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Name of the Student: ___________________ I.D. NO:

MATRICES, DETERMINANTS : matrices as a rectangular array of real numbers, equality of matrices,

addition, multiplication by a scalar and product of matrices, transpose of a matrix, determinant of a

square matrix of order up to three, inverse of a square matrix of order up to three, properties of
these matrix operations, diagonal, symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices and? Their properties,
solutions of simultaneous linear equations in two or three variables. And QUADRATIC EQUATIONS

Linear And Angular Simple Harmonic Motion

Alkali Metals, Alkaline Earth Metals, Group-13

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 10) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 3 0 10 30
Sec – II(Q.N : 11 – 20) Questions with Integer Answer Type 3 0 10 30

Total 20 60
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 21 – 30) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 3 0 10 30
Sec – II(Q.N : 31 – 40) Questions with Integer Answer Type 3 0 10 30

Total 20 60
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 41 – 50) Questions with Multiple Correct Choice 3 0 10 30
Sec – II(Q.N : 51 – 60) Questions with Integer Answer Type 3 0 10 30

Total 20 60

space for rough work
PART-I_PHYSICS Max Marks : 60
(One or More options Correct Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B),(C) and (D) out of which ONE
or MORE THAN ONE are correct.
1. A body of mass m is attached to a spring of spring constant k which hangs from

the ceiling of an elevator at rest in equilibrium. Now the elevator starts

accelerating upwards with its acceleration varying with time as a = pt + q, where

p and q are positive constants. In the frame of elevator.

A) The block will perform S.H.M for all value of p and q

B) The block will not perform S.H.M in general for all value of p and q expect

p =0

C) The block will perform S.H.M in general for all value of p and q expect p = 0

D) The velocity of the block will vary simple harmonically for all value of

p and q

space for rough work
2. A particle is suspended by two ideal strings as shown in the figure. Now mass m
is given a small displacement perpendicular to the plane of triangle formed.
Choose the correct statement(s).

3 3
A) The period of oscillation of the system is 2
B) The period of oscillation of the system is 2
C) The period of oscillation of the system is independent of M
D) If the distance between the suspension points was kept constant and the
length of the strings were quadrupled then the period of the system will be
3. The potential energy of a particle of mass 2 kg moving along the x-axis is given
U(x) = 16(x2 – 2x) joule. Its velocity at x =1 m is 2m/s. Then:
A) The particle describes uniformly accelerated motion
B)The particle describes oscillatory motion from x1  0.5m to x2  1.5m
C) The particle executes simple harmonic motion
D) The period of oscillation of the particle is  / 2 second
space for rough work
4. A simple pendulum has a time period T. The bob is now given positive charge:
A) If some positive charge is placed at the point of suspension, T will increase
B) If some positive charge is placed at the point of suspension, T will not change
C) If a uniform downward electric field is switched on, T will increase
D) If a uniform downward electric field is switched on, T will decrease
5. A spring block system undergoes S.H.M on a smooth horizontal surface. The
block is given some positive charge and a uniform electric field to the right is
switched on. As a result.

A) the time period of oscillation will increase

B) the time period of oscillation will decrease
C) the time period of oscillation remain unaffected
D) the mean position of S.H.M will shift to the right

space for rough work
6. Two simple harmonic motions are represented by the equation

y1  3  3 cos 3 t  sin 3 t  and y 2  6 sin  6 t   / 6 

A) The ratio A1/A2 of their amplitude is 1/2

B) The ratio A1/A2 of their amplitude is 1

C) The ratio v1/v2 of their maximum velocities is 1/2

D) The ratio v1/v2 of their maximum velocities is 2

7. For a body executing S.H.M with amplitudes A, time period T, max velocity

vmaxand phase constant zero, which of the following statements are correct ?

A) At y   A / 2  , v   vmax / 2  B) v   vmax / 2  for y   A / 2 

C) For t  T / 8 , y   A / 2  D) For y   A / 2  , t  T / 8 

space for rough work
8. A liquid is flowing through horizontal pipes shown in the figure. The distances

EB, BG, FC and CH are negligible. Lengths of different pipes has the following

LAB  LCD  
ratio 2 2 Similarly, radii of the pipes have the ratio

RAB  REF  RCD  2 p0
2 . Pressure at A is and pressure at D is p0. The volume

flow rate through the pipe AB is Q.

A) Volume flow rate through EF is 17
B) Volume flow rate through GH is

C) Pressure at E is nearly 1.53 p0

D) Pressure at F is nearly 1.47 p0

space for rough work
9. A cubical block of side a and density  slides over a fixed inclined plane with
constant velocity v. There is a thin film of viscous fluid of thickness t between
the plane and the block. Then, the coefficient of viscosity of the thin film cannot

 a gt sin   a gt sin   a gt
A) B)  a gt
C) D)
v v sin  2v 2 v sin 

10. Viscosity is exhibited by

A) solids, liquids and gases B) solids
C) liquids D) gases

space for rough work
(Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both
11. Three identical springs each of force constant k have been joined to the three
identical balls (each of mass m),as shown in the figure which are at the three
vertices of an equilateral triangle. In the shown arrangement, each of the spring
is in its natural length. What all three balls are simultaneously given small
displacements of equal magnitude along the directions as shown in the figure,
1 k
the oscillation frequency for the blocks will be then  
2 3m

space for rough work
12. A rod of mass m and length l is pivoted at a point O in a car whose acceleration
towards left is a0. The rod is free to oscillate in vertical plane. In the equilibrium
state the rod remains horizontal when other end is suspended by a spring of
stiffness k. Find the time period of small oscillations of the rod in given by
T . Find the value of C. [Given value k = 20 n/m, a0 = 10 m/s2, m =1 kg, l
C 3

= 1m.]

13. The resulting amplitude of the vibrations

A   A A  3  3 
x  A cos t  cos  t    cos  t     cos  t   is A. then  
2  2 4 8  2  8

space for rough work
 27 
14. A cone made of a material of relative density s   and height 4 m floats with
 64 

its apex downward in water.

The time period of vertical oscillation if it is slightly displaced from the

equilibrium position T = __seconds
15. Two particles of mass 3M/4 and M, are connected by a mass less spring of free
length L and force constant k. These masses are initially at rest L apart on a
horizontal frictionless table. A particle of mass M/4 moving with speed v along
the line joining the two connected masses, collides with and sticks to the particle
of mass 3M/4. The amplitude with which the spring between the two masses
v M
vibration is then  
4 2K

space for rough work
16. Find the natural frequency of oscillation of the system as shown in figure.
Pulleys are mass less and frictionless. Spring and string are also mass
less.( k  10 2 N / m & m  10 kg )

17. A block is connected to a spring such that its time period under normal condition
would be T. Block is compressed by a distance A and released. An elastic wall
is located in front of block at a distance of A/2. The time period of oscillation of

this block T' T then  

A A/2

space for rough work
18. Water flows through a capillary tube of radius r and length l at a rate of 40 ml
per second, when connected to a pressure difference of h cm of water. Another
tube of the same length but radius r/2 is connected in series with this tube and
the combination is connected to the same pressure head. The rate of flow water
through the combination is cc / sec then  
17 
19. Spherical particles of pollen are shaken up in water and allowed to settle. The
depth of the water is 2 102 m . The diameter of the larger particles remaining in
suspension one hour later is m . Assuming the particles take negligible time

to attain terminal velocity. Then  

Density of pollen  1.8 103 kg m 3 , Viscosity of water  1 102 poise and Density
of water  1103 kg m-3
20. A plate of area 2m2 is made to move horizontally with a speed of 2 ms-1 by
applying a horizontal tangential force over the free surface of a liquid. The depth
of the liquid is 1 mm and the liquid in contact with the bed is stationary.
Coefficient of viscosity of liquid = 0.01 Poise. The tangential force needed to
move the plate is  N . Find the value of 

space for rough work
(One or More options Correct Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B)(C) and (D) out of which ONE or
MORE are correct.
21. The correct statements are.
A) B3 N3 H6 physical properties are similar to Benzene
B) B3 N3 H 6 non polar molecule
C) B3 N 3 H 6 is aromatic with delocalized  -electrons
D) B3 N3 H 6 if heated with hot water hydrolyses slowly
22. ether
LiH  AlCl3    A
LiH  AlCl3  B
 excess 

The correct statements about (A) and (B)

A) (A) is polymeric each Al is surrounded by six hydrogen atoms
B) (B) is a complex hydride with Coordination number of aluminium four
C) (A) is a complex hydride with Coordination number of aluminium four
D) (B) is polymeric each ‘Al’ is surrounded by six hydrogen atoms
23. The compounds soluble in water are
A) Mg  NO3 2 B) BeSO4 C) MgSO4 D) Ca  NO3  2
space for rough work
24. The correct statements about Borax.
A) It is a meta borate
B) It’s aqueous solution act as buffer
C) It has four Boron atoms with sp3 hybridization
D) It has four B-O-B bonds
25. The correct statement about Ortho boric acid.

A) It is a three dimensional solid with hydrogen bonding

B) B atom is sp3 hybridized

C) It is a tribasic acid
D) It is a white solid freely soluble in water
26. The correct statements are
A) The maximum covalancy of ‘B’ in its complex hydride and fluoride is 4
B) The maximum covalancy of aluminium in its complex fluoride is 6
C) Galium can form complex halides with fluoride and chloride with maximum
covalancy 6
D) Anhydrous AlCl3 is ionic in nature

space for rough work
27. The reactions involved in solvay ammonia process are
A) NaHCO3 

 Na2CO3  CO2  H 2O

B) NaCl  NH 4 OH  CO2  NaHCO3   NH 4Cl

 excess 

C) NaCl  NH 4OH  CO2  NaHCO3  NH 4Cl

 Little

D) Ca  OH 2  Na2CO3  CaCO3   NaOH

28. The correct statements are
A) Lithium has most negative Ered . value

B) Lithium vigorously reacts with water than other alkali metals

C) Sodium vigorously reacts with water and forms sodium oxide and Liberates
hydrogen gas
D) Reactivity of potassium with water is greater than sodium
29. Correct order for given property
A) Thermal stability : Ba  OH  2  Ca  OH  2

B) Solubility in water : Mg  OH  2  Ca  OH  2

C) ionic character : Sr  OH 2  Mg  OH  2

D) Covalent character : Be  OH  2  Ca  OH  2

space for rough work
30. The correct statements are
A) The most abundent source of NaCl is Sea water
B) In tropical countries like india, NaCl is obtained by solar evaporation of sea
C) Common salt is hygroscopic due to impurities like MgCl2 , CaCl2
D) Pure NaCl can be obtained by passing HCl gas through saturated solution of
(Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both
31. Alkali metals dissolves in liquid ammonia and forms solvated electrons. The
number of electrons released per metal atom is
32. Na2CO3  H 2O  CO2  ’X’ .The number of –OH groups directly attached to central
atom of X is
33. Among Li,Na,K,Rb the number of metals which forms Ethynide on reaction
with Ethyne.

space for rough work
34. In BeCl2 dimer the number of atoms in the same plane is
35. The maximum number of water molecules in hydrated beryllium salt
36. The number of replaceable H ion in ortho boric acid  H 3 BO3  is
37. Al S   HCl  Alaq3   Cl   H 2    .The number of water molecules around Al 3 is
 aq 

38. Borax is used for preparation of sodium per borate which is used in detergents as
whitener, the number of sp3 hybrid boran atoms in it is
39. Aqueous solution of Borax on reaction with HCl forms ortho boric acid. The
number of moles of HCl which reacts with one mole of Borax is
 
40. low temp .
B2 H 6  NH 3   B2 H 6 .2 NH 3 or  NH 3  2 BH 2   BH 4 
( excess )

 heating


The number of ‘B’ atoms in ‘X’ is ‘a’ and the number Hydrogen atoms attached
to ‘B’ atoms is b the a + b value is

space for rough work

(One or More options Correct Type)
This section contains 10 multiple choice equations. Each question has four choices (A) (B)(C) and (D) out of which ONE or
MORE are correct.
41. Let A  12 ,32 ,52 ,......... .If 9 elements selected from set A (without repetition) to

make a 33 matrix then det (A) will be divisible by

A) 9 B) 36 C) 8 D) 64
42. Which of the following statements are FALSE?
A) If A and B are square matrices of the same order such that ABAB = 0, it
follows that BABA = 0.
B) Let A and B be different n  n matrices with real numbers. If A3 = B3 and
A2B = B2A, then A2 + B2 is invertible.
 1 1 
C) If A is a square, non-singular and symmetric matrix, then  
 A

is skew

D) The matrix of the product of two invertible square matrices of the same order
is also invertible.

space for rough work
43. The system of equation is x – y cos  + z cos 2 = 0, x cos 2  y + z cos  = 0
x cos 2  y cos  + z = 0 has non-trivial solution for  equals to
8  2 
A) B) C) D)
3 6 3 12
44. If both the roots of the equation x 2  2ax  a 2  a  3  0 in the variable x are less
than 3 then ‘a’ can be
A) 2 B) 5/2 C) 3 D) -7
45. Complete set of real values of a for the equation 9x  a .3x  1  0 has
A) two real solutions, is   ,  2 

B) no real solution, is   2,  

C) exactly one real solution, is {-2}

D) at least one real solution, is (  ,  2]

46. If a1  a 2  a3  a 4  a5  a 6 , then the equation

 x  a1   x  a 3  x  a 5   3  x  a 2  x  a 4   x  a 6   0 has

A) three real roots B) a root in   , a1 

C) a root in  a1, a 2  D) a root in  a 5 , a 6 

space for rough work
47. Let a1, a2 , a3 ........ be real numbers which are in arithmetic progression with
common difference d  0 . Then
 a1 a2 a3   a1 a2 a3 
A) A  a4 a5 a6  is singular B) B  a2 a3 a4  is non-singular
 a5 a6 a7  a2 a4 a6 

C) The system of equations a1 x  a2 y  a3 z  0 , a3 x  a1 y  a2 z  0 , a4 x  a5 y  a6 z  0 has

unique solution
D) The system of equations a1 x  a2 y  a3 z  0 , a4 x  a5 y  a6 z  0 , a7 x  a8 y  a9 z  0 has
infinitely many solutions
48. If by eliminating x between the equations x 2  ax  b  0 and xy  l ( x  y )  m  0 , a
quadratic equation in y is formed whose roots are the same as those original
quadratic in x, then which of the following may be correct?
A) a  2l B) b  m C) b  m  al D) a  b  l
49. Let a b and a, b  R are the roots of the equation x 2   x    0. If   b  1, then
the equation log a    1  0 has at least one

A) root lying between  , a  B) roots lying between  b,  

C) negative root D) positive root

space for rough work
50. Given | ax 2  bx  c || Ax 2  Bx  C |, x  R, a,b,c A,B,C  R and d=b2  4ac  0 and
D=B 2  4AC  0 . Then which of the following statements are true
A) | a || A |

B) | d || D |

C) | a || A |

D) if D,d are not necessarily positive then roots of

ax 2  bx  c  0 and Ax 2  Bx  C  0 may not be equal
(Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a single digit integer, ranging from 0 to 9 (both
51. Let P( x)  x2  bx  c , where b and c are integer. If P( x) is a factor of both
x 4  6 x 2  25 and 3 x 4  4 x 2  28 x  5 , find the value of P(1).
52. The set of real parameter ' a ' for which the equation x 4  2 ax 2  x  a 2  a  0 has all
m 
real solutions, is given by  n ,   where m and n are relatively prime positive

integers, then the value of  m  n  is

53. Sum of non-real roots of x 2
 
 x  2 x 2  x  3  12 is k, then k 

space for rough work
54. If  , ,  are the roots of the equation x 3  px 2  qx  r  0 , and they are in G.P. such
that  satisfy the equation px  k 1q  0 and  ,  satisfy the equation
pqx 2  k 2 (q  p 2 )qx  p 2 r  0 then the value of k1  k 2 is
55. If the equation x4 + px3 + qx2 + rx + 5 = 0 has four positive real roots, then the
minimum value of pr/10 is

56. A be set of 3 × 3 matrices formed by entries 0, –1, and 1 only. Also each of

1, -1, 0 occurs exactly three times in each matrix. The number of symmetric
matrices with trace (A) = 0 is k, then  ..........

57. Let An, (n  N) be a matrix of order (2n – 1)  (2n – 1), such that aij = 0,  i  j
and aij = n2 + i + 1 – 2n,  i = j where aij denotes the element of ith row and jth
column of An. Let Tn = (–1)n  (sum of all the elements of An). Find the value of
 102 
  Tn 
 n 1 , where [.] represents the greatest integer function.
 520200 
 

space for rough work
1 1 1 
adj B
58. If A  0 2 3 and B = (adj A) and C = 5A, then find the value of .
2 1 0 

59. If  2   x   2,  1   y   1,  3   z   3 , where  x  denotes greatest integer function

 x  1  y  z
and the minimum value of  x   y   1  z  is equals to K then K equals to
 x  y  z  1

 x i  x j i j
60. Let x1, x 2 , x 3 , x 4 , x 5  0 and A = [aij]5 × 5 matrix such that a ij  
 x i , i j

if x 2
1  x3 x5  x22  x3 x5   0,  x22  x4 x1  x32  x4 x1   0 ,  x23  x5 x2  x24  x5 x2   0

x 2
4  x1x3  x52  x1x3   0,  x52  x2 x4  x12  x2 x4   0 , then the sum of the digits of the

number det A is _______________ (given that x3  3 )

space for rough work

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