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Tirol Notes


PART ONE: Constitutional Supremacy

Fundamental Powers of the State: Police Power,
Taxation and Eminent Domain 1. Concept and Application
o Judicial Review: The power of the courts to
GENERAL PRINCIPLES1 test the validity of executive and legislative acts
Similarities: in light of their conformity with the
1. Inherent in the State, exercised even without Constitution. This is not an assertion of
need of express constitutional grant. superiority by the courts over the other
2. Necessary and indispensable; State cannot be departments, but merely an expression of the
effective without them. supremacy of the Constitution (Angara v.
3. Methods by which State interferes with private Electoral Commission, 63 Phil. 139). The duty
property. remains to assure that the supremacy of the
4. Presuppose equivalent compensation. Constitution is upheld (Aquino v. Enrile, 59
5. Exercised primarily by the Legislature. SCRA 183).2
o That duty is part of the judicial power vested in
the courts by an express grant under Sec. 1,
Distinctions: Art. VIII of the Constitution which states:
1. Police power regulates both liberty and “Judicial power includes the duty of the courts
property; eminent domain and taxation affect of justice to settle actual controversies
only property rights. involving rights which are legally demandable
2. Police power and taxation are exercised only and enforceable, and to determine whether or
by government; eminent domain may be not there has been a grave abuse of discretion
exercised by private entities. amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
3. Property taken in police power is usually the part of any branch or instrumentality of
noxious or intended for a noxious purpose and Government” (Bondoc v. Pineda, 201 SCRA
may thus be destroyed; while in eminent 79).3
domain and taxation, the property is o Sec. 4(2), Art. VIII of the Constitution
wholesome and devoted to public use or recognizes the power of the Supreme Court
purpose. to decide constitutional questions. Sec. 5(2),
4. Compensation in police power is the Art. VIII, which prescribes the constitutional
intangible, altruistic feeling that the individual appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court, and
has contributed to the public good; in eminent implicitly recognizes the authority of lower
domain, it is the full and fair equivalent of the courts to decide questions involving the
property taken; while in taxation, it is the constitutionality of laws, treaties,
protection given and/or public improvements international agreements, etc.4
instituted by government for the taxes paid. o In Mirasol v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No.
128448, February 1, 2001, it was held that the
Constitution vests the power of judicial review
Limitations: not only in the Supreme Court but also in
1. Generally, the Bill of Rights, although in some Regional Trial Courts (RTC). Furthermore, BP.
cases the exercise of the power prevails over 129 grants RTCs the authority to rule on the
specific constitutional guarantees. conformity of laws and treaties with the
2. The courts may annul the improvident exercise Constitution. However, in all actions assailing
of police power, e.g., in Quezon City v. Ericta, the validity of a statute, treaty, presidential
122 SCRA 759 and in Philippine Press decree, order or proclamation — and not just in
Institute v. Comelec, 244 SCRA 272. actions involving declaratory relief and similar
remedies — notice to the Solicitor General is
mandatory, as required in Sec. 3, Rule 64 of the
Nachura, ibid. p. 16.
Nachura, ibid, p. 16.
1 4
Nachura, Review in Political Law Outline, p. 47. Nachura, ibid, p. 17.
Tirol Notes
Rules of Court.5 Pano).
o Functions of Judicial Review: (a) Checking,  the case is capable of repetition yet
(b) Legitimating, and (c) Symbolic. evasive of review (Saniakas v.
2. Requisites for Valid Exercise Executive Secretary, G.R. No.
o The first and safest criterion to determine 159085).7
whether a given power has been validly
exercised by a particular department is whether (b) The constitutional question must be
or not the power has been constitutionally raised by the proper party. A proper party
conferred upon the department claiming its is one who has sustained or is in imminent
exercise. This is either expressly stated or danger of sustaining an injury as a result of
implied. Note also that there are powers which the act complained of. To be a proper party,
although not expressly conferred nor implied one must have “legal standing”, or locus
therefrom, are inherent or incidental.6 standi. Locus standi is defined as a right of
o Requisites of Judicial Review appearance in a court of justice on a given
(a) Actual case or controversy. A conflict of question (Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th ed.,
legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal 1991). A real party in interest is the party
claims which can be resolved on the basis who stands to be benefited or injured by the
of existing law and jurisprudence judgment in the suit or the party entitled to
(Guingona v. Court of Appeals, G. R. No. the avails of the suit (Salonga v. Warner
125532). In John Hay People’s Alternative Barnes, 88 Phil. 125). To establish legal
Coalition v. Lim, G.R. No. 119775, it was standing, he has to make out a sufficient
held that the controversy must be definite interest in the vindication of the public
and concrete, bearing upon the legal order and securing relief as a citizen or
relations of parties who are pitted against taxpayer (David v. Macapagal-Arroyo).
each other due to their adverse legal
interests. It is not enough that the To determine legal standing, the Court, in
controversy exists at the outset; to qualify People v. Vera, 65 Phil. 56, adopted the
for adjudication, it is necessary that the direct injury test, which states that a person
actual controversy be extant at all stages of who impugns the validity of a statute must
the review, not merely at the time the have a personal and substantial interest in
complaint is filed (Davis v. Federal the case such that he has sustained or will
Election Commission). sustain direct injury as a result. In IBP v.
Zamora, G.R. No. 141284, it was clarified
However, the moot and academic principle that the term “interest” means a material
is not a magical formula that can interest, an interest in issue affected by the
automatically dissuade the courts from challenged official act, as distinguished
resolving a case. In David v. Macapagal- from mere interest in the question involved,
Arroyo, G.R. No. 171396., it was held that or a mere incidental interest.
courts will still decide cases otherwise moot
and academic if: However, in numerous decisions
 there is a grave violation of the particularly in recent ones, the Supreme
Constitution (Province of Batangas Court has adopted a liberal attitude and
v. Romulo). recognized the legal standing of petitioners
 there is an exceptional character of who have invoked a public right allegedly
the situation and paramount public breached by a governmental act. In David
interest is involved (Lacson v. v. Macapagal-Arroyo, the Supreme Court
Perez). summarized its earlier rulings and declared
 the constitutional issues raised that petitioners may be accorded standing to
require formulation of controlling sue provided that the following
principles to guide the bench, the requirements are met:
bar and the public (Salonga v.
(a) The case involves constitutional issues
5 (b) For taxpayers, there must be a claim of
Nachura, ibid, p. 17
6 7
Nachura, ibid, pp. 74-75. Nachura, ibid, pp. 17-18.
Tirol Notes
illegal disbursement of public funds or involves the jurisdiction of the court
that the tax measure is unconstitutional (People v. Vera, supra., Zandueta v. De la
(c) For voters, there must be a showing of Costa, 66 Phil. 115).
obvious interest in the validity of the
election law in question. The decision on the constitutional question
(d) For concerned citizens, there must be a must be determinative of the case itself.
showing that the issues raised are of Because of the doctrine of separation of
transcendental importance which must powers which demands that proper respect
be settled early: and (5) For legislators, be accorded the other departments, courts
there must be a claim that the official are loathe to decide constitutional questions
action complained of infringes their as long as there is some other basis that can
prerogatives as legislators. be used for a decision. The constitutional
issue must be the lis mota of the case. (See:
Facial challenge. The established rule is Zandueta v. de la Costs, supra.; De la
that a party can question the validity of a Llana v. Alba, 112 SCRA 294).9
statute only if, as applied to him, it is
unconstitutional. The exception is the so- Manila Prince Hotel v. GSIS, G.R. No. 122156 February
called ‘facial challenge”. But the only time 3, 1997, 267 SCRA 408 (1997)
a facial challenge to a statute is allowed is
when it operates in the area of freedom of Kilosbayan Inc., et al., v. Manuel L. Morato, G.R. No.
expression. In such instance, the 118910, November 16, 1995, 246 SCRA 540 (1995)
“overbreadth doctrine” permits a party to
challenge the validity of a statute even
though, as applied to him, it is not Police Power
unconstitutional, but it might be if applied
to others not before the Court whose
activities are constitutionally protected.
1. Constitutional Bases:
Invalidation of the statute “on its face”,
o Art. II, Section 4, first sentence
rather than “as applied”, is permitted in the
o Art. II, Section 5
interest of preventing a “chilling effect” on
freedom of expression (Justice Mendoza’s o Art. II, Section 15
concurring opinion in Cruz v. DENR, G.R.
No. 135385, December 06, 2000).8 2. Concept and Application10
o Definition: The power of promoting public
(c) The constitutional question must be welfare by restraining and regulating the use of
raised at the earliest possible liberty and property.
opportunity. In Matibag v. Benipayo, G.R. o Characteristics: Police power is the most
No. 149036, it was held that the earliest pervasive, the least limitable, and the most
opportunity to raise a constitutional issue is demanding of the three powers. (Justification:
to raise it In the pleadings before a salus populi est suprema lex or "the welfare of
competent court that can resolve the same, the people shall be the supreme law").
such that, If not raised in the pleadings, it
cannot be considered at the trial and, if not a. Police power cannot be bargained away
considered in the trial, it cannot be through the medium of a treaty or a contract
considered on appeal. (Stone v. Mississippi, 101 U.S. 814; Ichong
v. Hernandez, 101 Phil. 1155).
However, in criminal cases, the question
can be raised at any time at the discretion of b. The taxing power may be used as an
the court; in civil cases, the question can be implement of police power (Lutz v.
raised at any stage of the proceedings if Araneta, 98 Phil. 148; Tiu v. Videogram
necessary for the determination of the case Regulatory Board, 151 SCRA 208; Gaston
itself; and in every case, except when there v. Republic Planters Bank, 158 SCRA 626;
is estoppel, it can be raised at any stage if it 9
Nachura, ibid, pp. 28-29.
8 10
Nachura, ibid, p. 21. Nachura, ibid, pp. 48-51.
Tirol Notes
Osmena v. Orbos, 220 SCRA 703). if it were a property right, it cannot be
considered as absolute as to be beyond the
c. Eminent domain may be used as an reach of the police power (Chavez v.
implement to attain the police objective Romulo, 431 SCRA 534).
(Association of Small Landowners v.
Secretary of Agrarian Reform, 175 SCRA g. Like timber permits, mining exploration
343). permits do not vest in the grantee any
permanent or irrevocable right within the
d. A law enacted in the exercise of police purview of the non-impairment and due
power to regulate or govern certain process clauses, since the State, under its
activities or transactions could be given all-encompassing police power, may alter,
retroactive effect and may reasonably modify or amend the same in accordance
impair vested rights or contracts. Police with the demands of the general welfare
power legislation is applicable not only to (Southeast Mindanao Goldmining
future contracts, but equally to those Corporation v. Balite Portal Mining, G.R.
already in existence. Non-impairment of No. 135190).
contracts or vested rights clauses will have
to yield to the superior and legitimate h. A license to operate a motor vehicle is not a
exercise by the State of the police power property right, but a privilege granted by
(Ortigas & Co. v. Court of Appeals, G.R. the State, which may be suspended or
No. 126102, December 4, 2000), Thus, revoked by the State in the exercise of its
despite the retroactive effect of PD 957 police power, in the interest of public safety
(Subdivision and Condominium Buyers and welfare, subject to the procedural due
Protective Decree), there is no violation of process requirements (Metropolitan Manila
the non-impairment clause, because the Development Authority v. Garin, G.R. No.
decree is a valid exercise of the police 130230, April 15, 2005).
power, and police power prevails over
contracts (PNB v. Office of the President, i. R.A. 9257, otherwise known as the
255 SCRA 5). “Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003”, is
a legitimate exercise of police power.
e. It is true that the Court has upheld the Administrative Order No. 177 issued by the
constitutional right of every citizen to select Department of Health, providing that the
a profession or course of study subject to 20% discount privilege of senior citizens
fair, reasonable and equitable admission shall not be limited to the purchase of
and academic requirements. But like all unbranded generic medicine but shall
rights and freedoms guaranteed by the extend to both prescription and non-
Charter, their exercise may be so regulated prescription medicine, whether branded or
pursuant to the police power of the State to generic, is valid. When conditions so
safeguard health, morals, peace, education, demand, as determined by the legislature,
order, safety, and the general welfare of the property rights must bow to the primacy of
people. This regulation assumes particular police power because property rights,
pertinence in the field of medicine, to though sheltered by the due process clause,
protect the public from the potentially must yield to the general welfare (Carlos
deadly effects of incompetence and Superdrug Corporation v. DSWD, etal.,
ignorance (Professional Regulation G.R. No. 166494).
Commission v. De Guzman, G.R. No. o Who may exercise the power: The power is
144681, June 21, 2004). inherently vested in the Legislature. However,
Congress may validly delegate this power to the
f. The right to bear arms is merely a statutory President, to administrative bodies and to
privilege. The license to carry a firearm is lawmaking bodies of local government units.
neither a property or a property right. Local government units exercise the power
Neither does it create a vested right. A under the general welfare clause (Sec. 16, R.A.
permit to carry a firearm outside one’s 7160), and under Secs. 391, 447, 458 and 468,
residence may be revoked at any time. Even R.A. 7160.
Tirol Notes
a. While police power may be validly Fernando, to enjoin the further
delegated to the President by law, R.A. implementation of the “Wet Flag Scheme”
6939 and P.D. 260, as amended, do not and to compel respondents to “respect and
authorize the President, or any other uphold” the pedestrians’ right to due
administrative body, to take over the process and right to equal protection of the
internal management of a cooperative. law. (As implemented, police mobile units
Accordingly, Memorandum Order No. 409, bearing wet flags with words “Maglakad
issued by the President, constituting an ad and mag-abang sa bangketa” are deployed
hoc committee to temporarily take over and along major Metro Manila thorough fares.)
manage the affairs of CANORECO is It was held that the petitioner failed to show
invalid (Camarines Norte Electric the lack of basis or the unreasonableness of
Cooperative v. Torres, G.R. No. 127249, the Wet Flag Scheme. On the alleged lack
February 27, 1998). of legal basis, the Court noted that all the
cities and municipalities within MMDA’s
b. Unlike the legislative bodies of local jurisdiction except Valenzuela City have
government units, there is no provision in each enacted anti-jaywalking ordinances or
R.A. 7924 that empowers the Metro Manila traffic management codes with provisions
Development Authority (MMDA) or its for pedestrian regulation. This serves as
Council to “enact ordinances, approve sufficient basis for the respondent’s
resolutions and appropriate funds for the implementation of schemes to enforce the
general welfare” of the inhabitants of Metro anti-jaywalking ordinances and similar
Manila. Thus, MMDA may not order the regulations. The MMDA is an
opening of Neptune St. in the Bel-Air administrative agency tasked with the
Subdivision to public traffic, as it does not implementation of rules and regulations
possess delegated police power (Metro enacted by proper authorities. The absence
Manila Development Authority v. Bel-Air of an anti-jaywalking ordinance in
Village Association, G.R. No. 135962). Valenzuela City does not detract from this
While Sec. 5(f), R.A. 7924, does not grant conclusion absent any proof that
the MMDA the power to confiscate and respondents implemented the Flag Scheme
suspend or revoke drivers’ licenses without in that city.
need of any other legislative enactment, the
same law vests the MMDA with the duty to c. While concededly, the President has the
enforce existing traffic rules and authority to provide for the establishment of
regulations. Thus, where there is a traffic the Greater Manila Mass Transport System,
law or regulation validly enacted by the in order to decongest traffic by eliminating
legislature or those agencies to whom bus terminals along major Metro Manila
legislative power has been delegated (the thorough fares, EO No. 179, which
City of Manila, in this case), the MMDA is designates the Metro Manila Development
not precluded — and in fact is duty-bound Authority as the implementing agency for
— to confiscate and suspend or revoke the project, is ultra vires. Under the
drivers’ licenses in the exercise of its provisions of EO 125, as amended, it is the
mandate of transport and traffic DOTC, not the MMDA, which is
management, as well as the administration authorized to establish and implement such
and implementation of all traffic a project. The President must exercise the
enforcement operations, traffic engineering authority through the instrumentality of the
services and traffic education programs DOTC which, by law is the primary
(Metropolitan Manila Development implementing and administrative entity in
Authority v. Garin, G.R. No. 130230, April the promotion, development and regulation
15, 2005). of networks of transportation. By
designating the MMDA as the
In Francisco v. Fernando, G.R. No. 166501, implementing agency, the President
November 16, 2006, a petition for overstepped the limits of the authority
prohibition and mandamus was filed against conferred by law (Metropolitan Manila
the MMDA and its Chairman, Bayani Development Authority v. Viron
Tirol Notes
Transportation, G.R. No. 170656). situations such as stopping the
continuous discharge of pollutive and
3. Requisites for Valid Exercise11 untreated effluents into the rivers and
A. Lawful subject: The interests of the public in other inland waters. The relevant
general, as distinguished from those of a pollution control statute and
particular class, require the exercise of the implementing regulations were enacted
power. This means that the activity or property and promulgated in the exercise of
sought to be regulated affects the general police power, x x x The ordinary
welfare; if it does, then the enjoyment of the requirements of procedural due process
rights flowing there from may have to yield to yield to the necessities of protecting
the interests of the greater number. (See Taxicab vital public interests through the
Operators v. Board of Transportation, 119 exercise of police power.
SCRA 597; Velasco v. Villegas, 120 SCRA 568;
Bautista v. Juinio, 127 SCRA 329; Lozano v. B. Lawful Means: The means employed are
Martinez, 146 SCRA 323; Sangalang v. reasonably necessary for the accomplishment of
Intermediate Appellate Court, 176 SCRA 719.) the purpose, and not unduly oppressive on
 In Lim v. Pacquing, 240 SCRA 649, it individuals. (See: Ynotv. Intermediate Appellate
was held that P.D. 771, which expressly Court, 148SCRA 659; Tablarin v. Gutierrez,
revoked all existing franchises and 152 SCRA 730; Balacuit v. CFI of Agusan del
permits to operate all forms of Norte, 163 SCRA 182.)
gambling facilities (including jai-alai)  Police power concerns government
issued by local governments, was a enactments, which precisely interfere
valid exercise of the police power. with personal liberty or property to
Gambling is essentially antagonistic to promote the general welfare or the
the objectives of national productivity common good. A thorough review of the
and self-reliance; it is a vice and a facts and circumstances leading to the
social ill which the government must issuance of DOLE Order No. 3
minimize (or eradicate) in pursuit of (establishing various procedures and
social and economic development. requirements for screening performing
Miners Association of the Philippines artists as a prerequisite to the processing
v. Factoran, 240 SCRA 100, upheld the of any contract of employment by
validity of Administrative Orders Nos. POEA) shows that the assailed order
57 and 82 of the DENR Secretary was issued by the Secretary of Labor
which effectively converted existing pursuant to a valid exercise of the police
mining leases and other mining power (JMM Promotion and
agreements into production-sharing Management, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,
agreements within one year from 260 SCRA 319).
effectivity, inasmuch as the subject
sought to be governed by the  However, Sec. 2 of Comelec Resolution
questioned orders is germane to the No. 2772, which mandates newspapers
objects and purposes of E.O 279, and of general circulation in every province
that mining leases or agreements or city to provide free print space of not
granted by the State are subject to less than 1/2 page as Comelec space,
alterations through a reasonable was held to be an invalid exercise of the
exercise of the police power of the police power in Philippine Press
State. Institute v. Comelec, 244 SCRA 272,
there being no showing of the existence
 In Pollution Adjudication Board v. of a national emergency or imperious
Court of Appeals, 195 SCRA 112, the public necessity for the taking of print
Supreme Court held that ex parte cease space, nor that the resolution was the
and desist orders issued by the only reasonable and calibrated response
Pollution Adjudication Board are to such necessity. (This was held to be
permitted by law and regulations in an exercise of the power of eminent
11 domain, albeit invalid, because the
Nachura, ibid, pp. 51-54.
Tirol Notes
Comelec would not pay for the space to government units, except when exercised
be given to it by the newspapers.) to protect water supply)
Similarly, in City Government of  Must not be contrary to law. Activity
Quezon City v. Ericta, 122 SCRA 759, prohibited by law cannot, in the guise of
the Quezon City ordinance which regulation, be allowed; an activity
required commercial cemetery owners to allowed by law may be regulated, but not
reserve 6% of burial lots for paupers in prohibited. (See: De la Cruz v. Paras,
the City was held to be an invalid 123 SCRA 569; City Government of
exercise of the police power, but was, Quezon City v. Ericta, 122 SCRA 759;
instead, an exercise of the power of Villacorta v. Bernardo, 143 SCRA 480.)
eminent domain which would make the  In Solicitor General v. Metropolitan
City liable to pay the owners just Manila Authority, G.R. No. 102782,
compensation. reiterated in Tatel v. Municipality of
Virac, G.R. No. 40243, and in
 The proper exercise of the police power Magtajas v. Pryce Properties, G.R.
requires compliance with the following No. 111097, the Supreme Court
requisites: (a) the interests of the public declared that for municipal
generally, as distinguished from those of ordinances to be valid, they: (a)
a particular class, require the must not contravene the Constitution
interference by the State; and (b) the or any statute; (b) must not be unfair
means employed are reasonably or oppressive; (c) must not be partial
necessary for the attainment of the or discriminatory; (d) must not
object sought and not unduly oppressive prohibit, but may regulate, trade; (e)
upon individuals. An ordinance aimed at must not be unreasonable; and (f)
relieving traffic congestion meets the must be general in application and
first standard; but declaring bus consistent with public policy.
terminals as nuisances per se and  The authority of a municipality to
ordering their closure or relocation issue zoning classification is an
contravenes the second standard exercise of the police power, not the
(Lucena Grand Central Terminal v. JAC power of eminent domain. A zoning
Liner, G.R. NO. 148339, February 23, ordinance is defined as a local city
2005). or municipal legislation which
logically arranges, prescribes,
 In Cabrera v. Lapid, G.R. No. 129098, defines and apportions a given
December 6, 2006, the Supreme Court political subdivision into specific
upheld the dismissal by the Office of the land uses as present and future
Ombudsman of criminal charges against projection of needs (Pasong
respondents local government officials Bayabas Farmers Association v.
who had ordered and carried out the Court of Appeals, G.R. Nos. 142359
demolition of a fishpond which and 142980, May 25, 2004).
purportedly blocked the flow of the
Pasak River in Sasmuan, Pampanga,
The Court agreed with the findings of Jesus P. Morfe vs. Amelito R. Mutuc, G.R. No. L-20387,
the Ombudsman that “those who January 31, 1968, 22 SCRA 424 (1968)
participated in the blasting of the subject
fishpond were only impelled by their Ermita-Malate Hotel and Motel Operators Association,
desire to serve the best interest of the Inc. vs. Mayor of the City of Manila , G.R. No. L-24693,
general public”. July 31, 1967, 20 SCRA 849 (1967)

C. For when exercised by a delegate: Rubi et al. ( manguianes) vs. Provincial Board of
 Express grant by law (e.g., Secs. 16, Mindoro, G.R. No. L-14078, March 7, 1919; 39 Phil
391,447, 458 and 468, R. A. 7160, for Reports 660 , (1919)
local government units)
 Within territorial limits (for local
Tirol Notes
Ortigas and Co., Limited Partnership vs. FEATI Bank
& Trust Co., G.R. No. L-24670, December 14, 1979, 94
SCRA 533 (1979) Gaston v. Republic Planters Bank; G.R. 77194
Melencio-Herrera, J. (March 15, 1988)

Ichong v. Hernandez; G.R. L-7995 This case is between sugar producers and the Sugar
Labrador, J. ( May 31, 1957) Regulatory Administration, on whether the
stabilization fees collected pursuant to PD 388 are
This case is between Ichong and Hernandez, Secretary funds in trust for the planters, or serve as public funds.
of Finance, on whether or not the act approved under The court ruled that the stabilization fees collected
police power violates due process and equal are in the nature of a tax and in the exercise of
protection. The court ruled that police power is far- police power, for the regulatory purpose of
reaching in scope, and it is almost impossible to stabilizing the sugar industry.
limit its sweep, especially is it so under a modern
democratic framework where the demands of
society and of nations have multiplied to almost
unimaginable proportions. What is necessary is a Assn. of Small Landowners v. Juico; G.R. 78742
balancing between the powers of the State and Cruz, J. (July 14, 1989)
rights of the people, and all done reasonably.
This case is between Assn. of Small Landowners and
the secretary of agrarian reform, on whether or not (in
Lutz v. Araneta; G.R. L-7859 a number of laws enacted to address the imbalance in
Reyes, J.B.L., J. (December 22, 1955) distribution of land) the case involves a traditional
exercise of the power of eminent domain where only a
This case is between Walter Lutz and Antonio
specific property of relatively limited area is sought to
Araneta on the power of the state to levy tax in aid
be taken by the State from its owner for a specific and
and support of the sugar industry and the power of the
perhaps local purpose. The court clarified that the
state to select what it will subject to taxation, wherein
case at bar deals with a revolutionary kind of
the tax levied by the state by way of the Sugar
expropriation. Such expropriation affects all private
Adjustment act is unconstitutional because in his
agricultural lands whenever found and of whatever
opinion, it does not serve a public purpose. The court
kind as long as they are in excess of the maximum
ruled that the tax is regulatory in nature and
retention limits allowed their owners. It is intended
therefore valid, as in Johnson vs. State ex rel.
to benefit not only a particular community or of a
Marey, 128 So. 857 where the act is primarily an
small segment of the population but of the entire
exercise of police power and is not a pure exercise
Filipino nation
of taxing power.

Valentin Tio v. VRB; G.R. 75697 PNB v. Office of the President; 252 SCRA 5
Melencio-Herrera, J. (June 18, 1987) Panganiban, J. (January 18, 1996)

This case is between Valentin Tio and the Videogram This case is between Phil. National Bank and a group
Regulatory Board, on whether the tax imposed by the of small lot buyers who were unaware of the mortgage
VRB in its supervision of the videogram industry is made between such bank and the subdivision
oppressive in violation of the due process clause of developer (which later defaulted), on whether P.D.
the Constitution. The court ruled that the tax imposed 957 applies (retroactively) to the case, despite the
by the PD 1987 is both a regulatory and revenue impairment clause. The court ruled that if the law is a
measure, with the levy for a public purpose. This proper exercise of the police power (for protecting
Taxation is an implementation of the State’s police public welfare), it will prevail over the contract
power. and impairment clause of the Constitution.
Tirol Notes
Impairment Clause: "No law impairing the obligation March 27, 2000 328 SCRA 836(2000)
of contracts shall be passed." (Const. Art. III, Sec. 10)
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) v.
Dante Garin, G.R. No. 130230, April 15, 2005, 456
Lucena G.R.and Central Terminal v. JAC Liner, G.R. SCRA 176(2005)
No. 148339, February 23, 2005, 452 SCRA 174 (2005)

Miners Association of the Philippines v. Hon. Fulgencio Eminent Domain

S. Factoran, Jr., Sec. of Environment &Natural
Resources, et al.,. G.R. No. 98332 January 16, 1995, 240 1. Constitutional Bases:
SCRA 100 (1995) o Art. III, Sec. 9
o Art. XII, Section 18
Carlos Superdrug Corporation et al., v. Dept. of Social o Art. XIII, Sections 4-10
Welfare and Development (DSWC), et al., G.R. No. o Art. II, Sec 6, 1973 Const.
166494, June 29, 2007, 526 SCRA 130 (2007) o Art. XIV, Sec 13, 1973 Const.

Leovillo C. Agustin v. Hon. Romeo F. Edu et al., G.R. 2. Concept and Application12
No. L-49112, February 2, 1979, 88 SCRA 195 (1979)
o Definition: Also known as the power of
White Light Corporation, et al., v. City of Manila et. al. expropriation.
G.R. No. 122846, January 20, 2009, 576 SCRA 416 o Characteristics:
(2009) a. It is well settled that eminent domain is an
inherent power of the State that need not be
Taxicab Operators of Metro Manila Inc., et al., v. The granted even by the fundamental law. Sec.
Board of Transportation et al., G.R. No. L-59234, 9, Art. Ill of the Constitution, in mandating
September 30, 1982, 119 SCRA 597 (1982) that “private property shall not be taken for
public use without just compensation”,
Teresita Tablarin et al., v. The Honorable Judge merely imposes a limit on the government’s
Angelina S. Gutierrez, et al., G.R. No. 78164, July 31, exercise of this power and provides a
1987, 152 SCRA 730 (1987) measure of protection to the individual’s
right to property. An ejectment suit should
Didipio Earth Savers Muti-Purpose Assn. Inc. et al., v. not ordinarily prevail over the State’s power
Elisea Gozun et al., G.R. No. 157882, March 30, 2006 of eminent domain (Republic v. Tagle, G.R.
485 SCRA 586 (2006) No. 129079).
Romeo P. Gerochi , et al., v. Department of Energy b. The acquisition of an easement of a right of
(DOE), et al., G.R. No. 159796, July 17, 2007, 527 way falls within the purview of the power
SCRA 696 (2007) of eminent domain (Camarines Norte
Electric Cooperative v. Court of Appeals,
Compañia General de Tabacos v. City of Manila et al., G.R. No. 109338). In National Power
G.R. No. L-16619, June 29, 1963, 8 SCRA 367 Corporation v. Manubay Agro-Industrial
Develoment Corporation, 437 SCRA 60, it
Physical Therapy Organization of the Phils. v, was reiterated that an action for a right of
Municipal Board of Manila, G.R. No. L-10448, August way filed by an electric power company for
30, 1957, 101 Phil. 1142 ( 1957) the construction of transmission lines falls
within the scope of the power of eminent
Francis A. Churchill and Stewart Tait v. James domain. As held in Republic v. PLDT, 26
Rafferty, Collector of Internal Revenue, 32 Phil. 580, SCRA 620, the power of eminent domain
December 21, 1915; G.R. No. L-10572, December 21, normally results in the taking or
1915, (1915) appropriation of title to, and possession of,
the expropriated property. But no cogent
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) v. reason appears why the said power may not
Bel-Air Village Association, Inc., G.R. No. 135962 , 12
Nachura, ibid, pp. 54-57.
Tirol Notes
be availed of to impose only a burden upon would want it to be (Republic v. Court of
the owner of the condemned property, Appeals, G.R. No. 146587).
without loss of title or possession. It is
unquestionable that real property may, b. The exercise of the right of eminent
through expropriation, be subjected to an domain, whether directly by the State or by
easement of a right of way. its authorized agents, is necessarily in
derogation of private rights. Hence, strict
c. Jurisdiction over a complaint for eminent construction will be made against the
domain is with the Regional Trial Court. agency exercising the power. In the present
While the value of the property to be case, the respondent failed to prove that
expropriated is estimated in monetary terms before it filed its complaint, it made a
— for the court is duty bound to determine written, definite and valid offer to acquire
the amount of just compensation to be paid the property, as required under Sec. 19,
for the property — it is merely incidental to R.A. 7160 (Jesus is Lord Christian School
the expropriation suit (Barangay San Foundation v. Municipality of Pasig, G.R.
Roque, Talisay, Cebu v. Heirs of Francisco No. 152230).
Pastor, G.R. No. 138896), This is reiterated
in Bardillon v. Barangay Masili of c. The exercise of the power of eminent
Calamba, Laguna, G.R. No. 146886. domain is clearly superior to the final and
executory judgment rendered by the court
d. In expropriation cases, there is no such in an ejectment case (Filstream
thing as the plaintiff’s matter of right to International Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 284
dismiss the complaint, precisely because the SCRA 716).
landowner may have already suffered
damages at the start of the taking. The d. In Iron and Steel Authority v. Court of
plaintiff’s right in expropriation cases to Appeals, 249 SCRA 538, it was held that
dismiss the complaint has always been when the statutory life of the Iron & Steel
subject to court approval and to certain Authority (ISA), a nonincorporated entity
conditions (National Power Corporation v. of government, expired in 1988, its powers,
Pobre, G.R. No. 106804). duties and functions, as well as its assets
and liabilities, reverted to and were re-
o Who may exercise the power: Congress and, by assumed by the Republic of the Philippines,
delegation, the President, administrative bodies, in the absence of any special provision of
local government units, and even private law specifying some other disposition
enterprises performing public services. thereof. Accordingly, the Republic may be
a. Local government units have no inherent substituted as party plaintiff in the
power of eminent domain; they can exercise expropriation proceedings originally
the power only when expressly authorized instituted by ISA.
by the Legislature. Sec. 19 of the Local
Government Code confers such power to e. In San Roque Realty v. Republic, G.R. No.
local governments, but the power is not 163130, the Supreme Court said that time
absolute; it is subject to statutory and again, we have declared that eminent
requirements (Masikip v. City of Pasig, domain cases are to be strictly construed
G.R. No. 136349; Lagcao v. Judge Labra, against the expropriator. If the Republic had
G.R. No. 155746). The grant of the power actually made full payment of just
of eminent domain to local government compensation, in the ordinary course of
units under R.A. 7160 cannot be understood things, it would have led to the cancellation
as equal to the pervasive and all- of the title or at least, the annotation of the
encompassing power vested in the lien in favour of the government on the
legislative branch of government. The certificate of title. Thus, while the general
power of eminent domain must, by enabling rule is that the State cannot be put in
law, be delegated to local governments by estoppel or laches by the mistakes or errors
the national legislature, and thus, can only of its officials or agents, this rule, however,
be as broad or confined as the real authority admits of exceptions, one of which is when
Tirol Notes
the strict application of the rule will defeat A hearing will have to be held to determine
the effectiveness of a policy adopted to whether or not the expropriator complied with the
protect the public, such as the Torrens requirements of R.A. 7279. It is, therefore,
system. premature for the Court of Appeals to insist on
finding whether petitioner resorted to the other
Police Power Eminent Domain modes of acquisition provided in RA 7279, as this
Power of the State to The power of eminent question will have to await the hearing on the
promote public welfare domain is the inherent complaint itself [City of Manila v. Serrano, G.R.
by restraining and right of the State t0 No. 142302). This hearing, however, is not a
regulating the use of condemn private property hearing to determine if a writ of possession is to be
liberty and property. to public use upon issued, but whether there was compliance with the
payment of just
requirements for socialized housing. Once the two
requisites above are complied with, then the writ of
Property condemned When a property interest
under police power is is appropriated and possession shall issue as a ministerial duty (City of
usually harmful or applied to some public Iloilo v. Judge Legaspi, G.R. No. 154616).
intended for a harmful purpose, there is need to
purpose, hence no pay just compensation. o Plaintiff’s right to dismiss the complaint in
compensation is paid. eminent domain: In expropriation cases, there is
In the exercise of police In the exercise of the no such thing as the plaintiff’s “matter-of-right” to
power, the State restricts power of eminent dismiss the complaint, precisely because the
the use of private domain, the State landowner may have already suffered damages at
property, but none of the expropriates the property the start of the taking. The plaintiff’s right to
property interests in the for some benefit for the
dismiss the complaint has always been subject to
bundle of rights which public.
constitute ownership is Court approval and to certain conditions (National
appropriated for use by or Power Corporation & Pobre v. Court of Appeals,
for the benefit of the G.R. No 106804).
o Right to repurchase or re-acquire the property:
The deprivation of use If, in the regulation of the In Mactan-Cebu International Airport Authority v.
can, in fact, be total, and use of the property, Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 139495, it was held
it will not constitute somebody else acquires that the property owner’s right to repurchase the
compensable taking if the use or interest thereof, property depends upon the character of the title
nobody else acquires use such restriction
acquired by the expropriator, i.e., if land is
of the property or any constitutes compensable
interest therein. taking. expropriated for a particular purpose with the
condition that when that purpose is ended or
o Writ of Possession: The issuance of the writ of abandoned, the property shall revert to the former
owner, then the former owner can re-acquire the of
possession becomes ministerial upon the (i) filing
the judgment in the expropriation case were very
of a complaint for expropriation sufficient in form
clear and unequivocal, granting title to the lot in
and substance, and (ii) upon deposit made by the
fee simple to the Republic. No condition on the
government of the amount equivalent to fifteen
right to repurchase was imposed.
percent (15%) of the fair market value of the
property sought to be expropriated per current tax
3. Requisites for Valid Exercise
declaration (Biglang-Awa v. Judge Bacalla, G.R.
A. Necessity
Nos. 139927-139936; Bardillon v. Barangay
Masili of Calamba, Laguna). The determination of  When the power is exercised by the
whether the taking of the property is for a public Legislature, the question of necessity is
purpose is not a condition precedent before the generally a political question (Municipality
court may issue a writ of possession. Once the of Meycauayan, Bulacan v. Intermediate
requisites mentioned above are established, the Appellate Court, 157 SCRA 640); but when
issuance of the writ becomes a ministerial matter exercised by a delegate, the determination
for the expropriation court (Francia, Jr. v. of whether there is genuine necessity for
Municipality of Meycauayan, G.R. No 170432, the exercise is a justiciable question
March 24, 2008). (Republic v. La Orden de Po.
Benedictinos, 1 SCRA 649).
Tirol Notes
taking. In these cases, it was held that the
 The issue of the necessity of the property owner was entitled to payment of
expropriation is a matter properly just compensation.
addressed to the Regional Trial Court in
the course of the expropriation  Thus, in National Power Corporation v.
proceedings. If the property owner objects Gutierrez, 193 SCRA 1, the Court said that
to the necessity of the takeover, he should the exercise of the power of eminent
say so in his Answer to the Complaint. The domain does not always result in the taking
RTC has the power to inquire into the or appropriation of title to the expropriated
legality of the exercise of the right of property; it may only result in the
eminent domain and to determine whether imposition of a burden upon the owner of
there is a genuine necessity for it the condemned property, without loss of
(Bardillon v. Barangay Masili of Calamba, title or possession. In this case, while it is
Laguna, G.R. No. 146886, April 30, 2003). true that the plaintiff is only after a right-
of-way easement, it nevertheless
 The foundation of the right to exercise perpetually deprives defendants of their
eminent domain is genuine necessity and proprietary rights as manifested by the
that necessity must be of public character. imposition by the plaintiff upon the
Government may not capriciously or defendants that below said transmission
arbitrarily choose which private property lines, no plant higher than three meters is
should be expropriated. In this case, there allowed. Besides, the high-tension current
was no showing at all why petitioners’ conveyed by the transmission lines poses
property was singled out for expropriation continuing danger to life and limb.
by the city ordinance or what necessity
impelled the particular choice or selection.  In Republic v. Castelvi, 58 SCRA 336, the
Ordinance No. 1843 stated no reason for Supreme Court enumerated the following
the choice of petitioners’ property as the requisites for valid taking: the expropriator
site of a socialized housing project must enter a private property; entry must
(Lagcao v. Judge Labra, G.R. No. be for more than a momentary period;
155746). entry must be under warrant or color of
B. Private Property authority; property must be devoted to
 Private property already devoted to public public use or otherwise informally
use cannot be expropriated by a delegate of appropriated or injuriously affected; and
legislature acting under a general grant of utilization of the property must be in such
authority (City of Manila v. Chinese a way as to oust the owner and deprive him
Community, 40 Phil 349). of beneficial enjoyment of the property.
 All private property capable of ownership
may be expropriated, except money and  Where there is taking in the constitutional
choses in action. Even services may be sense, the property owner need not file a
subject to eminent domain (Republic v. claim for just compensation with the
PLDT, 26 SCRA 620). Commission on Audit; he may go directly
C. Constitutional Sense to court to demand payment (Amigable v.
 May include trespass without actual Cuenca, 43 SCRA 360; de los Santos v.
eviction of the owner, material impairment Intermediate Appellate Court, 223 SCRA
of the value of the property or prevention 11).
of the ordinary uses for which the property  The owner of the property can recover
was intended. In Ayala de Roxas v. City of possession of the property from squatters,
Manila, 9 Phil 215, the imposition of an even if he agreed to transfer the property to
easement of a 3-meter strip on the the Government, until the transfer is
plaintiff’s property was considered taking. consummated or the expropriation case is
In People v. Fajardo, 104 Phil 44, a filed (Velarma v. Court of Appeals, 252
municipal ordinance prohibiting a building SCRA 400).
which would impair the view of the plaza D. Public Use
from the highway was likewise considered  Concept. As a requirement for eminent
Tirol Notes
domain, “public use” is the general concept Appeals, 252 SCRA 412).
of meeting public need or public exigency.  When exercised by a local government
It is not confined to actual use by the unit. By express legislative authority
public in its traditional sense. The idea that granted by Congress in Sec. 19, RA 7160,
“public use” is strictly limited to clear local government units may expropriate
cases of “use by the public” has been private property for public use, or purpose,
abandoned. The term “public use” has now or welfare, for the benefit of the poor and
been held to be synonymous with “public the landless. Thus, in Moday v. Court of
interest”, “public benefit”, “public Appeals, 268 SCRA 568, the Supreme
welfare”, and “public convenience” (Reyes Court held that the Sangguniang
v. National Housing Authority, G.R. No. Panlalawigan (of Agusan del Sur) was
147511). without authority to disapprove Bunawan
 The “public use” requirement for the Municipal Resolution No. 43-89 because,
valid exercise of the power of clearly, the Municipality of Bunawan has
eminent domain is a flexible and the authority to exercise the power of
evolving concept influenced by eminent domain and its Sangguniang
changing conditions. It is accurate to Bayan the capacity to promulgate the
state then that at present, whatever assailed resolution.
may be beneficially employed for  However, note that in Municipality
the general welfare satisfies the of Paranaque v. V. M. Realty
requirement of public use (Estate of Corporation, 292 SCRA 676, the
Salud Jimenez v. PEZA, G.R. No. Supreme Court declared that there
137285). The meaning of “public was lack of compliance with Sec.
use” has also been broadened to 19, R.A. 7160, where the Municipal
cover uses which, while not directly Mayor filed a complaint for eminent
available to the public, redound to domain over two parcels of land on
their indirect advantage or benefit the strength of a resolution passed
(Heirs of Juancho Ardona v. Reyes, by the Sanggunian Bayan, because
125 SCRA 220). what is required by law is an
 Thus, in Filstream International Inc.  In Lagcao v. Judge Labra, G.R. No.
v. Court of Appeals, 284 SCRA 716, 155746, the Supreme Court said that
the fact that the property is less than condemnation of private lands in an
Vi hectare and that only a few could irrational or piecemeal fashion, or
actually benefit from the the random expropriation of small
expropriation does not diminish its lots to accommodate no more than a
public use character, inasmuch as few tenants or squatters, is certainly
“public use” now includes the not the condemnation for public use
broader notion of indirect public contemplated by the Constitution.
benefit or advantage, including, in This deprives a citizen of his
particular, urban land reform and property for the convenience of a
housing. few without perceptible benefit to
the public. Moreover, prior to the
 The practical reality that greater passage of Ordinance No. 1843,
benefit may be derived by Iglesia ni there was no evidence of a valid and
Cristo members than most others definite offer to buy petitioners’
could well be true, but such peculiar property, as required by Sec. 19,
advantage still remains merely R.A. 7160.
incidental and secondary in nature. E. Just Compensation
That only few would actually benefit  Concept. The full and fair equivalent of
from the expropriation of the the property taken; it is the fair market
property does not necessarily value of the property. It is settled that the
diminish the essence and character market value of the property is “that sum
of public use (Manosca v. Court of of money which a person, desirous but not
Tirol Notes
compelled to buy, and an owner, willing and in the meantime leave them empty-
but not compelled to sell, would agree on handed by withholding payment of just
as a price to be given and received compensation while the government
therefor”. speculates on whether or not it will pursue
expropriation, or worse, for government to
 Need to appoint commissioners. In subsequently decide to abandon the
Manila Electric Co. v. Pineda, 206 SCRA property and return it to the landowner
196, the Supreme Court held that in an when it has already been rendered useless
expropriation case where the principal by force majeure, is undoubtedly an
issue is the determination of the amount of oppressive exercise of eminent domain that
just compensation, a trial before the must never be sanctioned.
commissioners is indispensable, in order to
give the parties the opportunity to present  Reckoning point of market value of the
evidence on the issue of just compensation. property. Compensation is determined as
Trial with the aid of commissioners is a of the date of the filing of the complaint for
substantial right that may not be done away eminent domain, but where the filing of the
with capriciously or for no reason at all. complaint occurs after the actual taking of
the property and the owner would be given
 Form of compensation. Compensation is to undue incremental advantages arising from
be paid in money and no other. But in the use to which the government devotes
Association of Small Landowners v. the property expropriated, just
Secretary of Agrarian Reform, supra., 175 compensation is determined as of the date
SCRA 343, it was held that in agrarian of the taking (National Power Corporation
reform, payment is allowed to be made v. Court of Appeals, 254 SCRA 577). See
partly in bonds, because under the CARP, also: Republic v. Lara, 50 O.G. 5778;
“we do not deal with the traditional Republic v. Castelvi, 58 SCRA 336;
exercise of the power of eminent domain; Commissioner of Public Highways v.
we deal with a revolutionary kind of Burgos, 96 SCRA 831; National Power
expropriation”. Corporation v. Gutierrez, supra.; Belen v.
Court of Appeals, 195 SCRA 59.
 Withdrawal of deposit by rejecting
landowner. In the same Resolution on the  Entitlement of owner to interest. In
Motion for Reconsideration [Land Bank v. Nepomuceno v. City of Surigao, it was
Court of Appeals], the Supreme Court also held that once the value of the property is
allowed the withdrawal by the rejecting fixed by the court, the amount shall earn
landowner of the money deposited in trust interest at the legal rate until full payment
pending the determination of the valuation is effected. National Power Corporation v.
of the property. By rejecting and disputing Angas, 208 SCRA 542, fixes the interest
the valuation of the DAR, the landowner is due the property owner at the rate of 6%
merely exercising his right to seek just per annum, prescribed in Art. 2209 of the
compensation. If we are to affirm the Civil Code, and not 12% per annum under
withholding of the release of the offered Central Bank Circular No. 416, because
compensation despite depriving the owner the latter applies to loans or forbearance of
of the possession and use of his property, money, goods or credits, or judgments
we are in effect penalizing the latter for involving such loans or forbearance of
simply exercising a right. Without prompt money goods or credits. The kind of
payment, compensation cannot be interest involved here is by way of
considered “just”, for the property owner is damages, hence Art. 2209 of the Civil
made to suffer the consequence of being Code applies.
immediately deprived of his land while
being made to wait for a decade or more  Who else may be entitled to just
before actually receiving the amount compensation. Entitlement to the payment
necessary to cope with his loss. To allow of just compensation is not, however,
the taking of the landowners’ properties, limited to the “owner”, but includes all
Tirol Notes
those who have lawful interest in the G.R. No. 152230. August 9, 2005, 466 SCRA 235
property to be condemned, including a (2005)
mortgagee, a lessee and a vendee in
possession under an executory contract. Santiago Eslaban Jr. v. Clarita Vda. De Onorio, G.R.
But where, as in this case, the intervenors No. 146052, June 28, 2001, 360 SCRA 230 (2001)
had no longer any legal interest in the
property because at the time of the National Power Corporation (NPC) v. Sps. Misericordia
expropriation their claim of ownership had Gutierrez et al., G.R. No. L-60077, January 18, 1991,
already been resolved and put to rest, then 193 SCRA 1
they are not entitled to be impleaded as
parties or to payment of just compensation Carmen Ayala de Roxas and Pedro P. Roxas v. The City
(Knecht v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. of Manila and Robert G. Dieck, G.R. No. L-3144,
108015, May 20, 1998). November 19, 1907; 9 Phil 215

 Title to the property. Title does not pass Republic of the Philippines, v. Phil. Long Distance Tel.
until after payment (Visayan Refining v. Company (PLDT), G.R. No. L-18841, January 27, 1969,
Camus, 40 Phil 550), except in agrarian 26 SCRA 620
reform (Resolution on Motion for
Reconsideration, Land Bank v. Court of The People of the Philippines v. Juan F. Fajardo et al.,
Appeals, 258 SCRA 404). G.R. No. L-12172, August 29, 1958, 104 Phil 44

 Right of landowner in case of non- The City of Manila v. Chinese Community of the City of
payment of just compensation. As a rule, Manila et al., G.R. No. 14355, October 31, 1919; (1919)
“non-payment of just compensation in an
expropriation proceeding does not entitle Telecommunications and Broadcast Attorneys of the
the private landowners to recover Phils. Inc. (TELEBAP )v. The Commission on Elections
possession of the expropriated lots”, but (Comelec), G.R. No. 132922, April 21, 1998, 289 SCRA
only to demand payment of the fair market 337 (1998)
value of the property (Republic of the
Philippines v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. Republic of the Philippines v. Salem Investment Corp.,
146587, July 2, 2002; Reyes v. National et al., G.R. No. 137569, June 23, 2000, 334 SCRA 320
Housing Authority, G.R. No. 147511, (2000)
January 20, 2003).
Estate of Salud Jimenez v. Phil. Export Processing Zone
F. Due Process: The defendant must be given an (PEZA), G.R. No. 137285, January 16, 2001, 349 SCRA
opportunity to be heard. 240(2001)
 In Belenv. Court of Appeals, supra., the
Supreme Court declared PDs 1670 and
1669 unconstitutional for violating the due
process clause because the decrees do not Taxation
provide for any form of hearing or
procedure by which the petitioners can 1. Constitutional Basis: Art. VI, Section 28(1)
question the propriety of the expropriation 2. Concept and Application
or the reasonableness of the compensation 3. Requisites for Valid Exercise
to be paid for the property.
 See also: Filstream International, Inc. v.
Court of Appeals, 284 SCRA 716. John H. Osmena v. Oscar Orbos et al., G.R. No. 99886,
March 31, 1993, 220 SCRA 703 (1993)

Republic of the Philippines represented by DTI v. Hon. Rufino R. Tan v. Ramon R. Del Rosario, Jr. et al., G.R.
Lucenito N. Taglem, G.R. No. 129079, December 2, No. 109289, October 3, 1994, 237 SCRA 324 (1994)
1998, 299 SCRA 549 (1998)
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Co. of the Phils., Inc. v. City of
Jesus is Lord Christian School v. Municipality of Pasig, Butuan et al., G.R. No. L-22814 (1968)
Tirol Notes

Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Hon. Court of

Appeals et al., G.R. No. 119761, August 29, 1996, 298
SCRA 83 (1998)

Philex Mining Corporation v. Commissioner of Internal

Revenue (CIR ) 294 SCRA 687(1998), G.R. No. 148187

Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. S.C. Johnson and

Son Inc. and Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 127105, June
25, 1999, 309 SCRA 87 (1999)

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