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Figure Making

GE OC-DCS Training Center, version 2, 2012

GE Confidential
May 2007
HMI Application Software

FigView Trend TagInfo TagList



Gateway VritualCtrl
HistDataSrv MPC SystemCfg

FigEdit: Figure making software

FigView: Figure viewing software
GE Confidential
May 2007
Directory Structure of Graphics Files
All figure files are kept under data\fig.
-AlarmCard. Keep system alarm summary alarm files.
-Panel. Keep pop-up panels (limited to panel allowing of parameter
substitution only)
-System. Keep system-level images (all started with Sys_). Self-
check graph may also be kept here, if any.
-Config. Keep configuration files for menu, PanelResize etc.
-Template. Keep template files (.tpl).
-Paragroup. Keep parameter group files.
- Regular figure files (.tig) are kept under the root (\fig).

GE Confidential
May 2007
Create, Save, Browse and View Graphics
•Create a graphics from scratch Demonstration:
•Save as a graphics file (.fig) 1. Create a new template named as
“test.tpl” with the first layer named as
•Save as a template file (.tpl) “flowchart” and the second layer
•Create a graphics based on named as “frame”.
template and save it 2. Create 2 new graphics based on the
•Open a graphics file (.fig) template named as “test1.fig” and
•Open a template file (.tpl)
3. Modify the template “test.tpl” and
•Use view tools save it.

•Setting up Figure Properties 4. Template Synchronization, then

reopen “test1.fig” and “test2.fig”.
•Use layer
5. Switch FigEdit and FigView.
•Synchronize template
•FigEdit/FigView switch
GE Confidential
May 2007
Static Object and Group
Static objects are basic graphic elements the most frequently used in
drawing software.
•Static elements Line, Filled graphics, Text,
Button, group, subgraph, etc.
•Modify foreground color with Pen
•Modify background color with Brush
•Static properties
•Copy and paste static object
•Select one object or more objects
•Group and ungroup
•Insert a subgraph from a library
•Create a library
•Create a library item
•Delete a subgraph(library, library item)
GE Confidential
May 2007
Dynamic Object
Dynamic object includes color connection, value output connection, location
connections and other connections. Dynamic object cannot exist independently. It
must only pertain to a specific static object. A static object could be connected to
several dynamic objects. When a static object has several dynamic connections
with same type, only the last one could work .

•Color connection, Value output,
Location, fill factor, button status,
Bool color, Bool color 2, Float
color, Integer color, Span color,
Hide, Hide 2, Blink, Ax Link, Dx
Link, String output, Move, Flow,
Rotate, Resize, Alarm
summary, Bar view, Change
Lib, Button status
•Copy and paste dynamic attribute
GE Confidential
May 2007
Special Object
Special objects are those containing embedded controls or those
containing specific attribute.

•Trend chart, Taglist,

Alarmlist, Alarmhistory,
Clock, Bar, Menu bar

GE Confidential
May 2007
Domain name of a point , Functions And Operators
Supported By Expression
AX(pointname).domainname, pick up analog
quantity information. e.g. AX(axpoint).fvalue,
the real time value of the point “axpoint”;
AX(vcpoint).b11, the real time status of the bit
11 of the point “vcpoint”.
DX(pointname).domainname, pick up switch
quantity information. e.g. DX(dxpoint).bvalue,
the real time status of the point “dxpoint”.
NX(node).domainname, pick up device point
information. e.g. Nx(10). Udh1Status, the
UDH 1 status of the node “10”
Operators. e.g.,
AX(point1).fvalue+AX(point2).fvalue, fvalue of
point1 plus fvalue of point2
bvalue of point1 and bvalue of point 2
GE Confidential
May 2007
Domain name of an analog point

Usage: AX(analog).domainname

Domainname Description Domainname Description

fValue Analog quantity value AlarmH Upper limit alarm sign
Quality Quality AlarmL Lower limit alarm sign
Scanoff Scan-off sign AlarmLL LL alarm sign
Alarm Alarm sign AlarmLLL LLL alarm sign
AlmOff Alarm-off sign AlarmR Rate alarm
AlmAck Alarm acknowledgement sign FUpLmt Engineering value upper limit
Timeout Timeout fDownLmt Engineering value lower limit
dwStatus Status character f3HiLimt HHH alarm limit value
lValue Integer value f2HiLimt HH alarm limit value
szTag Point designation f1HiLimt H alarm limit value
szDes Description f1LoLimt L alarm limit value
szUnit Unit f2LoLimt LL alarm limit value
AlarmHHH HHH alarm sign f3LoLimt LLL alarm limit value
AlarmHH HH alarm sign SlowProtAct Slow signal protection action

GE Confidential
May 2007
Domain name of a digit point

Usage: DX(digit).domainname

domainname Description
bValue Switch quantity value
Quality Quality
Scanoff Scan-off sign
Alarm Alarm sign
AlmOff Alarm-off sign
AlmAck Alarm acknowledgement sign
Timeout Timeout
dwStatus Status character
szTag Point designation
szDes Description
szZeroSm 0 description

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Domain name of a device point

Usage: NX(node).domainname
domainname description domainname description
Type Node Type IoNet3Define IONet3 definition sign
Status Node Status Udh1Status UDH1 status
MemUsage Memory usage Udh2Status UDH2 status
CpuTemp CPU temperature IoNet1Status IONet1 status
CpuLoad CPU load IoNet2Status IONet2 status
CpuFanSpeed CPU fan speed IoNet3Status IONet3 status
wTimerGrad Timer grade CpuTempAlarm CPU temperature alarm sign
TotalDriver otal drivers of controller CpuLoadAlarm CPU load alarm sign
IOStationNum Controller IO station number MemUseAlarm Memory usage alarm sign
MaxPlateNum Maximum plate number in each IO station ControllerTrack Data track alarm sign
dwPartnerNode1 Partner node No. 1 NtpSync NTP synchronous alarm sign
dwPartnerNode2 Partner node No. 2 ControllerFrameSyncFrame synchronous alarm sign
Udh1Define UDH1 definition sign IoPackStatus IO PACK alarm sign
Udh2Define UDH2 definition sign szName Node name
IoNet1Define IONet1 definition sign UdhNetIP1 UDH A net IP address
IoNet2Define IONet2 definition sign UdhNetIP2 UDH B net IP address

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Direct HMI command
The operating command includes HMI operation and DPU
operation. Direct HMI operation contains a series of
operations related to graphics.

ShowFigure, PopUpFigure, WinExec,


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GE Confidential
May 2007
Direct DPU command
DPU operation sends command to DPU which is interpreted and
processed by DPU.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
HMI command with interaction
It is worth noticing that some HMI operations also deal with
DPU, but require interaction with operator. In essence, they
are also operations for DPU. The reason of putting them in
HMI operation is that those operations do not send command
to DPU directly, but require interaction and preprocessing by
HMI station.
h_TZ, FigureAckAlmAll /

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Connect multiple commands

Operating command is executed by connecting to button object. A

button could be connected to multiple commands. All the operations
will be sent out in order when a button operation is triggered. The
commands connected may be multiple HMI commands, or multiple
DPU commands, or even HMI commands and DPU commands.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Dynamic Parameter Substitution
Parameter substitution is the special application for group object and
subgraphic object. It realizes every example of group object and
subgraphic object according to different parameters. The theory of
parameter substitution is that graphic configuration is done by formal
parameter inside group parameter and subgraphic parameter. All the
actual parameters shall be input for creation of any new example and
the graphic display software substitutes the parameters for the
example. Then, computation and update will be conducted in fixed
time according to the graphic configuration inside group object or
subgraphic object. One time of parameter substitution is done during
read-in of a graphic object. Graphic object without actual parameter
will result in failure of parameter substitution, depriving the graphic
object of dynamic behavior.


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GE Confidential
May 2007
Parameter in static attribute
Only part of the static attributes of some graphic objects,
bar chart, button, text, supports parameter substitution.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Parameter in dynamic attribute
Point segment and expression segment in dynamic link support
parameter substitution. In addition, some fields also support
parameter substitution: data digit and digit of decimal in analog
output; maximum value, minimum value in move, flow, rotate, zoom.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
parameter in command string

The corresponding DPU number of the point name

is 0 because this is a parameter point . The DPU
number will be resolved again according to actual
point name after parameter substitution of graphic
display software.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Use dynamic parameter in group object

Parameter substitution works

after grouping

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Use dynamic parameter in subgraphic

Drag from the picture library

to create a new subgraph
example. Input the actual
parameter. Click "Apply"
button to finish parameter

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Use dynamic parameter in Popup Figure
1. Do not use subgraphic
object in manipulator
2. Formal parameter starts
from $00 and continues.

Select MCS manipulator in the

"Popup Window" dialog box. Input
the actual parameter by setting
parameter or clicking the group file.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Grouping function

The grouping function provides two kinds of shortcut

methods of inputting parameter: static import or
dynamic association. Static import means reading
out parameters from group file one-off and then
importing the parameters to graphics file.
Accordingly, the graphics file will not rely on the
group file any more. Dynamic association is on the
contrary. The graphic file saves group file name and
group field name other than the actual parameter
sequence. The parameter will be loaded from group
file in real time when the graphic display software
opens the graphics file. Group file is in the format of
Windows ini, which shall be kept in the subdirectory

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Provide parameter to group object or subgraphic
object by grouping function

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Provide parameter to PopUpFigure operation by
grouping function

Operator must ensure no
group file of dynamic
association could be
deleted or removed,
otherwise parameter
substitution may fail
during operation.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Use Variables In A Figure
Variables could be user-defined. It is applied by “:: Variable” in a graphics file
and is set in HMI configuration item “Figedit”. Note that “FigureName” is a
reserved variable for the current graphic description and is not needed to set in
HMI configuration.

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GE Confidential
May 2007
Exercise: Figure Making
Requirement: add an emergence pump into example system
1. Review FigEdit, FigView and how to switch each other.
2. exercise on the linking method between figure and DPU configuration.
3. Exercise on the method with which figure menu is modified.
4. Familiar with figure files used in figure template.

1. Make another figure in which the emergence pump is included.
2. Configure the figure menu including the new figure.
3. Make an alarm card in an alarm card figure.
The exercise guidance.

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GE Confidential
May 2007

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