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QHSE Manual Section-11 Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning - Annex 1

Date: 1 - 1 - 2021
Rev: 3


In the event of a rescue from an enclosed space, the following action is to be taken:
 Sound the General Emergency Alarm.
 Inform bridge/call master
 Instruct the attendant not to enter the enclosed space without support / back-ups.
 Muster all crew. Take head count and prepare for rescue.
 Check the position of casualty, if possible.
 Stop all un-essential operations and stop and secure any running equipment.
 No rescue team member is allowed to enter the enclosed space without Master’s
orders and without being properly equipped with Breathing Apparatus, Torch, and
means of communication.
 Check the atmosphere of the space using gas detector.
 Start ventilation to space using the FIXED and/or Portable blowers.
 Rig the Rescue Hoist / tackle at the enclosed space entrance for rescue.
 Rig lighting for space.
 Two of the Emergency Party members wearing SCBA sets / Chemical suits (as
applicable) and carrying an EEBD are to enter the space.
 At least two hands wearing SCBA sets / Chemical suits (as applicable) are to standby
at the entrance to the space.
 SCBA pressure of the Rescue team to be checked prior entry to have sufficient use
 Rescue Team to enter the space and proceed to location of casualty. Check the
casualty and put an EEBD on him to assist breathing.
 Lower stretcher with line for evacuation of casualty, if required.
 Asses condition of casualty regarding fractures, bruises, open wounds, ability to
respond and transportation. Accordingly the casualty to be shifted out to the
enclosed space, and subsequently to Ship’s Hospital or if in port, shifted ashore &
taken to hospital by Ambulance.
 Render first aid / resuscitation as applicable.
 Ask for radio medical advice / ambulance as applicable.
 Inform office and send Initial Notification.
 If in Port, inform Agent.
 Enter continuously all events in the ships log books.
 Save VDR or S-VDR data as per Maker’s instructions.
 Save CCTV recording (if fitted), as per Maker’s instructions.
 To disconnect Internet (If Applicable), collect mobile phones / laptops from all crew.
 No photo by ship staff without the approval from Master.

QHSE Manual Section-11 Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning - Annex 1
Date: 1 - 1 - 2021
Rev: 3

 To carry out D&A (master to Engine staff and Chief Engineer to Deck staff).

Rescue Team 1 (two members) Rescue Team 2 (two members)

Time In

SCBA Pressure

Time Out

SCBA Pressure

Note: Change SCBA Bottle before re-entry and check pressure.

Other actions:


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