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Name : Vivi Kusumadewi

No : 2021081055

II. Now Read the following text silently and answer the questions following!


1. Very often, undergraduate scholarships are based primarily on financial needs. The main

objectives of the scholarships are giving financial supports for undergraduate students to achieve

academic accomplishment and excellence. In practice, academic accomplishment is not enough. Students

need to know what scholarship programs are available. In order to get scholarship, students need to plan

sufficiently in advance so that they can get the scholarship when it is offered. In short, students must

work hard in checking the available sources until they receive financial assistance.

The usual types of financial assistance or scholarship for graduate students include the

fellowship, the teaching or research assistantship, and the student loan. In each case, these forms of

assistance may originate from the university’s income or may be sponsored by a private foundation,

industrial organization, or government agency. The amount of support available under different programs

varies considerably. The fellowship usually does not require the student to do any work or provide any

services in return. The research or teaching assistance requires a certain amount of work from the

student, although usually this work is closely connected to his field and composes valuable experience.

Student loans usually permit repayment over a long period and at low interest rates. Student loan

programs sometimes have provisions for cancelling part of the loan if the students meet certain


The sources and amount of assistances change each year so that such information would quickly

become out of date. Most universities have services to help students choose the kinds of financial

assistance for which they qualify.

A. Comprehension.
Locate the part of the text in which the following information can be obtained which line/s. (The
information is presented in Indonesian)

1. Tujuan pemberian beasiswa bagi mahasiswa program sarjana (undergraduate).

Line 2 to 3

English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022

English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022
2. Prinsip pemberian beasiswa untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana (graduate students).

Line 4 - 5

3. Berbagai macam beasiswa di pascasarjana.

Line 7 to 8

4. Kewajiban penerima beasiswa asisten dosen.

Line 11 to 12

5. Beasiswa dalam bentuk bantuan penelitian.

Line 7 to 8

6. Cara atau prosedur untuk memperoleh beasiswa.

Line 4 to 5

7. Sumber/institusi donor beasiswa.

Line 8 to 10

8. Beasiswa yang paling ringan.

Line 13 to 14

B. Answer the questions based on the text. State the following statements as (T) True or (W) Wrong
based on the passage. Correct the statements so that it corresponds to the text! (The answers are
in Indonesian)

1. Pemberian beasiswa di program sarjana (undergraduate) biasanya didasarkan atas kebutuhan

keuangan mahasiswa. (T)

2. Beasiswa di program pascasarjana biasanya didasarkan atas kebutuhan ekonomi mahasiswa. (W)
Beasiswa di program pascasarjana dapat bersumber dari pendapatan universitas itu sendiri,
yayasan swasta, perusahaan industry, atau lembaga pemerintah.

3. Mahasiswa cukup menunggu saja kapan dan dari mana beasiswa akan diberikan. (W)

Untuk mendapatkan beasiswa, mahasiswa perlu merencanakan jauh-jauh hari agar bisa

mendapatkan beasiswa saat ditarwarkan.

English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022

4. Ada dua macam beasiswa di tingkat pascasarjana: 1) beasiswa bagi mahasiswa yang miskin dan

beasiswa bagi mereka yang sangat pandai. (W)

Jenis beasiswa yang biasanya diberikan kepada mahasiswa pascasarjana terdiri dari persahabatan,

asisten mengajar atau penelitian, dan pinjaman mahasiswa

5. Program pinjaman kepada mahasiswa akan dibebaskan atau dianggap lunas jika mahasiswa

tersebut telah lulus dengan prestasi baik. (W)

Pinjaman pelajar biasanya memungkinkan pembayaran Kembali dalam jangka waktu yang lama dan

dengan tingkat bunga yang rendah. Program pinjaman pelajar terkadang memiliki ketentuan untuk

membatalkan sebagian pinjaman jika siswa memenuhi persyaratan tertentu.

6. Besar beasiswa yang diterimakan untuk mahasiswa pascasarjana tergantung semester di mana

mahasiswa berada. (W)

Besaran dukungan (beasiswa) yang tersedia untuk setiap program berbeda dan sangat bervariasi.

C. Choose which of the following options is true to the text.

1. Financial assistance for graduate students is given based on…..

a. students’ need c. parents’ request
b. students’ achievement d. university’s offer

2. Getting high grades is ........ to get the scholarship.

a. enough c. easy
b. insufficient d. persistent

3. Very often, graduate students have to apply for the financial assistance…….
a. just once X
c. many times
b. twice d. three times

4.Financial assistance which does not the recepeient to do something is ………

a. fellowship c. teaching
b. assistance d. research

5...The financial aids which students have to repay is

a. fellowship c. teaching
b. assistance Xd. loan
English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022
6...Students who apply for loan must……

a. work for university c. pay cash after graduation

b. cancel the loan X
d. pay interest

7...Students…………. after graduation.

a. have to pay all the loan Xc. may cancel some portion of the loan
b. have to pay huge interest d. may work for university to pay the loan.

D. Sentence construction. Pay attention to paragraph 3. Do the following tasks.

1. a. Underline the words from these sentences as S for Subject and P as the
b Then state whether it is Nominal or Verbal sentences.
c. Then classify the sentence as Simple, Compound or Complex.
d. For each Noun, classify it as; Person, Place, Thing, or Idea

1. The sources and amount of assistances change each year so that such
information would quickly become out of date.
a.The sources and amount of assistances change each year so
that such information would quickly become out of date.
b.It is nominal sentences
c.The classify of the sentences is complex
d.The sources and amount of assistances change each year so
noun thing thing idea
that such information would quickly become out of date.
Idea Idea thing
2. Most universities have services to help students choose the kinds of financial
assistance for which they qualify.
a. Most universities have services to help students choose the kinds of financial
assistance for which they qualify.

b. it is Verbal sentences
c. The classify of the sentences is complex
d. Most universities have services to help students choose the kinds of financial
English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022
Place thing idea person idea person
assistance for which they qualify.

3. Combine the following sentences into compound sentences (C).

a. The information on scholarship changes each year.
b. The information would quickly be out of date.
C. The information on scholarship changes each year so that such
information would quickly be out of date.

4.Combine the following sentences into complex sentence (C).

a. Most universities have services to help students.
b.The students qualify for scholarship programs.

C… Most universities have services to help students to develop

their qualify for scholarship programs

2. Writing I

Pay attention to the use of the word vary in following sentence taken from the text.

The amount of support available under different programs, of course, varies considerably.

Write the following information using the word vary as used in the example.

1. Gaji karyawan bervariasi.

2. Ukuran laptop bervariasi berdasarkan layar dan kapasitasnya.
3. Judul paper yang diajukan mahasiswa sangat bervariasi.
4. Harga handphone sangat bervariasi tergantung tingkat kecanggihannya.
5. Nilai karya ilmiah/paper bervariasi tergantung mutunya.


1. Employee salaries vary.

2. Laptop sizes vary based on screen and capacity.

3. The title of the paper submitted by students varies greatly.

4. The price of mobile phones varies greatly depending on the level of sophistication.

5. The value of scientific work/paper varies depending on its quality.

English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022

3. Summarizing and comparing

Read the text again. Retell the content of the text in Bahasa Indonesia in your own word. To
do this part, you should compare it with the conditions in the environment you are familiar
with such as in the institutions you work for.

Beasiswa yang diberikan untuk program sarjana umumnya diberikann berdasarkan pada
kebutuhan finansial dari setiap mahasiswa. Tujun dari diberikannya beasiswa kepada mahasiswa adalah
sebagai bantuan untuk mencapai prestasi akademik. Namun, untuk mendapatkan beasiswa, seorang
mahasiswa harus memeriksa sumber-sumber pendanaan yang menyediakan beasiswa.

Sementara itu, jenis beasiswa yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa panscasarjan biasanya
berbentuk Kerjasama, asisten dosen atau peneliti, dan pinjaman mahasiswa. Sumber dana dari beasiswa
pascasarjana dapat berasal dari universitas itu sendiri, Yayasan, perusahaan, dan juga pemerintah. Jumlah
dana yang tersedia untuk pascarasarjan sangat bervariasi. Perusahaan yang memberi beasiswa kadangkala
tidak selalu memberikan syarat tertentu kepada mahasiswa. Sementara itu, untuk bantuan penelitian dan
pengajaran, membutuhkan bantuan dari kalangan siswa Terkait dengan pinjaman belajar, dapat
dikembalikan dalam jangka waktu lama.
Sumber dan jumlah pendanaan dapat berubah setiap tahun, sehingga mahasiswa harus selalu
update untuk mendapatkan kabar tebaru.

English for Ed. Management March-11- 2022

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