Facial Emotions Analysis Through Video and Artificial Intelligence

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Facial Emotions Analysis Through Video and Artificial

John Paul F. Avila1, Charlene Dianne D. Nicomedes2, Abby Kate C. Orioque3

Abstract—In this work, the user's emotion using its facial expressions will be detected. These expressions can be derived from
the live feed via the system's camera or any pre-existing image available in the memory. Emotions possessed by humans can be
recognized and has a vast scope of study in the computer vision industry upon which several researchers have already been done.
The work has been implemented using Python (3.10), Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) and NumPy which run
on a low-powered single board microprocessor, the Lattepanda. The floating point numbers (testing dataset) is being compared to
training dataset and thus emotion is predicted. The objective of this paper is to develop a system which can analyze the video and
predict the expression of the person. The study proves that this procedure is workable and produces valid results.

Keywords: Python, OpenCV, Numpy, Lattepanda

Gradient Face, have a High discrimination power
1. Introduction illumination variation, they are nonetheless praised for their
In real-time applications nowadays, methods ability to capture facial expressions and age variation
based on human-computer interaction are utilized to situations.
quickly and precisely identify human activity in movies. Since the beginning of the last decade, a variety
Realizing and monitoring human face expressions and of techniques for recognizing human facial expressions and
emotions from streaming video with the aim of serving emotions using video or images have been developed. The
various purposes, such as physical weariness detection, is approaches and facial expression datasets employed by
one such topic. We initially describe the requirements of these methods vary. The two performance measures that
face emotion and expression identification in the following characterize the effectiveness and quality of a suggested
words before going into further detail. technique are detection accuracy and processing time,
In human-to-human communication, the sound of which are crucial for every method. Our aim in this
a person's mental, emotional, and even physical state is research is to investigate such modern video-based facial
used in conversations about significant information in emotion detection systems, together with their benefits and
addition to pronouncing a communication channel. Facial drawbacks.
expressions are the idea of a person's facial expressions in
their simplest form, which is a more subtle happy or angry 2. Background of the Study & Related
thoughts, feelings, or absorption of all speaker expectation Literature
from listeners, sympathy, or even what the speaker
detection technology that is based on the optical flow
vector speed infusion technology.The algorithm uses
segmented image frames and we provide a vector based on
their results that detects facial emotions to the strongest
degree of equality. Optical flow speed over time intervals
indicates image alterations. The algorithm of work (AU)
based on database operation combine coded facial
expression. This technique can be used to recognize which
facial expressions belong to the four different categories.
To identify the first type, use facial expression
that expresses emotion quickly. The third form of facial
expression is used to recognize the active shape model in
the second type of optical flow, which uses facial
expression to identify an image frame. The fourth type of
neural networks recognize faces in a complex,
multidimensional view by analyzing facial expression. It
takes a lot of effort to build a model for facial recognition.
Face detection is possible with a variety of distinct
condition databases (expression, lights, etc.) that each have
a unique face. There are various approaches to recognize
facial expressions, including non-monotonic illumination
variation, random noise, and variations in age, while
making it appear as though each was affected by the
method's drawbacks. Even while some techniques, like
The desired reconfigurable hardware (FPGA) For the purpose of recognizing face expressions
structure must be taken into account while designing in video sequences, the author presented spatiotemporal
algorithms for real-time adaptive face recognition. Because feature extraction. With little computational effort, the
earlier systems were not designed to adapt algorithms to the suggested spatiotemporal texture map (STTM) can capture
target hardware resources, they did not provide results that minute spatial and temporal fluctuations in facial emotions.
were acceptable. Since conventional facial recognition The Viola-Jones face detector is used to first identify the
systems have limitations including producing power face, and then the frames are cropped to eliminate
dissipation, slow response times, and a lack of adaptability, extraneous background. The suggested STTM, which
a decade ago they were unable to address real-world separates the spatiotemporal information from the three-
difficulties dimensional Harris corner function, is then used to
represent facial features. The dynamic features are
extracted using a block-based approach, and the
characteristics are displayed as histograms. The support
vector machine classifier then divides the characteristics
into categories of emotion and expressiveness. The
experimental results show that the proposed approach
outperforms state-of-the-art approaches, with average
recognition rates of 95.37, 98.56, and 84.52 percent,
respectively, on datasets containing posed expressions,
unforced microexpressions, and expressions that are similar
to those found in real-world situations.

Figure 1: Overview of a general face recognition

system (a) Training Phase (b) After the completion of

Figure 3: shows the difference of two kinds of data set.

For the purpose of developing emotion

recognition models and assessing performances, several
data sets have been created. On other data sets, the same
approaches can produce radically different outcomes. The
variation in data sets is to blame for this. Lab data sets, like
the CohnKanade CK+ database, and wild datasets, such
Acted Facial Expressions in the Wild (AFEW), are two
forms of facial expression databases. When compared to
most lab datasets, the latter chooses facial expression
photos or videos from camera recordings that have
carefully controlled lighting, head attitude, and other

3. Methodology

a. Process
As stated, the research suggests an
algorithm to use the people's images in real-time films shot
to gather data about the individuals' immediate
psychological states. In order to do this, human faces in the
Figure 2: Emotion Recognition System Using
movies must first be identified before the data can be pre-
Video Sequence
processed. The techniques used on facial photographs allow
for the detection of facial landmarks. These data points are areas such as system programming, user interface
used to build a support vector machine algorithm, which programming, network programming, application
then estimates which emotion class (happy, sad, angry, and database software programming.
surprised, and normal) the emotion belongs to.
● OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) is an open
source library created by Intel, composed in C
dialect that can run on Windows, Linux, MacOS
X, PSP (Playstation Versatile) stages.

● Numpy is a Python library used for working with

arrays. It also has functions for working in the
domain of linear algebra, fourier transform, and
matrices. NumPy was created in 2005 by Travis
Oliphant. It is an open source project and you can
use it freely. NumPy stands for Numerical

● TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source

platform for machine learning. It has a
comprehensive, flexible ecosystem of tools,
libraries and community resources that lets
The researchers push the state-of-the-art in ML and
result developers easily build and deploy ML powered
of all applications.

experiments performed in this study was obtained by using b. Data Set

computer with the following properties and software

● Processor: Intel(R) Atom Cherrytrail + ATMega

● RAM 2GB.
● GPU 1.8GHz.
● 64-bit Operating System, X64 based processor.

Figure 4: Landmarks on face

For face detection and recognition, facial

landmarks are extremely important. In the case of phrases,
the same landmarks might be utilized. A 68 facial landmark
detector in the Dlib library provides the locations of 68
landmarks on the face.
All 68 landmarks are depicted on the face in
Figure 4. We may obtain the coordinates(x,y) of each face
point using the dlib package. These 68 points can be further
Figure 3: System Hardware - Lattepanda broken down into individual regions, such as the left and
right eyes, left and right brows, mouth, nose, and jaw.

● Python (2020.2.3) is an object oriented, 4. Results and Discussion

interpretative, modular and interactive high level
programming language. Its modular structure At the end of this evaluation, it was seen that
supports the system and any data field entry. different success rates were obtained on 5 emotional states
With Python, which can work on almost any (happy, sad, surprised, neutral, angry, fear).
platform, software can be developed in many
We can see that there are not equal numbers of
courses, which could lead to certain classes being
misclassified. Additionally, the class can be viewed as an
outlier because there are fewer training examples available.
The algorithm may develop a bias toward the feeling of
surprise and begin to identify the majority of photos as


The field of computer vision is extremely broad and is still

in its infancy. The pace of research in this area is
accelerating. Computer vision cannot exist without the
ability to recognize emotions. If one can become aware of
Figure 5: Face detection through a video of user the complexities and limitless opportunities presented
under the field of emotion detection, a ton of jobs and
The initial and most crucial step in the processing procedures can be carried out.
pipeline was face detection. Even though our video only
contained frontal facial expression data, we still had to Some common and widely used applications of emotion
identify the face before moving on to the next step of detection are:
processing. It was simpler to identify the region of interest
and extract features from the face after it had been
a. App and product development

The optimization of different software

engineering processes, including testing the usability of a
product, can greatly benefit from emotion recognition. It
has long been known that how comfortable a person is
using various software products greatly depends on their
emotions. Human emotions can be changed by a product's
overall appearance and feel, which in turn affects whether
or not a person decides to purchase it. For those working in
the associated industries, learning about the various
Table 1: Prediction and Accuracy of Emotions emotional states of the human body and how they are
affected by the use of various products is therefore of
Table 1 shows the correct prediction and accuracy values utmost importance.
in report format. From this, we can infer the correct number
of emotions accuracy for each class. b. Improved learning practices

1: Happy: 44/50 88% Evidence reveals that while certain emotional

2: Sad: 41/50 82% states aim to repress them, others support superior learning
3: Surprise: 35/50 70% techniques. It is uncommon to detect the difference
4: Neutral: 43/50 86% between the two groups' various emotional states. For
5: Angry: 22/50 44% instance, it is believed that pleasant emotions are harmful
6: Fear: 17/50 34% for learning while slightly negative emotions encourage
analytical thinking and are suitable for performing
important activities.

c. Improvised web development

Service providers are interested in gathering a ton

of data that may be retrieved from users due huge the
massive size at which the internet is increasing. All of the
information and adverts are accordingly played based on
the user's profile. Therefore, incorporating extensive
information about the various human emotions can offer far
more accurate behavioral models of various user types.
Figure 6: Accuracy Charrt of Facial Emotions Analysis

d. Immersive gaming
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial
A sizable portion of the entertainment market is Intelligence.
made up of video games. Therefore, video game designers
center their research on many forms of common human [6] Cao, T. & Li, M. (2019). Facial expression recognition
emotions in order to make these games much more intense algorithm based on the combination of CNN and K-Means.
and intrusive. Video games are created in such a way that 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and
they organically blend human emotions into their game Computing.
play in order to draw in an increasing number of players.
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6. Conclusion and Future Work machine learning methods on partial and full face images.
PhD Thesis, Sakarya University.

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computer science. There has been a lot of thorough and
beneficial research done in this field in recent years. The [10] Martinez, J. C.
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analysis is a challenging field. The current dataset's success Third IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face
rates are higher than the average values analyzed in the and Gesture Recognition, 200-205.
literature. As in every machine learning study, more data is
required to boost these rates. There are, however, a lot of
other limitations. However, it is very impossible to entirely
separate specific emotions because of the emotional
complexity and quick mood swings.
This document defines the current research
methodologies. Future studies should build new methods to
increase recognition's resilience, effectiveness, and


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