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Personal Info

Name:Ikkaku Shigaraki
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: June 16th
Height: 182 cm
Hero Name: Titan Hero Black Star

Appearance: Well muscly build, piercing gaze, spiky hair

To acquaintances:Blunt, Logical, and Very Observant.
To his loved ones: Funny/Goofy and Hopeless Romantic

Likes: Spicy Food, Fighting/Sparring, Creating Tech, Reading

Dislikes: Celery, loud chewers, mouth breathers, and politically correct people

Quirk: Beast Mimicry X Energy Manipulation

Energy Manipulation

Ikkaku can create and shape energy force fields to protect, heal or contain. He can
fire powerful beams through his hands, feet, and mouth. Fuseing energy into his
limbs which increases his melee damage and generates an enormous amount of energy
to crush/ repel people and objects causing a paralyzing pressure that will induce
crippling fear or kill the target and level buildings if he wants to. Also energy
Absorption, Contact, Drain, empowerment Etc...

Beast Mimicry

He can mimic the animalistic abilities of predators, such as the Gorilla, Tiger,
Lion and Bear with The Enhanced Senses, Anger Embodiment, Predator Physiology and
Super Natural Crushing Power

Hidden Quirk: All For One

Quirk Drawbacks:

Ergokinesis- After an Hour Fatigue slowly starts to set in and it progressively

worsens the harder he pushes himself.

Beast mimicry- The longer the fight goes on the more destructive and chaotic the
energy becomes which may hurt a civilian or hero if he's not careful.

- Son of All for One until the age of 5, All for One killed his mother, beating
ikkaku near death and burning their house down. Firefighters save ikkaku
transporting him to the nearest hospital.

- Shota Aizawa sees ikkaku coming into the hospital and visits him every day.
Ikkaku opens up to Aizawa, which causes his Energy Manipulation and Quadrupedalism
quirk to activate due to anger. Aizawa calms him down and ikkaku goes to sleep.

- 2weeks go by and Aizawa decides to adopt ikkaku, train, and home school him for
5yrs. Ikkaku then goes to an Academy in America for 6yrs to better control his
- 6yrs goes by and ikkaku is ready to attend U.A but instead of getting on a plane
and meeting Aizawa. He sees a jet, outside of his building with Nezu standing
outside, and inside he meets Sara Rose❣( Female Oc). Nezu informs them they will
participate in a team battle, against the big 3 and to choose from the list of
students to join them.


- He prefered anime voice is Ichigo Kurosaki

- He is fluent in Japanese, English, and Russian
- His specialization is in Muay Thai and Wrestling
- His energy color is Royal Purple
- His IQ is 200

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