LK. 1.2 Eksplorasi Penyebab Masalah-DIAN KESUMAWATI

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LK. 1.2 Eksplorasi Penyebab Masalah

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Analisis eksplorasi penyebab
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1 Students are less 1. Teachers are not well-prepared After reviewing the literature and interview
motivated to study Literature Review results, it can be stated that students are less
English. Dang, Lei and Ha (2021) said that unprepared teacher or an uninteresting motivated because of some factors. They are:
textbook can demotivate students in learning. 1. Teachers are not well-prepared
 Teachers do not prepare good lesson
Results of Interview plans before they teach. It makes them
The headmaster of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Tanzil said that one of the factor find difficulties to conduct teaching-
that makes the sudents unmotivated is the teacher does not have a good planing learning activities on the right track.
in teaching in the classroom. Lesson plans are used only for
administrative purposes. Teachers do
2. Teachers are boring and incompetent not design the lesson plans seriously.
Literature Review They only ”copy-paste” from internet
A study conducted by Ekiz and Kulmetov (2016) which investigated factors sources.
affecting learners’ motivation in learning English showed that some factors  Teachers do not have various
caused demotivation of students in learning English. The factors were the references in dealing with teaching
aggressivenes of the teacher during the lesson, the teacher’s shyness and materials. They only use one textbook
unconfidence during the lesson, lack of the teacher’s knowledge related to the which is available in their school.
topic, a boring teacher, lack of a break, excessive pressure on the students, lack 
of teaching skills of the teacher and lack of moral and material support from
the students’ parent. 2. Teachers are boring and incompetent
Results of Interview 3.
The headmaster of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Tanzil said that a boring teacher
can be a factor which demotivates students in learning activity. Another factor
is the teacher has less knowledge about the topic being discussed in the

The supervisor of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Abdurrahman said that students

are less motivated because the teacher is boring. The teacher is not attractive in
term of his/her appearance and also in teaching performance.
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
are less motivated to study English because the teacher is boring. The teacher
doesn’t have interesting media which can make the students get interested to
study English. The teacher merely applies lecture method in which the students
do not like it.

3. Students are unconfident and have less knowledge.

Literature Review
Ersöz (2004) in Ekiz and Kulmetov (2016) said that lack of motivation occurs
because of many reasons which are lack of belief in one’s abilities, being a shy
person and lack of knowledge.

4. School facilities are not adequate and teachers apply uninteresting teaching
Literature Review
Findings of the study conducted by Meshkat and Hassani (2012 revealed that
some factors demotivated students in learning English. They were inadequate
school facilities, overemphasis on grammar, long reading passages, the
expectancy of accuracy from students whether in writing or speaking and poor
method of teaching.

Results of Interview
The headmaster of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Tanzil said that students can be
demotivated because of the teaching method used by teacher. The method is
not interesting. So, it doesn’t motivate students to study.

The expert, Mrs.Enny Hidajati said that one of the factor that makes students
demotivated is monotonous learning activities conducted by the teacher.
2 Lack of students’s 1. Students feel anxious and unconfident to use English in their daily life and
exposure to English. think that English is just a school subject which is not significant for their
daily life.
Literature Review
Al-Zoubi (2018) said that insufficient students’ exposure to English can be
caused by students’ anxiety and self-efficacy espeacially in speaking and
writing activities. Besides, the fact that English is merely a subject taught in
school, not a medium to interact in daily life, also contribute the lack of
students’ exposure to English.

Patahuddin and Tahir (2017) in Hibatullah (2019) state that the little intention
to learn English and the lack of confidence to use English in society becomes
problems for students to increase their exposure.

Results of Interview
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
have less exposure to English because they do not think that English is useful
for their daily activities, so they do not want to be familiar with something
related to English.

2. The assignments given by the teacher do not increase the amount of

English exposure of the students.
Results of Interview
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
have less exposure to English because the teacher seldom assigns them to be
closer to English. For example, the teacher never ask the students to watch
English movies.
3 In doing reading 1. Students do not master many vocabularies.
assignments, Literature Review
students find A study conducted by Nurjanah (2018) showed that students find difficulties in
difficulties to reading comprehension because they have limited knowledge or mastery of
comprehend the text vocabulary.

Results of Interview
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
find difficulties to comprehend the text because they have less vocabulary. If
they know the meaning of each word, it will be easy for them to understand
what is being discussed in the text.

2. Students have limited knowledge about different types of reading

comprehension question.
Literature Review
Findings of the study conducted by Zuhra (2015) showed that students find
difficulties to comprehend the text because of the lack of vocabulary, the lack
of knowledge about different types of reading comprehension question and
poor mastery of grammar.

4 In doing speaking 1. Students seldom practice speaking in English.

assignments, Literature Review
students feel Findings of the study conducted by Ikhrom and his colleagues (2019) revealed
unconfident to speak that students feel unconfident to speak because they do not believe in their
English and they just abilities, have less preparation, practice and vocabulary.
memorize what they
have to talk without 2. Students are afraid of making mistakes
any proper Literature Review
pronounciation, A study conducted by Nety and her colleagues (2020) found that lack of self
intonation and confidence in speaking English is caused by students’ anxiety, fear of making
expressions. mistakes, shyness and lack of vocabulary.

Results of Interview
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
feel unconfident to speak English because they are afraid to make mistakes.
They are afraid their pronounciations are not the appropriate one.They are also
afraid that their misspronounciation will become a joke for their friends.

3. Teachers seldom drill the students’ pronounciation, intonation and

Results of Interview
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
feel unconfident to speak English because the teacher doesn’t have much time
to drill the students pronounciation, intonation and expressions.
5 In doing writing 1. Students have less vocabulary.
assignments, Literature Review
students find Findings of the study conducted by Alisha and her colleagues (2019) showed
difficulties to get that students face problem during generating ideas in writing a text because
ideas and construct they have less vocabulary which make them confused to share their ideas.
the sentences. Students also felt hesitate in choosing the words.

2. Students seldom practice writing a text and teachers give less feedback on
students’ writing.
Literature Review
The result of the study conducted by Novariana and her friends (2018) revealed
that students’ problems found in writing are because of lack of practice and
feedback on their writing.

3. Teachers do not provide media which can stimulate the students’ ideas to
Results of Interview
The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that students
find difficulties to get ideas and construct the sentences because the teacher
doesn’t provide the media which ease the students to get ideas and construct
the sentences. So, it’s difficult for students to get ideas by themselves. The
teacher also doesn’t give adequate samples of the text which are going to be
created. So, the students have less references in writing the text.
6 Teacher finds 1. Teachers seldom communicate with parents
difficulties to build Literature Review
relationship and Hoover-Dempsey et al. (2002) in Ozmen et al (2016) divide communication
cooperate with the barriers into two categories. They are school factor and parent factor. School
students’ parents to factors which cause communication barriers are less communication support,
educate the students. lack of system knowledge, and inability to create alternative strategies of
communication. Meanwhile, parent factors are family status, pragmatic
concerns (such as non-flexibility of parents’ work hours, etc.), and
psychological barriers (negative experiences about schools etc.).

Results of Interview
The expert, Mrs.Enny Hidajati said that it is difficult to build teachers-parents
relationship because teachers seldom communicate with parents.

The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that it’s hard
to build relationship and cooperate with the students’ parents because teachers
seldom meet parents. They seldom communicate each other.
2. The parents really depend on the teacher to educate their children.
Literature Review
Finder and Lewis (1994) in Ozmen et al (2016) argued that economy-related
issues and time limitation can be teachers-parents communication barriers.
Working parents commonly do not have enough time to cooperate with school.
Besides, parents from poor economic condition rarely attend teachers-parents
meeting because they prefer to earn money rather than wasting their times in
such meetings. This means that parents really depend on the teacher to educate
their children.

Results of Interview
The supervisor of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Abdurrahman said that it is
difficult for teachers to build relationship and cooperate with students’ parents
because parents do not realize that their children’s education is the
responsibility of both teachers and parents. Parents are too busy. They don’t
have much time to give some attentions to their children.

The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that it’s
difficult for teachers to cooperate with parents in educating students because
parents think that their children education is merely the teachers’
responsibility. There is nothing to do with them.

7 Teacher seldom 1. Teachers have less knowledge about innovative learning models
apply innovative Literature Review
learning models. Loucks-Horsley & Stiegelbauer (1991) in Berg et al (2000) stated that a lack of
competence to deal with new activities, problems, materials and manners is the
concern of teachers during innovation.

Results of Interview
The expert, Mrs.Enny Hidajati said that teachers seldom apply innovative
learning models because they have lack of knowledge about innovative
learning models. So, it’s hard for them to apply learning models which they do
not know well.

2. Teachers are reluctant to study more about innovative learning models.

Results of Interview
The headmaster of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Tanzil said that teachers seldom
apply innovative learning models because they are lazy. They have no
willingnes to be an innovative teacher.

The supervisor of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Abdurrahman said that teachers

seldom apply innovative learning models because they do not want to get out
of their comfort-zone. They do not want to innovate their teaching methods.

The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that teachers
seldom apply innovative learning models because they are lazy to study more
about innovative learning models. They never take some times to watch the
videos how to apply innovative learning models.
8 Teacher finds 1. Students have less English proficiency.
difficulties to apply Literature Review
HOTS (Higher Yulisti and Lestari (2018) in Kurniawan (2020) found that the level of thinking
Order Thinking ability of students in answering HOTS practice questions still needed
Skills) in learning improvement.
activities and
English assignment. Results of Interview
The headmaster of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Tanzil said that it’s difficult for
teachers to apply HOTS in learning activities because of the limitation of
students’ English proficiency.

2. Teachers have less knowledge about applying HOTS in teaching-learning

Literature Review
A study conducted by Feronica and her colleagues (2021)found that there are
some problems in implementing HOTS in teaching practice namely the lack of
facilities, time, training, knowledge, connection and motivation.

Ginting and Kuswandono (2020) in Feronica et al (2021) found that there are
two problems in implementing HOTS. They are teacher limited knowledge and

Results of Interview
The supervisor of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Abdurrahman said that teachers
find difficulties to apply HOTS in learning activities because they don’t have
sufficient knowledge on how to apply it.

The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that it’s hard
for teachers to apply HOTS in learning activities because teacher’s knowledge
and experience to apply HOTS in teaching English and adapt it with the
students ability is still limited.

9 Teacher seldom uses 1. There is not adequate school’s facilities.

technology in Literature Review
learning activities. Al-Senaidi et al (2009) in Mercader and Gairin (2020) claimed that a lack of
equipment is a factor which make teachers do not use technology in classroom.

Results of Interview
The supervisor of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Mr.Abdurrahman said that teachers
seldom use technology in learning activities because school doesn’t have
adequate facilities. It makes teachers reluctant to create technology-based

The expert, Mrs.Enny Hidajati said that teachers seldom use technology in
learning activities because there is not adequate facilities at school.

The English teacher of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan, Ms. Yesiliana said that teachers
seldom use technology in learning activities because not all the classrooms in
the school have electricity, it makes it difficult to use technology because
teachers need the electronic devices in teaching using technology.

2. Teachers do not have sufficient skills in using technology in learning

Literature Review
A study conducted by Habibu and his colleagues (2012) found that there are
some difficulties faced by teachers in using technology namely lack of
software problems, sufficient training, learning equipment and resources,
skilled personnel, confidence, knowledge, teachers’ reluctance to new
technology, and time limitation.

Results of Interview
The expert, Mrs.Enny Hidajati, The supervisor of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan,
Mr.Abdurrahman and the headmaster of SMPN 5 Sungai Rotan said that
teachers seldom use technology in learning activities because they do not have
sufficient skills in using technology in learning activities .

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