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Trisha Mae R.

BSA- A12

Write an insight regarding the making of your activity design. Use 3 paragraphs.
1. Describe what is it all about?
- It is a Project that I conducted in our Barangay which is a Basic Education
Literacy Program for Children. I have observed that our barangay is lack of
assistance in terms of providing education, since I lived in a community where
most of the people living here don’t have a job so, they can’t afford sending them
to school. I grab this opportunity to teach the kids here to learn the basics of
education which are the reading and writing.

2. How you feel. Is it easy or difficult? What is most touching or sticking for you in the
- I admit that it isn’t easy at first since I have to come up with the idea of how I can
execute the Project that I am going to propose in our Barangay and how I can
connect with the Children. The most touching in the process is right after the
Program where I can see that the Kids are really enjoying. There’s no easy way in
life especially if it is your first time.

3. What insights have you learned?

- I gained responsibility and commitment because this program showed us that
when you’re responsible you are more trusted, and commitment shows that you
are dedicated, and you will do what you say also, I gained how to have good
communication with someone I never even talked to and about the importance
of learning different activities.

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