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6/25/22, 5:48 AM IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 8 Past Paper (Previous Year) 2015 Set a Part 1 Download

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IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 8 Past Paper (Previous

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Word and Structure Knowledge

Q 1. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The curdling contents of the pan were then poured through a ________

A. ladle

B. sieve

C. grater

D. bowl

Q 2. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

________ is a policy to check the competence of academic institutions.

A. accreditation

B. accommodation

C. acclimation

D. accumulation

Q 3. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The gifted band՚s talented musical endeavour ________ the audience.

A. enthralled

B. absorbed

C. condemned

D. preoccupied

Q 4. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The ________ goats, which huddled in a group were guarded by the goatherd on the mountains.

A. daring

B. fearless

C. timid

D. unafraid

Q 5. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

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6/25/22, 5:48 AM IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 8 Past Paper (Previous Year) 2015 Set a Part 1 Download All the Papers for 202…

The hard seed was ________ in the fleshy layer of edible fruit.

A. edged

B. encased

C. endorsed

D. enforced

Q 6. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

Our serious concern is that while I am an optimist, she is a ________

A. pacifist

B. panelist

C. populist

D. pessimist

Q 7. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

He was more ________ than the others to solve the various issues plaguing the community, because of
his impeccable record.

A. dishonest

B. mocker

C. worthy

D. untarnished

Q 8. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

A ________ of camels was walking across the desert.

A. colony

B. train

C. pod

D. school

Q 9. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

He was ________ to join the language course and he enjoyed it.

A. commented

B. commenced

C. complained

D. compelled

Q 10. Choose the best word to complete each sentence

The racing car ________ up after the terrifying crash.

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6/25/22, 5:48 AM IEO (International English Olympiad) Class 8 Past Paper (Previous Year) 2015 Set a Part 1 Download All the Papers for 202…

A. dried

B. threw up

C. dashed

D. blew

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