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Civil Engineering Department

for the complete fulfilment of the requirements for the lab course of

Engineering Mechanics

Submitted by

Muhammad Shahnez | 58288

BS Civil Engineering-2nd

Lab Instructor
Mr.Muhammad Irfan
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering,
BUITEMS, Quetta.

Session Spring – 2022

LAB NO. 1 Name: Muhammad Shahnez
CMS ID: 58288

To verify the law of parallelogram of forces through experiment.
Drawing board, thread, pan, weights, paper, scale, pulley or universal force table with
slotted weights.
The law states that ‘If two forces acting at a point be represented in magnitude and
direction, by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram then the diagonal of the
parallelogram through the same point represents, in magnitude and direction, the
resultant of the two forces.’

fig-1 Law of parallelogram of forces

R = ( P 2+ Q 2+ 2 PQ Cos Ө )


1. Place the drawing board in vertical position.

2. Attach the pulleys at left and right corner as shown in figure.

3. Pass the thread on these pulleys as shown in figure.

4. Attach the pan at all three ends.

5. Stick a paper on drawing board behind the thread.

6. Put some weights on each pan such that angle is not very acute or obtuse.

7. Mark the direction of each thread and also note the weights on each pan.

8. Take out the paper and join the lines.

9. Measure all the angles.

10. Consider right side force as P and left side force as Q and vertical force as
Equilibrant force.

11. Transfer these lines in your manual page.

12. Select a suitable scale and hence Resultant.

13. Calculate R and α by analytical and graphical method.

14. Compare the values of R and α with graphical values

1.5N (150g)
1.5N (150g)


2N (200g)
Experimental setup

5cm = 1N


For resultant, we know that:

Student can 1/2 Student
Student is(P+Q+2PQ
2 2
cos&) Student has
understand perfectly
unable to Student has constructed
As, P=follow
1.5N the the provided implemented
followed the
Q= 1.5N laboratory a working
Where, &= 90 instructions functional/
instructions model/ logic/
instructions to construct working
and familiar circuit/ block
properly. 2 2 the lab the 1/2 schematic/
= [(1.5)+(1.5)+2(1.5)(1.5)cos 90] diagram/
The student fundamental model/
environment code and
can name the schematic/ block
= 2.1N (Trainer/ successfully
Demonstration Absent hardware or block diagram/
Conclusion: software/ executed the
simulation diagram/ code, and
IDE), but lab objective
It is concluded that, but law of parallelogram,
by using code/ wemodel have
can easily find the resultant force.
cannot in Realtime
unable to on the successfully
implement or in a
implement protoboard/ executed the
on the simulation
anything trainer/ program/
platform environment
practically or simulation run circuit
practically and produced
on the software. on software
or on the the desired
software results

Plagiarized Requirements Observations Appropriate
Report content are listed and are recorded computations
Laboratory with
not presented or experimental along with or numerical
Reports exact results
submitted incomplete procedure is detailed analysis is
and complete
submission presented procedure performed
report in all
Category Ungraded Very Poor Poor Fair Good Excellent
Percentage [0] [1-20] [21-40] [41-60] [61-80] [81-100]
Marks 0.0 0.01 - 0.20 0.21 - 0.40 0.41 - 0.60 0.61 - 0.80
Total Marks Instructor’s Signature

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