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LINCOLN YY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE TT) EXAMINATION PAPER FACULTY : HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT COURSE : BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (Hons) IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (BHM) YEAR/ SEMESTER: THIRD YEAR/ SEMESTER FIVE MODULETITLE : , HOSPITALITY TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT CODE : BHM 6121 ct DATE - :° 30 APRIL 2019, TUESDAY TIMEALLOWED : 3HOURS START : 1:00PM" Instruction to candidates : This question paper has THREE (3) Sections. Answer ALL questions in'Section A, MCQ. Answer 5 quéstions in Section B, MSAQ. Answer-2 questions in Section C, MEQ. 5. No scripts or answer sheets are to be taken out of the 6. _ For Section A, answer in the OMR form provided FINISH : 4:00 PM eeye 1 Do not open this question paper until instructed: « (Candidates are required 1 give their answers in their own words as far as practicable) SECTIO} Multiple Choice Questions Na (30"1=30) 1.Statistical reports used to predict demand: a. Sales records : -b, Occupancy reports \ _ ¢, Daily tallies d. All of the above 2.Guest Passport is example of. lost & found. a. non valuable b. valuable c. expensive d. perishable 3,Who are the members of Safety éommittee team in hotel? a. Security department . : b. HK department c. HR department Selected employees of all’ department 4,____is used to record any incident related with guest or employee. a. Incident report. a b. Daily report c. Flash report : d. Discrepancy report . 5.Whaat is the full form of (JUSE) in TQM chapter? a. Japanese United of Senate & Engineers b.Japainese Union of Scientists & Engineers ¢. Japanese Universe of Scenario & Entrepreneur ’ d-Japanese Union of Stretch & Environment * Scanned with CamScanner 8. Physical precautions include: a. Provision of self-locking doors b. Training to guest on safety ¢, Training to staff on safety d. None of the above 9. Exercising discretion can be done through: a. Employee must never disclose guest room numbers b. Limited discussion concern with guest c. Bothaand b d. None of the above 10.___numbers should be displayed in several languages on phone extensions. a. Hotel contact b. Official contact c. Emergency contact d. HR contact 11 In which year the (JUSE) was established: a. 1946 b. 1947 : : c. 1948 aes a a ae : “42 Advertisement; tlephone calls, resume; interview and skill test Scanned with CamScanner 14.Physical, security, social, esteem and self-actualization are 4, ‘ factors of: . 4 a. Personal theory b. Hierarchy of needs c. Expectancy theory d. Two factors theory ~ 45. Vroom’s theory is related to - a. Hygienic theory ‘p. Expectancy theory c. Maslow theory d. Personal theory 46.The growth in tourism & hospitality contributes directly and indirectly to + 7 ‘ a. Economic growth b. Public growth : ce. Both. « « d. None of the above 17.’ Handling complaints’ is an example of + - a. Delegation , b. Assessment c. Control 4. Training ~ 18. The most effective leader is one who: ithout consulting other a. Makes managerial decisions wit b. Works with managers and employees c. Has the Jeadership style most appropri employee involved ; : d. None of the above to make decisions jate to the situation and the 19. Supervisory management ”'y Plarining and controlling b, Directing and controlling ‘c. Planning and organizing : x d. Organizing and controlling 20.In what ofder do managers typically perform the manageria functions? be aes fpr | a: Organising, planning, i i : | y | b. Organising, leading, } slanning, controlling c. Planning, organising, leading, controlling ae Planning, organising, controlling, leading p.Which of the following option, is an important term used in the theory? a. Inputs b. Promotion c. Working condition 4. Responsibility ‘gr The offering of employee health insurance addresses which of Maslow’s needs? a. Social b. Safety c. Self-actualization d. All of the above | 23.Which is comes under security of hotel? a. Cash handling b. Keys handling | ¢. Protecting guest _ d. All of the above +4 Which of the following statistical reports cannot be used to predict demand? a. Hourly tallies * b. Daily tallies . c. Occupancy report 27, isa speedy and efficient way to communicate. a. ‘a Blectronic mail b. Memorandums c. Agendas d. Minutes 28.Partially, you need not avoid jargon when corresponding with, . a. clients b.interdepartmental managers c. technical staff d.all of the above 29.Guality is the product of commitment from. A a. management b. supervisors/: managers ‘ c. operational level staffs d.all of the above 30. Quality circles are being formulated to. qualities issues. a. identify b. discuss c.resolve d.all of the above SECTION B q Short Answer Questions 2 any five (5) questions out of eight (8) questions. (5*6=30) seplin the planning techniques in detail. summarize the steps for decision making in brief. Describe the recent ‘changes in the role of supervisor in tourism and hospitality organization. \,Define motivation. Why motivation is important in hospitality industry? (2+4) 3.Discuss the different types of business letters. Elaborate the total quality managementtechnique and tools. 1.Explain the steps of delegation. Write the meaning of holistic and atomistic assessment. CamScanner SECTION C Long, Answer Questions : Attempt any two (2) questions out ‘of three (3) questions (2°20=40) y and security Of staff and 1.Explain the different ways to ensure safer it and found procedure in establishment in details. Discuss about lo detail. (10+10) zational chart ina training manual 2. How does the inclusion of an organi: ‘ bout written communication with benefit a new employee? Discuss a various format. (812) Is are key to success blishments. Discuss this statement with suitable bout effects ofawards and recognition in detail. 3: Administering staffs and considering their need: of the hospitality estal examples. Also writeal (12+8) ‘ ‘im BEST OF LUCK**** Scanned with CamScanner

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