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28-30), are treated as though they would specially interest

coast. The following industries are of some importance

travellers and explorers contribute to the confusion.

In the textile industries ``alpaca'' is a name given to two distinct

according to the legend, the son of Zeus himself. The story

brought about in one portion of the gas, either by heat or the

it belongs wholly to the plains. Its mouth is 42 m. west of

Col de Cheville (Sion to Bex), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,723

the promulgation of a constitution, but the demands of the

overtook the Portuguese expedition and warned its leader that

cartridge and shell recesses respectively--built in the

priest to wash his hands ofter handling the sacred volume as

province. About 1771 he was placed at the head of the ``Green

andalusite. Cordierite-bearing rocks occur near Ellon, at the

lateral concavities or kinks of the tube. They are not

Southern members, this right was, in practice, denied by that

led the bar of his courts, and before the privy council took

it in the Cortes, where he became conspicuous in the party

the same manoeuvres, combined with constant "tapping" at

advantages gradually ousted the Glagolitic elsewhere, though

for the return of Urban V. to Rome. As legate, Albornoz

maihem done in great ships, being and hovering in the main

the former, and Niese maintains that his ambition was limited

zone. With the high-explosive shell, however, the fragments

1 In his report on the Ionian Treaty presented to Lord

"bummers" were guilty of wanton cruelty and destructiveness,

continent of Europe and to a great extent in Great Britain.

the International Association of the Congo had only been

last remnant of it being suits against merchantmen for

afterwards Gustavus III., he succeeded in overthrowing the

published his Exploration archeologique de l'Algerie, in

His brother, JAMES WADDEL ALEXANDER (1804-1859), born in

of the Nile, the Ruchuru, rises on the north side of the

and principal seaport, with a population (1906), including

had arrived at Gondar, gave rise to the suspicion that he

origin, the introduction of this species of composition is not

any moment, on petition, in favour of any one of the sisters

Charles IV. of Spain . . . . . . . . . . . .Mar. 19, 1808

regarded as injurious to public morality (Aulus Gellius xv. 11).

name. The evidence of Peter Ramus (1515-1572) on this point

named Francois Vertunien, sieur de Lavau, who attended a

bear the strain of a great battle, broke and fled in wild

of Moscow, was born at Nezhine in the government of Chernigov,

critical study by a military officer; L. J. Lossing's Pictorial

in the stormy politics of the country. Northern Abyssinia

the dormitory of the conversi. Detached from these, and

Robertson, The Kafir of the Hindu Kush (1896); Holdich,

optical system be symmetrical, the orqins of the co-ordinate

climate was a terra incognita to naturalists. His ardour

the face of strenuous opposition, is justly ranked among

the king's council in the presence of the duke of Anjou.

emperor. Charles, anxious to secure such a famous fighter,

questions. The emancipation was not merely a humanitarian

pressure. The mixed secondary amines have basic properties,

drawn from all countries by the fame of hs teaching, in which

parliamentary and financial secretary, and works with a

He did not abandon his hopes of the throne, and, in 1298,

evidence so that no man's name could, as sometimes previously

vigorous action in the field and able civil administration,

speeches were distinguished for gravity and earnestness.

butter should be labelled ``margarine'' in letters 1 1/2 inches

master AElbert, with whom he also went to Rome in search of

carbide. He also made the corresponding sodium compound

of the ridge. Almora is also celebrated as the scene of the

arm. Hence, by transference, it would be employed to denote

Arar (Saone) and Liger (Loire). The statement in Strabo (ii.

local circumstances which led to their being taken, of their

was restored to the royal house in the person of Yekunu Amlak.

the volcano Aconcagua, flows eastward through a broad valley,

strongest in numbers of the few sectarian communities in

to his home in the valley from the hut (a small building on

also produce a grain, tocussa, from which black bread is

its great depth, to give the gigantic volume of water a

steps. The streets are joined by alleys just wide enough to pass

the divine incomprehensibility; (2) unity, the type of the

colonists, and a strong element in their prosperity, that

successful general of Roman extraction might be proclaimed

victim is 1200 piastres (about L. 10), at Khimara 2000 piastres;

D. Delesseria sp., showing apical region with leading cell.

rupee, with the head of the British sovereign on the obverse.

death. He proceeded also to lay hands on Peter and imprisoned

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