4 Characters in Search of An Auteur1 - Adrian Manzano

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Adrian Manzano 320-626-9266 manzanony@gmail.com 6/22/11

The Behind The Scenes Documentary. INT: FILM SET. STUDIO APT Cast and crew milling around a film set. This is spliced with documentary style sit down interviews. ADRIAN sits on directors chair. Hes passionate ADRIAN I wanted to make film about love. About Death, About Life. Adrian is seen directing a crew, actors. MOVIE VOICE comes on voice over. MOVIE VOICE Critically acclaimed Latino filmmaker Adrian Manzano is on set on his latest film. The Blood of Queens. and he's going deep! ADRIAN With this film I really wanted to challenge my self. Really push. because in my last film. I we explored sex and dating in a modern day love story. This film I wanted to push the boundaries and explore sex and violence. Adrian is seen directing Gabi. Shes being difficult. ADRIAN Yes, working with the Grammy award winning Gabi has been quite an experience Gabi is seen complaining all Diva about crafts services. GABI What the fuck, I told these people I want an Everything bagel. Not every fucking bagel! Geez Gabi is seen sitting alone with sunglasses and headphones pissed. ADRIAN What can I say, I feel really lucky To have her shes an amazing artist. Shots of Gabi singing on stage and dancing at Grammys.

Cut to: Gabi getting interviewed, she texts on her phone while talking. Gabi I was nominated for Grammy Which I should have won. But whateves. And uhh. Yea then I was like doing Broadway. And that was fun for a while and now Im here Introducing Tony. Tony is seen holding a gun and crying. over acting. ADRIAN Tony I met while at a night club. I saw him Get into the a fight with the bouncer and was Crying and screaming and I thought. Wow. If he can do that in real life, imagine if I had a camera! Tony Yea so this acting thing was kind of surprise One day Adrian called me and was like Hey I got a spot for you in a movie. And Im like oh shit. Thats cool. Previously I was in a school production of Annie. I played Daddy Warbucks, that was in 1992. . And now 20 years later . Im back baby! Producer Pierre is standing near by watching a scene. Pierre speaks with a very exaggerated almost performance sort of way. PIERE Working with Adrian is amazing. His films are Historic. And dont belong to any one country. But to an entire CONTINENT! His vision is global an artist well ahead of his time. But coming at the right time. Is that good? Let me say that again. Hes ahead of his time and ahead of the world. Yea that sounds good print that . haha! Various of Character shots. Tony doing push and crying. Gabi, complaining and arguing with Adrian. Pierre ordering cast and crew to get back to work. ADRIAN When you are working with a small budget You have to be creative and figure out how

Can you tell the story and at the same time Keep costs low. But not sacrifice the art Because the Art is what matters the work we do today will be seen To the end of time. Adrian is seen standing behind a camera in a directors chair looking at a small monitor as the actors act. Tony fires a couple of shoots in the distance and kisses Gabi TONY Eat lead you filthy animals. GABI Oh Renegade you did it. You killed Dr. Death and now were safe. Muchas gracias Amigo. TONY Dont mention it Senorita. ADRIAN Alright CUT!!! TONY Shit I forgot my line! Shit , stupid stupid GABI Im gonna take a smoke. Adrian Alright Gabi. Tony, When you kiss I need you to grab TONY Just grab? ADRIAN Yea Grab, like youre a caveman you just killed The other head gorilla and now youre the top dog. TONY Ok you just went from Caveman to Gorilla to Dog. ADRIAN You know what I mean.

TONY I think I got it, Let me just get a minute do my method. ADRIAN Whatver. Alright Places! An older woman 60s , CLAUDIA wanders on set. ADRIAN I said everyone off set! Get that old bag out of there! A PA rushes her off set ADRIAN Action! TONY and Gabi repeat the exact same scene. At the end a older hispanic man enters and smiles at the camera Close Up. ADRIAN Cut! What the fuck is that ! TONY Sorry I got distracted! I started thinking of ADRIAN Whos that guy? LOUIE I am the Father ADRIAN Whos father? LOUIE Of the children. ADRIAN You mind Im trying to make a movie here. LOUIE Perfect! Thats why we are here! CLAUDIA We are the family.

ADRIANS Whose family is this. People what I say about allowing anyone on set. Look, were in the middle of a scene. LOUIE Well you see thats why we are here CLAUDIA We are characters for youre film. ADRIAN Theres no extras today. Enter JAVI and LIZA JAVI We! Are not extras! We are characters Through and through. Larger than life More true more honest than any real person alive. LIZA And we are in search of an Autuer, a real Autuer to bring us to life. ADRIAN Is this a prank. LOUIE If by prank you mean a false misrepresentation whose purpose it is to fool I assure you not We merely have a story, a drama that we would like to play out. ADRIAN But why? LOUIE Because that is what we do as Characters. ADRIAN So let me get this straight. Youre here to act out Some kind of drama. In the middle of our film shoot!

LIZA Exactly, we act it out, you shoot and thats it Were going share with you you what exactly it is that caused our family to be The complete mess! A Dysfunctional family live and presentFor youre entertainment CLAUDIA We are not dysfunctional! Malcriada is what you are. LIZA Oh Fuck off mother. LOUIE Dont you speak that way! Or Ill.. JAVI What are you gonna do eh? Smack her! Why dont Take someone your own size. LOUIE You stay out of this deadbeat. JAVI Oh Im a deadbeat now? Oh thanks DAD? Fuck you Louie. Adrian Alright settle down . Ok where not doing a documentary! Well we are, but not about you. About the film. LOUIE We are not a documentary. Dont you get it. You are the Autuer . The Filmmaker. We need you just As much as you need us. Our story is alive, More Alive than any of your mundane lives. More than any action movie. You need something Alive! And what better than characters in drama! PIERRE He does have a point. ADRIAN What? You in on this? PIERE Look I dont who the fuck these people are.

But for what ever reason their here and their good Look well worry about the SAG shit later. We got to strike while the iron is hot. ADRIAN And what just throw it into the film? PIERRE Well worry about that later. Just shoot! ADRIAN Ok so whats the story? LOUIE Its simple. We are a family. A loving family. CLAUDIA And thats the problem. LIZA Ha! Good one ma! CLAUDIA Callate Malcriada ADRIAN Alright so whats the first scene. Louie Well we can start with how we met. JAVI Fuck that. You dont have to go in order LOUIE Well you need the audience to understand! LIZA No no. Its all in the subtext. ADRIAN We need to just start! LOUIE No I think from me meeting Silvia

CLAUDIA We are not shooting Silvia! LOUIE Mi amor we have to! CLAUDIA Esa puta no la quiero ver ni en pintura. JAVI Hey por favor no hablas asi de mi mama! ADRIAN Alright People! Characters! Settle down! Everyone! on set. Ok its a melodrama so we can start anywhere You two. You Are a couple no? JAVI Well LIZA Yes we are! CLAUDIA Over my dead body! JAVI Fine by me. ADRIAN So you are the parents! Of the girl. CLAUDIA YES! ADRIAN. OK. OK. I got it So youre the parents and You disprove. Perfect, we got the set ready. Ok so you two Come in, Parents you wait and lets just do wide shot and then B & C cameras get the medium shots. Ok Places. Were dong a run through. And ACTION!!! Door bell rings CLAUDIA enters and opens the door. CLAUDIA

Ya voy Mija your home! LIZA Hi Mamita. I missed you. CLAUDIA And you brought a friend. JAVI Hola Senora Vargas, Yo soy Javier. Un placer. CLAUDIA Bueno. Que sopresa entren. Entren LIZA Is Papi here? ClAUDIA Hes in the back. But I think its best if your friend leaves. LIZA Hes not going anywhere. Hes my boyfriend. Claudia Please Mamita. I dont want any trouble. Just go before ... Enter Louie. LOUIE What the hell are you doing here. JAVI Hello Dad, LOUIE I told you to stop seeing her. CLAUDIA You know this guy? LOUIE Hes my Son. JAVI Its ok Dad you can say bastard. CLAUDIA

So my suspicions were true, all those trips The missing money, the phone calls. The lies. Lies! Claudia throws a pillow at Louie. LOUIE Mija, you cant date him. Hes youre half-brother. LIZA No Shit dad. You dont think I figured it out. Why the hell you freaked all out when I brought him. LOUIE And hes a bastard scumbag! LIZA And now hes the father of my baby. (Oh shit) LOUIE What! Dont ruin your life like his. JAVI The one who ruined everyones life is you old man. LOUIE You stay away from her or Ill kills you I swear to god Ill fucking kill you! He goes to grab LIZA. JAVI pulls out a gun. CLAUDIA NO!! PORFAVOR!!! JAVI I love her Pa, more than than you would ever know. And she loves me. Were starting a family now. A chance to have what you couldnt give me. LOUIE I tried. JAVI Not good enough. Youre the reason For all this . Youre the bad guy. Not me. And Im the son who must make things right Being a bastard it comes easy to me. Right? Adios Papa.

CLAUDIA NOO!!! Claudia lunges for the gun and gets shot. There is silence as she stumbles back to the father and collapses on him getting blood all over him. ADRIAN CUT!!! TONY Holy shit was that real? PIERRE Check her pulse! Call an ambulance! TONY Can I play the son? JAVI Of course this is real, we are Characters! ADRIAN Real ! Fake! I dont care, Were done. Every one get the fuck off set! Were done for today! Light off! Lights go out. Total black. Credits Roll.

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