2022年南京艺术学院国际学生硕士研究生(实践类)招生专业目录 2022 NUA Enrollment Programs for Master (Practical Majors) International Students

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2022 NUA Enrollment Programs for Master (Practical Majors)

International Students
音乐学院 School of Music

音乐 Music

01声乐表演 Vocal Performance

02古筝 Zheng

03二胡 Erhu

04琵琶 Pipa

05竹笛 Bamboo Flute

06唢呐 Suona Horn

07古琴 Guqin

08箫 Xiao

09小提琴 Violin

10大提琴 Cello

11长笛 Flute

12低音提琴 Double Bass

13钢琴 Piano

音乐学院 School of Music

音乐 Music

14作曲 Composition

15管弦乐指挥 Orchestra Conducting

16计算机作曲技术 Computer Music Technology

17音乐剧 Melodrama

18视唱练耳 Solfege

流行音乐学院 School of Popular Music

音乐 Music

19流行音乐表演(演唱) Popular Music Performance (Vocal)

20流行音乐表演(演奏) Popular Music Performance

21流行音乐编创与制作 Popular Music Editing and Fracturing

22乐器修造技术 Instrument Making and Repairing

23音乐传媒技术 Music Media Technology

舞蹈学院 School of Dance

舞蹈 Dance

01舞蹈编导 Dance Choreography

02舞蹈表演 Dance Performance

03舞蹈教育 Dance Education

影视学院 School of Film and Television

电影 Film

01影视表演 Acting

02播音主持 Broadcasting and Hosting

03戏剧影视剧本创意与策划 Creativity and Planning of Drama and Film Script

传媒学院 School of Media Art and Communication

广播电视 Radio and Television

01影视艺术创作 Artistic Creation of Film and Television

02影视编导 Film and Television Editing and Directing

03数字媒体艺术 Art of Digital Media

04动画艺术 Art of Animation

05影视音乐创作与制作 Creation and Production of Film and Television Music

传媒学院 School of Media Art and Communication

广播电视 Radio and Television

06录音艺术 Art of Sound Recording

07数字音频应用艺术 Art of Digital Audio Applications

08摄影艺术 Art of Cinematography

09虚拟现实与互动艺术 Art of Virtual Reality Interaction

美术学院 School of Fine Arts

美术 Fine Arts

01雕塑 Sculpture

02油画 Oil Painting

03版画 Print Painting

04壁画 Mural Painting

05中国画(山水) Chinese Painting (landscape)

美术学院 School of Fine Arts

美术 Fine Arts

06中国画(人物) Chinese Painting (figure)

07中国画(花鸟) Chinese Painting (flowers and birds)

08插画 Illustration Art

09书法(篆刻) Calligraphy (seal cutting)

设计学院 School of Design

艺术设计 Design Art

01平面设计 Graphic Design

02书籍设计与插图艺术 Books Design and Illustration Art

03景观设计 Landscape Design

04公共艺术 Public Art

05室内设计 Interior Design

06服装设计 Fashion Design

07纤维艺术与纺织品设计 Fiber Art and Textile Design

设计学院 School of Design

艺术设计 Design Art

08陶瓷艺术 Ceramic Art

09首饰艺术 Jewelry Art

10漆艺术 Lacquer Arts

11综合材料与实验艺术 Materials and Experimental Art

12文化创意设计 Cultural and Creative Design

13数字媒体设计 Digital Media Design

设计学院 School of Design

艺术设计 Design Art

14参数化设计与建造 Parametric Design and Construction

15玻璃艺术与工艺 Glass Art and Craft

16金属艺术与工艺 Metal Art and Craft

工业设计学院 School of Industrial Design

美术 Fine Arts

17工业设计 Industrial Design

18展示设计 Display Design

19产品信息设计 Product Information Design

人文学院 School of Humanities

美术 Fine Arts

11文物鉴赏与修复 Appreciation and Restoration of Relics

文化产业学院 School of Cultural Industry

音乐 Music

25演艺制作与剧院管理 Performance Production and ater Management

美术 Fine Arts

12展览策划与艺术机构管理 Exhibition Planning and Art Organization Management

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