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Key Standards for EPP

Component Areas of EPP:

- Agri-Fishery Arts
- Home Economics
- Information and Communication Technology
- Industrial Arts

1. Agri-Fishery Arts:

A science of growing plants and other crops and the raising of animal for food, other human
needs, or economic gain.

2. Home Economics:

The study of nutrition, food, clothing, child development, family relationships, and household

3. Information and Communication Technology

It refers to all technology used to handle telecommunications, broadcast media, intelligent

building management systems, audio-visual processing and transmission, and network-based
control and monitoring functions.

4. Industrial Arts

A course of study aim at developing the manual and technical skills required to work with tools
and machinery.

What is love?(Love and Courtship)

- defined asstrong attachment between adolescent or adults of opposite sexes accompanied

by tenderness and sex desires. This kind of love is often considered as the basis of courtship
and marriage.

(Other Kinds of Love:)

- There are, however, other forms of love which are also characterized by strong feelings of
affection or attachment.

(Filial Love)
- This feelongs od tenderness and affection is felt by the children for their parents. This feeling
of tender attachment to one’s parents starts from infancy and continues all throughout
one’s life and even when one’s marries and have his or her own family. Especially Is this true
od Filipino children who have been brought up in the true Filipino cultural values.

(Parental Love)
- This kind of love is what parents have for their children.
(Platonic Love)
- This refers to the pure spiritual affection subsisting between persons of opposite sexes, not
mixed with sexual desires and regarding only the mind. This kind of relationship usually
ocurrs among intellectual.

- This is an emotional attachment which started from an intimate acquaintance. This is a
sentiment of esteem and respect which leads one to desire his company and seek to
promote his happiness or prosperity.

(Conjugal Love)
- This is the love between a settled, domestic couple; love that exists between a husband and
his wife.

(Romantic Love)
- Between two people of opposite sexes is frequently a prelude to marriage. This kind of love
affects mate selection. Love and mate choice, therefore, are two important factors and
should be given much thought and consideration before one consider marriage.

Filipino Sex Values:

Since romantic love is frequently made the basis for marriage, it is very important to understand the
present sex values of the present-day Filipinos. Knowledge of the country’s history and cultural
background will be useful in explaining why the Pilipino, or any race for that matter, behaves that
way, think that way, etc.

 A knowledge of history brings us closer to a country as one familiarize himself with the
customs, attitudes, and beliefs of a particular people. Despite the influence of the mass
media which has introduced to the present-day Filipinos the cultures of other countries, the
Filipina at today has maintained that a reserved and refined attitude has been born of a
religious and disciplined culture. Religious , because of the Spanish influence upon her,
disciplined, perhaps because of the Asian sentimentality and conservation prevailing in her
character and attitudes towards life in general.

 Today, the Filipino maintains discreteness in matters where sexual values are concerned.
She still believes that sex should be used as a vehicle for expressing love only for people who
are joined by the sacrament of marriage.

 Most girls still march down in the aisle in the state of virginity. They still believe in the old
Values of Chastity. They still believe that what is right and proper should be upheld and

 One cannot deny, however, the growing permissiveness has been rapidly permeating our
society’s culture, mores, beliefs, and practices.

 The environment, especially in the urban areas, is bombarded by sex advertisements , sex
movies, pornographic magazines and comic books, X-rated video tapes which have
considerably invaded our country, understandingly so because of the influence of advancing
civilizations which have used the media to capitalize on sex to advance personal interests.
 Nowadays, one finds the local movie industry full of sex films which are most often vulgar
and scandalous . Such movies impress on the viewers that homosexuality is gradually being
accepted by society and that prostitution and free love are “in”, since at times these are
necessary for survival at difficult economic situations. Even sex abuses or young boys and
girls by foreign tourists seem to be tolerated because some families regard these as income
generating. All these have indeed distorted and degraded the Filipino’s legitimate use of sex
as the sublime expression of love.

 The present environment of the Filipino is characterized by so many influences that strongly
challenge his values system.

The Stages Towards Marriage

Marriage is an institution that has been adopted by all peoples in the world regardless of creed,
color and type of government. In embracing this practice, different peoples of varying cultures
have their own ways of going through the preliminary stages one has to undergo before finally
getting married. Yet, despite these differences, there are practices common among the peoples
of the world specially as regards the stages towards marriage.


This stage of wooing the girl is very Filipino in that is the stage that determines the development
of mutual attraction between a boy and a girl.

Dating is a form of male-female interaction prompted by a desire to become more acquainted

with one another. A date is an agreed meeting between a male and a female for a particular
occasion or activity at a particular time and place. In the past the traditional dating practice was
done under heavy guard or with a chaperone, who is usually an older sister, aunt or relative.
Today, young people do not favor the idea of a chaperone. Instead they practice group dating.

Kinds of Dating

Dating may be one of the following:

1. Group Dating- This is the first stage of boy-girl interactions. An activity is planned and
arranged for everybody to have fun and good time. Examples of this kind of date are
school events and activities like excursions, field trips, parties, and picnics.

2. Double Dating- this involves two couples of about the same age and who share similar
interests. They go out together. The presence or our people helps one feel at ease
during his or her first date.

3. Single Dating- This involves two mature persons of the opposite sex who agree to go out
together. As a rule, single dating is not advisable for teenagers. It is better for them to
engage in happy and wholesome conversations within a group.
4. Casual Dating- this is the first stage of courtship with no emotions involved.
5. Special Dating- this already has a little degree of emotional involvement.
6. Steady Dating – this happens when two people commit themselves to go on dating
often and exclusive.
7. Blind Dating- it is a date of two people who do not know each other. The date may be
arranged by a third party. In this type of Dating, disappointment may result if the person
involved does not meet the date’s expectations.

Benefits of Dating

Dating fulfills various forms and functions that are also beneficial. Here are the most common
advantages derived from dating.

1. Dating is a form of recreation. It provides enjoyment and entertainment for the persons
2. Dating is a form of socialization. It provides opportunities for people to get to know each
other more. It develops good manners and skills in interacting with others and in conducting
pleasant conversations.
3. Dating is a form of courtship. It provides opportunities for unmarried people to associate
with other individuals of the opposite sex and eventually select a partner to marry.
4. Dating is a form of self-preparation for marriage. Habits and behavioral patterns built during
dating are carried over into courtship and into the engagement period. This sets the stage
for marriage.
5. Dating is a form of learning experience. Through dating, one discovers how to control
emotions, serial urges, and unruly tempers. Deepening of affection develops during dating.

There are Some good behaviors that boys should observe when going out with girls. These are the
recommended etiquette in dating. These show good upbringing.

1. A boy should personally ask a girl for a date.

2. He should ask permission from the girl’s parents, and inform them where they are going and
who their companions are, f it is a group date. His parents should be informed of these
things, too.
3. He should fetch and bring her back home at the time imposed by her parents.
4. He may should escort the girl to the car and open the door for her before betting in. In
leaving the car, he should get off first before the girl.
5. When taking a bus, jeep or tricycle, he should help the girl first and follow her to her seat.
When getting off, he should alight ahead so that he can assist the girl in getting out of the
6. When walking together, the girl should be on his right side.
7. When entering a restaurant or any dining establishment, he should open the door for her
and follow her in. He should pull out a chair for the girl and wait for her to sit down.
8. The boy should pay for the expenses of the date, because he was the one who extended the
invitation. Unless, they had an agreement to share the expenses.
9. He should personally thank the girl and her parents for the date.

Likewise, girls have to follow some recommended etiquette in dating.

1. She should express regret in a nice way when she has to break a date.
2. She has to be ready by the time her date arrives to fetch her at home.
3. She should always remember her values. If she observes that her date is starting to
misbehave, she should think of ways to cut short the date. She may tell him her reason.
4. They should go home at the agreed time.
5. The girl must also thank her date.

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