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Name : Arifson Pardede

NIM : 190705094

1. What is hyponym? Analyze the following words using hierarchical diagram.

Hyponymy is a logical relation of inclusion. A hyponym includes the meaning of a more
general word.

For example:
a. vehicle

car bus taxi,.

b. animal

sheep lion pig

c. human body

eyes arm knee

2. Make two examples of each the following words;

● complementary antonyms, the meaning of the word is absolute, not relative (reverse
to gradable type), there is only one possibility of meaning which is fixed, there is no
intermediate ground between two of them. Example:
exit x entrance
exhale x inhale

● relatioanal antonyms, the pairs of words are the reversal of a relationship of words.
husband x wife
doctor x patient

● gradable/scalar antonyms, deals with the level of words, it means that there is
something/anything between. Example:
fat x skinny
heavy x light
3. Analyze the following words based on polysemy in sentences.
- head
The word head have a set of different meanings; for example
● Human head is fragile, it refers to human body parts
● The headmaster of this school is scary, it refers to the principle of the school
- table
The word table have a set of different meanings; for example
● The table
- way
The word way have a set of different meanings; for example
- mata
The word mata have a set of different meanings; for example
● aku punya dua mata, it refers to “mata manusia”
● hati-hati dengan mata jarumnya, itu sangat tajam, it refers to “mata jarum”
- bunga
The word bunga have a set of different meanings; for example
● aku punya sebuah bunga untukmu, it refers to bunga tanaman
● bunga di bank tersebut sangat merugikan, it refers to bunga bank.

4. What is the difference between connotative meaning and conceptual meaning

Give the examples bahasa Indonesia and English

1. Conceptual Meaning
Conceptual which means abstract meaning that is additionally famous is the denotative or
psychological feature which means is widely assumed to be the central consider
communication. We can also call the conceptual Meaning as literal or dictionary meaning.
English : Mother
Indonesia : Ibu
The two of them has the meaning of a human, adult, woman, married woman as a conceptual

2. Connotative meaning 
Connotative is kind of associated meaning. Certain characteristics or features are associated
with a particular world. Connotative meaning includes not only physical characteristics but
also psychological, historical and social properties.
English : “Lamb” refers to innocence,
Indonesia : “Kancil” refers to smart (cerdik)
These word have a conceptual meaning as an Animal but also associated with another
particular word in the psychological properties.
5. Analyze the following sentence based on thematic meaning. How many meanings you can
catch !
I saw a man on a hill with a telescope
Thematic meaning is mainly a matter of selection between alternative grammatical
constructions. In thematic meaning, the theme remains the same, but the order of two
sentences many changes. Thematic meaning is mainly a matter of choice between alternative
grammatical constructions.

The above sentences was focusing on the use of the grammatical structure.
It has two possible meaning and that is
I saw “a man on a hill with a telescope”
“I saw a man on a hill with a telescope”
The first sentence mean I saw a man that has a telescope on a hill
Meanwhile the second sentence mean I use a telescope to see a man on a hill.

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