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Welcome to the Performance Measurement Toolkit for Local Economic Development published by the Province of British Columbia.

This Excel Workbook and its accompanying step-by-step Guide are available on the Province's economic development online portal

The steps outlined in the Workbook and Guide can be completed individually or by a small group of key stakeholders. The time required to
complete a performance measurement plan will vary by community, project and program - feel free to scale and approach as you see fit.

We would like to acknowledge Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and their Measuring Up! guide as it inspired
the approach used in this workbook.

For support using this workbook, contact your local Economic Development Regional Manager (provincial staff) or
email us at:

Version 2.0, released in March 2017

Instructions: Determine your current state of economic development work by outlining your overall goal, available resources, activities and measures. If
applicable, use your strategic or planning documents to inform your responses. This Workbook can be used for individual programs or projects (e.g. Business
Walks initiative or full BRE program) or for your economic development function as a whole.

1. The ultimate outcome of this program/project is…

2. The resources/inputs we have available 3. The various activities that are being
for this program/project are: undertaken by this program/project are:

This could include

program categories
This could include: (sector
- staff time development, BRE,
- funding communication)
- partnerships
- committees or project activities
- existing programs (business walks,
- existing services skills training,

4. The indicators/measures we currently

track or have asked to be tracked are:

- jobs created
- business licences
- # contacts made
- website visits
- demographic info
Instructions: A logic model is a visual representation of how your program or project's activities contribute to its ultimate outcome. The inputs, activities and ultimate
outcome have been autofilled from the About You - Inventory tab. Follow the three steps below to identify the outputs and outcomes to complete your draft logic model. Once
complete, it will inform the next step of choosing measurement indicators. Proceed to the Indicators - Long List tab.

Short-term Midterm Ultimate

Inputs Activities
Activities Outputs Outcomes Outcomes Outcome

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0
Step Three: Midterm outcomes are longer
0 0 term changes in perceptions, attitudes and
behaviour due to the program or project.
0 0 Often two or more short-term outcomes lead
to a midterm outcome.
0 0 Examples:
0 0
- Community is seen as business-friendly
- Workshop participants can implement
0 0 (program) in the community
- Community has a strong reputation as a
0 0 place to visit and live

Step One: Outputs are the direct results of an Step Two: Short-term outcomes describe the result of the output
activity and relate to the frequency and intensity. and capture changes in the level of participation, capacity,
They have specific values but do not assess the awareness, skills, knowledge, access or partner support. They have Remember SMART Outcomes
success of the activity. specific values to assess the success of the output.
Examples: Examples: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
- % of businesses interviewed - % increase in program participation or satisfaction
- # of attendees at workshops - # of new businesses opened in the community
- completed community profile - # of inquiries/visits due to marketing efforts
Instructions: Indicators have been autofilled from the About You - Inventory tab. Add to the list by brainstorming a variety of potential indicators for each activity, output and
outcome in your draft logic model. Indicators can be quantitative or qualitative. During this process you should modify or clarifiy components of your draft logic model to better reflect
your program and project as needed. When complete, proceed to the Indicators - Short List tab.

0 Step One: Review the indicators that you currently track or have asked to be tracked and
0 consider them in the context of your just-created logic model.
0 Where do they fit?
0 What elements can they be attributed to?
0 Do you need to modify your logic model in any way?

Step Two: Refer directly to your logic model and consider indicator(s) for each output and
Is there anything missing? Are there any outcomes you can't think of any indicators for? If
so, you may want to re-evaluate their inclusion in your logic model .

Step Three: Go to the Indicator Library tab to see if there are other relevant data sources
to consider as indicators for your program or project.
Be sure to relate it back to your logic model - where would they fit?
Is anything missing?
Are there any indicators that you can include for "communication" purposes?
Instructions: This library contains a selection of potential indicators, economic data sources and guidance on where to find information. Consider each indicator within the context of your program or pro
subjective indicators such as quality, ease and satisfaction are open for interpretation and should be grounded by your priorities and plans. Be sure to separate your economic indicators and your performa
indicators, and consider which you are reporting on as information and which ones as directly tied to your economic development activities. Finally, make sure to establish a way of tracking qualitative indic
'story' of your program or project is an incredibly powerful performance measurement approach.

Subject Indicator Quantity Unit Data Type Method Source

Business - general Businesses total Businesses # Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada

Business - general Business total/by category Businesses # Secondary on-line search Local Government
Business - general Businesses by industry Businesses #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Business - general Business Incorporations Businesses # Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Business - general Businesses by employment size Businesses #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Business - general Businesses created (by industry or sector) versus all businesses Businesses #, % Primary ED tracking system
Business - general Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs # Primary Directory development
Business - general Availability and cost of business inputs (tax rates, energy, labour) various #, $ Secondary on-line search Invest BC
Business - general Business climate rating inter-community comparison rank; qualitative Primary Specialized survey
Business - general Business program participants still in business 1 - 5 years Businesses # Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business - general Ease of doing business Business climate ranking, rating, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business - general Labor force productivity Workers #, rating, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business - general Satisfaction rating of public services Business climate ranking, survey, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business - general Increased diversity of businesses in the economy Business ratio Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business - general Access to business conference space/meeting facilities Facilities # Primary ED tracking system
Business attraction Business openings Businesses #, % Primary Business License
Business attraction Businesses attracted (by industry or sector) versus all businesses Businesses #, %, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Business attraction Business leads that choose to locate in community/region Businesses #, %, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Business attraction Presence and quality of assistance programs Investments #, survey, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business attraction Branding efforts launched Strategies #, click rates, success measures Primary ED tracking system
Business attraction FDI attracted to the community Investment #, $ Primary ED tracking system
Business attraction Timeline for project completion Project # Primary ED tracking system
Business creation Availability of startup capital for local businesses Investment $ Primary ED tracking system
Business creation New business startups (% of all) Businesses #, % Primary ED tracking system
Business retention Business closures Businesses #, %, qualitative Primary Business License
Business retention Businesses retained (by industry or sector) versus all businesses Businesses #, % Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Businesses expanded (by industry or sector) versus all businesses Businesses #, % Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Succession plans, transfers to new owners Plans, Transfers #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Sales revenue Revenue $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Profitability Net income $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Productivity Revenue per worker $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention New products, product lines, services Productive capacity #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Exports and trade activity Exports, trade $,% growth Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention New market development Geographic market $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Amount of financing provided (to businesses) Investment $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Businesses at risk retained Businesses #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Business retention Local business assistance programs - utilization, satisfaction Investment #, survey, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE), survey
Business retention Assessment of business workforce needs Workers rating, narrative Primary local tracking system (BRE), survey
Demographics Commuting patterns Workers #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Demographics Change in Educational Attainment Education #, % change Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Demographics High school, College Dropout rates Education #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Demographics Population People/annual #, % change Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Demographics Population People # Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Demographics Population age People #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Demographics Population projections People % Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Demographics Immigrants People # Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Demographics Business immigrants People # Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Demographics Education attainment People % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Demographics Youth return rate after post-secondary education Youth % Primary Survey
Demographics Training programs Programs # Primary Key informant interviews
Demographics Training capacity Seats # Primary Key informant interviews
Demographics Investment in training/education by employers Investment $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Demographics School enrollment People # Secondary Ministry of Education
Development New development projects Projects #, $ Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Engagement Relationships with business Relationships #, survey, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Engagement Relationships with resident Relationships #, survey, qualitative Primary Survey
Engagement Relationships with educational institutions Relationships #, survey, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Public-private partnerships Relationships #, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Relationships with site selectors Relationships #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Partnerships for sharing resources Partnerships #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Educating local elected officials on economic development practice Uptake #, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Engaging senior government partners Partnerships #, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Volunteers People #, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Increased volunteer contributions – in-kind or financial Investment $, time Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Community outreach - meetings, workshops, presentations, forums Interactions #, survey, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Community engagement – quality of ideas generated or implemented Interactions Interval scale (H,M,L), qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Local/regional partnerships Partnerships #, size, type Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement New community organizations Organizations #, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Private/public contributions to engagement/outreach Investment $, qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Information sharing with stakeholders Interactions #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Businesses participating in EDO board/leadership Businesses # Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Public sector participating in EDO board/leadership Organizations # Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Businesses, individuals participating in program delivery Businesses # Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Effectiveness of EDO board/leadership in improving business climate Degree of improvement Interval scale (H,M,L), qualitative Primary Key informant interviews
Engagement Positive media coverage Mentions # Primary ED tracking system
Engagement Website ranking (search engine optimization) Search position # Primary Analytic tools
Engagement Website or other media links on partner websites Links # Primary Analytic tools
Engagement Community/client satisfaction Level of satisfaction Interval scale (H,M,L), survey, qualPrimary Survey
Engagement Client success stories Stories #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Expenditures Economic development expenditures Expenditures $ Primary ED tracking system
Expenditures Economic development expenditures versus total local government expenditures Expenditures % Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Assessed Values by category Assessed values $ Secondary on-line search Ministry of Community, S
Housing/real-estate Cost of living Index $ Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Housing stock Living units # Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Owner-occupied housing Living units % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Rental inventory Living units # Secondary on-line search CMHC
Housing/real-estate Social housing inventory Living units # Secondary on-line search BC Housing
Housing/real-estate Housing age Years % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Housing availability Sales-listing ratio % Secondary on-line search Local Real Estate Board, C
Housing/real-estate Average house size Square metres # Secondary on-line search CMHC
Housing/real-estate House prices Price $ Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate House prices Price $ Secondary on-line search Local Real Estate Board, C
Housing/real-estate Housing condition Repairs needed #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Ownership (owned versus rental) Living units % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Dwelling type Living units % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Rents, monthly Cost $ Secondary on-line search CMHC
Housing/real-estate Building activity (commercial, industrial, residential, institutional) Projects, cost #, $ Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Housing/real-estate Housing starts Living units # Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Housing/real-estate Existing and available space (retail, commercial, industrial, institutional) Square metres # Secondary on-line search Real estate companies, local government GIS
Housing/real-estate Vacancy rates (retail, commercial industrial, downtown) Vacancy % Secondary on-line search Real estate companies, local government GIS
Housing/real-estate Absorption rates Absorption % Secondary on-line search Real estate companies, local government GIS
Housing/real-estate Land assessment Assessed values $ Secondary on-line search Landcorp
Housing/real-estate Developed property in industrial/business park Hectares #, % Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Leased property in industrial/business park Square metres #, % Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Value of new construction (by sector, by target area) Construction cost $ Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Developable sites Hectares # Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Redevelopment projects Hectares # Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Remediation/brownfields Hectares # Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Housing costs versus incomes (Affordability) Shelter-cost-to-income ratio % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Housing/real-estate Average value of commercial property Businesses $ Primary Key informant interviews
Housing/real-estate Change in property valuation over time Price $, % change Primary ED tracking system
Housing/real-estate Average construction costs per square metres Square metres $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Investment New investment Investment $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Investment Investment attracted Investment $, % Primary Key informant interviews
Investment Average investment per project attracted Investment $ Primary Ratio Analysis
Investment Public investment in development projects versus total investment Investment $, % Primary Ratio Analysis
Investment Private investment in development projects versus total investment Investment $, % Primary Ratio Analysis
Investment Private investment leveraged from public investment Investment $ Primary Key informant interviews
Investment Public investment leveraged from private investment Investment $ Primary Key informant interviews
Investment Private investors Investors # Primary Key informant interviews
Investment Investment per partner Investment $ Primary Ratio Analysis
Investment Prospects in the pipeline Prospects # Primary ED tracking system
Investment Incentives awarded Incentives #, $ Primary ED tracking system
Investment Capital provided Capital $ Primary Key informant interviews
Investment Access to capital (availability of local and senior government grants, loans, subsidies) Funders, Programs # Primary ED tracking system
Labour market Jobs created (fulltime, part-time, contract, seasonal) Jobs # Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Labour market Jobs attracted (fulltime, part-time, contract, seasonal) Jobs # Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Labour market Jobs retained (fulltime, part-time, contract, seasonal) Jobs # Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Labour market Jobs at risk retained Jobs % Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Labour market Experienced labour force by industry Workers #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Experienced labour force by occupation Workers #, % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Wages and salaries Income $ Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Average incomes - personal, family Income $ Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Average hourly wage Income $ Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Skills inventory Workers by skill/occupation #, qualitative Secondary on-line search Services Canada
Labour market Unemployment rate Unemployment % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Youth unemployment rate Unemployment % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Participation rate Workers % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Labour mobility Workers % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Labour market Job openings Jobs # Secondary Key informant interviews Employment Services
Labour Market Earnings, by sector Workers $, % of average Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Businesses assisted Businesses #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Inquiries received Inquiries #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Funding granted Grants #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Partners Partnerships #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Projects Projects #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Referrals Referrals #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Recipients of coaching Recipients #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Recipients of technical assistance Recipients #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Recipients of training Recipients #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Entrepreneurs assisted Recipients #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Business survey (BR+E) projects Projects #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Businesses surveyed, numbers in target sectors Businesses #, qualitative Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Outputs Marketing campaigns, type, reach, efficiency Campaigns # Primary ED tracking system
Outputs Marketing expenditures Expenditures $ Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation linkage between EDO strategic plan and other development plans Relationships #, narrative Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation expansion of services provided by EDO Investment #, $ Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation Strategies implemented/completed Strategies # Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation Goals met Goals # Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation Public sector funding increased Investment $ Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation Private sector funding increased Investment $ Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation Public sector funding retained Investment $ Primary ED tracking system
Plan implementation Private sector funding retained Investment $ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Quality of life Population diversity population #, % share Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Quality of life Percent of locally owned businesses Businesses #, % share Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Quality of life Total and per capita expenditures on arts and culture Investment $ Primary local survey
Quality of life Social amenities and services (parks, recreation, churches, schools, medical) Facilities # Primary ED tracking system Asset mapping
Quality of life Socio-economic profiles and indices (rank of local health areas) Index Rank Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Quality of life Health facilities (hospitals, beds, health centres) Facilities # Secondary on-line search Health Authority
Quality of life Average life expectancy, morbidity, mortality rates, other health measures Years # Secondary on-line search Health Authority
Quality of life Schools Facilities # Secondary on-line search Ministry of Education
Quality of life School achievement Test scores % Secondary on-line search Ministry of Education
Quality of life Graduation numbers, rates Graduation rates #,% Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Quality of life Six year completion and graduation rates Graduation rates #,% Secondary on-line search Ministry of Education
Quality of life Crime rates Occurrences/1000 % Secondary on-line search Ministry of Justices
Quality of life Transit services Facilities #, type Primary ED tracking system Local Government
Quality of life Festivals and events Events #, type Primary ED tracking system
Relationships EDO engagement with organized industry networks Engagement #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Relationships Relationships established between EDO and community stakeholders Engagement #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Relationships Meetings held with potential investors Interactions #, qualitative Primary ED tracking system
Taxes Municipal tax revenues Revenues $, % change Secondary on-line search Ministry of Community, S
Taxes BIA levies Levies $ Secondary on-line search BIA
Taxes Business versus residential rates Bus-res mill rate ratio % Primary Ratio Analysis Local Government
Technology & Innovation Research funding available and awarded Investment #,$ Primary local tracking system (BRE)
Technology & Innovation #of R&D contracts & grants for businesses assisted by EDO business investment #, $ Primary ED tracking system
Technology & Innovation Amount of R&D funding for businesses assisted by EDO business investment #,$ Primary ED tracking system
Technology & Innovation Modernization of facilities Projects #, $ Primary ED tracking system
Technology & Innovation Broadband penetration Coverage % Secondary on-line search Industry Canada
Technology & Innovation Mobile coverage Coverage % Secondary on-line search Industry Canada
Technology & Innovation Technology businesses Businesses % Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Technology & Innovation Patents, trademarks, new innovative product/services developed Registrations # Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Tourism Tourists/visitors Tourists #, % change Primary Survey
Tourism Tourists/visitor total spending Expenditures $, % change Primary Survey
Tourism Tourist/visitor average spending Expenditures $ Primary Survey
Tourism Tourist/visitor length of stay Days # Primary Survey
Tourism Accommodations facilities (hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, vacation properties, lodges, reProperties # Primary Survey
Tourism Accommodation units (hotels, motels, bed and breakfasts, vacation properties, lodges, resortRooms # Primary Survey
Tourism Room revenues Revenues $ Secondary on-line search BC Stats
Tourism Campground/RV facilities Properties # Primary Directory development
Tourism Campground/RV units Sites # Primary Directory development
Tourism Approved tourism facilities (accommodations, attractions, festivals, events) Properties # Secondary on-line search HelloBC
Tourism Tourism businesses Businesses # Primary Directory development DBC, Internet
Tourism Packages, experiences Packages # Primary Directory development Local DMO, VIC
Tourism Online reputation Net Promoter Score (NPS) % Primary Research Trip Advisor, Yelp, other advisors
Tourism Website/social media hits Page hits # Primary Analytic tools
Tourism Municipal and regional district tax (MRDT) Revenues $ Secondary on-line search Local Government, BC Sta
Transportation Number of places that flights connect to, frequency Flights #, frequency Primary ED tracking system
Transportation Average commute times time # Secondary on-line search Statistics Canada
Transportation Cost of public transportation Expenditures $ Primary ED tracking system
Transportation Percent of population using public transportation Population behaviour % of total Primary local survey
your program or project. For example, more
s and your performance measurement
cking qualitative indicators - personalizing the

Dataset Geographical Notes

Business Establishment Counts By regional district/can purchase from Stats Canada by community
Business Licences/Brad & Various private sector data sources that can be purchased by various
Dunstreet/Environmetrics/Info Canada geographies.
Business Establishment Counts Provincial level only
Business Incorporations
Business Establishment Counts By regional district/can purchase from Stats Canada by community

Community profiles
2011 Census
2011 Census
2011 Census
Population Estimates
2011 Census
2011 Census


Major Projects Inventory

Consumer Price Index Victoria, Vancouver, province
Rental vacancies larger communities only
Data request
Multiple Listing Service
Canadian Housing Observer
2011 Census
Multiple Listing Service larger communities through multiple listings

Building permits
Housing starts
es, local government GIS
es, local government GIS
es, local government GIS

2011 Census
Cansim largest communities only

Posting boards - requires visit to local offices

2011 Census

Socio-economic profiles
HA annual reports

Test Scores
2011 Census

Crime rates

BC Network Interaction
BC Network Interaction
Business Establishment Counts provincial level only
Property Office

Room revenues Only those communities with hotel tax

Approved listings

her advisors

Room Revenues in Selected Areas, by Community

Only those communities with hotel tax

2011 Census
Instructions: The indicators have been autofilled from the Indicators - Long List tab. Follow the six steps below to prioritize each indicator and to decide which ones you want
to track as part of your implementation plan. Keep in mind that the cut-off number of high priority indicators varies from community to community, and it is up to you to
determine how many indicators to include. When complete, proceed to the Implementation Plan tab.

(A) Importance for (B) Work involved in

Indicator Data source A- B - (C) Degree of control related C - Total Score Include in
accountability and decision- Score measuring, monitoring and Score to activities Score (A)+(B)+(C) work-plan?
making reporting Step Five: Evaluate each
indicator by considering the
0 0
total scores and your own needs
0 0 carefully. A higher scoring
0 0 indicator should be more of a
0 0 priority to include in your
0 0 implementation plan.
0 0
0 0 10 and higher - recommended
6-9 - potential
5 or less - not recommended
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 Step Six: Decide for each
0 0 indicator whether to include it in
0 0 your implementation plan by
0 0 choosing:
0 0 - "Yes - Performance"
0 0
- "Yes - Communication" or
- "No"
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Step One: Identify the data Step Two: How important is this Step Three: How much work is Step Four: How much control do
source for each indicator. Use indicator for accountability and involved in collecting data about you have over this indicators, or
the Indicator Library for decision making? this indicator? how closely can this indicator be
guidance. tied to your activities?
Instructions: Copy your high priority indicators from the Indicator - Short List tab and paste them into the first two columns of your implementation plan. An easy way to do this is to use the
filter in your Short List and select only "Yes" responses in the "Include in Workplan?" column. Then, proceed through each column for all your high priority indicators to finalize your
implementation plan. The last two columns are optional, as this level of detail may not be relevant for your program or project. Consider the separate table “Other Data to Collect and
Communicate” for indicators that you need to track as part of your work, but are not directly related to your economic development activities.

What is measured Who is responsible How will you Who will be How often will this Optional: What is the Optional: What
and why is it for data collection, collect data and receiving this indicator be starting point from target is being set for
important to tracking, analyzing, when? information? reported on? which you can this indicator, over
track? reporting? measure progress ? what timeframe?

Indicator Data source Rationale Responsibility Methodology Audience Reporting Frequency Baseline Target

Other Data to Collect and Communicate

Indicator Data source Rationale Responsibility Methodology Audience Reporting Frequency Baseline Target
Instructions: This alternate style of logic model to visually represent your program or project clearly demonstrates the linkages (arrows) between each component. The boxes and
arrows can easily be moved to reflect your needs. To move a box - click a box, then move cursor to edge until a cross with arrows ends appears. Click again to move the box.
The inputs, activities and ultimate outcome have been autofilled from the About You - Inevntory tab. Follow the three steps below to identify the outputs and outcomes to complete
your draft logic model. Once complete, it will inform the next step of determining measurement indicators. Proceed to the Indicators - Long List tab.

Short-Term Midterm Ultimate

Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Outcomes Outcome

0 Step Three: Midterm outcomes are longer
term changes in perceptions, attitudes and
behaviour due to the program or project.
Often two or more short-term outcomes
lead to a midterm outcome.
0 Examples:
- Community is seen as business-friendly
- Workshop participants can implement
(program) in the community
0 - Community has a strong reputation as a
place to visit and live

Step One: Outputs are the direct results of an Step Two: Short-term outcomes describe the result of the output
activity and relate to the frequency and intensity. and capture changes in the level of participation, capacity,
They have specific values but do not assess the awareness, skills, knowledge, access or partner support. They have
success of the activity. specific values to assess the success of the output. Remember SMART Outcomes
Examples: Examples:
Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound
- % of businesses interviewed - % increase in program participation or satisfaction
- # of attendees at workshops - # of new businesses opened in the community
- completed community profile - # of inquiries/visits due to marketing efforts

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