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Charging of the solar plexus

Above, at the root of the navel, is a shining lotus with ten petals. 
Meditate here on the field of fire, triangular in shape 
and radiant, like the rising sun. 
- "Shat-chakra-nirupana", verse 19

Now the student is ready to get acquainted with the technique of deer in a pure form. I must warn that the
material presented in this chapter lays out the management; yet this does not prevent me give some similarities
with Western anatomy. The absolute and sole purpose of laya yoga, kundalini yoga or just yoga - to bring
consciousness to deeply altered state, which I would describe as "monistic coverage multiplicity." This concept is
beyond the dogma of Western science and orthodox religion, Onan is "Eastern" or "Western". The ultimate goal of
yoga has nothing to do with material existence and can only be assessed from the point of mysticism, in particular
the most profound aspects of traditional Indian mysticism.

I argue that mysticism - a direct experience of universal primary community. Mysticism - a direct understanding of
"reality." The word "understanding" deserves a definition, as I use it here in the philosophical and psychological

The philosophical definition: "The act of mental setting, or exposure to the mind, the perception of which is
relatively simple, direct and immediate, and has as its object something which is considered obvious, without any

Definition of traditional logic: "One of the three operations of thinking, thanks to which the subject grasps that
expresses the term or name that - contrary to the opinion and judgment."

Psychological "Observation of the object as a whole without distinguishing between its parts."

(Source: "Third New International Dictionary Webster")

Complicated Laya Yoga exercises are set out in terms of the awakening of the chakras and raising the kundalini to
the point, who practice this technique is defined as a place of subjective and objective changes in the body; This,
however, is not the final manifestation; final - a withdrawal into oneself and transcendence.


Laya kriyas, or techniques that result, symbolically speaking, to the rise of kundalini up the sushumna, - one of the
most well kept secrets of laya yoga.Like the primal alchemists, they can be easily demonstrated, and yet remain
nezamechaemymi world.

I am deeply indebted to my mentor and guru Dr. Swami Rishi Gitananda of Pondicherry (Tamil Nadu, South
India), because he initiated me in 1958 in the complex of six Bengali Laya kriyas. They can not be described in the
book; However, the first kriya will be described here as a "charge the solar plexus." I should note that, even if the
student desire to be admitted to the mechanics of the six kriyas is satisfied, it will not have much value for him
because of his ability to concentrate, in all likelihood, not enough developed at this stage.

As certain psychological conditions produce typical signs and symptoms, allowing accurate diagnosis, and the
awakening of the Kundalini is traditionally marked by specific signs and symptoms. The first indication that the
latent energy to successfully implement in the body - increasing its temperature.

At first it's just a subjective conscious disciple of heat currents that flow up and down his back, and circulate in the
solar plexus. Later currents become hot, and everyone who will hand back the student will feel waves of heat
flowing out of the chakra region, which has risen kundalini energy. As the kundalini rises, heat waves moving from
the bottom back to the occipital region.

Tibetan yoga extract added value from this sensible heat in a process called tummo. This art allows them to live
almost naked in the snow-covered Himalayas.
My Belgian friend, who writes on the topics of yoga, Andre Van Lisbeth, shared with me a wonderful description
tummo made by Professor Jacques Keyyartom. Here is an excerpt from his article "A look at the Tibetan yoga",
which I translated from French:


Tummo may -one of the most famous in Europe Tibetan practices. Rumors about it have spread beyond Asia even
before the emergence of the Roman Republic, that is, it has existed in Tibet before the coming of Buddhism
there. About Cicero mentions it. In the twentieth century, Madame A. David-Neel making it widely known. This is
the practice of creating sensible heat, allowing adherents to live almost naked under the most severe cold
weather. Most often, they wear long cotton dress, where is their name:

turnips - "dressed in cotton." The principle on which this practice is based, akin to the principles of yoga. Evans-
Wentz very accurately described it: "According to the secret doctrine, the word tummo refers to the method of
extraction of prana from the inexhaustible reservoir created by nature to store prana in the battery of the human
body in order to then use it in order to transform the semen into subtle energy, by which the internal
psychophysical heat produced and circulated in the channels of the physical nervous system. " In other words, the
practice allows tummo initiate accumulated cosmic energy, thus affecting the sexual force. The latter is
undergoing a transformation, and instead of his usual resolution produces circulating on the physical body, the
necessary heat. Anyway, this practice allows his successor to achieve impressive results. It helps yogis not only
withstand the cold, do not escape while in areas with more moderate temperatures, but also to melt snow and dry
on his body wet sheets.

Unfortunately, tummo involves severe asceticism and long training under the guidance of an experienced teacher
(which can hardly be found in the West), and the lifestyle is incompatible with civilized society. Only a hermit can
hope one day to achieve this goal. Such is the current situation. This, of course, does not exclude the possibility
that one day someone in the West will be able to get a prescription, considered the question from their own point
of view.


1. Storage of the solar plexus (manipura chakra) overflows great-cal energy; that its surplus is automatically
distributed to the places where it is needed.

2. The awakening of kundalini and the resulting heat produced significantly change the attitude of the student to
the cold. The body, once experienced it practically no longer feels cold.

3. Mind deeper into an exercise in the process generate heat.

What is the solar plexus?

When we identify with the solar plexus manipura, we will, at best, only resulted in an analogy, correspondence,
metaphor, and so on. On. Equating any chakra to any authority, we only install certain ratio. We would like the
reader to never forget about it.

Ancient anatomists thought the term "solar plexus" best description ganglion entwine the abdominal aorta at the
outlet of the diaphragm. After all, with a strong udarepo this place really "fading light" (the person loses

The solar plexus is richly innervated by nerve fibers stomach, liver, spleen, adrenal glands and other
organs. Sympathetic fibers BBB "fear, fight, flight" (pingala?) Coexist with parasympathetic fibers 000 'rest, release
updates "(ida?) In a powerful network that extends down through the abdomen by contacting the hypogastric
(svadhishthana?) and pelvic (mooladhara?) plexus.

The solar plexus is also known as (justifiably) celiac. Finally, he was given a very interesting definition -
"abdominal brain". This term implies an additional function tsentraupravleniya.D Mr.

Douglas Baker once assumed that the solar plexus - "an evolutionary vestige of pelvic brain dinosaurs."
Technique charging solar plexus

1. Lie on your back head to the west, kicking to the east in the darkened room. The legs fold as in sukhasane
(more precisely, as if you fell on his back, doing sukhasanoy) somknite hand over the solar plexus.

2. On a slow, flat inspiration clearly imagine the warm, golden pranic energy that came into your head (as in
polarization) and the current through the body down to the hips and lower abdomen, where it will not leave your
legs bent and where it is therefore It continues.

3. On a slow, flat exhale lift the accumulated prana to the solar plexus and wrap it clockwise several times
(imagine the face value of a dinner plate with the center just above the navel).

4. Make as many laps as you can, focusing on the development of the process of exhalation internal heat with
each revolution of energy around the solar plexus.

Exercise should be carried out for at least thirty minutes. The time will come and the student will understand that
the internal psychic heat does not arise as a result of self-hypnosis. The mechanism of this exercise, if it is
analyzed, will open some interesting theories about yoga.

Yoga Psychology claims that hands and feet - is the gateway through which the body releases the psychic energy
in the form of Prana. Crossing of feet and hands closing locks prana causes her to circulate, creating an additional
source to charge the solar plexus. Crossing of feet and relieves sexual tension and thus overlaps another channel
power dissipation.

When implemented mental induction heat, the student discovers that his brain becomes more and more obsessed
with the performance of this kriya.This leads him to the realization that Laya truly means absorption and rhythm,
which can be found only in the eternity of his own consciousness and is associated with the Universal

Laya yoga and self-realization: RECENT COMMENTS

Medieval European alchemists kept saying to his disciples, that no one will be able to discover the secret of the
philosopher's stone them. You can find it only to by persistent use of "fire."

Often, as a doctor, I had to assure myself and others that we are cured of all diseases, except the last one. Over
the past ten years, I explain:

I do not know nothing about nothing, except something about what I know something!

Those who quenches his thirst from the ocean Indian metaphysics are in this position.


CHARGING solar plexus

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