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Comprehensively discuss how you can lead your students to develop critical literacy.

As a teacher we need to conduct different scaffolding, new skepticisms and pedagogical

ways in developing critical literacy and one of this is to Impulse students a constructive activity
improves their critic and retention of information to achieve equitable learnings in school.
Provide assessment tools this involve analyzation, problem- solving, creative thinker,
observation to evaluate students’ their knowledge and behavior in a higher outstanding

Utilize the emergence of technology in advocating students to engage different

perspective like explorations and innovation acquire students to use their critical thinking, their
ability to manage difficulties. Other aids also in technology practically in mass media is to help
students to be relevant in some aspects this will question them how they understand the
concept and nurture them to be wise in disseminating information and eliminate misconstrued
or falsify information pass through others. Inculcate students reading and comprehension since
it is a fundamental to be consider as literate in all aspects, lastly, advocate students to analyze
what is right from wrong this is naturally consider to be critical literate not only in one aspect
but in all perspective.

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