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#1 Holy Angel Avenue, Sto. Rosario, Angeles City, 2009

S.Y 2020-2021

Name: Yu, Abiah Kaylene B.

Block/ Section: A112
QUESTIONS: Communication in Organizations

1. Which do you think is more important for a manager: speaking accurately or listening
actively? Why?

In an organization or a company, it is not impossible for a manager to be both active listener and
accurate speaker concurrently as to attain an effective communication, it must consist of both speaking
and listening. But in a case where where choosing what is more important to the organization, listening
actively will outdo speaking accurately. According to Opex Managers (2019), speaking accurately
means being able to use precision, exactness and adherence to the facts when communicating or
conveying a message effectively to the people. On the other hand, Gray (2019) stated that active
listening is a fundamental interpersonal communication skill that helps defuse the situation and manage
the conflicts. Thus, active listening is a skill that further improves a manager’s ability to respond
appropriately and accordingly to a situation which creates the foundation of clear exchange of
messages within the management. One common and realistic example we can apprehend is when a
customer in a fast-food chain raise a complaint about his incomplete order and with his outrage, the
manager needed to step up to immediately solve the conflict. Of course, the manager will try to calm
the customer by apologizing first and then humbly asking the customer what is still missing in his order
that must be validated by a receipt. In this moment, listening attentively and actively is important so that
the customer will feel that he is being attended and as for the manager, he/she can properly note the
missing items in the customer’s order and respond right away. Basically, the manager cannot speak
accurately what are the missing orders to the staff without actively listening first to the customer. With
that being said, both factors are essential but listening actively is more critical as it focuses more on
gaining knowledge and thoroughly assessing the context of a problem. Furthermore, active listening
may enable a more open, inclusive, and comfortable working relationship within the organization.
Therefore, giving managers an opportunity to gain more in-depth information and realizations that will
help in motivating other team members which will surely contribute to the efficient and effective pace
of attaining organizational success.


Gray, D. (2019, July 09). The importance of active listening. Viewpoint.

Griffin, R. W. (2015). Fundamentals of Management (8th ed). Cengage Learning.

Opex Managers. (2019). What is more important for a manager? Speaking accurately or Listening
Actively? PEX.

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