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The term teamwork can be defined as a cooperatively or corroborative effort as a group to achieve a
common goal. It can also be said to be a group of people with a full set of complimentary skills required
to complete a task, job or project.

Andrew Carnegie the famous Scottish-American

industrialist, business magnate, who led the
expansion of the steel industry in the late 19th
century defined teamwork "The ability to direct
individual accomplishments toward organizational
objectives in addition It is the fuel that allows
common people to attain uncommon results."

The team understands the goals and is committed

to attaining them. Communication is open, honest,
and respectful. People feel free to express their
thoughts, opinions, and potential solutions to
problems. Team members have a strong sense of
belonging to the group. They experience a deep
commitment to the group’s decisions and actions.
Creativities, innovations, and different viewpoints
are expected and encourage, but statements such as "I’ve tried that and it didn't work" often time kills
the team spirit, but teamwork doesn't give room to complacency neither does it expose weaknesses.

Teamwork Multiplies Success with a better output. On teams, people can work together and accomplish
much more than they could by themselves. It is frequently the teams that work best together that
accomplish great things. Michael Jordan said "talent wins games but intelligence and teamwork win are

Although individuals effort may be recognized in a team, but teamwork wins the trophy and get praise.
As a platoon that is ever alive, we've tested and acted on this truth and thus share it with you our
colleagues. Our morale is ever high and we're ever ready to scale new height and attain great
achievement; we don't give up until we attain our goals.

As Corp members called out to serve our nation, it is expedient therefore to work as a team,
appreciating the efforts of every one, irrespective of platoons, regions and camps to support and uphold
the one Nigeria cause and let the green and white flag flutter with pride.

Isaac Newton once said, "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of gaints."

At this point, I'll want us all to hold hands together and repeat after me: I need you to survive, you need
me to survive. Together Everyone Achieve More.

Thank you.

Presented By Platoon 5

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