfillment of the obligations of
the state.

Planning: Darton Mc. Farland (2006) defined planning as the activity

where the manager analyzes present condition to determine ways of
reaching a desired future state.

Control: This involves installing check and balances; it is a process of

ensuring that the courses of action are maintained and that the desired
ends are achieved.

Policy formulation: Policy formulation is affirmative decision which

entails the approval of a preferred policy alternative, somebody or policy




It is believed that many authors have carried out research on problems of

policy Implementation and other related subject. This chapter therefore
will reveal the various authors view on the subject matter.


Policy making and Implementation, according to UNIG (1996) he is of

the view that policy making is one of the best known modes of national
planning process which as been most widely applied by the
administrative unit to achieve the objective of an organization.

Argenti (1980) opined that this planning process has some incurrent
problem namely:

The dynamic nature of the environment which makes the plan to be

reluctant when it changes the plan to be reluctant when it changes
information is never available in the quality and required to understand a
comprehensive analysis of the internal and external environment.

Line manager or operational manager often display resistances to

decision in which they are not involved. According to Peter and
Watermen (1982) other problems inherent In this planning process

1. The problems of policy making and Implementation normally crop up

at the Implementation stage.

2. The Implementation of changes proposal in the plan normally takes
longer time than expected.
3. That problem often arises in the introduction of policy making and
Implementation process.

Despite these numerous problems inherent in policy making ad

Implementation as noted above, in the view of Made (1999) when an
organization cases to adjust the environment to its policy or does not react
to the demand of the environment by changing its policy. The results are
less achievement of corporate objective.

However, despite the short listing policy making and Implementation as

noted above it is the opinion of the researcher that policy making and
Implementation is still important tool for an efficient administration
system to achieve the objective of the institution.


Policy as defined In this review are as follows:

According to Christian Andrew and Bower (1973) they defined policy as

the duties, functions, roles and responsibilities of the general management
levels of the organization.

Ovure (1986) he defined it as a guide for making administrative decision.

Madu (1999) defined policy as a plan of action or statement or ideas,

proposal adopted by enterprise. From the above definitions the researcher
can defined policy a grand plan of action, for directing and controlling all
the resources of an organization to achieve the objective of the


According to Madu (1999) policy can be classified in major basic


Basic policy: The basic policy in this review is statement of mission of an

organization guiding directing the organization to move along the line
which it was established to do. He further regarded it as broad and
fundamental nature, make to achieve corporate objective.

Major policy: Major policy which he sees and regards as modus operandi
is a made to control and direct all the activities and resources in the
functions areas of an organizations.

Minor policy: The minor policy which he regarded as a lactic and sees it
as a policy made to control and direct all the activities and resources at
the department or secretarial areas of an organization towards achieving
objectives of the organization.

In the view of image (1988) policy can be classified into corporate

functional and operational policies. However, in the view of the research
policy can be grouped into strategic lactic and programme policies.


Policy making and Implementation according to Gliecic (1976) he

defined it as the process leading to the development and Implementation
of an effective policy to achieve objective of the organization. This
process according to him involved:

Defining the mission and objective of the organization and objectives in

order to make the mission and objectives of the organization achievable.

Also the step helps in the development of the objective of the

Appraising and analyzing the environment, this step according to Gliecic

(1976) involves search of the environment to determine what factors in
the environment present threats to the company’s present policy and
objectives accomplishment and factors that presents opportunities for
greater accomplishment of objectives by adjusting institution policy.

Choosing an effective policy, this policy according to Glucecic (1976)

involves generating a reasonable number of alternative policies that will
help fill the gap or take advantage of the opportunities and make the best
policy. Choice that will exploit the opportunities and measure threats in
environment. However, the ultimate measure adopted in choosing a
policy is whether the policy will meet the criteria of the administrative
and achieve the objectives of the organization.

Evaluating the policy: This step according to Glucecic (1997) involves

the management of an organization determining whether the policy
implemented is meeting the objectives of the organization. Madu (2000)
limited the steps to a physician who continually monitor his patient in
order to determine the property of his diagnosis and the efficiency of his
prescription least he dies in the same way he came. A policy maker must
communally evaluate the Implementation and result of his policy lest his
organization dies.

Therefore, one can see that the step of evaluation of the policy is like a
feedback mechanism into the system of policy making and
Implementation to ensure that policies made and implemented achieves
the objectives of the organization.

Akpala (1993) sees policy as a pre determined guide established to
provide directions on decision making. It is verbal written or implied
guides setting out how and the boundaries or general limits in which
managerial actions will take place.

A policy defines the area which decision be made but it does not take
decision. Policy is the outcome of planning.


The theoretical framework will be based on the theory. This theory was
popularized by such school as pareto, mosca, Michaels etc. and C. Wright
Mill to name just some of them. Simple put elite theory views public
policy as representing preferences and value of the governing or political
elites. The suggest that public policy is a reflection of the demand of
people is said to be myth rather than reality, as Thomas Dye points out
elite policy actually shapes mass. Opinion on policy. It is the setting
policies flow downward from to the masses and before do not represent
the demand of the masses. Moreso is quote to have argued that in all and
have barely attained the dawing of civilization down to the advance and
powerful societies two classes of people appear a class that rules and a
class that is ruled.

Summarizing the view of Mora and Pereto on the above points, but Mora
points out that common nation in every society, the minority class or
governing elite composed of those who can directly influence political
decision. The basic assumptions of the elite theory are as follows:

Society is divided into few who have power and the many who do not,
only a small number of person allocate values for society.

The few who govern are not typical of the masses who are governed.
Elites are drawn disproportionately from the upper socio-economic state
of society. Active elites are subject to relatively little direct influence
from apathetic masses influence elites. Notwithstanding some of the
limitations which elite theory may have, there are important aspects of it
that makes it relevant. First in a developing country like Nigeria, it is
widely observed that the elite dominate in the policy process and policy
outcomes. In other words, they do not dominate the process of policy
making but also make such policies that will benefit them and further
their individual interest.

I decide to use this elite theory as a theoretical framework due to the fact
that what is usually perceived as reflect the true and actual public views
aspiration and consultation in the area of politics, social and economic
policies. What we observed is that the minority will actually pretend to be
representing the public while in practical term it serves and protects the
interest of its elite groups. Public policy Implementation In Nigeria is
actually made by bureaucrats and bourgeois of all types who believes the
type of public policies will serve their selfish interest economical,
political or socially representing and that is why most policies which do
not review their blessings hardly see the light of the day simply because
the so called policy makers stand to gain nothing from the policy were
they know it will improve the lot of the general public.



Public policy

Different definitions of public policy abound, and it may simply be futile

trying tom discover which is correct or proper. One of widely quoted, but
simple definitions of public policy is that by (Dye 1975:1) where he
defined public policy as what government chooses to do or not to do. He
went further to explain that:

Governments do many things. They regulate conflicts within society, they

organize society to carry on conflicts worth other societies and they
distribute a great Varity of symbolic rewards and material services to
members of the society and extracts money from the society, most at
times in the form of taxes. Thus policies may regulate behavior, organize
bureaucracies, distribute benefits and extract taxes or all of these things at
once (Ibid).

One crucial point to note from the above conceptualization is the concept
“non decision”. The reason is that a decision by government to ignore a
problem or make changes is in a sense is a policy decision because it
tends to favour the prepetualization of the status good.

Secondly, there may be a divergence between what government decide to

do and what they actually do. Public policy is a future oriented inquiry
into the optimum means of achieving a given governmental objective.
Thus, it is governmental program found in a nation’s laws or in public
statements by a functionary of government. There are other definitions of
public policy. Similarly, public policy is a government programme of
action which stands for various degrees of goal articulation and normative
regulation of government activities, that is what government intends to do
or achieve and how it intends to it (Egonmwan 2004)

According to Shrkansy, (1970) public policy refers to important activities

of government.

The reality however is that public policy embraces all government
activities or outputs as it affects members of the society, and cannot be
limited only to importance activities of government. Public policy is also
defined as a purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of
actors in dealing with a problem or matter of concern. (Anderson, 1975).
It is a series of goal oriented actions taken by government actors.

Leichter (1975:9) Public policy also connotes official statements

determining the plan of action or what the government want to do
(Mlekwe, 1976). Whatever the for It takes, however public policy is what
public administrators execute (Henry 1999:292).

The literature on public policy can be bisected into two broad streams.
The first is an attempt to analyze the process of public policy making and
implementation, its endeavor is descriptive orientation (Henry 1999:294).

On the other hand, the second stream attempt to analyze the outputs or
effects of public policy. This involves an attempt to prescribe ways to
improve the content of public policy by improving the ways public policy
is made. In this context, models of the instrumentalism, rationalism and
the strategic planning readily comes to mind, which are prescriptive
biased (Ibid). but we will not want to be bothered with the explanations
and appropriateness of these theories models and postulations.
Ordinarily in an ideal situation, the public policy making process is
divided into different phases or stages, which rightly includes problem
identification, policy, initiation, deliberation and formulation,
Implementation and the policy evaluation stages accordingly.

The adopted policy is only a statement of intention expectations, goals,

perceptions, standards and requirements, it is basically a carefully d rafted
set of exhortation, directions and hopes. Therefore, most public policies
requires actins and enforcement mechanisms to effectuate them. The
special character of public policy steing from fact that they are basically
formulated policy by authorities. This implies that those persons who
engage in the daily affairs of a political system are recognized by most
members of the system as having responsibility for these matters and take
decision that are accepted as binding most of time by most of the
members, so long as they act within the limits of their roles (Anderson). J
the argument is that public policy has to do with actions taken by public

And due to the fact that, it is a product of governmental process and

activities, affects a large spectrum of issues and sectors of the society
which government have something to do. This includes the economy,
housing, defines, transportation health care, education, welfare etc. And
expression of public policies embraces law, judicial decision executive
orders and rules of conduct behind which stands the enforcing power of
the principal system. Public policies are In essence designed to resolve
societal problems, particularly those considered to require public or
collective action. Again public policies can be categorized as been
distributive redistributive, regulatory and constituent respectively in
accordance with the purpose they are created to serve in the society.


Public policy Implementation is the act and process of converting a

policy into reality or simply enforcing the policy. That is, it is the process
of translating policy mandates into actions and policy goals into reality. It
refers to the actions taken to accomplish the intents, objectives and
desired outcomes of a policy. The Implementation process consists of the
Implementation organization, the socio-political and economic

environment, the policy target group, j=the policy objective the
enumerated methods of Implementation and the policy resources
(Sharkansky and Meter, 1975:71-81). It hopes that: by concentrating on
the Implementation of program as well as the initiation, we should be
able to increase the probability that policy promises will be realized.
(Pressman and Wildavsky 1984:6) paradoxically, Implementation is in
many ways a slippery subject.

(Majone and Wildavsky 1979:164), this sterms from the fact that, vague
and contradictory policies are difficult to implement. Furthermore, the
issue of where Implementation starts from and where it ends is not a
settled matter (Ingram 1992:463) but it Is commonly seen as a stage.
Schneider (1986:716) suggests that Implementation is after the adoption
of a policy and before theorutinization of operation activities and tasks
that are governed by the policy. It appeals to democratic instincts to mark
the start of Implementation following the completion of policy making
(Ingram, 1992:464).

Browned and Wildavsky (1984:208) view Implementation as a process of

mutual adaptation in which policies and program the other. However
(Elmore, 1982) suggested “forward mapping” framework by beginning
with the origin of a policy and mapping out compliance with the original
mandate, but (Williams 1982) suggested “backward mapping” which
involves the implementer closes to the problem and traces backward the
influence on action.

Which ever the approach adopted, the essence is to improve public

policy. Pressman and Wildvasky (1973: viii) expressed their fears thus:

People now appear to think that Implementation should be easy, they are
therefore, upset when even do not occur or turn out badly. We would
consider out effort a success if more people began with the understanding
that Implementation under the best of circumstance is exceedingly
difficult. The would therefore be pleasantly surprised when few good
things really happen.

By and large, a number of factors adversely affect Implementation.

Pressman and Wildvasky (1984:147) considers law and multiplicity of
decision points, Van Meter and Van Horn (1975:445) went beyond
structural issues that dominated federalism to uncover the ]policy
relationships: inter-[organizational communication and enforcement
activities related to policy, and Mclaughlin (1976) mentioned the
implementer closest to the action and the immediate environment. Yet
Bardach, (1977:268-283) stresses the external monitoring of the
Implementation process, browning, Marshall and Tab (1984:237) noted
the time dimension.

Mazmanian and Sabaiter (1982:22) faulted seventeen independent

variables but under three heading, tractability of the problem, the ability
of the statute of structure Implementation, and the non-statutory
variables. The list is endless however, factors affecting Implementation
are likely to vary according to a particular policy, but nonetheless, they al
presumably sets to improve the Implementation of public policy. We will
now turn to the Implementation paradox of public policy in Nigeria.

2.4. The Structure of Policy Making Under a Democratic Government in


Scholars posit that policy Implementation in an democratic system of

government usually is a political process that passed through many
structure and institution. It is worthy to note that the role of policy
making is not a sole or centralized act in both presidential and
parliamentary system of democratic government . in normal
circumstances before such proposal is signed into policy action through
one way or the other, every member of the political system is involved.
Thus Okereke argues this does not suggest that public policy making is
an affair for all comers.

Also in the connection, Anderson a public making analyst and decision

making (1999) went further to streamline the stcutures and actors
involved in the policy making process into “Officer and Unofficial
policy makers”, he affirmed that those who possessed legal authority to
engage on the formulation of public policy are referred to as official
policy makers.

1. The legislature

Under any democratic system of government, the legislature is an

important institution that engages on policy making. Any government
policy formulation and Implementation of any programme must receive
legal approval by the legislature. According to O.O. Okereke, he said the
legislature debate on the bill and has final authority to approve the
programme as policy.

During the house sitting, they are allowed to give ideas on how a given
policy will be implemented.

2. The Executive

According to Okereke, he said that the executive organ is an important

institutions that is involved in policy making in a democratic government
in essence the filure or success of any policy formulation and
Implementation lies on the hand f the executive.

3. Administrative institutions/agencies

Administrative agencies is another structure that is involved in the policy

making process. According to Okereke, technologies and complexities of
many of policy making and the need for containing control, have made
administration or administrative agencies an important actor in the policy
making process, as a result of the blending between policies and
administrative scholars have come to discover that administrative
agencies are significantly involved in the development of public policies
formulation and Implementation.

4. The courts

In a democratic system of government, the court is well recognized

structure in the act of decision, the courts have power of interpreting
legislature policies and law as well as making judicial reviews by so
doing, they are contributing immensely to the policy making process. The
courts have legal authority to nullifying action of the legislature and
executive if found unconstitutional and can declare it null or void in ultra
vires. In democratic system, there are other structures that take the legal
authority to make binding policy decision. The structures are regarded
according to Anderson as unofficial policy making actor. Okereke said
policy making process will not be complete without recognizing these
groups, because they help in policy making. And they are pressure
groups, political parties which no time to elucidate on them.


Another structure of government is the national council of state. This

organ is the body that decide on issues and cases affecting different

sectors, and different members who represent their respective state and
interest groups.

They table problem for deliberations, consideration and recommendations

for the supreme military council (SMC) or the Armed forces ruling
council of states (AFRC) for approval.

Okereke said “National council of states” (NCS) rarely meets and when
they meet, they only receive directives from the head of state and
commander in chief of armed forces as the chairman, all administrators,
governors and members of supreme military council (SMC) and that of
Armed forces ruling council (AFRC).


Federal executive council is the representative of government in the

various ministries and some segment of the country. They prepare policy
for their different ministries, make sufficient and officer some idea and
ways of improving their different ministries and parastatals. They serve
as bureaucrat body which link military government and citizens.


The state executive council is a body that help to control members of the
bureaucracy and to formula and implement]] policy in Nigeria since and
after independence. Some of the policies that have been put in place are
the indigenization policy eradication programme which serves as the case
study of this research work.

According to Obiagulu. He said policy Implementation is getting an

already made policy to the level or unit of the organization where it is
applicable because people can only employ that they are aware of.

According to Adebayo (2000:14) principles and practice of public
administration. He said that policy Implementation is taking decision on
very vital issue that comes before it. Government makes policies
everyday, but for the policy to serve the ends of the society and the
welfare and progress of the people in general both in short and long run.
Such policies must be based on rational decision making.

According to Okoli (2004) he said, the procedures for formulation and

implementing policies, designed to further national interest are usually
very cumbersome because of the complex nature of inter-governmental

2.5. Problems of Policy Implementation in Nigeria

We must reiterate the fact that, Nigeria is presently swimming In the

ocean of adject poverty, absence of basic, social amenities and
excruciating underdevelopment, not because there are not good public
policies to ameliorate the situation, but because policy Implementation is
the Achilles heel of the Nigerian state. A historical excursion into the
annals of public policy in Nigeria reveals that if all the policies
formulated in the country over the years were implemented accordingly,
Nigeria no doubt would have been on a fast land of development.

It is however a paradox that most of the public policies only exists on

papers and are never implemented to actualize the objectives of such
policies. The culture of non- Implementation of public policies is
therefore in a very high degree in the country and virtually affects all
levels of government for instance, it is pitiable to note that some projects
conceived in the first National development plan in the country are still
implemented. This non- Implementation of public policies has since

become the norm or a recurrent decimal in our national life. Public
policies are thus debased to mere rhetoric with no iota of commitment.

A cursory look at the constitution of the federal Republic of Nigeria,

1999, which was also reflected in earlier constitutions of the country 1979
and 1989 shows unrealistic and unrealizable aspirations on the part of
public policy goals. For example chapter II contains the fundamental
objectives and directive principles of state policies section 15- which are
the political objectives and 15(5) states that the state shall abolish all
corrupt practices and abuse of office. Section 16 contains economic
objectives and 16(2) states that the state shall draft its policy towards
ensuring that suitable and adequate shelter, suitable food, reasonable
national minimum wage, old age care and pension and unemployment,
sick benefit and welfare of the disabled are provided for a citizen.

This have become mere declaration of intent which the ruling parties in
the various tiers of government in the country cannot respect. This the
Implementation paradox of public policy in Nigeria is Multidimensional,
and we shall proceed to identify and explain some of them.

2.6. Lack of Political Will/Attitude to Public Policy Implementation

Public policy implementation or delivery is negatively or positively

affected by the attitude or behavior of the implementer. That is if they
negatively disposed to a policy, there will be lack of commitment to the
Implementation process. He has been stated above that the Nigerian state
is privatized, dependent weak and lack autonomy.

Therefore, despite the availability of public policies that stands to better

the lot of the average Nigeria, the state unfortunately lacks the political
will to positively realize such policy objective. The argument is that even

though the set objectives of government policies stand to benefit the
public, the cabal that holds the top echelon of government hostage at any
point in time will jeopardize or frustrate the Implementation public
policies. in the energy, sectors for instance, Nigeria with a population
only a miserable, 1,500 mega watts capacity. And despite the sinking of a
copious 13.2 billion American dollars in the sector by formal President
Olusegun Obasanjo regime between 1999-2007, no tangible result was
achieved (Egbulefu, 2009:16).

Poor Implementation design, conception and discipline planning is of

paramount importance no matter what your venture might be. Therefore,
the design of the mode and methods of implementing of a policy is
critical to Implementation success. Wrong choices of means and methods
could mar Implementation chances and causes policy failure. This is
because the instrument methods, knowledge, technology, equipment,
models and modes of delivery utilized in implementing a policy
determine whether Implementation and performances would be
successful or no (Ikelegbe 2005:183). The Nigerian state in most cases,
down plays the crucial issue of Implementation design of public policies.
This trend translates to the advent of public policies without clear-cut
modalities or mechanism of Implementation. Policy objectives are
therefore kin most cases misinterpreted or worst still abandoned. A case
in point was the set up of a “truth commission”. Truth commissions are
based on the understanding that knowledge of what happened in the past
will lead to reconciliation in the future and has the likelihood to make
people forget their uncharitable past so as to move the state forward
(Gibson, 2004:201).

Nigeria has suffered from military dictatorship (1966-1999) with a brief

interlude between O(1997-1983) immediately n assumption of office as a
democratically elected civilian president, Olusegun Obasanjo, instituted
the Human rights violation Investigation Commission (HRVIC) in 1999
popularly called the Oputa Commission, which was patterned at the Truth
and Reconciliation commission in south Africa, which was rule by
apartheid regimes between 1958-1994, with the aim of providing an
accurate record of who was responsible for leinous crimes such as extra-
judicial killings, disappearances, massacres and other human right abuses
that occurred in the country from 15,1966 to May 29, 1999. It was
expected that the commission would establish a framework for truth
recovery about the country’s past and in the process facilitates national
reconciliation (Onyegbula 2001:28). However the commission fell short
of the expectations. The key missing link in the OPuta commission in
Nigeria was that: the establishment of the commission and its terms of
reference have been interpreted in diverse (and sometimes bizare) ways
by Nigerians. This derived from t he fact that most Nigerians were not
consulted before it was established. This left ample room for speciation,
skepticism and it ultimately created a number of problems. This is one of
the reasons why the commission has no report to date (Albert, 2005:120).

Hayner (1994) suggested the effectiveness of a truth commission to such

factors as timing, representation authority, scope and budget. There are
also issues such a leadership, resource availability, official mandate and
methodology (Gibson, 2005). The philosophy of a national reconciliation
commission is crucial to the understanding of its conducts, process,
structure and overall outcome. In addition, the Oputa commission had
administrative and constitutional defects. According to Okafor O(2003:2)
the Oputa commission was an obfuscate panel whose goal was ill-defined
has been vacillating across the country with exaggeration optimism,
listening to individuals and groups, their agonies and miseries suffered as

a result of bad government and its vampire operative that illegally seized
the mantle of governance. This Nigeria lost another opportunity to unity
its factionalized and fractionalized polity due to poor policy
Implementation design, conception and discipline.

Poor program leadership and management: it is a truism that program

leaders could be quite facilitative of Implementation. They steer, direct
and motivate program efforts. That is, an able committed and enthusiastic
leadership could build and strengthen the commitment devotion, loyalty,
support and enthusiasm of staffs in program Implementation.

As Levin and Ferman (1985) suggested that leadership can be significant

political hidden and hand that guides disorganized and disparage interests
to converge in support of Implementation policy. Unfortunately the
Nigerian state mainly parades an array of misfits for highly sensitive
public positions. And this ugly scenario led to the inability of program
leaders to create favourable environment for policy Implementation in a
dispensation where square pegs are put in round holes and merit scarified
on the alter of mediocrity, policy objectives cannot be positively realized.




Chapter three deals with the overall framework of the project. It deals
with the various methods used by the researcher in the process of
collecting data for the project.

The research under the following headings, the research design or

methods, sources of data, method of data collecting, population of the
study, sample size determination, sampling techniques and methods of
data or statistical analysis.


This presents the dimensions of information associated with the particular

research design. Research design also stipulates how the information
related to research problem would be gathered and analyzed. It is a plan
of investigation aimed at identifying variables and their relationships with
one another (Nzelibe and Ilogu 1996:189).

Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. According
to Best (1981), as cited by Adeniji, (2006), descriptive survey is meant to
examine the situation as currently obtainable and no variable was
manipulated, in contrast to experimental design.


In this research, data will be collected from both primary and secondary

Primary data: This is the first data, which the researcher collected
through the use of questionnaire observation and interview.

Secondary data: This data considered relevant to the study which were
gotten from previous research works, articles, journals and other related
books and materials.

The methods used are interview, questionnaire and observation method:

1. Interview: The researcher used face to face me of interview to complete

the area that questionnaire do not cover. The oral interview was giving to
the staff of Orlu LGA in order to obtain relevant information.

2. Questionnaire: It was designed in a way it will be reliable and relevant

to the information used for the study. The questionnaire comprises mostly
the structure close ended questions and open-ended questions. The
questionnaire is made up of two section A and B.

Section A: Comprises questions on demographic data item designed to

collect personal data of respondents.

Section B: It was designed to find out necessary information as needed in

solving the problems of the study.


In order to get a complete set of data for this study, the researcher needed
this instrument of data collection through direct observation.


A population refers to all cases or individuals that fit a certain

specification (Peil, 1982:26). Similarly, the population for a study refers
to all those persons or things that fall under the umbrella of the topic or
that can be examined to address the research problem or meet the
research objectives.

The population consist of staff of policy makers in Orlu LGA population

of study is 200.


A sample constitutes the part of the population drawn to represent the

entire population in the research. The sample size is the numerical portion
of a population that has been selected for a particular study or the group
of people taken from the population understudy.

The sample size is determined using Yaro Yamen’s formular

n = N



n = sample size

N = population of study

E = the level of significant

I = constant

Therefore n=?

N = 200

e = 5% (0.05)

n = 200
n = 200

n = 200


n = 200


= 133

Therefore, n = 133

n = 133 is the sample size


The research adopted simple random sampling method to draw the

sample size from the population.


Validity of instrument

The validity of this project is concerned with scope coverage and accurate
information obtained during the inquiry. Also the instrument used in
work was validated by the supervisor of this project work who critically
examined the item in the questionnaire and recommendations were made
before the questionnaire were distributed to the respondent.


The work is reliable because all the sources of information used in the
work are gotten from a reliable source. Interview were conducted on

experts on policy administration and implementation i.e. works of Orlu


The method of data analysis used by the researcher is mostly statistical

and mathematical measures. A simple percentage method was used to
analyze the data from the questionnaires. It is essential to use the method
because it is easier to analyse and to interpret the result it and for easy
understanding an to make decision.

Percentage method formula:

F x 100
N 1


F = Total number of frequency

N = total number of respondents




In this chapter, data collected were presented and analyzed. The

researcher presented, analyzes and interpreted the data collected which
provided the necessary solution to the research problems as stated earlier
I t he last chapter, statistical table were used in the analysis and data were
presented for clear and reliable results.


The presentation took the form of tabulation the data gotten through
administering the questionnaire to the respondents are presented in a
frequency table for analysis.


The response to questions asked was analyzed using percentage method

and chi-square statistical tool. Out of 133, questionnaire distributed 115
were completed and returned while 18 was not retrieved. However, the
data analysis will be based. On 115.

Research question 1

Does proper implementation of policy play any role in the economic

development of Nigeria?

Table 1: Role of policy in economic development

Respondent view Frequency Percentage

Proper implementation of policy 85

plays significant role

Policy implementation does not 30 26.1

play a significant role

Total 115 100

About 73.9 percent of respondents saw that proper implementation of

policy is playing a significant role in the economic development of
Nigeria while 26.1 percent said that proper implementation of policy does
not play significant role in the economic development of Nigeria.

Research question 2:

Is there any significant relationship between corruption and bad policy

implementation in Nigeria?

Table 4.3

Option No of respondent Percentage

Yes 70 60.9

No 16 13.9

No idea 29 25.3

Total 115 100

From the table 5 above 60.9% of the total respondents said yes that there
is a relationship between corruption and bad policy implementation in
Nigeria 13.9% said no while 25.3% said no.

Research question 3

Do you believe that policy implementation In the local government

system has an impact on Nigeria economy?

Table 4.4

Option No of respondents Percentage

Agreed 69 60

Disagreed 27 23.5

No idea 19 16.5

Total 115 100

60% of the respondents agreed that policy implementation in the local

government system has an impact on Nigeria economy, 25.5% disagreed
while 16.5% said no idea

Research question 4

Is there any positive relationship between Poor LG leadership and policy

implementation in Nigeria?

Table 4.5

Option No of respondents Percentage

Yes 80 69.7

No 30 26
No idea 5 4.3

Total 115 100

From table 4.5 above, 69.7% of the respondents said that there is a
positive relationship between poor relationship and policy
implementation in Nigeria while2u6% said no that there is no positive
relationship between poor leadership and policy implementation in
Nigeria while 4.3% said that they have no idea.

Research question 5

Does inadequate provision of resources or fund affects policy

implementation in Orlu LGA?

Table 8

Option No of respondents Percentage

Yes 70 80.9

No 45 39.1

Total 115 100

60.9% of the respondents agreed that inadequate provision of resources or

fund affects policy implementation in Nigeria while 39.1% disagreed to
the question.

Question 6

Does lack of political will to positively realize policy objectives affect

policy implementation?
Table 4.4

Option No of respondents Percentage

Agreed 65 56.5

Disagreed 50 43.5

Total 115 100

56.5% of the respondents agreed that lack of political will be positively

realize policy objectives affect policy implementation while 43.5%
disagreed with the notion.

Question 7

Is policy implementation a success or a failure in Orlu LGA?

Table 4.

Option No of respondents Percentage

Failure 55 56.5

Success 45 30.4

No idea 15 13.1

Total 115 100

From the 11 above 56.5% of the total respondents said yes that policy
implementation is a failure 30.4% said policy implementation in Orlu
LGA is a success while 13.1% said they have no idea.

Question 8

Do you think the major problem of Orlu LGA is poor policy

implementation and improper planning?

Option No of respondents Percentage

Yes 115 100

No 0 0

Total 115 100

The above responds shows that all the respondents are on the opinion
that the major problem of Orlu is poor implementation and improper

Question 10

If policies are well implemented, do you think it will have an positive

impact in socio-economic and general development of Nigeria?

Option No of respondents Percentage

Agreed 110 95.6

Disagreed 5 4.4

Total 115 100

95.6% of the total respondents agree that if policies are well

implemented, it will have a positive impact in socio-economic and
general development of Nigeria while 4.4 % opposed the question.

Question 11

Do you suggest for the total and serious over handling of Nigeria policy
formulation and implementation machinery so as to meet its development

Option No of respondents Percentage

Yes 115 100

No 0 0

Total 115 100

The above table proves that Nigerians are in support of the total and
serious over handling of Nigeria policy formulation and implementation
machinery so as to meet its development goal?

Question 12

What are the problems of policy implementation in Nigeria local

government system?

Option No of respondents Percentage

Corruption 15 13

Lack of fund 10 8.6

Lack of political 5 4.4


Bad leadership 10 8.6


Cultural and 5 4.4

religious factor

Multiplicity of 5 4.4
public policies

Sectionalism and 5 4.4

ethnic biases

All of the above 60 52.2

Total 115 100

From the table above 13% of the respondents said that corruption is the
problem confronting policy implementation in Nigeria 8.6% said it is lack
of fund and bad leadership structure 4.4 said it is both lack of political
will, cultural and religious factor, multiplicity of public policy,
sectionalism and ethnic biases respectively while 52.2% said all of the
above is the major problems confronting policy implementation in

Question 13

Do you believe that putting the above problem in order can go a long way in providing
solution to the problems of policy implementation.?

Option No of respondents Percentage

Strongly agree 60 52.2

Agree 50 43.5

Disagree 5 4.4

Strongly agree 0 0

Total 115 100

From the table responses, it was deducted that majority of the total
respondents agree that the problems of policy implementation can be
solved by addressing the issue of corruption provision of enough fund for
Implementation of policies, maintaining good leadership structure,
abolishing religion and cultural factors which militates against effective
policy Implementation, good political and crubing sectionalism and
ethnic biases out of Nigeria system.


Table 4.1 shows that majority of the respondents aw the proper

Implementation of policy playing a significant role in the economic
development of Nigeria.

Table 4.2 shows that NAPEP play significant role in alleviating poverty
in Nigeria while 26.1% disagreed, result of table 4.3 indicates that there
is a relationship between corruption and bad policy Implementation in
Nigeria. From Table 4.4 above, it was indicated that there is a positive
relationship between poor leadership and policy Implementation in
Nigeria. 60.9% of the respondents agreed that inadequate provision of
resources or fund affects policy Implementation in Nigeria while 39.1%
disagreed to the question. Table 4.5 indicates that lack of political will to
positively realized policy objectives affect policy Implementation in Orlu
LGA. From table 4.6 above majority of the respondents said that policy
Implementation in Orlu LGA is a failure. The result of table 4.7 proves
that Orlu LGA are able to reduce the high rate of unemployment in
Nigeria if well implemented. Table 4.8 shows that all the respondents are
on the provision that the major problem of Orlu LGA is poor policy

Implementation and improper planning. Majority of the respondents in
table 4.9 agreed that if policies are well implemented, it will have positive
impact in the socio-economic and general development of Nigeria
especially those in rural areas.

Table 4.11 proves that Nigerians are in support of the total and serious
overhauling of Nigeria policy formulation and Implementation
machinery so as to meet its development goal.

From the table above 13% of the respondents said that corruption is the
problem confronting policy Implementation in Nigeria 8.6% said it is
lack of fund and bad leadership structure 4.4% said it is both lack of
political will, cultural and religious factor, multiplicity of public policies,
sectionalism and ethnic biases respectively while 52.2% said all of the
above is the major problem confronting policy Implementation in
Nigeria. From table 4.13 responses, it will be seen that majority of the
total respondents agreed that the problems of policy Implementation in
Nigeria local government system can be solved by addressing the issue of
corruption policies, maintaining good leadership structure abolishing
religion and cultural factors and militates against effective policy
Implementation good political will and curbing sectionalism and ethnic
biases out of Nigerian system.



This chapter is the concluding chapter of the work, it will unfold the
major findings of the study, the researcher’s conclusion on the research
work and the useful recommendations on the subject.


The purpose of this research is to present critical analysis on the obstacles

of effective Implementation of policies in local government system in
Nigeria using Orlu LGA as a reference point.

The project commenced with problem definition four research, questions

were developed to guide the major activities of this project in other to
identify existing theories in this field and bring them into focus to the
problem at hand.

A detailed literature review was conducted and presented in chapter two,

while chapter three discussed the major research design and
methodological of the project. The data for the analysis of the study were
obtained from the investigation and interview, questionnaire which is
being distributed to the staff and some ministries. Chapter four was used
to present data and analysis . chapter five discusses the major findings.

The following findings below were made during the course of this
research work:

(1) There is a relationship between corruption and board policy

Implementation in Nigeria Orlu LGA.

(2) The poor policy Implementation has an impact on economy.

(3) There is positive relationship between poor leadership and policy
Implementation in Nigeria local government systems

(4) Problem of Orlu LGA is poor policy Implementation and improper


(5) The problems confronting policy Implementation in Nigeria as it

concerns Orlu L.G.A including corruption, lack of fund, bad leadership
structure, lack of political will, cultural and religious factor, multiplicity
of public policies, sectionalism and ethnic biases respectively.

(6) It was deducted that the problem of policy Implementation can be solved
by addressing the issue of corruption of enough funds for Implementing
policies, maintain good leadership structure, abolishing religion and
cultural factors which militates against effective policy Implementation
good political will and curbing sectionalism and ethnic bases out of
Nigeria system.


The above discussion has been trying to explain why policies go wrong at
the Implementation stage especially in developing nations. While we do
not want to leave the impression that policy Implementation in
developing nations is always a disaster. The discussion has tried to
highlight areas that needed improvement. It is apparent that policies are
rolled out regularly in developing nations but most of the time without
achieving the desired result.

For any government to be judged to be administratively competent there

must be evidence of bringing actual achievement of the policy. This is
where it becomes necessary for any policy maker be it government or
non-government organization seriously even at the formulation stage. The
government both federal and state should make good policies that will put
more value into individuals and citizens of Nigeria and they should map
out agencies that will make sure that policies formulated by government
are being carried out in terms of Implementation.


On the basis of the empirical analysis and findings concerning policy

Implementation in Nigeria the following recommendation were given:

It is very important that policies that will improve individuals life be

formulated and implemented in the country.

Questionable characters should not play in the midst of policy

formulators and implementers because when a leader of good character is
ruling and have individuals that are good in character which stand for
policy Implementation they would be influencing. The individual
positively I recommend that experts are being giving chance to make
policies so that the masses will be given what they want because if a wise
have maker makes out a policy it must have positive impact on the life of
the people the culture of discounting a policy once there is a change in
government should be discouraged because even though government
comes and goes administration is continues. There should be continuation
in policy except if the policy is found not to be useful to the people.

Provisions should be put in place for adequate monitoring if projects, as

poorly monitored projects will only yield undesired results.

Attention should be paid to both the manpower and financial resources

which will be needed to implement the policy.


Adebayo A. (1995): Principles and Practice of Public Administration in Nigeria,

Ibadan Spectrum Book Ltd.

Barret, 3 and Fudge C. (1981), Examining the Policy Action Relationship in

Barret and Sluge (Eds) Policy and Action, Essays on Implementation of
Public policy London and Methelan.

Dye T. (1972), Understanding Public Policy England Cliffs New Jersey Prentice

Egonmerem J.A. (1984) Public Policy Analysis. Concept and Application.

Benin City: SMO Aka and Brothers Press.

Federal Republic of Nigeria (1996), FSP annual Report

Federal Republic of Nigeria (1987), Blue Print of the better Life Programme.

Ibrahim B;. (1998), P.35p: Public Policy Analysis Decision Making in Nigeria.

Okereke O. (1997): The Military and Public Policy Making in Nigeria Owerri:
Achugo Publishers.

Okoli M.U. (2004): Procedures for policy formulation and Implementation.

Okoli M.U (2004): Inter-government relationship. theories and practice.

Fountain Publishers.

Olaniyi J. (1998): Foundation of Public Policy Analysis Ibadan. Skunad

Publisher Ltd.

Okon E.B (2005), Public Policy in Nigeria Concept Publishers Lagos.


This questionnaire drawn up to assist me in carrying out a research on the

obstacles of effective implementation of polices in Nigeria with a special
reference to Orlu LGA this research is purely academic and your contribution
through filling of the questionnaire would be valuable and appreciated.

However, any information you may decide to apply in the question would be
treated with absolute confidence.

Please answer the following with all sincerity by ticking either yes or no.

Has FPNO be able to formulate and implement efficient policy?

Yes No

Do you think the major problem of Orlu LGA is poor policies implementation
and improper planning? Yes No

Do you think that corruption and lack of commitment of the leadership and
patriotism could be attributed to the poor performance of local government
system in Nigeria? Yes No

Can policy formulation and implementation in Nigeria local government policy

said to be for the best interest of the masses? Yes No

Do you think that council members of well structured could be of a help to

policy implementation in the institution? Yes No

Do you think the masses have some obligation as a reciprocator responsibility

as it concerns policy implementation in local government system in Nigeria?
Yes No

If policies are well implemented, do you think it will have positive impact in
socio-economic and general of rural dwellers? Yes No

Do you suggest for the total and serious over handling of Nigerian policy
formulation and implementation machinery so as to meet its development goal?
Yes No

Does proper implementations of policy play any role in the economic

development of Nigeria? Proper implementation of policy plays significant role
proper implementation does not play a significant role? Yes No

Is there any significant relationship between corruption and bad policy

implementation In Nigeria? Yes No No idea

Do you believe that implementing good policy in local government system has
an impact on Nigerian economy? Agreed disagreed

Is there any positive relationship between poor leadership and policy

implementation in local government system?

Yes No

Do inadequate provision of resources or fund affects policy implementation in

Nigeria? Yes No

Does lack of political will to positively realize policy affect policy

implementation? Agreed Disagreed

Is policy implementation in local government system a success or a failure?

Failure Success No idea

What are the problems of policy implementation in your local government


Corruption Lack of fund Lack of political will Bad Leadership

Cultural and religious factor Multiplicity of public policies

Sectionalism and ethnic biases All of the above

Do you believe that putting the problems in order can go a long way in
providing solutions to the problems of policy implementation In local
government system?

Strongly agree Agree Strongly disagree



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