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PMBoK is a short-term attempt done to create a one-of-a-kind product, service, or other

outcomes. Management is the procedure of applying information and skills, as well as tools and

procedures, to ensure the completion of a business. This research will focus on the project

management of My Florida Regional MLS (MFRMLS) (, 2021). Patrick

Williamson is the project manager, and he is in charge of all the project's transitory but vital

operations. The project manager organizes the project's assets. The project manager can be seen

directing and integrating the team members. Carelogic, the creators of ePropertyWatch, has also

joined the initiative as a supplier. The PMBoK is a procedure, and it depicts all activity as to

being done by instruments, sources, and outcomes (Wells, 2012). The project management

approach has the greatest influence during the implementation and reviewing phases of the

project management lifecycle. This is the stage that is regarded as one of the most critical in the

overall project management life cycle. The project's implementation stage will include the key

critical parts of the project. The team should be able to operate in an expandable workflow and

on a flexible timetable. The project manager's major responsibility is to establish the project's

timetable so that it could be finished on time. The major goal of the project's implementing,

supervising, and regulating phase is to execute QA and then capacity building so that the project

team members are well-equipped with the abilities needed to accomplish the ePropertyWatch


The deployment of the proposed project can be coordinated with the lifecycle of the project. The

initial stage of the project is to define the project's timetable. The time figure is based upon that

group's expertise. The project's timeframe is estimated to be 83.75 hours. The executing,

supervising, and regulating stage is the most time demanding and critical component of the

project, with a project timeline of 53.75 hours (Heldman, 2018). When the project manager is

well-versed in the many methods that may be used, he can simply execute the appropriate

approach (Watt, 2021). The project team may properly grasp the program objectives and then

apply the appropriate construction management technique. There are expenses and timelines that

must be met in order for the implementation stages to be effective. The project members can

understand the project lifecycle since they are interested in following each stage till the project is


The staging environment can be implemented at any point throughout the lifecycle of the project.

A QA strategy may be developed, and quality support can be provided, followed by a review of

the QA findings so that outputs from the staging can be generated ( Project Management Institute,

2017). There may be deployment of the production system. It is possible to do an evaluation of

the QA and educational materials (Watt, 2021). The marketing strategy and resources may be put

into action. The monitoring procedure can be carried out by keeping track of the project's

documentation. The project management may be done by transferring the employee affiliation

and pre-launch. Following the manufacturing of various types of items in the program, there has

to be product quality verification. The project quality assurance increases the likelihood of

generating a distinctive and creative product.

References (2021). Project Management. Retrieved 22 September 2021, from

Watt, A. (2021). Project Schedule Planning. Retrieved 22 September 2021, from


Heldman, K. (2018). Project management jumpstart (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. https://

Project Management Institute (2017). A guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

(PMBOK guide) (6th ed.).

Wells, H. (2012). How effective are project management methodologies (PMMs). Paper

presented at PMI Research and Education Conference, Limerick, Munster, Ireland.

Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. management-methodologies-


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