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Tesorero, Mary Ann


Laboratory Activity 1: Webinar on Jellyfish

Critique paper
“Jelly fish : Dangerous Beauties.” this is how most scientist described the
jellyfish according to the Philippine Association of Marine Science webinar speaker
because contast to the concept of magnificent beauty of jellyfish by its body stricture
and vibrant colors is hiding a harmful sting that could just not burn skin but to also
kill. However though there is a lot of risk factors that jellyfish could bring potential
to Societal and ecological area like its function on the ecosystem services, regulation
of carbon cycle, value in tourism and somehow could be a subject to food and
ingredient in cuisines. Jellyfish are commonly found in temperate area their
population are best to propagate in summer. As the number of life of jellyfish
spreads the number of people being attacked buy it rises too. It’s seems mainstream
being stung by the jelly fish however still alot of people don’t know what to do
properly, with all the technology and modernization people are still using tradiiona
methods that are leading to mistreat the stung victim for example some people use
to put gasoline on the stung area which incredibly harmful to the open wound. To
treat the stung victim as first aid the skin must be poured vinegar without rubbing
for 30second and after remove the adherent tentacles on the stung area then send
the victim to the nearest hospital or clinic. This kind of information is important to
disseminate so mistreating and harmful medical beliefs and putting more harm to
the sting victim will be avoided.

The Philippine Association of Marine Science Webinar entitled Jellyfish

Science and Issues in the Philippines tackled the broad concept of the jellyfish
starting to it’s life cycle and benefits to the harm it can possibly brought. The
language and the topic is very current topic and also a refresher to what we have
already know on jellyfish background. The speakers are observed having much
knowledge and enthusiast while they were speaking seems like they know that this
kind of opportunity not just a lime light for them but also a moment for them to
create awareness and share their knowledge to the community to properly handle
situation that a jelly fish is involved. Their talk is not only informational but also an
eye opening that jelly fish does not live to bring dangerous beauty in water but also
to bring mush more of a benefit like other animal specifically sea creatures jelly fish
should be managed knowing its fragility as the speaker stated the implication of
ignorance and misconception can lead to grave danger.

On my view point I appreciated attending to the webinar that was conducted

by PAMS where I can listen to Filipino Scientist like them it is priceless moment
listening to the area of study where they have focused their life they are like a super
hero for knowledge teaching with integrity and truth upholding to fulfill their goal to
dcreate awareness and more understanding to other life forms. Overall I think the
aim of the webinar was achieved and the presentation is very significant and worth it.

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