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Be Stuck in Your Mind All Day

• Multi-task during everything you do, that way you are always making the
worst of every moment, always mindless, thinking about something else.
• Constantly live life by the inner voice of your parents, teachers, and religious
leaders. Let this imaginary voice be your dictator, telling you what you and
other people "should" do to be deserving of Love.
• Daydream, but never take action; let your dreams die as vapor, that way you
get to truly savor Suffering when you experience it.
• To suffer more: ignore responsibilities and don't accept responsibility for the
consequences of your actions. Spend the day justifying your inaction to
yourself, practicing for when others inevitably ask you what you do.
• To retain your suffering, avoid the following: meditation, breathing
exercises, and silently appreciating the beauty of Nature. They seem simple,
but trust me: they will rob you of your fears, anger, anxiety, stress,
depression, and loneliness!
• The more you stay stuck in your mind, the more you forget about the bliss
and joy of the present moment (not what you want if you want to make any
Suffering gains).

2. Ruminate on the Past

• Do this even though we know that memories are never 100% accurate,
unbiased, detached, and objective.
• Do not forgive yourself or others, ever, if you wish to live a life of suffering.
• The more negative the event you remind yourself of, and the more self-
victimizing your perspective, the greater your suffering! It's a win-win!
• To suffer intensely, ruminate, blame, hate, and self-victimize, instead of
learning, forgiving, letting go, dropping the emotion, and moving on for
your own sake.

3. Worry about the Future

• Tell yourself that "the future is determined by the past," or that "the future
can't ever be better than the past."
• Watch the news and hear about the latest fatal accident, tragedy, shooting,
stabbing, mugging, robbing, jumping, killing, explosion, hijacking, war,
inflation, rape, abortion, jury, trial, sentencing, prison, death, or disease to
remind you of all the things that could go wrong in your life.
• Talk to negative people who only talk about negative events without ever
taking action.
• To truly enjoy Suffering, strip yourself of anything you have to look forward
to. To suffer, do your best to forget that you can literally create whatever you
desire when you are fully engaged with the present moment.

4. Separate Yourself from Others; Judge and Categorize People

• Stop listening to others; avoid empathy if you wish to suffer tremendously!
Great suffering awaits those who abandon empathy, so if this is your goal,
you know where to look!
• Spend energy on wrong people. Believe in the image that you have created
about them rather than accepting what they really are.
• Avoid considering the perspective of others---this takes your suffering to a
deeper dimension!
• The more confusing and divisive your labels, the more you will suffer.
Confusion and judgment are the path of eternal suffering---super easy,
anyone can do it!
• Using labels is way easier and more effective at attaining suffering than
being present with another person and truly listening to them and their
experience and feelings. The more labels you use, the more you will forget
that We are All One. The more you forget that We are All One, the more you
find yourself feeling anxious or tense or lonely or depressed.

5. Always Assume the Worst

• Generalize all people to maximize your suffering.
• For example, to immerse yourself in Suffering, assume anyone who wants to
help you is a know-it-all. Or, you can assume that the man who is kind to you
only wants sex. You can also assume the woman who is kind to you only
wants attention/money. You can also assume that anyone "vaccinated" or
"unvaccinated," or "liberal" or "conservative" (whatever those even mean)
are all dumb, violent, fearful, and selfish.
• Assuming the worst allows you to suffer tremendously, releasing you from
the Love of empathy, forgiveness, understanding, patience, and compassion,
chaining you forever to the great burning, scarring warmth of judging and
rejecting others for no reason whatsoever! Score!

6. Repeat Disempowering Beliefs

• Repeating self-defeating beliefs is a great way to get your spirit down in the
• The best way to fizzle out your own flame: tell yourself you suck, you can't
achieve anything, and that life is meaningless garbage that only has victims
(whatever lie you need to come up with to help you forget that you can
literally create whatever you desire with faith, patience, and gratitude!)
• For max suffering: avoid 432hz and 528hz instrumentals on YouTube, for
those have been proven to reduce present-moment suffering and bring
about peace. Avoid them if you want to extend your suffering.
• Also, avoid present-moment statements like: "Every day, I am becoming
more mindful, composed, joyful, creative, and loving during everything I do."
• Instead, to really shift gears into a downward spiral, tell yourself things like:
"I always eat more than I should," or, "I am useless and no one loves me,"
or, "I am a failure." (Again, to suffer the most, come up with whatever lies
you can think of to help you forget about your God-given ability to create
absolutely anything you set your mind to with faith, patience, and gratitude!
Absolutely anything. Literally anything. Literally. To suffer to your fullest
potential, try to tell yourself things that rob you of your self-confidence, self-
belief, and ability to function as the autonomous adult you know you are, at
the very least)

7. Forget Self-Care
• Simple. To ramp-up your suffering: stop bathing, grooming, cleaning,
wearing clean clothes, and shaving yourself.
• To add: stop exercising and stretching; instead, sit and slouch all day (that
way you can block circulation through your spine and to your brain---
maximized self-suffering!)
• Also, for even more suffering, sleep whenever you want (the less consistent
the better!). Build an addiction to caffeine instead of really solving the
solution (that you're not resting well/enough).
• Also, to make sure you don't sleep well: don't let yourself unwind before
bed. Instead, just do what makes you feel pumped, anxious, and stressed:
work late, rush dinner before bed, don't do what you enjoy, listen to loud
music, have bright lights, and keep your eyes glued to your screens (tv or
• Basically, do anything to help you forget that you are amazing, deserve to be
loved, and deserve to create, achieve, and attain anything your heart desires.
Not taking care of yourself is a one-way ticket to suffering here and now.
• Consume stupid low-quality content in the name of entertainment. Never try
to be curious or explore. Live in your head, in your past, in your issues. And
dare not bring stories, art or music close to your life.

8. Overwhelm Yourself with Extensive, Unorganized To-Do Lists

• Take on too many things at once. That way, after burning yourself out, you
get to experience complete inner Suffering that will make you a guru to
• To quickly make a shamble of your life: spend the day doing only what you
want to do for instant gratification; leave important, urgent matters for
"later" (which we know never exists---only now. That way we never have to
deal with them and we get to enjoy our suffering forever!)
• To suffer more, tell yourself that "baby steps are for the weak!" To suffer the
most, try to do everything all at once!

9. Never Ask for Help

• Asking others for help is a sure-fire way out of your suffering, especially if
you ask someone to hold you accountable or guide you with their own
experience. You can suffer the most by staying away from therapists,
coaches, mentors, and support groups.
10. Ignore Your Emotions
• To suffer the very most, instead of accepting and listening to your emotions,
bottle them in by distracting yourself with instant pleasure! The more you
indulge in the instant pleasures of porn, masturbation, sex, gambling, drugs,
alcohol, binge-eating, streaming shows/movies, playing games all day---the
more you will enjoy the downward spiral all caused by easily-preventable
finely-aged emotions! It's so easy to bathe in your comfort and reap the

Conclusion: To suffer the most: don't be present, don't be empathetic, don't listen to
others, don't take care of yourself. To maximize your suffering: ruminate on the past, worry
about the future, label everything, judge others based on those labels, assume the worst
about everything, overwhelm yourself, burn yourself out, never accept responsibility but
also never ask for help, and simply tell yourself things that make you forget that you can
literally create whatever you desire with your God-given ability to create, by having faith in
yourself, faith in the Universe, faith in your own heart and experiences, patience, and

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