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A eurodistrict is a European administrative entity that contains urban agglomerations which lie across the
border between two or more states. A eurodistrict offers a program for cooperation and integration of the
towns or communes which it comprises: for example, improving transport links for people who live and
work on different sides of the border. Furthermore, it confers a trans-national regional identity and
represents European integration.

The first Eurodistricts created or currently undergoing creation are:

Freiburg im Breisgau-Centre et Sud Alsace (i.e. Haut-Rhin)
Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai (Eurometropolis)
Basel-Lörrach-St. Louis-Weil am Rhein
Greater Copenhagen and Skåne[1]

They may be established:

by a simple agreement about common projects in the area;

in a more institutionalised manner by a local association for transfrontier or cross-border
cooperation (in French: groupement local de coopération transfrontalière or GLCT), which
can draw up plans for transfrontier cooperation between towns or communes; or
with an even greater degree of institutionalisation, perhaps including structures allowing a
transfer of power and elected by all district citizens. This has constitutional implications for
the individual countries involved, which have to be taken into account when drawing up

Note that transfrontier cooperation methods between regions known as euroregions exist in parallel to
eurodistricts, which are generally urban. Furthermore, a eurodistrict can be located within a euroregion and
even have certain connections with it.

The term eurodistrict is quite new (text written 2006) and has not been defined by organisations like the
Council of Europe or the European Union.

An important reason to introduce the Schengen Agreement is to simplify work commuting within such
border crossing built-up areas.

See also
France–Germany relations

1. Greater Copenhagen (
External links
Council of Europe document on Transfrontier Cooperation (
(October 2005)
Eurodistrict Region Freiburg/ Centre et Sud Alsace (

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