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Lesson 11

- Interval (n) a period of time between two events

- Break (n) short period of time when you stop what you are doing and rest, eat,

- Rest (n) period of relaxing, sleeping or doing nothing after a period of activity

- Nap = snooze (n) a short sleep, especially during the day

- pick somebody’s ˈ‍brains ask somebody a lot of questions about something

because they know more about the subject than you do
- Incoherent (a) clear and hard to understand
- Indiscreet (a) not careful about what you say or do

- Nonchalant (a) behaving in a calm and relaxed way; giving the impression that

you are not feeling worried

- Impotent (a) = powerless

- ˌ‍team ˈ‍up (with somebody) to join with another person or group in order to
do something together
- ˌ‍talk somebody ˈ‍through something to explain to somebody how something
works so that they can do it or understand it
- ˌ‍talk something ↔ ˈ‍through to discuss something carefully and completely
until you are sure you understand it
- Clang (v) make a loud ringing sound like that of metal being hit; to cause

something to make this sound

- tinkle (something) to make a series of light, high ringing sounds; to make
something produce this sound
- Gurgle (v) make a sound like water flowing quickly through a narrow space

- Evade (v) escape from somebody/something or avoid meeting somebody

- Avoid (v) to prevent something bad from happening
- Prevent (v) stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from

- Escape (v) to get away from a place where you have been kept as a prisoner or

not allowed to leave

- handle something to control a vehicle, an animal, a tool, etc.
- maintain something to keep a building, a machine, etc. in good condition by
checking or repairing it regularly
- Train (v) teach a person or an animal the skills for a particular job or activity
- Propose (v) to suggest a plan, an idea, etc. for people to think about and decide

- Fee (n) amount of money that you pay for professional advice or services

- sum (of something) an amount of money

- Go out to leave your house to go to a social event

- ˌ‍walk ˈ‍out (of something)

- to leave a meeting, performance, etc. suddenly, especially in order to show
that you do not like or approve of it
- Go away to leave home for a period of time, especially for a holiday

Distant of a person) related to you but not closely

a distant cousin/aunt/relative

- Row (n) noisy argument between two or more people

- Dispute (n) argument between two people, groups or countries; discussion about

a subject on which people disagree

- thick and ˈ‍fast quickly and in large quantities
- on the whole considering everything; in general
- a (single) ˈ‍stroke | at one ˈ‍stroke with a single immediate action
- ˌ‍pull yourself to‍ˈ‍gether to take control of your feelings and behave in a calm
- ˌ‍pull something ↔ ˈ‍off to succeed in doing something difficult
- Prior to = before
- repel somebody/something to successfully fight somebody who is attacking
you, your country, etc. and drive them away
- dispel something to make something, especially a feeling or belief, go away or
- Flourish = thrive to develop quickly and become successful or common

- Flower (v) = blossom develop and become successful

- Bloom (v) to become healthy, happy or confident

- Believe it or not used to introduce information that is true but that may surprise

- skeptical (about/of something) having doubts that a claim or statement is
true or that something will happen
- Slapdash (a) done, or doing something, too quickly and carelessly

- ˌ‍wear ˈ‍out | ˌ‍wear something ↔ ˈ‍out to become, or make something become,

thin or no longer able to be used, usually because it has been used too much
- ˌ‍wear yourself/somebody ˈ‍out to make yourself/somebody feel very tired
- ˌ‍take something ↔ a‍ˈ‍way to make a feeling, pain, etc. disappear
- ˌ‍gamble something ↔ a‍ˈ‍way to lose something such as money, possessions,
etc. by gambling
- Run-of-the-mill ordinary, with no special or interesting features
- Come in for = receive criticism
- assent (to something) official agreement to or approval of something
- Consent to do sth to agree to something or give your permission for something
- Decide on
- ˌ‍hold ˈ‍on (to something/somebody) | ˌ‍hold ˈ‍on to something/somebody
- [no passive] to keep holding something/somebody
- Keep sth back continue to have a part of something

- be/get carried a‍ˈ‍way

- to get very excited or lose control of your feelings
- Fold (v) to bend something so that it becomes smaller or flatter and can be
stored or carried more easily
- Bend (v ) especially of somebody’s body or head) to lean, or make
something lean, in a particular direction
- Adjust (v) to change something slightly to make it more suitable for a new
set of conditions or to make it work better
- Adapt (v) to change your behaviour in order to deal more successfully
with a new situation

Lesson 12

Attentively (adv) helpfully, making sure people have what they need

- tip the ˈ‍balance/ˈ‍scales

- swing the ˈ‍balance to affect the result of something in one way rather
than another
- be going on (for) something to be nearly a particular age, time or
- Set sth out to present ideas, facts, etc. in an organized way, in
speech or writing
- ˌ‍give ˈ‍in (to somebody/something to admit that you have
been defeated by somebody/something
- Prolong (v) = extend to make something last longer
- stretch (something) to make something longer, wider or looser, for
example by pulling it
- Bitterly disappointed
- take somebody for a ˈ‍ride
- (informal) to cheat or trick somebody
- ˌ‍hold something ↔ ˈ‍on keep something in
- Stand for sth to support or represent something
- Requisite(n) for sth something that you need for a particular
- As fit as a fiddle = healthy
- Have a big mouth be bad at keeping secrets
- Densely populated
- Blind date meeting between two people who have not met each
other before.
- Bumpy (a) (of a surface) not even; with a lot of bumps
- Airtight (a) not allowing air to get in or out
- go ˈ‍over something to examine or check something
- Come out appear
- See eye to eye = agree
- ˌ‍fall be‍ˈ‍hind (somebody/something) to fail to keep level with
- ˌ‍stay ˈ‍on to continue studying, working, etc. somewhere for
longer than expected or after other people have left
- ˌ‍wait ˈ‍up (for somebody) to wait for somebody to come home
at night before you go to bed
- ˌ‍look something ↔ ˈ‍up to look for information in a dictionary or
reference book, or by using a computer
- ˌ‍look ˈ‍on to watch something without becoming involved in it
- ˌ‍look something ↔ ˈ‍over
- to examine something to see how good, big, etc. it is
- ˈ‍look at something
- to examine something closely
- think about, consider or study something
- Quick fix
- not have a ˌ‍leg to ˈ‍stand on
- to be in a position where you are unable to prove something or explain
why something is reasonable
- absolutely, completely, quite, thoroughly, totally, utterly exhausted

- ˌ‍go a‍ˈ‍long with somebody/something to agree with

- ˌ‍back ˈ‍out (of something) to decide that you are no longer
going to take part in something

-Depreciate (v) become less valuable over a period of time

Lesson 13

- Piece of mind
- a far cry from something a very different experience from
- as long as your ˈ‍arm
- (informal) very long
- high as a ˈ‍kite
- (informal) behaving in a very excited way
- Paid compliment to sb
- Lend an ear to sb listen in a patient and kind
way to somebod
- on the horns of a di‍ˈ‍lemma in a situation in which you have to
make a choice between things that are equally unpleasant
- High esteem great respect and approval

- stand/hold your ground = refuse to change your opinion

- ˈ‍take to something
- to go away to a place, especially to escape from danger
- re‍ˈ‍sort to something
- to make use of something, especially something bad, as a means of
achieving something, often because there is no other possible solution
- Status quo situation as it is now, or as it was before a recent change

- squander something (on somebody/something) to waste money,

time, etc. in a stupid or careless way
- economize (on something) to use less money, time, etc. than you
normally use
- ˌ‍run something ↔ ˈ‍down to make something lose
power or stop working
- if an agreement or a document runs out, it no longer has any legal force
- Immediately obvious

- be down on your ˈ‍luck

- (informal) to have no money because of a period of bad luck
- ˌ‍pot ˈ‍luck when you take pot luck, you choose something or go
somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that
it will be good, pleasant, etc.
- dabble (in/with something) to take part in a sport, an activity, etc. but
not very seriously
- something comes/springs to mind, you suddenly remember or think of
- Sprout (v) to appear/ develop
- Counterfeit notes

- ˌ‍hammer a‍ˈ‍way at something to work hard in order to finish or

achieve something
- jabber (about something) | + speech to talk quickly and in an excited
way so that it is difficult to understand what you are saying
- slave (away) (at something) to work very hard
- ˌ‍squirrel something ↔ a‍ˈ‍way to hide or store something so
that it can be used later
- Shambles(n) = mess situation in which there is a
great lack of order or understanding
- Rumpus = commotion (n) a lot of noise that is
made especially by people who are complaining about
- Fracas (n) noisy argument or fight, usually involving
several people
- Excruciating (a) extremely painful or bad
- Expeditious (a) that works well without wasting
time, money, etc
- Explicit (a) easy to understand
- Weather-beaten (a) (especially of a person or their
skin) rough and damaged because the person spends
a lot of time outside
- the ˌ‍early bird catches the ˈ‍worm the person who takes the
opportunity to do something before other people will have an
advantage over them
- kill two birds with one ˈ‍stone to achieve two things at the
same time with one action
- bird in the ˈ‍hand is worth two in the ˈ‍bush it is better to
keep something that you already have than to risk losing it by
trying to get much more
- ˈ‍come by something to manage to get something
- Come off of a plan, etc.) to be successful
- Come up = happen
- Innocent of ( doing ) sth
- Keep fingers crossed hope that your plans will be
- Sparingly applied in a way that is careful to use or
give only a little of something
- pat somebody/yourself on the ˈ‍back to praise somebody or
yourself for doing something well
- Back up : sao lưu
- Distinctive (a) = characteristic
- Shake a leg = hurry up
- ˌ‍load somebody/something ˈ‍down (with something) =
weight sb/sth down to give somebody/something a lot of
heavy things to carry

Lesson 14

- be/stand in ˈ‍awe of somebody/something to admire

somebody/something and be slightly frightened of them/it
- counter something = counteract to
do something to reduce or prevent
the bad effects of something

Whereupon and then; as a result of this

He told her she was a liar, whereupon she walked out

Whereby by which; because of which

They have introduced a new system whereby all employees must undergo regular

- the wherewithal (to do something)

the money, things or skill that you need
in order to be able to do something
- Whereabouts used to ask the
general area where
somebody/something is
- get in/into the ˈ‍swing (of something) to get used to an
activity or a situation and become fully involved in it
- As dry as a bone : khô cằn
- ˌ‍leave somebody/something ˈ‍out (of something) to not
include or mention somebody/something in something
- Pasteurization (n) sự diệt khuẩn
- Admittance (n) the right to enter or
the act of entering a building, an
institution, etc.
- Make provision for
somebody/something make
preparations that you make
for something that might or
will happen in the future
- Work round the clock to
work all day and all night
without stopping
- ˈ‍come at something = approach to think about a problem,
question, etc. in a particular way
- ˈ‍come to something to add up to something
- Run-through (n) rehearsal
- Mix-up (n) = muddle (n) situation in which things go wrong, especially

because somebody has made a mistake

- keep something under your ˈ‍hat to keep something secret and not tell
anyone else
- Resolve to do sth make a definite decision to do something
- Recourse to sth (n) fact of having to, or being able to, use something that can

provide help in a difficult situation

- exert something to use power or influence to affect somebody/something
- re‍ˈ‍sort to something to make use of something, especially something bad,
as a means of achieving something,
- Meet the deadline
- Hold on = wait
- in ˈ‍short in a few words
- Take in = deceive
- At a loss not knowing what to say or do
- Catch on = become popular
- Financial backing : hỗ trợ tài chính
- disrupt something to make it difficult for something to continue in the
normal way
- distract somebody/something (from something) to take somebody’s
attention away from what they are trying to do = divert
- disperse (something) to spread or to make something spread over a wide
- what if…? what would happen if?
- Take up to accept something that is offered or available
- Offshore (a) xa bờ biển, ở ngoài khơi

Lesson 15

- ˌ‍boil something ˈ‍down (to something) to make something, especially

information, shorter by leaving out the parts that are not important
- ˌ‍string somebody a‍ˈ‍long to allow somebody to believe something that is not
- ˌ‍skate ˈ‍over something to avoid talking about or considering a difficult
- ˌ‍track somebody/something ↔ ˈ‍down to find somebody/something after
searching in several different places
- ˌ‍run a‍ˈ‍way with something to win something clearly or easily / to believe
something that is not true
- Put up with = tolerate
- Hope certainly, desperately, fervently, really, sincerely, very much
- persevere (with something/somebody) continue trying to do or achieve
something despite difficulties
- sustain somebody/something to provide enough of what
somebody/something needs in order to live or exist
- Bring sb round = to persuade sb
- Dead (a) = completely = exactly
- Put off = discourage
- Put on = dress
- ˌ‍put yourself/something ↔ ˈ‍over (to somebody) | ˌ‍put
yourself/something ↔ across (to somebody) to communicate your ideas,
feelings, etc. successfully to somebody
- Come round = become conscious again
- ˌ‍come ˈ‍forward to offer your help, services, etc.
- ˈ‍stick to something to continue doing something despite difficulties
- ˈ‍stick by something [no passive] to do what you promised or planned to do
- ˈ‍stick at something to continue to work in a serious and determined way to
achieve something
- Odds and ends small items that are not valuable

- Ins amd outs all the details

- Ups and downs the mixture of good and bad things in life or in a particular

situation or relationship
- ˌ‍pack ˈ‍into something to go somewhere in large numbers so that all
available space is filled
- Stuff (v) to fill a space or container tightly with something

- haggle over/about something to argue with somebody in order to reach

an agreement, especially about the price of something
- Discriminate (v) to treat one person or group worse/better than another in

an unfair
- operate on somebody/something to cut open somebody’s body in order
to remove a part that has a disease or to repair a part that is damaged
- ˌ‍break ˈ‍in (on something) to interrupt something
- Constrast dramatically, greatly, markedly, sharply, starkly, strikingly, strongly,
- Put sb off = discourage sb
- Shreds (n) small thin pieces that have been torn or cut from something

- Strip (n) long narrow piece of paper, metal, cloth, etc.

- Speck (n) very small spot; a small piece of dirt, etc.

- be indicted (for something) officially charge somebody with a crime

- Infer (v) = deduce to reach an opinion or decide that something is true on the

basis of information that is available

- induce something (formal) to cause something
- induce somebody to do something (formal) to persuade or influence
somebody to do something
- inflict something on/upon somebody/something to make
somebody/something suffer something unpleasant
- ˌ‍pick something ↔ ˈ‍off to remove something from something such as a tree,
a plant, etc.
- put something ↔ a‍ˈ‍way to put something in the place where it is kept
because you have finished using it
- col‍ˌ‍lect something ↔ ˈ‍up to bring together things that are no longer being
- ˌ‍stop ˈ‍out to stay out late at night
- ˌ‍let ˈ‍out (of school classes, films/movies, meetings, etc.) to come to an end, so
that it is time for people to leave
- commensurate (with something) matching something in size, importance,
quality, etc.
- cast/run an eye/your eyes over something to look at or examine
something quickly
- Chant (v); to sing or shout the same words or phrases many times

- intone something | + speech to say something in a slow and serious voice

without much expression
- Bellow (v) = yell to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry

- Crow (v)(of a rooster) to make repeated loud high sounds, especially early in
the morning
- Overhaul (n) an examination of a machine or system, including doing repairs

on it or making changes to it

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