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Theme: Zimbabwe - Confronting Elder Abuse

What is it
The United Nations designated 15 June of each year as the World Elder Abuse
Awareness Day. It represents this one day in the year when the whole world voices
its opposition to the abuse and suffering inflicted on some of our older generation.

The world Elder Abuse Awareness Day, was initiated by the International Network for
the prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) in June 2006, and was officially recognized as a
United Nations Day by the General Assembly in its resolution 66/127 adopted in
December 2011.

The resolution invites all United Nations member States, organization of the United
Nations system and other international and regional organizations, as well as civil
society, including non-governmental organizations and individuals to observe this day

Who are the Older/ Elderly

The United Nations and the Africa Union, refer to the Older Persons as those persons
aged 60 and above. The Government of Zimbabwe has enchanted the Older Persons
Act, [ Chapter 17:11] to provide for the well being of Older Persons.

Zimbabwe - Confronting Elder Abuse

The theme is a clarion call to all Zimbabweans to join hands and do everything in
their power to confront and address elder abuse. The older persons were the
youths of yesteryear who provided the needed human and skilled capital
to agriculture, industry and commerce. They have nurtured society as
parents and continue to assist to take care of their grandchildren
including those orphaned.
We therefore need a society to be cognisant of issues surrounding the older
persons and be proactive and confront the scourge of Elder abuse within our country
the moment they happen.

What is Elder Abuse

The World Health Organization, defines elder abuse as “a single, or repeated act, or lack
of appropriate action, occuring within any relationship, where there is an expectation of
trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person”. It is a global social problem
which should be classified alongside other abuses such as gender abuse or domestic
violence abuses.

Elder abuse can take various forms such as:

- Exclusion in decision making in communities and families
- Denial of basic needs
- False accusations
- Targeted abuse
-Lack of respect

What needs to be done to curb the abuse of Elderly

- Families should be encouraged to continue playing their part to support the elder persons.
- Society needs to be made aware of issues surrounding the older persons and take the
necessary corrective measures to preach, protect and provide for them
- It is the responsibility of every person and organization to recognize and promote, and
respect the elder persons
- The issue of older persons should continue to be taught in schools from early stages.
- Thee youths should prepare to invest for their own aging.

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