Theoretical Foundation in Nursing

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Theoretical Foundation in Nursing

Fri: 9:00 am-12:30 pm

1. The Child is learning social rules consequences for breach of rules. The child sometimes
oversteps limits – experience guilt. This conflict must be resolve during the stage of
Ans: Preschool Age
2. Development of trust is important to future relationships and emotional development.
Therefore, basic needs should be met during the _______ stage
Ans: Infancy
3. Feelings of inferiority are common in child seeks acceptance and approval. Parent should
assist their children to enhance their children to enhance their abilities to become more
independent during _________ stage
Ans: School age
4. Theory on cognitive development was developed by ______
Ans: Jean Piaget
5. Social Constructivist Theory focused on “Language and Cognition” was developed by
Ans: Lev Vygostky
6. The Theorist believed proceeds in stages that match biological lifespan stages. Likewise,
his theory focuses on social and emotional development.
Ans: Erik Erikson
7. A scholar who developed a theory based on human basic needs; he also stated that people
generally have the same basic needs; and that in order to thrive and develop we need to
meet these needs.
Ans: Abraham Maslow
8. This theory focused on a holistic medical concept in which the human patient is viewed
as an integrated complex of open systems rather than as semi-independent parts.
Ans: Systems Theory
9. His most influential theory was his model of the change process in human systems.
Ans: Kurt Lewin
10. The theory “Technological Competency as Caring in ursing” was developed by______
Ans: Rozzano Lacson
11. This scholar theorized that nurse make a difference being in a situation in a caring way.
She is known for her approach to acknowledge development that began “From Novice to
Ans: Patricia Benner
12. These scholars developed the theory “Nursing as Caring: A model for Transforming
Ans: Savina Schoenhofer
Anne Boykin
13. According to this theorist, Sciencing Humanbecoming is an ongoing inquiry to discover
and understand the meaning of lived experiences.
Ans: Rosemarrie Rizzo Parse
14. This theorist focuses on three areas: individual characteristics and experiences, behavior-
specific cognitions and effect, and behavioral outcomes. Furthermore, she developed the
Health Promotion Model.
Ans: Nola Pender
15. This theorist developed the Adaptation Model of Nursing
Ans: Callista Roy
16. She is the founder of the Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training Project (NCAST)
which produces and develops research-based products, assessment and training programs
to teach professionals, parents and other caregivers the skills to provide nurturing
environments for young children.
Ans: Kathryan E. Barnard
17. According to this theorist, nursing is based on an art and science that molds the attitude,
intellectual competencies, and technical skills of the individual nurse into the desire and
ability to help people, sick or well, cope with their health needs.
Ans: Faye Glenn Abdellah
18. “PREPARE ME” Interventions and the Quality of Life of Advance Progressive Cancer
Patients was developed by _______
Ans: Carmencita Abaquin
Ans: Sr. Carolina Agravante
20. Retirement and Role Discontinuities was one of the local models of nursing intervention
developed by ________
Ans: Sr. Letty Kuan
21. In her theory of nursing practive, she emphasized effective communication and
championed using the family as an entry point to help a patient.
Ans: Cecelia Laurente
22. This activity encourages an elicit form of relaxation for the purpose of altering patients
level of awareness
Ans: Meditation
23. This technique encourage and elicit relaxation for the purpose of decreasing undesirable
signs and symptoms such as pain, muscle tension and anxiety.
Ans: Relaxation/Breathing
24. This theory implies a type of Nursing Care that deals on how to improve the quality of
life a patient with Cancer and other chronic diseases already has.
Ans: Prepare Me Theory: A Different Perception
25. According to change theory, the force that pushes in a direction that causes change to
occur is known as _____
Ans: Driving Force
26. According to change theory, this force hinders change because they push the person in
the opposite direction.
Ans: Restraining Force
27. This level of health care service directed at the client or the community designed to
prevent illness or disability.
Ans: Preventive Care
28. This level health care is known as the process of restoring people to useful function in
physical, mental, social, economic, and vocational areas of their lives.
Ans: Rehabilitative Care
29. A health care service designed to help client reduce the risk of illness, maintain maximal
function, and promote habits related to good health.
Ans: Promotive Care
30. What is the importance of establishing good rapport to your client?
Ans: It creates Trust and Confidence
31. What did you learn from TFN?
Ans: I have learned a lot about this subject.

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