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Soo HepB SorSajS2> wS0G299 9 ERDIg FQUSoSSL9905 sean estos hoop Once upon a time, there was a wealthy Brahmin in the city of Beneres. =aQi[geSacos22 , enufic Bin Bint om co(Gab oes Story: Hnin Si Ilustrations: Aung Pe He had a comely and lovely little son, But the son did not live long. At the age of 15, he died of disease. Longing for his deceased son, the wealthy Brahmin kept on erying sitting at the burial site. have to put an end to father's grief.” cjegeBEs opcBcoangs EVERY SATURDAY ease Ee ong snophanan-atro Aico F309: ee He also wore valuable costumes. He burst into Z : FZ czying co thot his father could notice him. LY eo Ka Si9G0:59390: 9982035" with supernatural power. Then he came near his father and sat there. Then he asked the young man, "You seem to be wealthy {What are you displeased with?" "Why are you crying?" "What ean help you?" EyngSeoricagqconss8Saom ‘The young man Y sisvs gy ReheRQqqos25In replied. "I've got a chariot made of jewels, but I have no cart wheel made of gold. That's why I'm crying," e they would be a perfe Will you get them, please?” ee §}3,00G99}99 sy olf aged SAYou'll surely have the gold cart wheel we PS Then the wealthy Brahmin told the young man the reason why he was crying, "As a matter of fact, my son is going through an unforeseeable joumey of Samsara eycle of rebrths. No one but the Lord "I myself have been consumed with grief since my son died. It's in no way to see him again." i Se 2 GOES O- EGOx So} se. ane of Buddha, Really, I have peace of mind now.” Then the young man transformed himself again into a deva. ees p> oO "Bear in mind death, a law of nature. Keep precepts. Do ‘meritorious deeds. I'm now going back.” "I've come here as I want to put an end to ‘grief and also want you to have peace of mind. Now my wish has been fulfilled.” Bidding farewell to his father, the deva went back to the egeegt anfEjgoabonbonsac8 esonbagio8 EB 3B) hag avaS aqgaoningya aslefonns Shope wera. 9925 vcowse GBS Joo, e981 sp50q 2001 nf: (Joy GoSconana51 aofBiona seooeys sei0aSbqangSs eompbcwopSel aang (2091 wodiqaogé sofrchel sossogig’ songepoven) 27 Sipe eprafionirn apoorangfiooneons som GianaSs afBbignader exyaqorqyéar GE HhrooighoctagBée GéanaSs cooypemab « ephBy onsenmpS bh Beco. BEHBochaqorncin ogo eRaoogobexp saahiongforseey ecoat Bice + 1 gos coc cosBrcobicok: cp G8GEaep1 ghrenodanod) EEE) cpotcceSong vor heqicoas Bag BoaayScB0 ph oo hesgey pee + sBoSodooroqpeng cleBcoote sof igoa + 1 saichoon oxboqe ooBioong agbiboSoBanicnds edloScon Shroghie ayeora>gepl ot conicnargebs gitsonSao01 1 poicconk cloned soo Bet exnafipoocBgcooah conf aofBignad + a TB svcen'ds nf gong epesyoro 29l9EW bean ‘Goon yeoorfionecorengoc00 Gord weotilorcdeobieod: on oof Bena oS beaeot eSeGgaSiona iota 42s ogoobon TEE orga copa, abscess aitsocdacar «afi $1 gebeps one" 20g, oyo08 enpabcogSs pc prcorncd oes nBigoad + ecleieqqe> sorkcSoS Boa $88 Sen aBailfus xpaffoor sooppScQosTancde Bs nb omyabiaanystnaseh § cexoteons ays egfeo5BE sp5h BevogadehesTooon véqS:eG, 1 1 vcoogSamypézoon oon 29 <_Poowmis@ >... “gob cormedlérena ab: Senssfions’ safBianad « 4 Bavogatang wabegeSgangeh Seg coger eSusSegn ob coeypeanéen Boroyosonsy 48qeav208 goeseGe couypema8s 1 wont eae acbespr mast 208c001 sospfeBee cnfBigna5 1 1 eSsleneSu 28 cyooBonc}o) Gisecy af GgsSep emp’, peta onc call enor wcSor1 yBoroeSoopss ofjoRE encbagehe sgfBevorh Bure pieginc§ qo5oh Bork exlBiqfiog§s Boo + 405 (go8 conneslés) epbeRgorcSot GEBEoo poeradqeKoGe BEBE 0-1 go800 o9,c01 Booomregon500 BefifiesGayocon fe B+ Gis BhGoe$qons sof Be Sod 428k, Bicker Boones elobora GER splondgg coneneSi abal fie geo0} phocnaiesléscont sofGBigoad 1 1 BEBEn0 coviaootde a3 cobicods 2 expebanbighfgecofplt cobico8s 1 1 Bbic00§ = Bdconh ofreode= ofcodizoScon: anf 3c5 2B iaaad u nepoSilaps ghisoddans mg 8 883, cofroodieGoc$GScv00} sphoorniadldeoh oshege8Gs oo8Gosists gfrcocBaoan 4 Sis BlowoSs ofaSs dahood Gayoon: ep Bin « a eoicleress noe Geroreeg, cbr sobageGoREcds 1 uxBieofEored (Be eyes > Berseogen aoadogebGoés syoreneSeySt sn[Biznad « 1 abesoobgoncop onforadegeh eqeSencScypcBen Boraeegen ewodegeBeng eGoérop jorcSt Bh sbgeBoroa’: 53 Bonadjen Ebiaiilsn obi, uu BREECR roradgcon of eqredneqed cpg oye oie Sejoogdeon: Bn 2@inad « a yflooabgpr 03 covypeneaé wabopeiQis aofGulfen souyposa8s + aqe8iopqeSiconBaone8 upo8 con oop ofBignad w 1 ghtsoctava: aftsoaan21 1 cosceam oggocsbocSop§i0> $alorcqpebeo Burnceg <8 Esonadlbu Bina 0 10 eolroidG GAB ghcood 20 GomreGdeost oy Go: exne03,034 eodtcokt 9 1 cocSeorsabyp sosbueasiogt [Bu asl op GerorsedloySs 1 nepobooeSegSe abslarocgeSu sniBignad u 1 abso} Rebodenrafeieonts niooly osprey speSn Seqcapicg:Borncczeh m8 aSehobed Bz egon 2! expen (BE oga8 (Boroyo5 BSeoaSe godaheqoo5 oo Becacje’ gobormnccN GS 205i eqacBon [Boose 238 egosiGottoraionusn eed enoeoalifinad sonefeod wabegoScozeadioress & Pplroresoh Bien oftoor8 qoodn dogs soobg | egeagescesé | | cocngion§, | [mer a eee oe | wore: iid (U8 =| | (eof) ; | woods eB sfé | eonc/oo essed | I | ~ esTeweo2005, By Cartoon Kyaw Tait} "The notice reads like this: a valuable crown was] wwin it be a lost near here. Ifthe one who has found it comes and entrusts it, he will be rewarded worthily.” ‘200d idea to search for it instead of spending hours at play?" As it droppe tally and was lost, itmust be somewhere down on earth (968) agg eget: enbdlogkn ponigep Besteaborse ho} coSarva(Bigdewroo8aredr region Bofeonte gopicorEifRs ayodslogas conkespoSeniayGienuin 08 gore af Ecosse Sovchn ayyoqboapeonsic}sakkees erbcarnddcogSifonSn Brogshioncon os cn dadcconendyo ontousacbongSicga0 cpu ssbcicBbcdy ayBegeog egecg Six: Aiphone egemgpontehifoncds syenoqpny geal iptoqucbean’ slengadeneSe BbsconrSu wockmectorgSt mSanSophag? ouSvoctas goBgoKfioblie8§ aysteoncycEcorh cnebi soortmasvonhcBoopSs SSarcfonrGs of cBcongeneSs sur ogenay onGexonocBy wBovnny vopobngregeh pi, BB booreahioh spoon enccorergcvnesnpaé mS eaSacloh gators Seipevg oecoerg> ogc poh, SoSco§fBoresn enbogemny Sregefuns coudagafign eicanddber alg ogabl GorgSeouSqeoo cntSu ayure Bagg beocSof spookobocoied coppagavoanob Bogunn cegsoctd cong afigae orfeslebmensindarnt atagbzesp G: Gieodefobo} cg GéoruSeguse BrogBicogh: Sbaqpohe§ cgosSozo$ cgecqene Gh egibo Botefoiao7y 23 oofBremod sacffSchadya og Bch qpoenz corzayi $0009 eg thoSeqpotor eongnoyntf Beeson 2pc0> spcobich Boge gpanae oncg.qcloge 4S op. ar opened oggSsouSoyeupaSayaronuSe 592, SBifeoial eqooBajiogorsoch ogadT: s2oSfGorevrd} ooSe§, oGoaoq}u Brags op oore- 19 pSicqcouben egheos ogaHl peoeS cobiyo oyocpeBagoeneS on 08a gat caheonbenso a wd obedshalerbente ae 0 boas ‘combo oberg skip Ex ood ogorbooSeurGars sb gorvaysl” cone01oph “eahe GobetaeSendgemreSqee> eSucoeSagunes esbops cafucreSehoge © me0” “BogsBeton Bopehjogadd GBqoeSs axbegeopeapstoriBg§ vegn wegen EeBorids amncBgpiageh enborSeoweS 0 Bpagrerssn absaon spogorbaoeSqaory yoda ogafeocvesT Beicho5eu5s Serie abt onedyormemodd qonadsfone oGoGeho8: Eerjcox” “obeiel sooo” ae BrghimesTB en Goboon Boge soBicy $n ayoSisoea0 “eau eps cahersegeoperog ereastoeontione oS et BSGabedep obepay Ssh ogo Spigot eaiant a1 abt eevorBggo0 Regthvels hvchorach gongs Bheobarch egeoogacnSs cots af ogBcSornaciqe> fregGiorSsecorc§ ogatl oS GoicorqueS vupoSooctn agueviqiSeorpag! jodi rgSaa8rocosc ebqpeiyooc8 meRés ogorssouScoiqouSegS Brogahs yobgSelGEoge a eps erboneshcla Bream cg occor opchaor oS won agenge mearsoqponege’ pfdlonch oga8 Ge gbanScBo80 GBcloress sfovees frogifien agcogeelfiora, 2yeirGalobeclaess efcfoSano}s “vatheoiog Babar oS Grcaypey eprabs eqcooronlGSeBSouSs oaSog 100 g8snefon8GareBobige gBancSoinad Brogdi eonnierpicor Bical ao8:eco: cn BcbeReogreoroad 1 ag008 BroptoacogSs “Boy aongerd” of asiagiSefobote abiowien % 1 ecmaiocoi 8 ogpdaouSsBS aghoord eurloorne opbedeigergeGovey (eileen BEES Sesh Singh oiled: Seon StegQicoaS: coecnSBoScfiogor cxcbs comacbnayeh egersocbocorgich 230008 2 evncSqiaSorads aacBeoxpSo}cgt “c ogBoS{GfoorsTs eargpeai cms egeee Geqiaseigrues” Bieghiurs ogsboSGhonB: ogeoge$ BF cxfeiaSe§eSonus ogadl(Gor gSs0cSo8085s “Bye Boga: ofqpreczon wyofeonei> eahier aggcouiogoapobngaoncin comccbaes, Gjooinl ogondsnconoebcBanaS: oayctneSs 6079 v8 gpr4aou} ond GoreqposoraSof, i ogordocSucviqch Sifio ‘eoedlonep phooBo€Gpogio o¢ egcQh agen cgeorhbcbady aptly 905i sejiooust ap Sc005{Sfs05c0%9 con HAE: cgchoorcdenpheheBonasle amc adl&s agadligdsocSonsGacBobclgo” Bopdhanatlisdon bepheraiemé: Soya “Byo Brogan ogatlipBcouSonbGaoyoos wo08e8, afepremgeGaoreSay5s cooaeSeorp abgpium eghvoSarabeé sabvonfopodeargp co0hs a8epip oponcSag ncbgorncogSs obs SonuSs nScory afeprwaponctog sop oS snbiecoronegafligbaroSclopegaBoBocotor goonerntle gSanaSor8Goicle}ogeBoSconac8a, Lu Chour (TAIKKY1) “itis as if your grandmother died tims again, Afterall, you ae telling lie, aren't you?" coveroeupotclogin Slob, SeggdeocSuns sbepreupohcpeggieneS wpSBEdlaqn oe enbcarrBeorrohoyeeprbo} ogps0oS25q regahcoh: Serre oxqeo of eaten b hits Scboogorig goes “oupoSqiloz: Seagrass Segeqqe cpphoorbogeogslaon 83805e00193 ogeonhog peyiorn” “S@BREopseps Bogooqur abqpreypod, oogcog ofGSREoqtn BS qoreqpoigor 48s00} orb Goat soq8yoheqor.c oBlfgorgSs005” *Regecgin aafeosbgecaclaps cat cote feo caoregener yoga ab gpesoBrecorso0ged ogaShiondffoe goBapcoae Bs cafoporbsoohiud calcrioyleom) eoSqo” “Geaymrnpslons bogey gon Be con abeproguczcScloge agaSTegSaoeSen8 Go ie corey ager stage 2009 GEN8GucSu Seon o8eyxhoryd 2029 eqoadeGoaepufeony abyp(Gisedl” Begtngh eoentghy sooboeGeRe "May Poe Phyu, you ae absent from sehool very often, saying that your grandmother passed away.” 2 bcbecenstegng, BEBfayrrqernesl eget Souee§ Sg: corp caoorifjvasat Eas Biepafeoodlonese "Rrageqes: cafoorbaoyois yoroyandl cr05i ogoarburaconacbqage® agonkonS veut aber}, oofoncbofeSiych lh BeLnep hod conclgps egoonizaccorego8 cornbiofolancSs ayjormaeny gbonioqeypabion aflGe BercSerabicls Bogador erbookeh og:Boh ccoccgg} abacrotiacon cosJucSqon fo} cB cqboorSeysloonpue8” Bogahol Begin pcb Bhetnods “cencenmenaSin aéepasfabigod Sete $ BgBGr fe Gnrgorc8 oxpaScoot ebrypange cyypmoekefoeonnceor ooeBoonS eyeegen sirgeegt BasfEqercforcs Bogie eg dobar sotiecor8 ogaBlanaS{in cpeSuseBclonads rghoraooSGnch cgibcSecoroopS ccoiebo} Gopbrcoga, 2BbaxGfeordcl-rodoges 1 "What do I have to do with itthen, Lan Lan?” use my grandpa has ‘many a wife. Got it?” "I don't belive Lu kwe Shaung The song mostly sung By Thura Moe (Hmawby) [ eeiSeranB.SéonE mare "| mysel mAsinaahiys: won "don't know which song has mostly been sung." mB ew RonSeTaSansSighSnGa | Ha Sou Kendee whom mbon Sega "All right, go ahead then. Should you be wrong, you'll know me.” "L know it although you don't.” 6 Gan mag \Grdi "Tell me which song itis." “It's the national anthem. Is that true?" egengt or Across, over along, through bonne cobs BBs quSeScansontige! sofia: cntectigifeare onlagspneycoach och sghnsegbaopioonts Soe sohilorgSog gpmagmornie§, Goin:aoaloclogdaoas: soco05cl 80x05 (preposition pio afts0p8s povadloyepoh cepcorBaScle ‘The truck came towards them aerossiover the bridge. coaSerntun osoraroB{Go5 Bs apoRs8o8 capod, coogon05 0 UAung Kyaw lvesin the house aerossiover the road from ours. Breaoobeoyiurs og feorSoRBSfo> o8ri,or5 wo8yo§o} BS yzcqoru5n Once she was aeross/over the border, she knew she would be sate 930 guSabe§ oboogPcboifGfon.} apedfuSage o§GBo8qafBaBor2e8 aBoBoSoouSu sorkegsp BOAR: =Garboohoh cxposayraraich oefaralans] across coos over eB ojsea9aope He hurt his leg ashe jumped over the wall sgrbicteryB efor, econBgo syotGona5i The railway goes through a tunnel rather than over the top ofthe mountain, cponicolih comichiionGs exaoySox> cord pobefabasl EaffgoKG: rncbaySconi00Se Aiepogé Grrecom Bera SoroGi, Bsore qo5yfGEanfEpoSups) efosfeasoces] egicoaSronrnEn sBouped $6848 ofcooSe}a8, cavseqqpcazod§ apa freGoaanp5soslogé cogSieco8s aver cook across choienpfoSu povasleyspre copeooaSsle He suddenly saw Kyaw Kyaw across the qu mabe ompocepbfGERoncbe ‘The programme wasbrodcast across Australia, nbnofe} Bodaieglicah aaicgitorads ‘The figures moved rapidly scross the sereen. aSjeqqen ScborachGolk: GAGimteos eq.eqpiagaiboncs herepeg’ gobamrecpeaqebonbeys acrosss2e allover oa}e§ 2005028 spogé allacross B§ oxjaoaeGoeocgeeon coSisoen right across @§ eqyaoo:REa0aSu ‘The disease has now spread allover the world (or.aright across the world) ceptions engomaiuhnze'B: Gborcs egapteots cof Gi ofcoSondie§ 18 oqrelfadiojaheave cobieeatoaBacyoh egucqpiagoicoaanpSe8 aBosRaasamsl Banh GScop§ along oBaj:ooaSu 1d scen them walking along the road past my ‘window several times before. raifecriGordselaeg,o> GoSayato} cobronbeqgpoS apcfeoSremypoayeora oh corbsaqSon)ion BSohaprgo ong BERGE: They walked along the Footpath until they came to a small bridge. shorneonacotonigeBef expeBarphinc8 ayehime eganicSronBacgpeS codtecgobaBonsSe Gren GlemagdyGe hornet cpepeasnonds (warps aplodanaS S008@s cpa) GSE eye lob 9) sfreneBBEmagamconiog$ og oyprnycxcongaf osSaopfeas] Bor08 through ofap:oopfaoe51 powacleqap ccpecafesaisla Hepushedhisway throughthecrowdof people to got to her ayure aposBoqpo8§ cpsqSo8GoSeons often ayorpoade He enjoyed the peace and quiet as he walked through the forest. ayer coraacloberrbeoireeypcbegedy> Rbrysigd, SSESyeR SearbonaSe ofedara{@f Son<5 through 2938 ap cnbocty sffnorbocty GoSempiog capiavaiop Selorade enaeSslgoerdlogye: $85 ole 99 ACN She walked through the forest to get to her grandmother's house ryourn aqui saoyorBScRorpo8§, covorySch Gos: eobsecynoB3onusn She spent a Jot of her free time walking in the forest. agers aoa, rnsodiifeh como Scdyo 05: scqpadads opbogfeodooSe 4" Above, over, below and under aoqmconrgSqngcd efGoiorSqeo05 BEE wraraheg pope Gongs mepogorsech HeRarghosl above 8o75 over ofa} Hehe Above/overrthe door wasa sign saying, ‘Mind your head.” cdshadleBanecTanaSgo‘eléxeBarcBeont oo} socBeorenonsrecorensg eqgoaie00S1 Shehad painted thick, dark eyebrows abovel over each eye rgeins seqeSoporbucordqrSecTyafo} ayoSéio0gcR qoSgiesoopog GoSsoco2t0205 Derepag! pdnoaasfangs ychondg gp mepoqgerdgnas aGrxeepoqunsgel nocTenasonahogifonas eqznconwogoislon oversees: above aBafiqaoesu wacToobqqp phealy solaris Seeoginadlontcgeocg? oeSfrel noqsmcont BobegeaeiochcGlen over of wojtod above cBoooafsqaoa5u Thecasle sa inthe mountains above hetown, Iphobune BymodToochyafod corobonfrcogy empSgpersss enbofsoadTongfongfogé onpSSa0—$ wogmeeciof eGoc8clen abovec$ oafz03 over Rove afiqaogse ‘The passengers couldnt see the sun, asitwas right over the plane cqun ecounSmecTorafonaiyn fegernh off aopSaog oGEREoQ11 egssg: onacordfaq aurc0rt0} $454.05: o9fGp44 2209 saqW05 (00) qo5o8 gpagaé: grobrorc505 snocpanmafi sveas:monecoiena00 f§Sc2c8i aopounanc8c} oonpsoenfioh qfooyo Bdboo0S1 egeee' 5 afiaecal ites, Wg PIE p 2 "i Once a snake's head and its tail { fiaal fis had a quarrel with one another. ging BayiDs ae "Thave to lead." aN I shouldn't always bea follower." Story: Myat Yu Lwin Illustrations: Aung Aung Htwe "It isn't fair and square as you are always leading. Sometimes you should let me lead the way." "Lcan't accept it if “Naturally, Ihave eadiba was you further behave like this." to lead the way." Sor EEF Stee ‘The head persuaded him in various way not to do like this, but in vain "L apologize to you. Let's move on, Please get your tail off." R WAGE Foi-u, Z - 7 a Eoetaoe Oo (eee The tail was overjoyed and led the At long last the head gave up to it and let the tail lead the way, LOMEUS ugnstrubaconzigh nag “All right. If you can't accept my apology, is up to you. ‘You just go at the front.” though I lead the way, now which direction to go." an silPogf EEOMRE BEI Ey 1g TOPE MLOTI YD Ina short while, it bumped jnto a heap of fire bursting into flames, ‘Oh my dear. It’s blistering. Tam gonna be burnt to death." tinin syokemty: Byogg Gpolinme snyyhiRyeor ug After that, the whole body of the snake w: burnt to death in the fire. accordance with the natural law. Ifsuch ‘natural order is disrupted, the functioning will come to a stop, resulting in disiptegration, 9 easee egecs:c%, poaised: oA chSoclpn on lyen eSB cgilGronion Si 28 Gee B ISO OBE ORG ooey exegenopgborn @ogban2051 aggaapiofinn opepyacg po;Stom aqagSih:aanncyaffoosto3 avunengc cdi yfonkic3 a8 finenfacoracg cop SfGSwniegeSt eet oetentiencn orate #BymdcSEarogepoocoboaeprasa os Jorn soap smaahi§ ogeogtofooce <= ACS we = =e vy] mw Bi od ee hee ACE 9g enjbBsfeonBfajouS # eenpEraoriqciy> ReogGeicl, S8:G:c8 cocSfecdn + conbeeaérecTyo odobecorp, ecBador€ ff3gade ae © REGoreasanaS cookengss, expeoagiodicodapone51 % ccoagensheS Gig:Seqed eaeprgics, pecrnEroeS GS ou giooSh aerSeohap Idea: Than Htaik Lu Mlustrations: Maung Tin Yu agasBcna009 BacogacBan hsmdic eadlgjnga cieoocnooB "Beart im mind then, White ang aye-cp0 pbnchootn ofp hy reoBunh: norsSupation BSnzecBboobores (075¢.) BE BeheoBa8E8SerBaen$ §r5854 yoSberBmaqch (09920) GS apcScomngSe

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