English Language and Literature Cause and Effect: Roles

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OB/GYN : Andrea Ajanisita (4)
Surgeon : Clara Sheba (8)
Psychiatrist : Skyla Eunike (30)
Pediatric : Thelma Lasma (33)

Thelma: What’s up Dr. Jani? Looks like a plane just hit you right at your face.
Ajani : Oh God, just kill me already! (Throws the lab result)
Skyla : What’s that?
Ajani : Read it.
Thelma: Mary? Isn’t she the pregnant woman with twins whose one fetus is not developing?
Ajani : Yeah…
Thelma: COCAINE?!?!??!
Ajani : Last estimated consumption was last week.
Skyla : Well, not surprised. I knew something was wrong when we talked to her yesterday, but I
wasn’t sure and here it is.
(Clara comes in)
Clara : Ughh, I need some coffee. Is this for me? Thank you. 12 hours of surgery really does
break my neck.
Skyla : Check this.
Thelma: So, she said?
Ajani : She said she won’t choose any of them.
Skyla : She wants both of them to live, whether she survives or not, but I think she made the
right choice.
Ajani : She made the only choice any mother would make. She just wants to protect her babies.
Skyla : Doesn't that make it the right choice?
Clara : If we do an emergency C-section, there is a 90% chance the weak baby will die. If we
inject with amniotic fluid, there is an 85% chance the strong baby will die. Therefore, that
is the better option.
Thelma: Survival of the fittest. We should save the strong baby.
Skyla : 5% chance? That's how we decide which baby lives or dies?
Ajani : We don't have to decide because we can induce labor and deliver the strong baby then
stop labor before delivering the weak baby.
Thelma: Stopping labor is very hard to do.
Clara : Stopping the labor will lead to 70% chance that both babies will die. Making it the worst
option. But we should ask Mary.
Skyla : No, we shouldn't. When she hears there's the slightest chance both her babies will live,
everything else will go out the window.
Ajani : It is a terrible option. But it is an option.
Clara : Talk to Mary as soon as possible, so we can proceed the surgery when she agreed with
all the terms.
Thelma: Oh, Doctor Skyla. How is Emily’s progress?
Skyla : No significant change. Her mental is ruined because of that incident.
Clara : Ughh, how on earth can someone did that to a little girl?
Ajani : Can’t ever imagine. When the police brought her last week, I saw a lot of bruises and an
intumescence on her genital due to the harassment.
Thelma: What about the rapist?
Ajani : The police brought about her incident by her careless foster parents.
Skyla : This isn’t the first time she got raped, consequently she has PTSD (Post-Traumatic
Stress Disorder).
Clara : Has the police tell us any of her family’s contact?
Thelma: She has been living in an orphanage since she was a baby. Then, she got adopted by her
foster parents who didn’t take a good care of her. That’s also the reason for her weak
Ajani : Poor dear… Her weak immunity contributed to her recovery time. It will take some
Skyla : What time is it? I must go now. I have to give Emily some melatonin on account of her
lack of sleeping.
Clara : Okay, I also need some rest. I still have a surgery appointment tonight.

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